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I was thinking, what if you could play your character when they're awake? Maybe it could be like an expansion pack or something. I know the whole RP should be based in the dream but I think it could be kind of cool to have Cloudsbreak part of the game eventually. What does everyone else think?
Think this has been brought up, but what kind of cloudsbreak are we all coming from? Since theres so many players out there that explained their shards and they were all different from one and another.
I mean how can a land filled with dragons and sorcery be on the same planet as the land that has a technology of cyborg and stuff.
This would be hard to pull off if you ask me unless all the players could agree coming from one planet and have limitation in their role play.
I dunno, I always thought the idea of Cloudsbreak was suppose to be a dull not medeval but not futuristic place, on top of that for the most part, no two dreamers are suppose to come from the same shard.
....and life goes on
In Underlight the shards were supposed to have medeival (SP?) technology but Reclamation comes thousands of years later doesn't it? That would mean that if it were real lie it'd be year what? 2500? 3000?
Now that I think about it, unless Cloudsbreak would be like second life where you'd build your own shard, that would be pretty difficult...
"on top of that for the most part, no two dreamers are suppose to come from the same shard."
I've never heard of that and I've seen a few RPs where multiple dreamers came from the same shard and even the same city.
Just my 2¢
"I'm not insane. I just have a vivid imagination!"
Eh, I seem to remember someone from Lyra saying it was going to be like 1000 years later... But whatever the case is that's plenty of time for big technological advances. Look how at all the things the human race has come up with in the past 100-200 years.
Lyra will probably set all of the boundaries as far as what can and can't be in your shard. Personally I'd like to see a lot more freedom and what your shard can be than people were allowed in Underlight. I disagreed with a few of their Cloudsbreak rules like no guns and no flying inventions. When it was medieval times in Europe and they were still using swords and arrows I'm pretty sure China had guns and cannons among other things. Places advance independent of one another. I'm not saying that Underlight's shards should have allowed floating cars and laser guns but I think their rules as far as what Cloudsbreak can and cannot be could have been a little more lax. Then again, if I wanted to make the rules I should probably just make my own game (heh, yeah right- maybe if I was rich or a computer genius).
Again, just my 2¢
heh, that reminds me of a steven wright joke...
I don't see the people of Cloudsbreak getting that advanced even over 1000 years. Each shard is just pocketed civilizations. What makes them shards is that they are seperated from other lands by the mist. Some shards are big enough for a few towns, some are just the size of a small island.
The people of Cloudsbreak have no place to explore, little resources, no contact with other civilizations. I can see development is being stale. Trapping most shards to simple lives justs to survive.
"I'm not insane. I just have a vivid imagination!"
Each shard has its own unique attributes, one might be a small pocket of a place while another might be an expansive highly civilized empire driven by progress and change. Even if they were all like you say they were a thousand years is a long time and even civilizations that have been cut off from the rest of the world advance on their own. All it takes is one or two discoveries to advance a civilization very rapidly in just a few years. Imagine where we'd be without electricity or transistors and look at where they've driven us in the past 50 years alone. Even in a period of 100 years a society could go from a crude farming civilization to an industrial or even electronic society, all it takes is a few discoveries and a willingness to change.
Also, the people of the shards *do* have contact with other civilizations both through the dream and in their own shards. Just because its a shard does not mean that there is only one civilization, even on tiny islands this is rarely the case. Like I said, a shard can range from a tiny place with poor resources to a vast empire with seemingly limitless resources and millions or even billions of inhabitants. The world is a huge place and just because its divided up doesn't mean the basic workings of society and progress don't apply. Even in small isolated tribes progress is made. Anthropology is a hobby of mine and if you take a look at the development of humanity you'll see that it isn't changed by time so much as its changed by innovations (everything from the achulean handaxe to gunpowder to circuits).
To say that a medieval society couldn't advance much even in a thousand years makes little to no sense to me; I mean I can see it staying the same for a thousand years if no innovations are made or its a society that is very much against change but saying that it *can't* happen just doesn't make sense to me.
It is stated in the History for Underlight that shards were small enough and becoming a dreamer rare enough that it was incredibly unlikely for two dreamers to live on the same Shard in Cloudsbreak. Possible, yes, but unlikeiy, and I was rather bothered by the RPs involving families of Dreamers because it didn't mesh well with the History at all. Of course the Nether Prophecies Dreamers did come from the same city, but they were also not Cloudsbreakian.
That said, I wouldn't want to play Cloudsbreak.
Huh, well I've seen players and Lyrans alike RP that they were from big shards.
Unlikely or not, its possible and its been done before and it will probably be done again.
Well, 'big' depends on your definition. The definition which appears to be put forth in the intofmation on Cloudsbreak is that "big" means about a week on the long access, and maybe a few thousand people (rarely, if ever approaching ten thousand). Some shards will be smaller, no more than a few miles across at any point.
Still, the ability to dream was supposed rare enough that maybe 1 in every few thousand could do it, which made it possible for multiple dreamers to come from the same shard, but particularly rare. Also, there was never anything to suggest that dreaming was a hereditary ability.
Yes, it's all a part of the RP, and certainly could be possible. I had just always felt that it was unnecessary to have relationships in Cloudsbreak, when this was, to me, about the relationships formed in the dream.
Heh, well the shard I play is freaking huge and its shared with a few other players. I've told Lyra that the shard is huge. Lyra has never said anything about it to me and my character has mentioned to tons of Lyrans that the population easily numbers into the millions, maybe even billions (large parts of the shard are unexplored/isolated). I'm pretty sure the players whose characters share the shard with mine haven't had any problems either. I guess large is relative, that's not a whole lot compared to 7 billion. I've been playing Underlight for as long as its been out and before that too, I've never heard any complaints from Lyra.
As for Reclamation I'm not sure about my character's shard, I've only just begun giving thought to a new character.
althought the idea is intriguing it would make it hard to include, and i do not mean disrespect here to you night i know you brought it up, but i rather Lyra concentrates on making Reclamation the best game that ever existed first, then maybe they can look for a cloudsbreak game :-P
Just different interpretations then, I suppose. In my mind the Shards had to be relatively small with few dreamers, otherwise why would there be such a debate about Dreamstrike and it's effects? If your character in Underlight were to be Dreamstruck, it would be fairly easy for another dreamer from your shard who knew both you in dream and out to verify the effects. But again, just different interpretations.
Anyway, in Reclamation it's highly doubtful people will know of any dreamers they share a shard with since the dreamers will still be persecuted and considered dangerous. Of course, looking back on the stories for Rec, they do seem to suggest larger, more civilized shards like you've described, Anyway, since the small shard/big shard thing has never been a real issue, I'm not going to raise it again. I've explained my position on it, and while I may favor the idea of smaller shards, it doesn't mean I'm the only answer.