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I was scavenging around the interwebs, and decided to search a bit into this game, and i found an interview, it is vague, and may not be accurate as to what the game will actually be, but it gives me hope.


I know most of you have probably read it, but i have yet to see it quoted anywhere.


for those who dont want to follow the link, i will give the key lines.


Is there anything else you can say about the game in terms of features?

The MMO is using the same engine we used for Darksiders, so people can expect the same quality of visuals. We're working very closely with Games Workshop on this project, so we're not going to be doing a lot of freelancing and going off on our own. Everything we do is with their cooperation and approval. Pretty much anything that gets added into the 40k universe in our MMO will get added to the canon, part of the war, and will receive the blessing of Games Workshop.


So what about a time frame for release?

Mark: I should qualify this by saying our primary goal is getting the game right. THQ fully supports us in this regard, and isn't breathing down our necks saying, "You must ship by a certain date!" They are nurturing this project and we are true to this project so that when we deliver it, it will be everything we want it to be and the community wants it to be.

With that in mind, we're shooting for right now to have the game shipped by the end of Quarter 1 of 2013.


I know it's two different worlds and two different companies involved, but is there any connection at all with Warhammer Online?

Mark: None whatsoever. Warhammer Online is EA Mythic, it's two different IPs. A lot of our guys are long-time 40k fans, tabletop players, fans galore, so they've got a very heavy investment in Warhammer 40k.


Most of these give me hope, maybe not everyone else, and maybe most of you have already read it, but this interview actually shows that they seem to be putting time, care, and effort into this game, and not just rushing out another bad game.




  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    I'm going to remain hopeful, for now. It seems too many are jumping on the doom bandwagon a tad bit early to me.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • jnicholajnichola Member Posts: 118

    Yeah I am very hopeful for this title.  And the graphics are so great so far I can scarcely be disappointed if the game is even halfway decent,  But THQ is one of my favorite publishers maybe my favorite behind Blizzard,  so I think my faith is well founded.  Too many people are drawing comparrisons to WAR ... but  they are totally different design studios and publishers.  This game is a long way off but I have a good feeling about it so far. I have been waiting for a 40k MMO too long to dismiss it as being a bust 3 years before release.

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