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I found this game though and enjoyed it until the 1.1 patch. Much to the dislike of all, the developers stealth gimped all damage by 50%. And to be at pre-patch levels you now have to buy Incense from the cash shop. There is no other way to get incense, it was removed.
Death was also altered in the game. Instead of a timed death penalty with reduced attributes. They replaced it with a chance each death for an items of blue or better to be cursed. The curse inverts the attributes making bonuses a negative value. This can of coarse be avoided, or removed by other cash shop items.
All in all, the game has been hindered drastically. To avoid Curses, you need to wear green gear gimping your self on purpose. This is just adding insult to injury since damage is no longer effective with out incense.
As such, till things change. I suggest that you pass on this game.
There was a great deal of bitching and cryng over the timed death penalty. So they changed that.
There was crying over no mounts. So its here now.
There is constant crying over the cash shop. Is it wrong to make money on this game? They spent millions in development.
I like the cash shop system as I buy what I want and use.... not a monthly hit up. If I want to work a deal with in game gold and a player who deals with the cash shop I can. I like having the choice.
I like this game. Its not perfect but I am having part they do not get into my bank account. I decide on that.
Bitch if you like...your opinion and that's cool. But I am having fun and mostly for free. Works for me.
I loved the game before this patch. I could have even lived with the change from a death penalty timer to a cursed items system. That is not really that bad.
But they stealth nerfed damage and have heavy handedly linked playing to the CS. While I expect difficulty in playing a CS based game with out using is. To so completely make you dependent on it...that is a little much. They could have offered a happy medium. I honestly was looking forward to scrounging up some cash and gPotato's to buy a mount.
But with all the other is no longer cost effective. I would be better off going back to Warhammer Online. At least then I know I am only paying $15 a month.
My point was not that they changed things, done right changes can be great and bring out the potential of a game. But these did not do that, something I find to be a shame.
Yep loved this game until it this patch yesterday which forces people to use cash shop or you can kill anything at all
they says its completely free to play but am not seeing that anywhere atm avoid this game went from the best open world f2p game ive played to the shittest piece of shit ever made
take my advice stay far away from this game when u reach lvl 20+ u have to use cash shop to stay alive or kill anything
What a shame... it was a neat game albiet not all that original.
So disappointed, i really liked this game too but now with all they've done, i don't wanna touch it. It's a shame too. Was happy to see a F2P game with quality graphics and a good variety of classes. Who knows, maybe when they see the effect the changes are having on people they'll fix it for the can hope anyway.
The new patron system makes up for that nerf. You just need to level up your patron. And it is easy to level up your patron.
I had a baby alt before patch, so after the patch I wanted to see how these new quest were like.
At first I didn’t notice I was actually rasing my Patron level. So I had leveled 2 levles since the patch (this is a alt and I played more with main) 7- 9. I glanced at my patron thing in my icon top left and saw I was now patron level 3, and 75%.
Was wondering why I was getting stronger and no new gear, well I did a couple raat rep quest, then another quest and ding 10, at same time respectful. So I go to buy my rep gear. go to add my Rune for my Martyr, and it will ot go in . . so I looked again and , yup seems if you buy your Blue gear it comes without rune or the slot for a rune and you need to buy from the cash shop, to get a rune added.
So there goes a small % of extra damage and defense, and not going to spend gPot on something that low level any ways, Tho I was curious, what if I spent gold, so I dashed to the AH to see what the Engraving kit would cost, 400G, now in my case there was just 2 rep pieces, and that would be 800gold, LOL yeah okay defiantly going to need to go without the extra % Bonus. Like a level 10 has 800 gold to spend.
Yeah, patch 1.1 seems more focused on cash shop then fixing bugs The new additions was just a cover up.
The game is free till you wanna use the runes. And that can be as early as level 9, were talking at least by someone 3rd day of playing, they need to possibly break out their wallet.
Allods is just a free to Download game, but it is a pay to play, to play it like it was played before patch 1.1
Pity as in right hands Allods could easily beat any f2p title on market and stay on top for months. But then only in right (publisher) hands. Hopefully they eventually come to decision to fix things and make the game player friendly again. Before that tho no point in downloading unless you are returning and you have already level 40 character or around.
While I still play the game (Atleast for the next few weeks anyways - going to give them time to hopefully correct some of the issues), I feel there is so much that they did wrong. Even in the questions that were answered by GM's that were posted somewhere else, I couldn't believe the answers from the GM (Chomp_). The fact that he doesn't feel that alot of people quit, he thinks they aren't playing due to the patch, that they are still downloading the patch so they aren't in game yet.
I did want to point out the fact that while the Fear of Death vs Cursed Item system is a problem for alot of people, this isn't the issue imo right now. $4.75 for 500 Holy charms isn't bad. I mean who dies that much? Also, now with pvp basically almost completely gone from the game because of the fear of dying (Ironically fear of death was the name of the old system) players will die less. The real issue imo is the fact that they are forcing every player to use Incense or they have to suffer from the 50% decreased damage damage and healing. At level 4 when your leveling begins, I don't see too many issues as the mobs in the game are fairly easy and probably meant to be killed by almost every type of player regardless. As soon as those players reach higher levels 10+ and they can't kill anything then couple that with the fact that if they are level 10+ they've gotten a rare or 2 by then. If they die without holy charms, paying 50 cents per item that gets scroll to uncurse it, seems very extreme. So add it up, you need incense to get your damage back to 100%+ (Depending on patronage), also add the cost of either buying holy charms or buying scrolls to take the curse off (Which are extremely expensive) and you have yourself a game where you are paying about $6+ a month.
Lets be honest, $6 a month for a f2p game doesn't seem that bad. It's the fact that for lower levels they have no choice but to buy them from the cash shop unless if they know someone that is high level and will get it for them. For high levels the game can turn very expensive quickly. If they have multiple pieces of epic and legendary gear, and they don't buy charms, well then it gets much more expensive. First thing is that you will need atleast patronage 4 for the most part to do decent damage to kill monsters your level. So you need incense, you can't really go without it. Now go do a heroic or a GT raid or something and do it without having charms. Every legendary item that needs to be fixed is $2.50 to uncurse with Scroll. Now imagine that you have to do heroics everyday to get into other heroics, +the fact that you will definitely die doing raid mobs. You can spend easily $5-20 dollars a day. It's obvious, you NEED to always have charms or you pay the price of buying scrolls. You will always need incense after lvl 10 like I said earlier. /rant off on all the pricing stuff
Now lets talk about the fact that they finally added mounts, removed fod, etc like someone said earlier in the posts. These are all good things. Max level changed to 42, it will take atleast 9-10 days per level. They removed the feature which we already had for a year (Of inspecting) and created a questline we have to do to get it back. They removed access to all the heroics we've already had access to the whole starting with Xaes. So now we have to do Xaes everyday until we get enough faction/rep to do the others while in the past we had access to 5 of them. It's not that the game is horrible or unplayable but honestly after I hit level 42, and finish GT (Gorluxor's Tower Raid), what else is there? The astral got changed, can't farm there anymore, that's ok but with the new patch flying in astral is very buggy. Buggy in the sense that when you jump from one sector to another sometimes your whole party dies from the jump somehow. Guess what, i'm sure everyone loves dying to bugs in the game and paying for it with the charms they pay Real Cash for. Also nothing like being feared and falling through the world and then having your legendary item cursed because of a bug then turning around and having to pay for the scroll for it.
They are smart. They Know that big MMO's are comming soon that will take a lot of players.
So they will try to farm as much gold as possible from the players .. But they was TOO greedy. The last patch made more people leave rather than wanting to buy gPotatoes. It could have been a nice game but instead they was TOO greedy.
Bye Allods!
LOL wow. I quit this game awhile ago, but 50% damage reduction? F that. The combat was boring enough as-is, so they prolong it? Bleh.
What they did was decrease everyone's current damage by %50 and increase their health/mana by 150%. In the past, incense gave you more health (and mana/energy depending on your class) depending what patronage you had.
So now you get:
For Patronage 1: +50% damage, 50% healing
For Patronage 2: +100% damage, 100% healing
For Patronage 3: +150% damage, 150% healing
For Patronage 4: +200% damage, 200% healing
For Patronage 5: +250% damage, 250% healing
So doing your patronage quests are important, you can't get them instantly anymore from cash shop. So they are enticing you with it, and making it necessary as well.
Ppl who play F2P games with cash shops do so with P2P ideals, in that everything in the game should be available, which ofc it isn't, how else would the game ever make any profit to stay up and running?
These games are F2P up to a certain point, and if the game isn't brining in the much needed cash then changes will undoubtedly occur that will ofc impact those who have found ways around ever having to use a cash shop to advance.
If you can get the game client free, login and create a character for free, enter the game and start lvling up for free then it's doing it's job of a F2P game, however I can totally understand the developers wanting to limit your exploration, character customisations, weapons choices, mount choices, dungeon choices and other things that add quality of life to your gameplay so that you use their cash shop to generate cash.
I don't want to play a F2P game, mainly becuause I know that I will end paying more for the same privileges I have in a P2P game.
Well if you want to know what a real F2P game should look like check out LOTRO! It will soon turn F2P and after I have read on what terms it sounds pretty OK. But even is Allods is F2P it actually isnt because you have to Pay in order to be able to kill anything
Exactly, but you could just grind at mobs that you are able to kill, and probably take ten times longer to level up.
To play Allods with all of it's new Patron system your paying once you get out of the starting tutorial (so that is at Lvl 4)
You can do ok if you have your martyr's runes in the equipment, and without Incense, been testing that out in the teens, but you absolutely need one or the other, and either one you choose is a cash shop item. Unless you go green gear, they still come with Rune slots in them, It's the Rare and up, you need to purchase the Engraving kit to add runes.
The prices in the cash shop are not high, I do not think they are, but I would say they are, if you start buying when you can start needing the CS items. The Casual player hurts the most from this. you get 7 days worth of Incense from your first patronage quest. Not a bad deal if your hard core Gamer, but the Casual gamer is screwed and could need to buy from CS or AH before they are past mid teens.
Allods kinda did things backwards, at low levels you can not afford to buy CS items from the AH, and at High level you can afford to buy from AH.
in the developers response that CHOMP_ posted in the forums over there, They seem to avoided the answering the question , what about making it affordable for lower levels,
the way I read it, they pretty much confirmed my thoughts about 1.1, that it was designed more for cash shop use, and the new content was just a pretty picture to look at while they remove the enjoyment for any casual players. They only want 100% paying customers
oh well, guess any one that 1.1 does not affect are those that do not play Allods and the new players, Because they didn't know