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Let me explain.
I buy video games.
I buy a lot of video games and hardly beat any of them.
I cannot stop buying video games, the best i can do is restrain myself from buying them until they have reduced in price.
I own over 60 xbox 360 games and have beaten 9.
I own over 30 steam games and have beaten 3.
I have a list of all the games I want to buy even before i beat earlier titles within the same series.
Anyone else suffer from this? I can't stop... and the wife is starting to call me out on it.
I guess its only me... Time to find a video game support group.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I get alot of games as well, ive gotten abit better by only getting new games that come out by waiting until they get down to under 30 bucks(I also get a 10% discount at walmart since I work for them). Also I tend to take some old games that ive not played the longest to a nearby used game store that actually does pc games, and trade them for new ones. anything to save money.
Buy games? lol so year 2000
Not really. I'm pretty selective. What i do is let peeps like you buy all the games, try em out and then see which game the least of you whine about, then maybe i'd read up more on it and eventually try it.
<QQ moar plz. kkthxbai.>
Yes, but only MMO-purchase-addiction.
I suffer from it greatly and have been disappointed many times. I didn't even want to play APB, but I still bought it and played it and hated it.
I do extensive research on the games I buy. From reading forums to averaging reviews on what i believe are the top 10 review critics on the planet.
believe me I dont just randomly buy things. Its a science, i spend a great deal of time making lists, checking them twice and I remove any game that fails my checks.
The average gamer review score for my collection is over 85% lol.
Sorry to go into detail but you made it seem like i just randomly buy shit without thinking like a sheep, when that clearly isnt the case.
To the other poster I wait until a game is atleast 29.99 and under before purchase to keep the wife aggro down and to the other poster I don't pirate games I have a job, a very good job at that.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
In a word: NO
I have an idea. Next time you want to buy something take an assload of those unused 360 games, trade em in for store credit and get a new game or 2.
I buy most of special offers on DD channels (steam, impulse...) at less than 7-10.
I have dozens of games "i will play someday". I'm still trying to finish some games from 2007 before i move on.
The bright side is, games that are "new" for me have been released more than a year or two ago and cost almost nothing!
They don't give enough for used trade ins lol.
Seems like a waste to me. I have traded in a couple that i beat but to pay 30 bucks for a game only to get around 8 bucks back and not beat the game would get me wife aggro on an epic level.
"Why are you trading that in? i've only seen you play it once and you know they only give you about 15% of what its worth when you trade it in!!!!!" <----- thats what she would say lol.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I have in the past had this problem. I have a box of about 70 games I have not beaten yet. I have made a comittement that I can not buy a new game until I beat at least 15-20 of them. The only exception was starcraft 2 for the multiplayer. It's the only game I have purchased in the last 3-4 months now.
Remember Old School Ultima Online
Think you're getting a little over defensive over what i meant. I'm wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more selective than your method of choosing games to buy, thats what i meant. You could try that! But then again, if everyone were to be like me, i have no clue how all the zillions of game companies would feed their staff and families.
<QQ moar plz. kkthxbai.>
This is a great place to do trades as you get what games are really worth.
Remember Old School Ultima Online
lol maybe i was being overly defensive, its kinda early.
My method is about to get even more complex as i've signed up for a gamefly account to weed even more games off my list.
As it stands now i want over 40 released games (waiting for reduction) and am waiting on 30 more.
I think Gamefly will help me.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Seems like a waste to me. I have traded in a couple that i beat but to pay 30 bucks for a game only to get around 8 bucks back and not beat the game would get me wife aggro on an epic level.
"Why are you trading that in? i've only seen you play it once and you know they only give you about 15% of what its worth when you trade it in!!!!!" <----- thats what she would say lol.
It's all how you look at it. You could say after you traded it in, that you only really spent 22 bucks for the game instead of 30. That's how I view it. You save money in some small way and every little bit counts, especially for you if you buy so many, heheh.
Personally, I find video games a tad bit expensive. I like to think that if the game is going to last me more than a month than it is worth the 40-60 dollar price range. But MOST(at least console)games are far too short to be worth that price. So if I must play it, I'll try to rent it first and beat it in that week that I have rented it. Saving money in the process.
I have trade in addiction. I don't have one game from my past lying around at all. I even have MOdern Warfare 2 and it's starting to get on my nerves and I'm seriously contemplating trading it in to help offset the FFXIV CE cost next month. The only games I regret doing this for in the past are all of the FF games. Good thing I can buy em off Playstation Network for 10 bucks a pop though.
Yeah I know what you mean; i have an addiction to buying games from steam
Check my account, I have 240 games >_<
VVV click on my sig
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
I did at one time, now I am MUCH more selective about what I put out my hard earned cash for.
I agree they usually dont give you alot for trade ins and generally its a bad idea for most people.
Then again paying money for games that you more than likely will hardly play and will only collect dust on a shelf is generally a bad idea also.
I dont know where you live or if you have a gamestop near you. If you do then often times you can catch special trade in offers and what not to help offset some of the loss.
Like SC2 they had 25% extra trade in value when you reserved SC2, plus an extra 10% for 3 games or more, plus 10% more if you had the gamestop card. I took 4 or 5 used games that I had not played in over a year, traded em in and got SC2 fully paid for and around 17 bucks extra to buy something else.
I am 38 y/o, married, kids, ect. and also have a very good paying job and can afford to have a huge game collection if I wanted. But just because I have the money doesnt mean I want to waste it.
No offense man, its your money and all, but sounds like you should be a little more selective in what and how you spend your gaming budget money. Whats the use in having 2 grand worth of unplayed games sitting on a shelf?
At first I thought you would buy them very impulsively and not doing any research before buying them, and you even wait that they are at reasonable price. Then we have pretty similar issue, even though it's not much different from just buying the games without planning, but at least there's some level of reasoning involved.
I mainly buy like 5-15€ (~8-20 dollars) games, so they don't hurt the wallet much. They are also always really good games. I don't always read-up on the games before buying them too much though, in order to prevent spoiling the game for myself. It's more fun to play a game if I don't know anything about it. I also don't have as many games as you have and lately I haven't bounght many games at all. It happens in bursts, when I end up in a game selling site, I want every game that I find interesting. You know, if there's Civilisation V, Mafia II and StarCraft II for sale, I can't buy just one, I gotta have em all. Then I read reviews and stuff till I'm bored and don't even want to buy the games anymore. I've kind of got over most of this though, I'm more mindful about what I do in a game shop. I know how it ends up if I buy them all, they just sit on the shelf, I don't even have enough time to play them. I also am able to reason myself better. When someone's selling a bunch of old boxed PC games, I ask myself do I really need them. I'm really fond of strategy games so with those I sometimes can't hold the urge, they are really my only weakeness when it comes to games.
So yeah, there's not really any other way for you to go about this, other than self-discipline, like with all obsessions and addictions. There's this mental disorder called OCD (wikipedia), I think everyone is more or less OCD, we just gotta be more mindful and reasonable about our obsessions with material things, people, health and all that. I was considering throwing away almost all of my games so I can start from clean table, but it seems it's not really necessary, I can live with my game collection being incomplete now.
Hello, my name is Skeaser...and I am addicted to video games too.
Seriously, I purchase pretty much ever big name game when it releases and a lot of not big name games in between big releases. I'm running out of room for my 360/PS3/Wii collection and have only beat a handful of the games I have.
I used to have that addiction, but what killed it was the fact that the more games I bought after SNES and PSX, the more they started to suck and most games turned me off. PC helped since more Long-Term Games exist there...Still doesn't change the fact so much money is spent yesterday, when today any child will just torrent everything...
I am willing to bet that most of the people who torrent are not children, but more than likely adults who live outside of their parents home. I am not advocating it or anything but usually a " child " will hit up their parents for games. I know mine do as they seem to think my checkbook is a magical and wonderful thing that never runs out.
I have this too. I just got a PS3 a month ago and now have 22 PS3 games...
(beaten two so far...)
I know a friend who torrents everything.
He has about 3 games he actually went out and bought with money though.
I think it was a "This game is worthy, it is at the pinnacle of godly" thing.
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
I have this.
I would probably have everything esle you have, but I don't have any money atm.
Also, one word >
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
I just don't have the money. I buy maybe 1-2 games every six months. I have to watch and research what I buy, but I haven't wasted any money on games in a really really long time. I've gotten a few games for Christmas and my birthday that I only played a few hours here and there, but the ones I buy I usually spend at least 100 hours on.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.