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Just posting this here so I can find it more easily. Don't want to research it more than once. the original
The obvious ones-------
Pig iron, cuprum / copper, silver, gold, electrum (not shown as ingots-- but it is a naturally occuring alloy of gold and silver which correlates with the ingame extraction results
Bron=bronze; grain steel, tungsteel and steel are all varying types of steel
The not so obvious but easy to sort out--
and web sites that has some of this spelled out
Ingots first---
Aabam= lead
Bleck = tin (copper + tin = bronze : cuprum + bleck = bron)
Messing = brass
Skadite = platinum?? from what I've seen this is conjecture based on it's relative weight
Material lore (metallurgy ) but not represented by ingots
Calamine= Zinc/zinc oxide & (Cuprum+calamine= messing : copper+zinc= brass)
Lupium= Wolframite (tungsten rich ore) lupus=wolf & grain steel + lupium = tungsteel (tungsten/steel alloy)
almine= aluminum?? (admittedly this one is kinda weak)
Ichor= mercury (since it is represented as a liquid)
Gem metal = ???
arcronite= ???
That's some really good information.
I love the detail and complexity they've got in the harvesting-extracting-refining-crafting loop. Personal knowledge is actually important. My slaggy is still learning his way through the lores....
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Thanks. there are better sources for the info
To round out the list----left them off the list due to lack of anything concrete to back it up
gem metal= beryllium
arcronite = chromium
as much as anything I made up my version of the list to document what indicates the correspondences.
Briefly here's the other end----
Saburra= sandstone
Granum = granite ?
Tephra = tephra
calx = limestone ?
Gabore = gabbro