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Keyboard & Mouse beats Console controllers in FPSes


  • VonLundVonLund Member Posts: 19

    There will be tears...

    However, it is only the truth.

    I put on my top hat.

  • uohaloranuohaloran Member Posts: 811

    The sun is hot and the ocean is deep.

  • Arctic2006Arctic2006 Member Posts: 31

    What we've known all along...


  • VonLundVonLund Member Posts: 19

    There are no boats...

    I put on my top hat.

  • loubanlouban Member Posts: 5

    Do we really need to read the article to know this? I've played several (not many enough imo) shooting games and Im certain that mouse + keyboards beats joypads any day. One swing of the mouse and your on target even if it is behind you.

  • just2duhjust2duh Member Posts: 1,290

     Pretty common knowledge I thought, not to mention there was a time where fps's on consoles were thought to be impossible due to controller limitations (which are still somewhat there).

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