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<Insurrection> is an Alliance Reroll Guild on an unannounced PVE server with serious raiding goals.
We are shooting for two 10-man raiding teams in Cataclysm. A small guild based atmosphere in which everyone knows each other.
The main goals of Insurrection are:
-To reach 80 with a sizeable number of members
-To begin raiding soon after in ICC and RS 10 man content
-To build on our core and prepare for Cataclysm content
-To raid competitively in Cata while maintaining a very casual out of raid environment
Class Needs:
Warrior - High
Mage - Medium
Warlock - High
Hunter - High
Rogue - High
Death Knight - High
Paladin - High
Priest - High
Druid - High
Shaman - High
At the moment we are accepting all classes for the reroll
RaF and Heirlooms:
Recruit a Friend and Heirlooms are definitely recommended. We all want to hit 80 as quick as possible. While we enjoy leveling our focus is to raid not level. Therefor, anyone wishing to transfer over 80's for heirlooms is welcome to do so. We have a RaF topic on our forums to match players together for RaF. Neither of these is required, but both are recommended. If you can not bring either but are sure you can keep up and reach 80 within a reasonable amount of time then you're good.
Progression raiding will be on a 3 day schedule with 3 hours each night. With two teams planned in Cataclysm, the schedule isn't set in stone and is till up for debate on our forums. Ideally, one team would raid Tue-Wed and Sat while the other group would raid Thu-Fri and Sun. The times would be close to 9pm-12am EST.
We are looking for skilled raiders who want to raid in a serious and focused environment, yet want to have fun after raids and can get along with their guild mates without the drama we all hate. An ideal member is mature, proffesional, social and intelligent. Players wishing to join us must have high levels of situational awareness; you must be a quick learner, be able to multitask well, and be attentive to your surroundings--including being aware of other class' roles. Most importantly, we're looking for players who can admit and learn from their mistakes well, and shouldn't need to make the same mistake more than two times before learning how to fix it.
While screwing around may be fun, it doesn't have a place in raids!
What we can offer you:
-An organized and serious reroll where you can meet new people and have fun
-A progression focused raiding team
-Reliable and knowledgeable leadership
Expectations of raiders:
-You should have a excellent understanding of your class - that means constantly working on it and reading about it and improving.
-You should have reputations[hodir] and professions that show you are dedicated towards improving your characters performance.
-You should have experience with all raid encounters--there are plenty of guides and videos out there!
-You should have a positive attitude towards raiding and be able to handle criticism well - that includes taking criticism and not making excuses for yourself
-You must be able to follow directions and take suggestions on how to play whether you agree with them or not. You should be humble enough to accept the fact that you don't know 'everything'.
-You must be able to devote your attention to the raid you are in. Turn off the TV, and give the girlfriend/kids some Nyquil. Excessive AFK's are not acceptable in raids. We will take occasional breaks, and that's when you can walk away.
What I can personally guarantee:
Rerolls are a tricky matter. Devoting your time and loyalty to a guild that may non-existant 2 weeks later is tough. I can't guarantee that this guild will not fail. However, I can guarantee that I will do my best to lead it to greatness. If for some sad reason this all doesn't work out, I will be the last member to leave it. Hopefully this guild never sees that day.
Head to our site and drop us an app, you won't regret it.
Sounds interesting!
is this US or EU servers, does sound interesting though, am thinking of coming back when Cataclysm hits but am on EU servers.
Just need a few more. It is on the US Servers
To me, re-rolling alliance should be something fun. You make this sound like a job.