The Expanded Universe is intended to be a continuation, and an expansion, on the six Star Wars theatrical films produced by George Lucas from 1977–2005. All EU material, combined with that presented in the films is meant to function as a complete story. However, in order to allow this story to function as a whole, it must be kept under in an order of continuity. Lucasfilm holds this of such high importance that a team's sole job at Lucasfilm is maintaining continuity between Lucas's films, and the EU, which is written by many other authors and artists, many times out of order, and with many different ideas... [Lucas] acknowledges and supports the works of the EU.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I base it on it being a general theme throughout the series of movies. It was mentioned more than once and clearly just the way it was taught to Luke, it wasn't just something Yoda came up with just for him or Anakin before him. It's really very implausible that it was just for a couple of jedi. That pushes plausibility beyond the breaking point.
If your main character is defeated in combat, and your companion is still alive, do you still "lose" and are transported to the nearest respawn (such as in KOTOR1+2, ME1+2) OR are your companions going to be able to finish the fight and resuscitate you (such as in Dragon Age).
Can you play as your companions as well, allowing the computer control over your main? (such as in dragon age)
Bioware is a predictable company, they've re-made pretty much the same game for years. From the gameplay videos, it looks like it plays alot more like KOTOR than ME or DA. That includes tanking blaster shots instead of taking advantage of cover and flanking like in ME2.
If you loved KOTOR, mass effect, and/or dragon age, you WILL LOVE SW:TOR.
I base it on it being a general theme throughout the series of movies. It was mentioned more than once and clearly just the way it was taught to Luke, it wasn't just something Yoda came up with just for him or Anakin before him. It's really very implausible that it was just for a couple of jedi. That pushes plausibility beyond the breaking point.
But we're talking Epanded Universe here, which makes changes and differences from movie era and grey areas very plausible, even very likely.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I base it on it being a general theme throughout the series of movies. It was mentioned more than once and clearly just the way it was taught to Luke, it wasn't just something Yoda came up with just for him or Anakin before him. It's really very implausible that it was just for a couple of jedi. That pushes plausibility beyond the breaking point.
But we're talking Epanded Universe here, which makes changes and differences from movie era and grey areas very plausible, even very likely.
If there's a change in continuity, it still doesn't change the nature of the force, so no it doesn't. Even if, Lucas made compromises in order to please some people, that still doesn't mean it makes sense. People still 'fall' to the darkside and clearly Anakin is far from the only one that has happened to, especially in the Expanded Universe. If you can fall, that means there's a compulsion to it, which means 'grey' isn't really viable. They may allow it anyway, but that doesn't mean it makes sense.
I base it on it being a general theme throughout the series of movies. It was mentioned more than once and clearly just the way it was taught to Luke, it wasn't just something Yoda came up with just for him or Anakin before him. It's really very implausible that it was just for a couple of jedi. That pushes plausibility beyond the breaking point.
But we're talking Epanded Universe here, which makes changes and differences from movie era and grey areas very plausible, even very likely.
If there's a change in continuity, it still doesn't change the nature of the force, so no it doesn't. Even if, Lucas made compromises in order to please some people, that still doesn't mean it makes sense. People still 'fall' to the darkside and clearly Anakin is far from the only one that has happened to, especially in the Expanded Universe. If you can fall, that means there's a compulsion to it, which means 'grey' isn't really viable. They may allow it anyway, but that doesn't mean it makes sense.
A misguided attempt here I'm sure, but to draw a real life parallell to an imaginary situation. People can drink alcohol without becoming alcoholics. People can use all kinds of drugs without becoming addicts. Regardless of who they are, unless the experience was terrible, it felt good (that's what drugs do) and therefore there is some level of "compulsion" to use again. This is the same reason people are motivated to do many things. In the force example, utilizing the dark side to accomplish or gain what you want feels good and is reinforcing. Therefore, you are compelled to use it more. However, some people are able to walk the line of occasional or social use without impairing their lives in the social, emotional, educational, occupational, or cognitive domains (can you tell I'm a therapist yet? j/k). Perhaps so could a "gray" jedi for lack of a better term. I know the arguments will come "We're talking about the force, not the real world," sure i get that my metaphor is not 100% applicable. However, it is interesting to note and may serve as a satisfying explanation to some.
grey Jedi? but Why? I hope it doesn't take me forever to immerse into the dark side. I don't play MMOs to be the good guy or neutral nonsense. I want to be bad, very bad!
Will there be space combat like in Black Prophecy or EVE online? Will you be able to flight in your cockpit or just move around in your mother ship and click on a button to shoot? That's what I wanna know. I also wounder if you could start as an apprentice?...
You are fully capable of choosing your own destiny. The question you face is: wich path will you choose?
Being grey can mean your actually good or evil, for example you can wiegh your own cons and pros of the situation for example doing a neccesary evil for the greater good, the jedi order would never agree to some of those things there has been a grey character in the kotor games anyways and you guys act like it has never been done before.
And I am pretty sure that darkside is evil and lightside is good that is why it is called light and dark side that was the intention this is what it was in the 70s and still is today even in the books, people just enjoy twisting around trying to make it appear as something differant.
it says you can be a grey jedi, meaning neutral? that sounds like bs to me
Might sound like it, but it isn't... you can choose to be good, neutral or bad ... even as a jedi.
I have to agree that it is BS. The nature of the darkside is such that it will suck you in. "Once you start down the path of the darkside, forever will it dominate your destiny." Being 'grey' implies that you're trying to walk a balancing act between light and dark, which if you take the nature of the force into account, shouldn't be possible. Once you start down the path of the darkside, it should be a tremendous struggle to turn away from it. In order to be 'grey' you're going to have to make steps toward the darkside. They're making compromises in canon in order to satisfy people who might want to be 'grey'. It doesn't really surprise me though, Bioware is steeped in DnD philosophy where 'balance' is the greater good.
you dont know star wars taht well then. There are grey "jedi" actually they are called Force users... they dont belong to the dark or light. Night sisters being one big example. there are others as well. Those would be your GREY Jedi.
and no they are NOT compromising the canon. Canon didnt show it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. That being the 6 movies. However pick up a book from EU and you will find them.
I base it on it being a general theme throughout the series of movies. It was mentioned more than once and clearly just the way it was taught to Luke, it wasn't just something Yoda came up with just for him or Anakin before him. It's really very implausible that it was just for a couple of jedi. That pushes plausibility beyond the breaking point.
But we're talking Epanded Universe here, which makes changes and differences from movie era and grey areas very plausible, even very likely.
to both of you... LUCAS ARTS ensures quality and continuity on all timelines with Lucas' Holocron system. ALL EU books are according to LAs standards or its not released.
and Night sisters werent trained to use the force. just to give you the example again. there are grey Force users in existence. And movies didnt show all. one being its only 2 hours long
it says you can be a grey jedi, meaning neutral? that sounds like bs to me
Might sound like it, but it isn't... you can choose to be good, neutral or bad ... even as a jedi.
I have to agree that it is BS. The nature of the darkside is such that it will suck you in. "Once you start down the path of the darkside, forever will it dominate your destiny." Being 'grey' implies that you're trying to walk a balancing act between light and dark, which if you take the nature of the force into account, shouldn't be possible. Once you start down the path of the darkside, it should be a tremendous struggle to turn away from it. In order to be 'grey' you're going to have to make steps toward the darkside. They're making compromises in canon in order to satisfy people who might want to be 'grey'. It doesn't really surprise me though, Bioware is steeped in DnD philosophy where 'balance' is the greater good.
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker went from grey to dark then to the light at the end of the day. If we want to get into philosophy just as much evil has been done in the world for hte sake of "good" as there has been good done in the name of evil. Examples: The Crusades were pure evil actions done in the name of good. Second example (and this is gonna get me into a whole lot of trouble lol) many medical breakthroughs of the 20th century came about because of the evil actions undertaken by men like Mengele. In star wars terms Mace Windu was pretty evil in trying to kill Palpatine and Obi Wan is evil because he assumed that to bring balance to the force meant to kill all of the sith, in other words to perform an act of genocide. While the Empire basically did bring about balance to the force with the killing of most jedi (two jedi and two sith, sounds pretty balanced to me :P).
That Mace Windu was acting evil when he decided to kill Papaltine is debatable. I can't recall exactly what Obi Wan said, so I won't speak on that. As far as bringing balance to the force, I thought that odd in and of itself. It's really not clear what they meant by it. They had only just become aware that there even were any sith when they began to speak of it, so I really don't think balance had anything whatsoever to do with the numbers of Jedi and Sith. Personally I think the idea was less than well thought out. Lucas could have had a prophecy of some sort, but seriously the idea of 'bringing balance' made no sense in the context of the movies.
Jedi strive and train all their lives to live according to the Jedi Code and the light side of the force. Sith embrace the dark side as a means of gaining power. And the movies made it pretty clear that there were no in betweens, that the nature of the force itself made a middle of the road force user impossible. The idea of a 'balanced' force wielder simply doesn't fit in the Star Wars universe. I mean, it's not that it couldn't, Lucas could have easily gone that route, but he didn't and they should stick with continuity of the original IP.
Also, examples of things happening in the real universe is totally irrelevant. Our universe may well have a Creator, but it's not the force and clearly different rules apply.
My 3rd response here hehe. As in regards to Mace Windu... he was the ONLY light side jedi to handle the skill that touched the dark side. Most whoever tried to get that jedi skill turned dark side. He had the ability to take from his opponent and turn it back onto him. Which is why you saw Palpatine kill the first few jedi fast because of a really powerful dark side skill... Mace is the only one if you noticed turned some of it back onto palpatine.
which is why palpatine was having a hard time with him. Mace windu is one of those jedi who does cross into a gray section of the force where if he isnt careful he can cross to the dark. which makes hiim one of the strongest light side Jedi ever next to Yoda.
P.S. keep in mind the movies were not the only thing that lucas wrote about. He has the holcron system.. which is the WHOLE UNIVERSE of Star Wars. This is to ensure quality. Down to the lowest Gurk on lok.
So far the only confirmed races (I believe this is all of them) are:
Republic: Human, Miraluka, Miralan, Twi'lek
Empire: Human, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Zabrak, *edit* Chiss as well
They MAY release more as we get closer to release date, but no one can promise that, at this time. About a year ago, I saw a gameplay video of a Kel'dor in the game, so they are there (although it looked to me that it was a player character); we shall see.
Malir got most of them but here is the current known list of race/classes.
Human - All
Mirialans - JC SM
Miraluka - JK JC
Twi'lek - SM JC
Sith Pureblood - SW
Zabraks - SI TR JK BH (BH is not officially confirmed just yet)
Rattataki - BH SI
Chiss - IA
Note: JC = Jedi consular, SM = Smuggler, JK = Jedi Knight, SW = Sith warrior, Si = Sith Inquistor, TR = Trooper, BH = Bounty hunter, and IA = Imperial Agent
Naturally human can be everything, but the others get a bit of each. But a note should be made that not all race/class combs (as is the BH was just hinted at just recently) may not be revealed, but at this time the above is the most current me and thedarkknight are aware of.
Short answer...No so far Kel Dor are not in game yet.
Human - ALL
Mirialans - JC SM
Miraluka - JK JC - Confirmed by DE Here
Twi'lek - SM JC
Sith Pureblood - SW
Zabraks - SI TR JK BH - BH Zabrak in current build but not confirmed by Bioware
Rattataki - BH SI
Chiss - IA
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
As far as i know from what i know, it works like this.
You get a schematic from either a merchant, other players or from finding it off of dead things (preferably the ones you killed but it can be from others)
You take that schematic and see what materials it needs.
You (along with your companion) go looking for these materials in the world.
Once you find one, you can either collect it yourself (via normal MMO mechanics) or have your companion do it for you. You can interchange these whenever you wish. You can also alternatively send your companion out to get said materials, and they will come back and give you what they found.
Once you have the schematic and materials, you then pick what you want to craft and tell that to your companions.
They will then take over and start crafting your item, the game gives you a ETA on when it will be done. This ETA could be anywhere from seconds to hours, but fortuantly that timer continues wether your in the ship, killing monsters in the wild, doing raids or logged off/doing RL stuff.
Once the timer has reached 0 seconds, the item is created (theres some hint that your relationship to your companions and their abilities depend on the quality but thats getting more into it then needed for the answer), and they give you the results, whatever they are.
You take that result and either use it yourself, or sell it on the market for other players to use, or you can go to that player and do it the old fashion way (trading). You can't however create a stall with a title over top as that would "crowd" the area and they don't like that in the cities.
If you played FE then your familer with the system. It's basically the same thing with a few minor tweaks.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure what you mean by an AI controlled economy. Can you give a specific example?
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure what you mean by an AI controlled economy. Can you give a specific example?
By AI controlled I mean one that is basically based solely on loot for all items. In other words the system controls almost everything you get and if you don't want to you don't have to buy anything from another player ever. I.E. WoW.
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
As far as i know from what i know, it works like this.
You get a schematic from either a merchant, other players or from finding it off of dead things (preferably the ones you killed but it can be from others)
You take that schematic and see what materials it needs.
You (along with your companion) go looking for these materials in the world.
Once you find one, you can either collect it yourself (via normal MMO mechanics) or have your companion do it for you. You can interchange these whenever you wish. You can also alternatively send your companion out to get said materials, and they will come back and give you what they found.
Once you have the schematic and materials, you then pick what you want to craft and tell that to your companions.
They will then take over and start crafting your item, the game gives you a ETA on when it will be done. This ETA could be anywhere from seconds to hours, but fortuantly that timer continues wether your in the ship, killing monsters in the wild, doing raids or logged off/doing RL stuff.
Once the timer has reached 0 seconds, the item is created (theres some hint that your relationship to your companions and their abilities depend on the quality but thats getting more into it then needed for the answer), and they give you the results, whatever they are.
You take that result and either use it yourself, or sell it on the market for other players to use, or you can go to that player and do it the old fashion way (trading). You can't however create a stall with a title over top as that would "crowd" the area and they don't like that in the cities.
If you played FE then your familer with the system. It's basically the same thing with a few minor tweaks.
Ok, this is basically how I've come to interpret what I know too. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't incorrect in my own interpretation. This isn't a non-selling point for me either way but it's one that I just wanted to make sure I wasn't incorrect in my interpretation of.
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure what you mean by an AI controlled economy. Can you give a specific example?
By AI controlled I mean one that is basically based solely on loot for all items. In other words the system controls almost everything you get and if you don't want to you don't have to buy anything from another player ever.
Well there are loot drops in the game (as seen in recent PAX videos) which, I am sure can traded/sold to other players. But as Whilan said, there are crafted items that can be sold to other players (as well as gatherable resources). I haven't seen any official announcements confirming an auction house type system, but I am sure it will be there.
Quote:" “Hey, if I’m really into more the crafting, harvesting, auction house type of gameplay, are you going to support that?” "Absolutely" - MMOGamer
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
The gathering/crafting aspect of the game is one thing I am extactic about. I am tired of the WoW style gathering system; it is a mindless bore of a system.
They also stated that there are 3 ways to get gear in this game.
First: by doing raids and quests: this is the traditional method of getting gear.
Second: by doing PvP: this will be down to get special tokens to get better gear.
Third: By doing crafting: yeah you can get to near end game gear simply by doing crafting, which means you can sell your stuff to high level people who don't like to raid all the time and make some good money or equip yourself if you so wish
As for the reliance of others? Well the only thing i can say is you have 3 skills and IIRC one of them has to be mission type skill which means you can have either one gathering and one crafting, or two gather, zero crafting or Zero gather and two crafting. In any case you go, you'll never have enough crafting skill to make everything yourself so eventually you'll have to deal with other people, even if it's to go to the auction house and buy some goods from others.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
True, as a sidenote about the Expanded Universe continuity (from wikipedia):
The Star Wars Expanded Universe encompasses all of the officially licensed, fictional background of the Star Wars universe, outside of the six feature films produced by George Lucas. The expanded universe includes books, comic books, video games, spin-off films like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, television series, toys, and other media. This material expands and continues the stories told in the films, and excepting where it contradicts the films, is generally considered canonical.
The Expanded Universe is intended to be a continuation, and an expansion, on the six Star Wars theatrical films produced by George Lucas from 1977–2005. All EU material, combined with that presented in the films is meant to function as a complete story. However, in order to allow this story to function as a whole, it must be kept under in an order of continuity. Lucasfilm holds this of such high importance that a team's sole job at Lucasfilm is maintaining continuity between Lucas's films, and the EU, which is written by many other authors and artists, many times out of order, and with many different ideas... [Lucas] acknowledges and supports the works of the EU.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I base it on it being a general theme throughout the series of movies. It was mentioned more than once and clearly just the way it was taught to Luke, it wasn't just something Yoda came up with just for him or Anakin before him. It's really very implausible that it was just for a couple of jedi. That pushes plausibility beyond the breaking point.
If your main character is defeated in combat, and your companion is still alive, do you still "lose" and are transported to the nearest respawn (such as in KOTOR1+2, ME1+2) OR are your companions going to be able to finish the fight and resuscitate you (such as in Dragon Age).
Can you play as your companions as well, allowing the computer control over your main? (such as in dragon age)
Bioware is a predictable company, they've re-made pretty much the same game for years. From the gameplay videos, it looks like it plays alot more like KOTOR than ME or DA. That includes tanking blaster shots instead of taking advantage of cover and flanking like in ME2.
If you loved KOTOR, mass effect, and/or dragon age, you WILL LOVE SW:TOR.
But we're talking Epanded Universe here, which makes changes and differences from movie era and grey areas very plausible, even very likely.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
If there's a change in continuity, it still doesn't change the nature of the force, so no it doesn't. Even if, Lucas made compromises in order to please some people, that still doesn't mean it makes sense. People still 'fall' to the darkside and clearly Anakin is far from the only one that has happened to, especially in the Expanded Universe. If you can fall, that means there's a compulsion to it, which means 'grey' isn't really viable. They may allow it anyway, but that doesn't mean it makes sense.
A misguided attempt here I'm sure, but to draw a real life parallell to an imaginary situation. People can drink alcohol without becoming alcoholics. People can use all kinds of drugs without becoming addicts. Regardless of who they are, unless the experience was terrible, it felt good (that's what drugs do) and therefore there is some level of "compulsion" to use again. This is the same reason people are motivated to do many things. In the force example, utilizing the dark side to accomplish or gain what you want feels good and is reinforcing. Therefore, you are compelled to use it more. However, some people are able to walk the line of occasional or social use without impairing their lives in the social, emotional, educational, occupational, or cognitive domains (can you tell I'm a therapist yet? j/k). Perhaps so could a "gray" jedi for lack of a better term. I know the arguments will come "We're talking about the force, not the real world," sure i get that my metaphor is not 100% applicable. However, it is interesting to note and may serve as a satisfying explanation to some.
Steam: Neph
grey Jedi? but Why? I hope it doesn't take me forever to immerse into the dark side. I don't play MMOs to be the good guy or neutral nonsense. I want to be bad, very bad!
Will there be space combat like in Black Prophecy or EVE online? Will you be able to flight in your cockpit or just move around in your mother ship and click on a button to shoot? That's what I wanna know. I also wounder if you could start as an apprentice?...
You are fully capable of choosing your own destiny. The question you face is: wich path will you choose?
Being grey can mean your actually good or evil, for example you can wiegh your own cons and pros of the situation for example doing a neccesary evil for the greater good, the jedi order would never agree to some of those things there has been a grey character in the kotor games anyways and you guys act like it has never been done before.
And I am pretty sure that darkside is evil and lightside is good that is why it is called light and dark side that was the intention this is what it was in the 70s and still is today even in the books, people just enjoy twisting around trying to make it appear as something differant.
onfirmed during Electronic Arts CFO Eric Brown's presentation that TOR "...will generate revenue through monthly subscriptions" - Darth Hater
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
you dont know star wars taht well then. There are grey "jedi" actually they are called Force users... they dont belong to the dark or light. Night sisters being one big example. there are others as well. Those would be your GREY Jedi.
and no they are NOT compromising the canon. Canon didnt show it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. That being the 6 movies. However pick up a book from EU and you will find them.
to both of you... LUCAS ARTS ensures quality and continuity on all timelines with Lucas' Holocron system. ALL EU books are according to LAs standards or its not released.
and Night sisters werent trained to use the force. just to give you the example again. there are grey Force users in existence. And movies didnt show all. one being its only 2 hours long
My 3rd response here hehe. As in regards to Mace Windu... he was the ONLY light side jedi to handle the skill that touched the dark side. Most whoever tried to get that jedi skill turned dark side. He had the ability to take from his opponent and turn it back onto him. Which is why you saw Palpatine kill the first few jedi fast because of a really powerful dark side skill... Mace is the only one if you noticed turned some of it back onto palpatine.
which is why palpatine was having a hard time with him. Mace windu is one of those jedi who does cross into a gray section of the force where if he isnt careful he can cross to the dark. which makes hiim one of the strongest light side Jedi ever next to Yoda.
P.S. keep in mind the movies were not the only thing that lucas wrote about. He has the holcron system.. which is the WHOLE UNIVERSE of Star Wars. This is to ensure quality. Down to the lowest Gurk on lok.
Are Kel Dor a playable race in SWTOR? Plz say yes
So far the only confirmed races (I believe this is all of them) are:
Republic: Human, Miraluka, Miralan, Twi'lek
Empire: Human, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Zabrak, *edit* Chiss as well
They MAY release more as we get closer to release date, but no one can promise that, at this time. About a year ago, I saw a gameplay video of a Kel'dor in the game, so they are there (although it looked to me that it was a player character); we shall see.
Malir got most of them but here is the current known list of race/classes.
Human - All
Mirialans - JC SM
Miraluka - JK JC
Twi'lek - SM JC
Sith Pureblood - SW
Zabraks - SI TR JK BH (BH is not officially confirmed just yet)
Rattataki - BH SI
Chiss - IA
Note: JC = Jedi consular, SM = Smuggler, JK = Jedi Knight, SW = Sith warrior, Si = Sith Inquistor, TR = Trooper, BH = Bounty hunter, and IA = Imperial Agent
Naturally human can be everything, but the others get a bit of each. But a note should be made that not all race/class combs (as is the BH was just hinted at just recently) may not be revealed, but at this time the above is the most current me and thedarkknight are aware of.
Short answer...No so far Kel Dor are not in game yet.
Human - ALL
Mirialans - JC SM
Miraluka - JK JC - Confirmed by DE Here
Twi'lek - SM JC
Sith Pureblood - SW
Zabraks - SI TR JK BH - BH Zabrak in current build but not confirmed by Bioware
Rattataki - BH SI
Chiss - IA
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I have a big question which seems to only have been addressed in snippets. Is the economy of the game going to be AI based or player based? They've alluded to it being some sort of hybrid system like EQ2, but I honestly want to know for definite. The crafting system itself seems like it would lean more in favor of there being a Player-controlled economy but then again I could even be interpreting that wrong. So, yeah, any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
Retired: EVE, SWG, STO, EQ2, Ryzom, AO, LotRO, FFXI
Currently Awaiting: SWTOR, TSW, ArcheAge
As far as i know from what i know, it works like this.
You get a schematic from either a merchant, other players or from finding it off of dead things (preferably the ones you killed but it can be from others)
You take that schematic and see what materials it needs.
You (along with your companion) go looking for these materials in the world.
Once you find one, you can either collect it yourself (via normal MMO mechanics) or have your companion do it for you. You can interchange these whenever you wish. You can also alternatively send your companion out to get said materials, and they will come back and give you what they found.
Once you have the schematic and materials, you then pick what you want to craft and tell that to your companions.
They will then take over and start crafting your item, the game gives you a ETA on when it will be done. This ETA could be anywhere from seconds to hours, but fortuantly that timer continues wether your in the ship, killing monsters in the wild, doing raids or logged off/doing RL stuff.
Once the timer has reached 0 seconds, the item is created (theres some hint that your relationship to your companions and their abilities depend on the quality but thats getting more into it then needed for the answer), and they give you the results, whatever they are.
You take that result and either use it yourself, or sell it on the market for other players to use, or you can go to that player and do it the old fashion way (trading). You can't however create a stall with a title over top as that would "crowd" the area and they don't like that in the cities.
If you played FE then your familer with the system. It's basically the same thing with a few minor tweaks.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I'm not sure what you mean by an AI controlled economy. Can you give a specific example?
By AI controlled I mean one that is basically based solely on loot for all items. In other words the system controls almost everything you get and if you don't want to you don't have to buy anything from another player ever. I.E. WoW.
Retired: EVE, SWG, STO, EQ2, Ryzom, AO, LotRO, FFXI
Currently Awaiting: SWTOR, TSW, ArcheAge
Ok, this is basically how I've come to interpret what I know too. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't incorrect in my own interpretation. This isn't a non-selling point for me either way but it's one that I just wanted to make sure I wasn't incorrect in my interpretation of.
Retired: EVE, SWG, STO, EQ2, Ryzom, AO, LotRO, FFXI
Currently Awaiting: SWTOR, TSW, ArcheAge
Well there are loot drops in the game (as seen in recent PAX videos) which, I am sure can traded/sold to other players. But as Whilan said, there are crafted items that can be sold to other players (as well as gatherable resources). I haven't seen any official announcements confirming an auction house type system, but I am sure it will be there.
Closest thing they mention to an auction house
Quote:" “Hey, if I’m really into more the crafting, harvesting, auction house type of gameplay, are you going to support that?” "Absolutely" - MMOGamer
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
The gathering/crafting aspect of the game is one thing I am extactic about. I am tired of the WoW style gathering system; it is a mindless bore of a system.
They also stated that there are 3 ways to get gear in this game.
First: by doing raids and quests: this is the traditional method of getting gear.
Second: by doing PvP: this will be down to get special tokens to get better gear.
Third: By doing crafting: yeah you can get to near end game gear simply by doing crafting, which means you can sell your stuff to high level people who don't like to raid all the time and make some good money or equip yourself if you so wish
As for the reliance of others? Well the only thing i can say is you have 3 skills and IIRC one of them has to be mission type skill which means you can have either one gathering and one crafting, or two gather, zero crafting or Zero gather and two crafting. In any case you go, you'll never have enough crafting skill to make everything yourself so eventually you'll have to deal with other people, even if it's to go to the auction house and buy some goods from others.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.