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I'm having a hard time finding much of ANYthing out about this game. However, I was wondering if there was information on Blue Lanterns? For me, playing as one would be an ideal fit on many levels. I've been a GL fan since childhood. Out of the seven emotions/colors, hope is the ideal fit (I'd love to be a GL, but I need to be honest with myself regarding my willpower. ^^). And my prefered role in MMOs is healer/buffer. I mean...this is THE archtype for me.
So, any idea if I can play a Blue Lantern? I kinda get the feeling I can take a healer powerset, and tie it to a ring as a focus point. But can I make the power blue? And is the Blue Lantern symbol available for my costume? It all seems a reasonable request, but who knows?
In fearful day, in raging night...
The game seems to have a lot of customization, so just create a blue colored ring bearer that shoots blue beams and ready
See, that was my question. Can I make blue colored powers? Originally, in City of Heroes, the Empathy healing powers were green. I hear they've since updated it to allow different colors, but originally, I would not have been able to make the power blue. I'm also curious if the Blue Lantern logo is available as a costume choice.
From what I read, I do figure I can get the powers I want, and having those powers generated by a ring seems like it is an option, so I'm set there. I just need to know if I can color my powers blue, and if I can get the logo.
Read this:
"When asked if players would be able to join the Green Lantern Corps, [game director Chris] Cao pointed out that the Corps is a very special thing, and the last thing the developers wanted was to all of a sudden have 50,000 Green Lanterns running around on Earth."
The customization is going to be limited, Chris Cao stated that you will have some customization of powers BUT that will be limited, like with Ice you can choose different shades of blue but you cant make it red for instance. They wanted to give the powers more or less a realistic feel. If you chose like Light for instance which will have healing powers and other blasts than you can shade it to a blue and choose a ring as your power source and there ya go. But you cannot actually become a member of the GL corps, as the quote above me stated.
Mystery Bounty