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hi so i never played a computer game for more then a hr a day because my fingers start hurting but i can play my ps3 or xbox forever. so i was wondering if there is a way to play the pc version with a controller or do we even have that info yet?
Yes you can, but you will have to install the necessary drivers to make the PS3 controller work. Just google your title and you'll find plenty of guides on how to do it step by step.
FF 14 will be Controller friendly.
It will also come out for PS3
Judging from FF11 using a controller might even be easier than using your keyboard (maybe that's only my personal preference)
Will I be able to use my 360 controller with it too? Or is it just for the PS3 controllers?
awesome thanx for some reason useing a keybored just dont work for me and waiting tell march doesnt either ...
FF11 offered u a simple calibration tool for w/e game pad u wanted to use i can just guess that 14 will not be any worse than that so u shouldn't have any trouble using a 360 controller (i used a 360 pc version controller for 11)
FFXIV beta has an auto detect and configuration feature for the 360 gamepad, it's pretty awesome.
As far as i know any controller that supports PC should work and the 360 controller is proven to work anyways.
Yes there are drivers for the PS3 controller for 32bit and 64bit windows. They are from Motionjoy
Only problem is they aren't digitally signed and once you install the drivers you have to disable signature detection each time you boot up by pressing F8. Bluetooth conection works, vibration works, and I read that sixaxis work to but I haven't tried that. Some people have a problem installing or using the drivers but I have great success. Only problem I have ran across is with the 0.5a(alpha) version is that when I played for a long period of time windows crash and they driver is the culprit so I went back to the 0.4 version. If you want to bind keyboard input to the controller buttons you can use a great program called Xpadder It use to be free and you can find older versions for free I think 5.5 and older are free and 5.6 and up you have to pay. You only have to pay $10(US) once and you get every update version free. If you want to be a cheapskate there is a way to get the updated version free but because of forums rules I can't post it. Personally paying the $10 isn't bad since its only a 1 time fee.