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The official Star Trek Online site has been updated with new information about Season 2: Ancient Enemies. Season 2 will see the level cap raised to 51 and the admiral rank added. In addition, the Klingon faction will have eight brand new Empire episodes and the Federation Diplomatic Corps will debut. The Undine story arc will continue to evolve with players exploring 'fluidic space' to find out more about the species.
Introducing Mini-Games
Coming to a space station near you is the casino game Dabo. Play Dabo in social hubs to earn gold pressed latinum, which you can then use to buy all sorts of special rewards. Along with Dabo is the Anomaly Scan mini-game. Anomaly Scan is a new way to discover resources in-game. By playing this special mini-game, you'll be able to find more anomalies than normal. You'll improve your yield and feel more engaged.
Feature Episodes, Weekly
In addition to all the great story-based Episodes we've got on tap for you, we'll be releasing new Feature Episodes every week, starting in August. These Episodes will introduce a new neutral mission giving race, the Deferi. Players of any level from both factions will be able to aid the Deferi against a new adversary. Be sure to keep an eye out for these special Feature Episodes as you enjoy Season Two!
Cryptic has a lot on tap for Season 2 so be sure to head over and read the expanded preview.
Is the Klingon side complete or have half of what the Federation side has?
Last I heard, the Klingon content is not in the game. But it is being tested. Who knows? I just hear things from my brother-in-law who got suckered into a life-time sub.
They had their shot at me with this game, and they blew it. No game has disappointed me more than STO did (and I was there rooting for Cryptic, posting in the forums from the day they announced they had taken it over).
Everyone is entitled to their delusions now and then. I'm happy to say, I finally had my moment of clarity, and I won't fall for it again ... there's just too many other games coming to the market.
The klingon side has more content including the exploration scenario generator. You may like or dislike what STO is, but it would be hard to fault them on the amount of new content added since the game released. I played a bunch of MMO's from a lot of different developers, but cryptic tops them all for bringing new content on board! I think they realize what a money cow this IP can be, so are giving it there all to improve the product.
And we are supposed to not be able to express ourt own opinions of the game simply because they are sick of reading that it sucks? Well maybe they should go and play the game. Ignoring the negative opinions is also an option as well as debating points made. Whining like a baby that someone's opinion doesn't matter because they never made an mmo is trollish and silly. BTW everything you said applies equally to those who like the game as those who dislike it. And actually since there are far more people who played it and disliked it than those playing and liking it I'd say they are a minority should expect it and react accordingly. Having said that Season 2 looks much better than any of the other upgrades they've done so far but still nowhere near enough to get my money again.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Show me the rule that says that we can only post positively about news posted on here, forums are meant to post your opinion positive or negative as far as I know. And if you guys really want to stand up for the game go to the STO forums which are filled with as many if not more negative posts as the boards here and that is being posted by people who obviously are still paying customers. As a person who gave my one hundred bucks to Cryptic for a game I played all of one month I reserve the right to come to mmorpg and say whatever it is I want to about STO positive or negative until mmorpg tells me otherwise and again if you guys don't like it you are more than welcome to go and play that shell of a game they call Star Trek Online.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Getting a total of 8 Klingon missions is content but hardly enough content for 51 levels. If you want to play a Klingon then wait a year to get enough content to actually play.
The bright side is, after you pay for a sub you can pay even more to buy the best ships on the C-Store!
from the "why all the hate?" thread on these forums
-the unfinished klingon faction still not even close to finished
-the repetitive missions (no creativity) still not up to most peoples standards
-the lack of content getting better but still lacking
-the insulting way various cryptic staff has treated their customer base past tense, maybe an apology?
-the false promises of a "mega-patch" that was going to fix everything not sure this can be done, maybe go back in time and release the game in a completed state?
-putting a cash shop in a game that by almost all accounts was half finished at best remove this pathetic cash grab would fix this
-continual finishing new items to put in the cash shop while not finishing parts of the game that should have been in at launch this hasnt changed and is getting worse in fact
- no functional crafting system (allthough this has been improved on since launch) still needs work
-horrible exploration system (but hey exploration has nothing to do with star trek) sounds like there working on this
-cryptic making "special offers" to entice new customers over and over that most consider offensive (sale in the first month, recruit a friend for an item they put in the cash shop days later) cant fix this
-reskinning a game(champions online) that was considered by most to be mediocre and calling it star trek, most expected considerably more for the star trek title too late to fix this
-selling lifetime subs to another of cryptics games (co) as a condition of getting into sto beta early (which wasnt how it actually worked out) too late to fix this, maybe sending a apology to those that got suckered into this
-producing a star trek game with a very small and clunky map (we all know the universe is actually very small) still not fixed
-starting an as yet unnamed game (its in developement) when sto is not even close to what most would consider at release state could go back and finish sto first
if your sick of seeing negative posts about sto please contact cryptic and have them fix these things. i might remind you that this is an mmo site where people are allowed to share there opinions of games so that others may make a somewhat informed decision as to wether they should buy a game or not. if you feel a need to read a censored more positive spin on sto there is always the official sto forums. but thank you for your input.
That's not a negative constructive opinion, it's my opinion. I love the excuse, if you love the game then go play it. Like I play it 24hrs a day, really.
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
Then ignore it how hard is that?
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Even if only sixty percent of the people who played it hated it you'd have to reason that more than half of any comment you read about it (especially on an independent site) will be negative why are you reading it or wasting time responding. And if I'm not mistaken atleast one of the complainers didn't just point out the person who called the game a turd but everyone who had something negative to say.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Come on guys give them another two years of your money and they might finally put content into the game.
I'll care enough to return for another look see when Romulans become a playable race
I do ignore it. I'm not going to respond to someone calling the game a turd, any game in these forums. All the person is doing is trying to bait. It goes both ways, if the quick non-constructive positive swipe at the game bothers you why not just ignore it?
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I will check it out, I still have a sub, I think me an 10 others LOL.. I bet in less than a year, we see STO and champions, follow the lotro/ddo free to play model.. I have a feeling allot of premuim mmo's will do this in the not to far future..:)
then again I could be drunk..LOL
Seriously? I admit I quit shortly after launch but the Guildies I know that still play readily admit being bored to tears at times...They run through the new stuff quickly, of coarse that's the new stuff that is not broken, then sit around due their daily stuff and wait...These guys are not hardcore Gamers either...They are not rushing through or anything like that...They've all played SWG, LOTRO, and STO among a host of other Games...None of them would agree with your statement about Cryptic and new content...Not a single one...Just saying, cause your comment was exactly opposite to what I've been told by Folks who play and actually like the Game...
STO is a good game. I enjoyed it and may one day return. However the bored to tears to subscription price ratio is the reason that STO should hurry up and get meaningful content in the game. The updates are almost insulting in their content.
Wow. Well I guess SOE is getting a break.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
I find it disturbing when they say "8 new missions for Klingon players" like they are doing something significant.
New content is always good, especially in the case of this game.. but only 8?
"In Season Two: Ancient Enemies, the Klingon faction will feature eight brand new Episodes tailored specifically to the Empire. "
8 new missions seems pretty piddly to me.
Game is still seriously lacking.
We all know the reasons.
Maybe, with another year or two of content updates, it might be good enough to overcome the inherent failings of the overall game design choices....
But I doubt it, and why should anyone pay for all the time until then?
STO was the worst game purchase I made since buying Outpost.
I will never consider returning to STO, or buying another game from Cryptic.
This game is still around? Cryptic must've made a lot of a money of those "limited" lifetime subscriptions.
I mean, what kind of a world do we live in where a game like Fishing Champ is cancelled but this crap is still around?
I'll admit that there is an imbalance right now due to the Galaxy X being in the C-store. However, once Season 2 is on Holodeck, there will be ships of equivalent strength available to players in-game for no additional charge.
As for the special species unlocks in the C-store, each race there is no more powerful than one you have access to automatically through normal game play.
So, any item that can be bought in the C-store continues to have an item of equal power in the game available through natural game play. This is the core of the promise we made to you. We will not sell "I win" buttons for Cryptic Points. The Sword of Khaless, Picard's Wig, and Kirk's Pheromone Cologne, or any other type of Epic Phat Lootz will not be available in the C-store without first making sure that you can earn an item in-game, of equal power. Any item on the store which has an in-game effect will continue to have an item in-game of equal power and usefulness.
I also believe that most everything on the C-store is actually cosmetic when you boil right down to it. The sole exception to this currently is the Galaxy X, and once the Refits come out with Season 2, I believe that imbalance will be corrected. Additionally, according to the vast amount of player feedback, The Galaxy X as it is not not currently out of line with the rest of the ships in the game.
in case anyone was still unsure if they were putting items in the c-store that have an effect in the game (ie - more than fluff)
stormshade is a cryptic employee.
and actually the promise was nothing that was game effecting, ie fluff items only in the store. when he says "core of the promise" he is admitting that the deal has changed. good luck cRIPtic.
And while the lifetimes helped I don't think it's the lifetime subs keeping this game around as much as the blind fanbois who keep falling for these insane money grabs Cryptic use. There was a refer a friend offer where if you got something like five friends to buy the game you got the super cool Galaxy X (if I'm right could be a little off as I left this game two months in) well most people know how utterly bad the game was so many just bought a crap load of copies themselves to get the item and then Cryptic turned around and within two weeks they put it on the C-Store. so not only did they get already paying subscribers to buy multiple copies of this incomplete game they then sold those smart enough not to fall for it the same ship for seventy five dollars less $25), at any rate this is all on top of your sub fee.
And let's not talk about the fact that when I left they had few to no emotes for roleplayers and the like and now they sell guess what? Tons of emote packs on the C-store so if you are in the game to roleplay and can overlook the utter shallowness on display in the games questing and crafting you will have to pay extra on top of your sub fee to get the tools to roleplay.
Cryptic are far superior as businessmen in comparison to their ability as game developers which is a shame for the trek fans out there.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....