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FFXI My Journey in an Elitist Game - FFXIV more of the same?

    There are tales of horror and triumph alike when it comes to Final Fantasy XI, the game had an certain appeal to it - that no one can deny. Whether it was the forbidden fruit of pleasure or the golden apple of chaos, it was all in the eyes of the beholder. As one of the first to Beta Test Final Fantasy XI for Windows, I've seen the game evolve throughout the years. In all respects, I've created a personal chronological time-line of the "Eras" of the game. Each one steadily shaped and molded what inevitably became the thick skinned crowd of elitists. Of course not everyone was among them, but few can deny that the majority in power now in the current Era keep the game stagnant.

     Now when I say, stagnant, I don't mean it's an empty waste land. On the contrary, the game is bustling as ever with a firm player base. But that player base neither increases or decreases, and if it does vary the scale tips ever so slightly no one really takes much notice.

   Era 1 - Japan Opening -> English Beta

    The first Era, undoubtedly, is the Japanese release. This led to an unfortunate head start which had been a thorn in a side of the game ever since the beginning. Many games of that same time didn't really have 'head starts' and if they did, it would have been merely a couple of days in advance of the servers. But the Japanese had well over a year to really sink their teeth into the game and enjoy it; leaving everyone else eating their dust.

    What was worse, many of these players found their way into the English Windows Beta Test. Something I took part of myself. But despite my overall excitement of being privileged to take part in a monumental game's test phase -- I couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on my shoulders. No doubt other players felt it too. There was just so much to suck in at once, and seeing players dramatically out performance you so quickly was a large blow. For players like me, I had difficulty trying to find a place that was right for me.

    It had yet to dawn on me that Final Fantasy XI was ultimately a game of numbers, and those numbers and stats, though few; mattered a great deal. Trying to break the mold, I had started as a 'Tarutaru Monk' perhaps the absolutely worst combination to begin the game in when you had no prior experience, income, levels, or knowledge. There were no wikis, no guides, no websites, which gave me any insight. Everything was still in an age of word of mouth. And I felt out of the loop. I stayed with the Beta, but admittedly never made it beyond the newbie zones. In short, I sucked. I was terrible. And I was alone.

   Era 2 - English Release -> First Expansion

    The second Era was another one I had trouble gaining a foot in. Many players were like me too, but how many I can't tell. Players who really enjoyed the concept, but still wanted to enjoy the experience at their own sluggish pace were steadily beginning to feel 'unwelcome' somehow. At the time, my character changed into being a Tarutaru Blackmage, alas something that shouldn't have been approached as a character so limited into the games working mechanic.

    As before, I didn't make it far. But I made it farther, all the way up to level 20 and I admit it took me about two months to do that. Yes, two months. When I said 'sluggish' pace, I certainly meant it. I took the game in at a complete and utter crawl, and all the while the world of players around me felt like a blur. They were leveling up into the higher ranks so fast my head was spinning, and I was just trying to enjoy the experience and read the stories and try to just drink it all in. I wanted to be part of the 'world', but many players around me wanted to be part of the 'game'.

    I could tell I wasn't alone. A lot of players left because of the steep learning curve. But during this phase, it was clear that something was starting to become a real issue: money. General income and the ability to afford even the most basic equips became a real pain. Even worse, when I progressed into the later zones just short of Valkrum Dunes where I should have been leveling -- people were farming like crazy. People who were way, way, way higher than me in level. Instead of informing me that I shouldn't be where I was, they instead kept killing the Crawlers I was trying to level off of, and laughing at me to boot.

    I couldn't understand.. Why would someone so high of level need to come back so far to farm silk? I mean, I was broke, poor.. and I needed money to even try to get where that guy was. I felt cheated, gimped. My progress hindered! In frustration I turned away from the game and ultimately quit; but I didn't want to quit. Yet I did anyway.. My dreams of being a Alchemist Blackmage who made potions for a living and Warped around the world were dashed.. burned by 'farmers'.

    Era 3 - The RMT Invaders --> Treasures Expansion

    A year had passed, and inevitably the summons of the game brought me back. My previous desires to succeed in the game emerged, and I had hoped that things had changed for the better. But I was wrong.. I made a new character, a Mithra with the inevitable goal of making her an expert summoner. And I lusted for this prize so much, I was ignoring the undeniable occurrence of an odd market tilt. The true effects of this RMT (Real Money Trader) dominated market didn't quite dawn on me until I took my first step into Jeuno.

     Behold, simple pieces of level 25 armor where in the high 500,000+ gil to 1,000,000+ gil range. My jaw had officially hit the floor. This game was completely over run, and there was no way around it. Farming was impossible, the only way to acquire money was to deal with the devils themselves. It was a catch 22, no way out trap. Anyone new to the game had to bow down or leave, and I REALLY wanted my Summoner.

    Thankfully the RMTs had such domination, buying a Million gil online cost $4. That's right, $4! I bought me about 10 Million gil and tried to get myself established. It felt good. I admit it. I felt like I was part of the game. There were 75 RDM/NIN everywhere, all of them in Jeuno lurking around waiting for something to do out of sheer boredom because the RMTs ruled everything. I hired me a bunch to tackle all the basic summons, in no time I had them all. Pleased a ripe Georgia Peach, I spent my millions gearing up my summoner and working my way through Valkrum while finally mastering the art of the 'macro'.

    But eventually; I realized that. My god. I was addicted. The all delightful power of no longer having to worry about money and to focus on actually enjoying the game made me forget I had a life. I had forgotten the disclaimer at the beginning of the game, and I found myself feeling bad. So before I could deeply establish myself any further I once again quit.. just short of the Treasures Expansion .

    But with the Expansion came a new age in FFXI. The RMTs slowly began to be killed off, and a whole new development of high end late game emerged. White Gate, and with it the next dawning of an Era that slowly brings us toward the present. With fewer RMTs and new territory, people began to swiftly cluster themselves into tightly woven packs and cliques. The Linkshells grew and grew, but the restrictions to enter them started to emerge. They weren't about to let RMTs get a hold of their precious gear this time. No sir.

    Era 4 - Wings of the Goddess --> Present

   I joined again; about a seven months prior to the WotG expansion pack. The RMTs were gone for the most part, the economy had stabilized. It was perhaps a little over a year since I last played, and I had a lot of catching up to do. I leveled my THF up, WHM, and dug hard into Woodworking. It felt like I was going to make something of myself in the game again, and perhaps even make friends. It was amazing I had made it so far on my own really, without a Linkshell in the world to aid me.

    At this point there were very few players like me. Most people already well established virtual lives in the game. Hours upon hours, months, and years burned to work up their characters. Since the Treasures expansion, so many people formed very restricting cliques. I tried my hardest to really get in them, but I never met the qualifications. Without help, I kept focusing on leveling up numerous classes in hopes I could eventually find a way to make money on my own and sustain myself. Sadly that never happened.

    With my White Mage slowly leveling up, I had reached the upper tiers of the game. Pushing the limits of 65. It hadn't dawned on me just how far I had yet to go. The idea of 'Merits' were still foreign to me, and the amazing number of SAM/WARs and Bards never clicked in my head. Finally the Wings of the Goddess expansion game out and I was absolutely delighted.

   Dancer, a class I was born to play. My god I fell in love with the game all over again. I was feeling defeated and lonely, but with this class I felt refreshed and a part of something. This time I was on top of my game. I was FIRST in the expansion to get my Dancer rolling because of the PC Version's Delayed release. I had an XBOX 360, so I unlocked the class on my XBOX and then jumped back on PC and played. I had a THREE day head start on everyone else, and I was burning the midnight oil. In a matter of a single week I had taken Dancer from 1 to 61, and made a handsome wealth selling all my Dancer gear in my wake.

    With the new classes, a mass of over inflated items allowed me to make a cool million. It was like living the good old days again. I took a break, took a few days off and then came back for more. But then my pleasure party was about to burst like a cruel bubble. I couldn't get a party.

    No one, and I mean no one, wanted a 61+ dancer in their parties. They didn't know the class, and frankly; they didn't want to know it. Confused, I decided to spend my time learning much more about WotG's content. Since no one wanted a Dancer in a 62+ party in the White Gate regions, I had time to burn. Eventually I discovered Campaign. And since I was one of the first to really sink my claws into it, I found all the glitches too.

    In two weeks I had managed to level my Dancer from level 62 to level 75 100% solo, and 90% AFK via a glitch in the Campaign. You could leave your character to battle an object that never fought back, return every 10 minutes to walk a few feet to an NPC; cash in EXP and repeat. Due to another flaw, Campaign battle never ended in a certain zone. So you could pretty much do this all day. I was ranking in so much EXP, I said "Screw it" to 62+ parties because they weren't netting the same EXP-Per-Hour as Campaign.

    Because of this, I fell in love with Campaign. I wanted more of it. It was what I wanted out of the game and I got it. For months I played it, forgetting about everything else as I worked to Merit up my character. But eventually they removed the glitch.. The bug was gone, and my ability to be independent was gone. Suddenly the EXP I was netting from Campaign dropped dramatically. It was like someone took a stake and shoved it into my heart and hammered away. The game I had come to love; was dead.

     I felt alone again. I had no where else to turn than back to White Gate to try and level up my classes. I jumped into Summoner and joined a few Linkshells; finally got all the summons and became the Summoner I always wanted to be. But eventually I wanted to Merit. I wanted to perfect my Dancer and turn it into the Tank class I knew it was. By then they had released new Dances, which confirmed for me that Dancer was indeed a tank. But it wasn't a tank like Paladin, which was always a tank from the get-go. No..

    Dancer was a tank exclusive to 75+. So I wanted to show this off to people. But no one liked Dancer. No one wanted it in any Merit parties. Then it hit me..

    Merit Parties consisted mainly a Bards and SAM/WARs. All that time ago when I saw so many Bards leveling and Sams too, this was why. Specific Merit PTs designed for only one thing; highest netting EXP-PER-HOUR rate. A realm in which, not only Dancers, but most of the classes in the game really had no business taking part in and weren't allowed in. I had busted by butt getting Sky and Sea access, and now i had to go through another race to 75 all over again on a class I didn't even really wanna play? You gotta be kidding me.

    But it was the reality. I had to commit my time to leveling up SAM/WAR or BARD. Period. No if, ands, or buts about it. I really didn't want to do it. I got tired of people not taking interest in Wings of the Goddess, and the wonderful Exp camps it offered just because it didn't have 'Exp Bonuses' like White Gate. No one realized it didn't "need" it because it was offering more Exp than White Gate already! Feeling as though I was the only one who knew of these treasured places and laughed at because I kept wanting to go to them, I was alone again.

   Kicked out of Linkshells by people who shouldn't have been given the power to kick. Not once, but many times. Each time because I was defending Wings of the Goddess as a "Good" expansion. Apparently, if I felt that WotG was "Good" I was not invited to play again because I was a "Noob". I had to be like everyone else and say "WotG sucks" and conform to the crowd.

   I had been kicked around my Elitist jerks who kept making me jump through hoops to get into their High End Late Game Linkshells, while at the same time trying to jump through hoops to get into Merit Parties. I no longer felt like I was playing my game, I felt like I was playing someone else's. I was doing things I didn't want to do, and it took forever to do them. Everyone wanted to Raid. Anyone who could possibly help me do anything was ALWAYS busy with Sky/Sea/Limbus/Dynamis/etc..

    Wings of the Goddess Campaign was killed, no EXP for the effort. So that wasn't fun anymore. What was I to do? Well I quit, again. 75 WHM, 75 DNC, 75 SMN.. I felt I had done enough, and at the same time done nothing at all. The Elitist took complete control, and there was no one left to really do anything else about it.

    All the players who had a heart seem to just fizzle away, or were already part of the cliques that didn't let anyone else in. It was like the whole game was under lock and key, and if you didn't get through the door a year or two ago; you weren't allowed in.

   Dominated by raiding, there was nothing left for me in FFXI. I hate raiding. But I also hate soloing. The most fun I had in FFXI was when I was playing with people just doing normal things. Eventually 'normal' wasn't good enough anymore. It was always Sky/Sea/Dynamis.. Sky/Sea/Dynamis... Strict times too, you had to practically clock in for work every time to play and clock out just to go to sleep. "Fun" didn't exactly describe the game anymore. But then again, I never really found myself really a part of the crowd; ever.

    I wonder now if FFXIV will be the same. Players tightly knit, an end game littered with job-like heavy-work-load dungeons ruled by the pursuit of stats and numbers of +1 and +2. I don't mind Bosses of great difficulty with heavy preparation and planning required; heck it's what I loved most about the game. But what I didn't enjoy is how most of the games bosses became 'old news' or 'boring yawn-fests' because they never netted 'good rewards'. Content I had never had a chance to experience and enjoy, was “been-there-done-that” to everyone else.

    I hate it when "Rewards" override "Just for the fun of it" mentality. I play "Just for the fun of it" but sadly, I was in the minority in FFXI's present Era. I fear FFXIV will eventually meat the same fate. But maybe then, just maybe.. I can be part of the crowd who actually makes it there first. I just don't want "there' to be more of the same.



  • PallytimePallytime Member Posts: 109

    I don't really have much input but I fear a lot of people will be scared away by the wall of text. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your post and ty for taking the time to write it. As far as XIV goes, I'm going to try to approach it in a new way. In things like WoW, EQ2, AoC, etc I tried to go straight to endgame, and I did. Currently not playing any of these of course. This time around I want to experience the world and I hope people keep the, let's do this for the fun of it mentality like you said and not make it all about the +2 to int.

  • CaliburXlCaliburXl Member Posts: 73

    Yeah I can understand people's concerns about XIV especially when they've had bad experiances in XI. The only thing I can say is that I hope the mistakes won't be repeated and everyone has a better time XIV than they've ever had in XI. ( Believe me I've had some great time in 11.) Also, what do you really have to lose? Money mostly, but that can be replaced. Time? Sure, but all MMOs consume time and I for one would rather take a chance on something that could turn out to be great. If you do play, and you hate it and it's everyting you thought it would be and worse, well don't play anymore. ^_^

  • ZookzZookz Member Posts: 244


    This was a good read. It reminded me of why I loved and hated FFXI. I was fortunate enough to fall in with the "in-crowd" and experience end game, but I could see how it would be awfully lonely without a great LS. I don't think SE will repeat their mistakes. I think they've learned from FFXI. It's supposed to be much more solo/casual-friendly so at least you will be able to progress on your own terms. I hope you can find a good group of like-minded players this time around. 

  • XzenXzen Member UncommonPosts: 2,607

    A lot of what you're saying has truth to it however it sounds like you had an extra rough time. I was in several linkshells that ran things for the fun of it. Usualy if it came to light that some one in the LS was using it for gain and giving people the "been there done that" attitude they usually got straightened out right away or kicked.

  • ArmaniDemonArmaniDemon Member Posts: 133

    This was a very good read and a very bleak picture of a rather lengthy gaming period.  I have to commend you for giving the game so many chances despite the way it treated you. I for one would have turned my back for good after a second chance.

    Was the game truly so cold? There surely had to have been people out there who were playing this game to enjoy it rather than tear through it...

    I certainly hope FFXIV is absolutely nothing like you described.

  • VanadromArdaVanadromArda Member Posts: 445

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

  • CaliburXlCaliburXl Member Posts: 73

    Well when I played I never really had so muc h trouble like OP did. Thats not to say he did'nt have those experiances, Im sure he did. But I think that all MMOS are gonna have the elitist jerks who will try to ruin it for everyone else. With that said, Ive met some of the most understanding awesome people in the games. I dont care if we'll get +100 exp an hour if we kick our DD because he doesnt have the best gear possible at his lvl. As long as he's doing a good job and is nice to other party members, I say let's keep him. I just wanted to have fun, and I did.

  • AllizarAllizar Member Posts: 54

    You "feel" too much heh. It's supposed to be a game, find friends and enjoy it how you want or quit, who says you have to be at the top? Nothing you or anyone else does matters in an MMO, it's just perceived that way.

  • JimmydeanJimmydean Member UncommonPosts: 1,290

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.

  • OddbotOddbot Member Posts: 31

    I think you will find FFXIV more to your liking.

    FFXI was a hardcore game through and through, made for hardcore gamers. Even before endgame, most causual gamers probably quit before reaching 75, so of course the endgame will be dominated by hardcore raiders, anyone with any other type of playstyle had already been weeded out. You don't fit in with such a mindset according to your post, which puts you in the minority, which sucks.

    With ffxiv, SE is making a conscious effort to reach out to casual players as well as the hardcore, so even if there are still super hardcore raids and bosses like in FFXI, there will still be a population of players left at endgame that won't be interested in that stuff (because they won't be scared off like in XI). Because of this you will probably find more like-minded people to play with. :)

  • CaliburXlCaliburXl Member Posts: 73

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


  • VanadromArdaVanadromArda Member Posts: 445

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


        I get the feeling you didn't read towards the conclusion. I stated that I hate soloing. Preparing for difficult battles and tough bosses is what made me really love the game. However, my desire to take everything slow left me the very last to really try and enjoy the content. By the time I go there, everyone else was miles ahead of me and bored of anything I wanted to do.

        You misunderstand what I'm saying. I like difficulty, but I also like to take my time and try to just lose myself in the whole world and experience. Many people weren't doing that, and those who performed best were only playing by the numbers. Something I wasn't willing to do.

  • ZookzZookz Member Posts: 244

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


    It's virtually impossible to "suck" at FFXI. You write then press a macro every 15 seconds. The only way to suck is to wear bad gear. Keep telling yourself that FFXI was challenging though. I hate to say it, especially on these forums, but WoW is more difficult than FFXI ever was in terms of mechanics. 

  • MariouzMariouz Member Posts: 186

    Very nice OrleanKnight enjoyed the read. I dont get all 'crap wall of text.' I read and if it is worth it I continue if it is a bitch and complaint session then I dont. But I feel your pain, I played the game at launch with my friend and had a good time with it, and I was one of those play it for fun just like you. That is what I like to do in games, play it for fun, the mentality of End Game kills me cause then you don't get to enjoy all the wonders of the game, that is one of the things that got me to stop playing WoW, both expansions that came out everyone was about getting to the end game then complaining that they beat it too fast and they needed more patches with new content.


    So if you want hit me up once they release the server names and we can hook up in game and play and play for the fun not the lets hurry up and wait at end game. You are one person I can see myself playing with and enjoying the game with. I ended up being a BST because of similar reasons you had, I reached lv 61 before I ended my FFXI gaming, but I did truely liked the BST in FFXI because I could do things in my own time and at my own pace. I am sure Summoner's could do the same thing once you got it all down.

  • CaliburXlCaliburXl Member Posts: 73

    I'll have to disagree. Fighting a bunny right outside your starting city in FF11 was harder than fighting 5 or 6 monsters at the same time at any level range  in WOW. With that said lets keep that topic on FF11 lol. ^_^

  • MariouzMariouz Member Posts: 186

    Yeah some of those bunnies right outside Sandy where a pain lol, and lets not make the mistake of getting the NM worm by accident or the NM rabbit cause they will kill y ou quick....


  • VanadromArdaVanadromArda Member Posts: 445

    Originally posted by Mariouz

    Very nice OrleanKnight enjoyed the read. I dont get all 'crap wall of text.' I read and if it is worth it I continue if it is a bitch and complaint session then I dont. But I feel your pain, I played the game at launch with my friend and had a good time with it, and I was one of those play it for fun just like you. That is what I like to do in games, play it for fun, the mentality of End Game kills me cause then you don't get to enjoy all the wonders of the game, that is one of the things that got me to stop playing WoW, both expansions that came out everyone was about getting to the end game then complaining that they beat it too fast and they needed more patches with new content.


    So if you want hit me up once they release the server names and we can hook up in game and play and play for the fun not the lets hurry up and wait at end game. You are one person I can see myself playing with and enjoying the game with. I ended up being a BST because of similar reasons you had, I reached lv 61 before I ended my FFXI gaming, but I did truely liked the BST in FFXI because I could do things in my own time and at my own pace. I am sure Summoner's could do the same thing once you got it all down.

    That sounds like a very pleasing idea. I'll be sure to PM you my information and my personal ventrilo server. I'm there, but not all the time. But I'm good for a chat if requested via email of course. When the game gets closer to release, you'll likely find me more active because I'll certainly be taking part in the 8 day head start.

  • aluucardsaluucards Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by Zookz

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


    It's virtually impossible to "suck" at FFXI. You write then press a macro every 15 seconds. The only way to suck is to wear bad gear. Keep telling yourself that FFXI was challenging though. I hate to say it, especially on these forums, but WoW is more difficult than FFXI ever was in terms of mechanics. 

    LOL ill have to disagree with you there. Coming from someone that particpated in this so called high end content in each game for several years. You must not have played both or must have a bias like evryone does on forums. WoW is by no means more difiicult than FF11 at all.

  • CaliburXlCaliburXl Member Posts: 73

    Lol Ive dies quite a few times making that mistake!

  • ZookzZookz Member Posts: 244

    Originally posted by aluucards

    Originally posted by Zookz

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


    It's virtually impossible to "suck" at FFXI. You write then press a macro every 15 seconds. The only way to suck is to wear bad gear. Keep telling yourself that FFXI was challenging though. I hate to say it, especially on these forums, but WoW is more difficult than FFXI ever was in terms of mechanics. 

    LOL ill have to disagree with you there. Coming from someone that particpated in this so called high end content in each game for several years. You must not have played both or must have a bias like evryone does on forums. WoW is by no means more difiicult than FF11 at all.


    Shrugs, it's personal perspective. When I was raiding in WoW I always felt there were far more mechanics to be aware of than in FFXI. Zerging Kirin in 26 seconds doesn't seem very challenging to me :P 


  • XzenXzen Member UncommonPosts: 2,607

    You should have been one of the first ones trying to go through chains of promathia with out any wiki. If you think wow is hard.... I let my 5 yr old play wow. Thats how hard it is.

  • aluucardsaluucards Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by Zookz

    Originally posted by aluucards

    Originally posted by Zookz

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight

        I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to read the post. I pride myself on trying to be a good story teller. In my efforts, I kept going back to the game because it had things I liked. It had a 'Feeling' and an 'Art Style' that felt real and true to something solid. Things felt like you could reach out and touch them, and I could never figure why so many people call FFXI's graphics dated when I still feel they are ahead of their time.

        I'm sorry I painted such a dark picture though. I didn't exactly provide clear detailed on every little thing I did, just the really major landmark moments of the game. The game had its good parts, as well as its bad. It was ALWAYS a love/hate relationship, but in the end the hate won. I just can't every play FFXI again. But I will give FFXIV a chance, but I really don't want to go through all that crud again. Seriously.

    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


    It's virtually impossible to "suck" at FFXI. You write then press a macro every 15 seconds. The only way to suck is to wear bad gear. Keep telling yourself that FFXI was challenging though. I hate to say it, especially on these forums, but WoW is more difficult than FFXI ever was in terms of mechanics. 

    LOL ill have to disagree with you there. Coming from someone that particpated in this so called high end content in each game for several years. You must not have played both or must have a bias like evryone does on forums. WoW is by no means more difiicult than FF11 at all.


    Shrugs, it's personal perspective. When I was raiding in WoW I always felt there were far more mechanics to be aware of than in FFXI. Zerging Kirin in 26 seconds doesn't seem very challenging to me :P 


    I enjoy breezing through ICC 25 each week. Hey then if I want to change it up ill breeze through 10man. Beating all of the bosses for each new wing the week they were released is just pathetic.


    But, back to topic  that is one encounter LOL nice vid though.

  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by OrleanKnight


    It read more like "Memoirs of a Horrible Player" to me. FFXI was fairly unforgiving in that aspect. If you sucked, then you probably didn't have a good experience. The modern MMO's of this era are more suited to your style. You don't really have to pay attention, just log in and shut off your brain.

    With any luck, FFXIV will stay true to FFXI players, and give us the challenges that we desire in our games. For some people, games need to be "easy" and "accomodating" to have fun. For others, we enjoy the challenge and difficulties that need to be overcome.


    The only challenge and difficulty in XI was having to put up with little twats and kids that thought they knew everything. I have very little patience for people born in the 90's. Unfortunately, they were the only ones willing to be on call 24/7.


    As one of those elitist pricks at the time, i really enjoyed the OP's post. Unfortunately when you build an MMO and make people compete for content like SE did, then you make people do what they have to do to complete said content.

    The system itself rewarded the best min/maxers to get things done with the fewest people possible. While i do enjoy that aspect greatly, only so much content is available in XI versus the amount of people participating. As a leader at that time, i looked for the best players and the ones that would give me the fewest headaches.

    When only 10% of the player base gets to experience end game, guess which ones those will be? It's SE's fault as much as it's the players. I'm sure SE never envisioned the extremes we would go to just to have a chance at fighting those big bad monsters. Going by the direction they've gone in the last few years, i'm sure they've learned their lesson.

    I guess what i'm saying is, i don't want to be an elitist. XI forced many people to do so in order to get things done. I don't believe XIV will be the same way.


  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207

    Originally posted by Xzen

    You should have been one of the first ones trying to go through chains of promathia with out any wiki. If you think wow is hard.... I let my 5 yr old play wow. Thats how hard it is.


    Being one of the first 12 people on my server to complete CoP, i must say that was the last time i really felt like i accomplished something. It also alienated many of my friends and made them scurry off to WoW, so it wasn't all great. Part of the problem was that not all jobs were that effective at the time and caused my entire group to level a new job just for it.


    Having to figure most of the fights out ourselves was a lot of trial and error, but was a blast. We must have lost millions of exp (which exp loss was later removed). I used to joke that i could have capped my merits off just the lost exp from CoP.

  • MariouzMariouz Member Posts: 186

    Most of the games have the Elitist thing going for them, in WoW a lot of the issues I saw where the competition between Guilds for First kill of bosses, first to get the elite purples, while it is not a bad idea to have competition some of the people from those guilds where aholes/jerks. And just like in XI getting into one of those was nearly impossible and you had to work it like if it was a job, while I like to down bosses like all the others, I don't want a second job, my RL job is enough hehe. But then again I understand, I just hope even though it seems like a job it is at least a bit enjoyable to some of those guilds and not just an Epeen thing.

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