I started playing back in January, I played for about 2 months and quit. I re-subscribed last month and I’ve been playing around 4 to 5 hours a day depending on my schedule with work and what’s going on in real life. I don’t play much on weekends because I’d rather be doing other things. Before I get into my opinion I have to say that I do like the game but I also feel that there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed.
There’s one huge issue I personally have with this game that I’ve never had with any other. I have no attachment to my character, NONE. You can’t see yourself unless you’re resting or on a mount, you don’t have a character selection screen that shows your avatar. If you want to fully see what a weapon or armor looks like you have to ask someone else to equip it on so you get a feeling for what you look like and forget about trying to get a view of your bow or staff or casting effects. This game has a lot of cool spell graphics but no one is able to really appreciate them as you can’t see anything you buff yourself with. Also, due to the limited distance for buffing other people you don’t see all the effects that happen above the persons head unless you cast and then look up. What is up with the naked hand holding a bow or staff? I know I’m wearing armor, shouldn’t the game know it as well?
Even though this game is a MMO it seems like a solo online game. I’m in TS/Vent with friends that I “play with” except they are killing mobs on one side of the map and I’m at another. I joined a clan a while back and I wanted to level my parry and rigor, they told me to swim to island X and kill mobs there, no one will bother you. I can do that by myself, I don’t need to be in a clan to be told where to hunt to level skill. It seems that most players become self sufficient and don’t need to interact with others for trading of items or leveling skills. Any item I can create with my crafter can also be grabbed from a mob, the only difference is the durability and I can add .04 points of damage to a weapon.
Now for some things that I consider either broken or that need to be readdressed:
Debuffs should be considered hostile. This is something that is exploited and NEEDS to be changed.
Healing a mob should flag a person as hostile if someone else is fighting it.
<Rant on
If you choose to cast a spell on me that isn’t construed as beneficial then you are hostile in my mind. But for some reason someone can ruin my game play all day long without any ramification for their actions! If I were to get frustrated and attack them, I now become the aggressor even though that person has been casting “aggressive” debuffs or spells on me. If someone heals a mob I’m fighting they are aggressive to me, why doesn’t the game mechanics see that! What real benefit does ‘come hither’ bring to the game? I’ve had people try to pull me into the lava at Flaming Skull utilizing it. Is there any reason for telekinesis? It’s used mostly to harass miners or gathers so they stop mining. Why is it someone can bump into you and make you stop gathering or stop you from casting ‘teleport’?
Rant off>
Healing a gray or red player should flag you as hostile.
Looting the grave of a blue player should flag you as hostile within a certain amount of time after their death.
Stealing a mount should flag you as hostile.
AFK swimming and macroing? Is it really that hard to see that player X has been logged in for 16 hours and has gained X amount of attributed but has never moved from location x,y,z?
Why is there no salvaging skill in the game?
Rare ore is still crazy to get. I’ve mined enough ore to get my weapon crafting to 100 and mastery to 35, my armor crafting to 100 master to 26 plus I still have over 1,500 ingots and 3,000 ore and I only have about 6 of each of rare ore type. I think there are way too many options for item drops while mining. You can get ore, rare ore, gems and sulfur. Maybe move the gems to stone nodes instead of the metal ones.
Gathering and failures. I have 100/100 mining and herb gathering. Last night while mining I failed 12 times in a row? 12!? Come on! What is the reason for having mining so high if I’m going to fail that many times in a row?
What’s the deal with stead grass? Is that really taming? To me taming would be going into the wild, finding a mob and making it yours. Crafting a piece of grass into a living creature doesn’t even make sense!
How is it possible that a person can carry a boat in their backpack? Yet, for some reason each module is too heavy to be carried. A boat should reside in the body of water that it is placed. If you need to get someplace you sail from your home port to your destination, not carry it across land then spawn it.
The map is horrendous. If you travel to a town it should automatically add the location to the map. Using annotations is a work around, but I’d rather use them for POI not fixed cities.
They need to fix the lag issues when someone approaches you.
Broken mob spawns need to be addressed.
Some kind of mail system would be nice.
How do I know what a vendor is selling if there isn’t some kind of global shopping terminal?
I will refer you to the latest post by Tasos:
It should address many of your points. Also, understand that development is about priorities some of the stuff is annoying but in the end does not impact gameplay greatly. Stuff I am usre they will get to eventually they have simply had higher priorities.
The idea behind the 1st person perspective is that you ARE the character rather than you control the character.
At the risk of sounding like 'back in the good old days', over the decades I have notice more and more games in 3rd person view. It used to be pretty much persecptive (looking down), 2d or 1st person. Then 3rd person came along and before long it was everywhere so with the younger gamers its what they are used to more than anything else I think.
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I understand the reasoning behind the first person view. Also, being a “back in the old days” kind of guy and my first MMO experience was with UO back in beta through around 2000; I've also been around the MMO community for quite some time. I’ve seen the general progression from UO to WOW. I’ve played all kinds of games and every genre in between; EverQuest, Dark Ages of Camelot, Shadow Bane, Jump Gate, Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings, Age of Conan, War Hammer, Eve to name a few…
Once again, for some reason I don’t have any connection to my toon in Darkfall, this isn’t something that I’ve experienced in any other game.
fair enough but clearly it would be the same with Morrowind as an example. You dont think that your experience is not 100% due to it being in 1st person and you dont care for that?
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I hate to be the one to say it but DF obviously isn't the MMO for you...lol. A shame it took you this long to realize it. Many of the issues you have, I have 0 problems with. Maybe take some time off and come back early next year once DFO 2010 is up and running. It may be in your best interest bud...lol
Just about every post complaining about DF is the same crap. Someone raging on the forums when in fact the truth is, it just aint the game for them. Personally, I've played tons of MMOs and DF is by far my favorite in my 7+ years of playing online games...to each their own.
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
Okay, take my personal gripes relating to the character view and attachment out of the equation.
So, by your admission you don’t have a problem with someone casting debuffs on you or healing a mob while you’re fighting NPCs so that the mob kills you and they can loot you all while they never take a faction hit? Or that a person can flag up gray or red and have a blue heal them to kill someone in a safe zone then the blue loots the corpse? AFK swimming and macroing are cool? Mob spawns working erratically are working as intended? Player load lag makes sense?
Your personal recommendation to me is to quit or try back after they come out with Darkfall 2012 or whenever it is slated to be released? And people can’t understand why the retention rate on Darkfall is low! If you notice, I didn’t go on and on about the grind this and PVE that; I was just pointing out that there are some exploitable loopholes in Darkfall.
actually that first tactic sounds brilliant I love it!
most of us DF fan do not have a problem with that. Here is why.
War Stradegy. Great war stradegy games involve the ability to have clever tactics. war is not about getting everyone involved into a ring with boxing glooves and a ref. now I am not saying hard core cheating is good but various tactics like poltics, franking right out deciption, getting the PvE to work for you are all part of the game.
Most of us do not have a problem with in game tactics such as that. we moan and complain when we get out smarted but in the end we might do the same thing. We do however not like people who hack into the game itself and there is a difference.
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My only serious issue with that tactic is that the person should flag as an aggressor and should be open to attack. Why should I take the karma/faction loss if I kill someone who is annoying me by utilizing a loophole? If this is a sandbox, I want my sand to not have cat shit all in it! Either there is a faction system in place or there isn’t. The way it is now almost seems like it is unfinished.
Should it be changed? yes
Is it a high priority? hell no
I started out in AC-DT. No flagging system what-so-ever. None, nada, zilch. One of the best games I have ever played.
The flagging system is there to discourage newb griefing. Outside of the starter cities it should have no impact.
Yeah not the game for you for sure.
Not that real life is fun in this context but in real life you wouldnt get a flag.
I think uing the PvE to your advantage is brilliant. I have been involved in using it in a similar fashion but we lost becuase we sucked.
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That's my exact point. In real life if you do something to me I can react. If you annoy me enough I can punch you in the teeth, if you steal my car I can call the cops if I see you do it, if you are persistant at annoying me I can take action both in self defense and legally. This game doesn't afford you those options.
well on many levels it does. You can still attack, unless someone has that silly noob bubble.
Being able to hit anyone at anytime with equal in game consequence was how the game was orginally created and it lasted that way for awhile but over time the game has gotten softer. I will say that if you have large troubles getting griefed you would not be able to handle to solution of being able to smack anyone when you want. Believe me the early days of darkfall were mega brutal.
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Oh dont get me wrong, DF has some issues that need fixing. The allignment system is one of my major ones for me. As far your other complaints I don't think enough about all the little things to really care to be honest, i just play the game. I don't agree with macroing I suppose, but if players want to waste their time in a city blowing reagents out the window, let em lol.
Every MMO has problems, if you focus on em your bound to complaining until the day you retire of MMOs. Darkfall isnt perfect of course but nothing ingame is a game-breaker for me. I'm sure others feel differently though of course.
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
bmoscato is entirely correct about the healing/debuffing.
A debuff is an attack. It is causing you to be at a loss. Healing a mob is essentially healing an enemy. This should also flag.
I'm kind of having a hard time believing people are actually arguing that all of this is "zomghardcore"... it isn't. It is just broken. UO had the system that, if you healed a grey (or mob) you were flagged grey. If you healed a red, you became grey. This is to show ALIGNMENT. If you do a bad deed, it shows up. If you don't, you are in the clear. Healing a mob is definitely a bad deed. Taking away someone's positive buff is definitely a bad deed. This is complete common sense.
Well said.
I like to put on headphones, turn off the light, turn off the map and visual fluff, go out and find some enemies . ... no other MMORPG can create this experience (Well theres MO I guess . ... but . ... lol).
I play MMOs for the social aspect sure, but the main reason that I play them is because they are funner and a lot more unpredictable than fighting a computer . ..
I do like to be attached to my character but I also try and convince myself sometimes that I am the character.
I am very attached to my Darkfall character now! My Girl also has told me that she is so much more attached to her DFO character than any other character that she has had in other MMOs.
To each their own I guess. As for the other things that you have said . ... I like danger and the 'broken alignment system' as some may put it does nothing but excite me.
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UO's alignment was terrible (red stat loss, red healers etc) and getting flagged for healing reds in a game with a lot of AoE and manual aim is prone to reverse grifing.
Looting a blue player shouldn't flag you because if you die you deserve to lose your stuff.
The reason we don't have stables/harbors is because it would be hugely taxing on the server
Mail system would detract from the game. The game needs to be made less global if anything.
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher