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Metals list

osmundaosmunda Member Posts: 1,087

Just posting this here so I can find it more easily.  Don't want to research it more than once.  the original

The obvious ones-------

Pig iron, cuprum / copper, silver, gold, electrum (not shown as ingots-- but it is a naturally occuring alloy of gold and silver which correlates with the ingame extraction results

Bron=bronze; grain steel, tungsteel and steel are all varying types of steel

The not so obvious but easy to sort out--

and web sites that has some of this spelled out

Ingots first---

Aabam= lead

Bleck = tin (copper + tin = bronze : cuprum + bleck = bron)

Messing = brass

Skadite = platinum?? from what I've seen this is conjecture based on it's relative weight

Material lore (metallurgy ) but not represented by ingots

Calamine= Zinc/zinc oxide & (Cuprum+calamine= messing : copper+zinc= brass)

Lupium= Wolframite (tungsten rich ore) lupus=wolf & grain steel + lupium = tungsteel (tungsten/steel alloy)

almine= aluminum?? (admittedly this one is kinda weak)

Ichor= mercury (since it is represented as a liquid)

Gem metal = ???

arcronite= ???


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