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Way back when I first played this game in April 2006, I liked this game and I used to have a close friend who played this, those days were fun. Now it's not so much anymore, I never do talk to that friend anymore, he's just gone from the Internet completely. Thoughout all my years of playing I never had a level capped character apart from a 60ish Balance Druid which pretty much sucked and knew a Frost Mage would have been better, however this was a pvp server and it proved to be a nightmare being ganked everytime, bet in Cataclysm it will be worse with 85's on flying mounts. For ages I had some technical problems and was never sure what to play as a main, picking a server is bad as well.
I always found friend finding to be too difficult in WoW, with so many people acting like jerks, trolls and downright ignorant (includes those from Pick Up Groups when doing instance dungeons), all these will turn you off from making friends again (and from doing instances). Even all this talk about Gearscore makes end-game raiding sound like shit, you literally can't do dungeons anymore, it probably suggests that Cataclysm is all about soloing questing now reguardless of 60-70 in Outland is crap and 70-80 in Northland is on par with Cataclysm except the Battle of the Undercity which will be outdated and should be removed because Thrall is not Warchief anymore and plus why keep old content if Cataclysm is all about updating most of everything? Besides, when I quest I always notice that all the questing areas are deserted with very little player activity going on and this happens all the time on all servers and even at peak times.
Personally it was the bad sort of people that made me want to quit WoW forever and so I did leave, I threw the game away into the trash can since December 2009, I did it because everyone was so horrible to me, even guilds suck, try starting a friendly conversation and you'll realise that most of the time your being ignored and so no-one talks to you, same thing with everybody else who plays the game.
A few months later after I left, my account gets hacked, I'm not sure what these hackers do but I hear they can sell every item you have, give your gold away and strip you down into having nothing on, so really all my hard efforts in this game have gone to waste (since I had tons of gold on my characters from my auction house sellings). There's no reason to bring back the account either since you'll be hacked again afterwards, even with that Authenicator key Blizzard sell, you'll still be hacked. In fact how does one get their account back anyway?
God, I know I'm frigging yacking on but really it's not right that the most popular online game can't sort itself out so to speak. Nice playable game, but terrible as an MMO.
That game is digging itself a grave with allowing all this crap to go on. Gold sellers, account hacking, Gear Score, all this stuff that has turned the community into shit and trolls.
I am glad I unsubbed when I did. I wouldn't dare pay for cata...
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
The game has been steadily losing what made it good for quite sometime. I noticed it with BC but continued playing through WOTLK. I finally realized I was just logging on now and then to talk with guildies and maybe run a BG or two. And like you, almost a year after I quit some friends told me my account was compromised so I sent Blizz an email and told them what happened and to do what they wanted with it. I assume they locked it I dont know but what friends I know that still play havnt told me of "seeing me" on since that time. I really dont think Blizz cares what happens, they know the game is getting old and know that the WOW faithful will continue to pay.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
i would have mb bought n played wow years ago. But this very reason is why i will never ever trust them with my info. It is obvious they do not care about their community as they have done 0 measure's to stop the hackers. Truth is blizzard is greedy now and they think they can not be downed. But their lack of security and big egos is tearing their own empire down, slowly day by day. if GW2 or sum of the new mmo's dont give blizzard a scare then the company its self will be the 1 to kill off wow.
So it seems we learned that it's not Blizzard that needs sorting out, it seems to be that you need to do some thinking of if you truly want to leave behind everything you've worked for or do you want to finally stand your ground (Even with your next MMO) and change your attitude to deal with today's massive MMO fanbase.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
You can still have your account hacked even with an authenticator, so it's not a lie.
The authenticator just makes it a little more complicated to hack, but the more sophisticated methods can, and have, allowed hackers to breach authenticator 'secured' accounts.
In other words, the authenticator isn't a sure thing, but it does help to have one.
I never heard of gearscore before. What an absolutely lame tool for a "community" based game. Was this 3rd party or developed by Blizzard? Wow has been /canceled for 3 years, sometimes I get the urge for nostalgia but resist. This kind of thing makes it much easier to resist. Too bad.
On the account thing, this sucks as well and much like MS is "easy" to target due to numbers WoW falls into same category. Not many would waste much time trying to hack a UO or SWG account when the payoff is limited.
Same with Mac OS, they are safe for now because hackers are smart enough to know not to buy them in the first place.
I think of Justin Long and immediately an image of that map character from Dora pops into my head. "I'm a Mac, I'm a Mac, I'm a Mac!"... damn I hate that guy.
It's a third party made possible since Blizzard now uses and publish item levels into their matchmaking process (well, it's not a 100% accurate system mind you, but that's a different topic)
You won't hear about it until you start chain running heroic dungeons at level 80, where some players may leave or kick according to gearscore. Then you will be judged according to your gearscore to see if you fit in ICC (which is, thanks to Blizzard's doing, the only real raid available/done by pugs since december 2009 and probably until december 2010).
I found out recently that my account was closed by going to the actual warcraft site. I did what they suggested for closure disputes and emailed them...
I waited a couple of days and got a response, but even though it's the same email that was told to write to, I'm not clicking the link lol
seems kind of stupid to warn people about phishing and say that any email no matter how realistic looking could be fake... and then to send people emails with links in them as the only means of recovering your account.
What would you suggest they do? :P
I just resubbed out of boredom after a break over the summer. Figured it would be nice to try out some of the old content that I haven't tried yet before it's gone once Cata hits. Tie up the loose ends so to speak.
I'm looking forward to Cataclysm since it's almost like a new game and except for those loose ends, the old (well, current) game doesn't have much to offer me at the moment since I've basically given up on raiding. It's not that I don't enjoy the concept of raiding. In fact, it's pretty cool in theory. But oh my... it just seems impossible to find decent people to play with. It's all drama this and drama that or people just not caring in general... or only caring about themselves. GearScore is just a symptom of that.
The logistics and people involved basically turns what should have been a fun experience for me into a complete nightmare. I'm too old for that, so my focus in Cata will be to just level up and have fun doing so, then try to find a decent social RP guild or something to chat with. Raiding and grinding instances is not something I'm going to bother with anymore unless I by pure chance win the lottery and find some nice people worth spending my time with. If that means running out of stuff to do after a couple of months, so be it - I'll just cancel and move on.
That might not sound like much, but that's still more than what I get out of most singleplayer games, so when looking at it from that angle, it's not all that bad. But yes, the days of WoW playing a huge part in my life are over and it's basically due to the problems that the OP lists. Even the hacking part, although I haven't been hacked myself, has affected my ability to enjoy the game as I've seen people that actually were nice to play with, leave the game because being hacked was the final straw that drove them to quit, or a guild raid just didn't happen because the main tank got hacked the day before the raid.
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I don't care what anyone has to say on this but, things like "gear score" or anything along the lines of it ruin games.
Not to mention the unwanted beings of the community that begin to emerge from their dirty little holes to gain some sort of status spreading the well known disease known as eliteism across the servers and shards.
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
I shall make my post brief and to the point for I am drunk: Security sucks but getting your account back is usually a breeze. WoW is more popular than any other mmo out there thus there are more cases of hacked accounts, common sense stop whining or migrate to a lesser known game. Community is shit in just about every mmo out there, unless it is an mmo with a small population where the vail of annonymity is lifted in a way. If a game is small enough people will shun the assholes for being assholes. Anyways who cares about community in an mmo anyway ( I should add "these days" to the end of that sentence or question, whatever)? All you have to do is find a decent guild and all the community problems magically disapear. As for the gear score....once more find a decent guild and that problem is gone.
Why are you rankting about your friends, community and people in the first 3 paragraphs? Do you want to know how not to get hacked in the future or are you just angry someone phished your account? Read how to prevent account hijackings on their website, they have some good tips there.
Or ask here if you wish, just no ranting about how you lost touch with your friend, or how people keep trolling, or why Obama is a bad president...
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
This drunk has more sense then a lot of sober Blizzard haters.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
That's logical too: this drunk will be sober by tomorrow, while Blizzard haters will be in for life (at least they think they are).
How is this a lie? Even though it's a breeze to get the account back as someone just said but that Authenicator key is not going to help, in fact it could make the hackers job a lot easier so I hear. But mind I ask, what actually do these hackers do with an account they just stolen?
Lets start with security hasnt gotten worse. They tell u dont reply to any emails. Yet players continue to go sites when people whisper them saying they won free pet in game. Players continue to buy gold from gold sellers. Even though that can get u hacked. Players continue to go to fake beta invite email sites . Instead of going straight to and signing in and checking accoutn that way players continue despite warnings otherwise to click on email links.
they also werent tto blame for a security breach in flash player and such. Those arent even there programs but those programs allowed players to hack your comp so they could get password and hack account.
Also i dont know about u but gf has authenticator. U cant just type in random numbers u cant use someone elses authenticator to log into your account so im sorry i dont see how it makes there job easier. Since once u have one u have to use it to sign into everyrhing. Account security is as much a player issue as blizzards. Ive never been hacked in 5 yrs of playing wow.
REason 1 is i follow all blizz security precautions. If u got hacked and had baught gold, gone ot fake phishing sites then u deserved to get hacked for being an idiot.
While I disagree your first statement was a blatant lie, this second statement is a misinformation attempt. It's like saying "locking your door will help robbers".
Binding your account to an authenticator improves its security (makes much it harder to guess/steal your password). The usage of an authenticator is a common software security pattern and is well proven to work in other areas.
Few hackers are binding compromised accounts with authenticators in order to slow down its recovery. The real account owner has to prove himself in order for a Blizzard representative to remove such authenticator. This is probably what this 'someone' told you and you misunderstood it as 'it could make the hackers job a lot easier'.
Never had problems with wow account for over 5 years, it's frozen since wotlk launch tho.
Blizzard noticed numbers went down and made the game far easier.
-dungeon finder, good fun, immediate ported to the instance......wait: no more world PVP.
-world PVP, what's the use.....noone does it anymore, no benefit, everything respawns in 2 mins again.
-battlegrounds......good fun for epic gear noone wants...the weapons are all reserved for the Arena addicts or the carebear addicts for the big raids anyway.
-there are no friendships anymore, except on the real RP servers where ppl play for fun, the rest is ONLY interested in how you can help THEM reaching THEIR goals. Good examples are the recruiting spams in /2 trade:
"come join us in the BLABLABLA guid, a very social guild and we do casual raiding, everyone is welcome.
We only need DPS and healers with GS of 6400+, everything below need not apply"
-crossrealm dungeon finder made the ninjalooting experience explode....even I did it as I couldnt be bothered if a guy from some other sever needed it badly.....I just needed on the endloot so I could sell it for 15 gold to a vendor as I already had the item or couldnt use it. (after so many ninjas you WILL become a bastard like me ^^)
-guildrun raids with open invitations for others are very dangerous.
9/10 they will kick you before they hand out loot, and the ones that keep you in the group are giving their members all the loot so you end up with 4 hrs lost.
and with the numbers going down after Cata again it's only a matter of time when they add MANY items to the cashshop, where the REAL money is made.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Why isn't anyone going to tell me what exactly do hackers do with a stolen account? Do they steal and sell your stuff? If so, can Blizzard restore your account along with all your stuff or will the lost stuff be lost forever?
And I hear that the authenticator key has flaws so does the authenticator key not actually protect your account?
And just to point out, I never used those gold sites, I'm not even sure how my account was hacked to begin with since I left the game before it happened.
Yes, Blizzard can restore your account and all the stuff the hackers took. However, you will have to do some emailing and phoning Blizzard themselves to get them to restore your account.
As for the authenticator, it will improve your account security but it won't 100% guarantee that your account will remain hack free.
Ok on hacking front. They sell all yoru good gear that they can. Tier gear of couse cant be sold but from what freinds of mine who have been hacked say they delete it. They will rob your guild bank take anything they can make money on. They then sell all your bank items taht are sellable . Then the transfer all that money to a gold spammer account and send it to the gold buyers. Thats what hackers do with yoru account. They do this on every character u have.
Game isnt easier in my opinion Making gear easier to get so people can actually see the final raid of an xpac is a good thing. For people who dont have as much time or came to wow later then others. So they dont hit max level during tier 1 of raiding. Having tried to pug kara in bc when zulaman and bt were out i knwo if my guild hadnt had so called pity runs id of never seen it on my horde rogue.
When people beat lk on 25 man heroic mode with no buff then come tell me how easy it is my understanding is only paragon has done this if others have i appolgize to those guilds but very few people have done that. Then tell me how easy it is. Reducing grind in wow isnt a bad thing making leveling more linear and easier isnt bad either . These are all things that make leveling alts more fun and also keeps newer players longer
People play mmos for the people as much as the game. If they didnt do this they would lose subscribers and then people who say its to easy and whine that everyone can see icc instead of just 5 pct of population. Would whine there was no one playing there game so the whiners will always find something to whine about.
As for gs its gotten out of hand. One thing gs cant tell u is do people know when to move out fo fire or will they move on rot like they are suppose to or on festur when gas sport comes out.
Ok, I changed the account email but WoW is still locked, asked on the web form thing to being with, nothing at all to really get it back. Be a pain in the ass to use the phone, knowing Blizzard they will take forever to reply on the phone similar to Microsoft with their Xbox Live service.