I can't believe I would be saying this but is WoW really worth coming back to regardless of the problems that are going on with WoW which includes these below.
Hacking of Account Security
Severe Gold Spamming
Bad game community (includes jerks, elitism, trolls and idiots in general)
From my guess everyone believes WoW is the best thing on Earth which I would have to disagree on to a degree, the bad community thing is the real reason I originally left WoW and threw the game into the trash can, I don't want to come back only to find everyone spitting at my face with their ignorance. I thought MMOs were about building communities of friends, not to back stab each other?
Well, hacking and security is really...
I don't know what to say. Just, know your way on the internet and you wont be hacked. That's all basically. I've played both regurarly and irreguraly since day 1 and I've never been compromised. Also, if it turns out to happen, Blizzards great customer support will fix it in 24hrs, mostly..
About gold spamming: just install the addon call BadBoys. Let's you filter out players below a user specified level, say level 3 or 64. No more whispers from level 1 characters.
Gearscore: Horrible, I know. It's still there unfortunately.
Bad gaming community: I've always found WoW's community to be great, (with exceptions of course). It's always the community outside WoW that's horrible. (e.g MMORPG's a perfect example of that)
Personally I'm very burned on WoW, and have been for the last 1-2 years. Didn't enjoy much of the wotlk-expansion unfortunately. I've recently, after a break since March, started a new character to play with a few friends of mine. Whom are equally as tired on the game as I am, we've had great fun. We are currently at level 68 though, and we probably won't go pass 70.
WSG weekend was GREAT, 40-50% of your total level in exp everytime you won. Great fun, really great. We really enjoyed that. (if you can stand WSG that is) Also, lowlevel dungeon-queues are sometimes better than the highlevel queues.
About maxlevel content, I know nothing. I stopped with that at March and I wont do it again till Cata, if even then...we'll see.
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Well Rudy.. the community hasn't improved any since you left the first time around.. If anything, it's gotten worse and will continue to decline when Cataclysm comes out.. The social part of gaming in WoW is not there.. WoW has become an EPEEN E-sport.. If you didnt' like the community back when you left, keep it that way.. I won't be back unless I see some EPIC changes in Blizzard's focus and the community.. I won't hold my breath .. lol
but on the other hand, if you are looking for instant gratification and a game on EZ mode, then by all means give it a try. Personally i cant STAND the outdated graphics and left my account to rot with all my gold and items right after WOTLK came out and they were basically giving away free level 50 DK to everyone.
Aforementioned problems aside (community, gold spam, gear score etc) not much is happening in WoW right now. ICC is on farm by any semi serious guild, so is the Ruby Sanctum instance and it seems that everyone is playing SC2 atm. This is a fitting time to level a new toon from scratch and prepare it for Cataclysm, if you're into the leveling aspect of the game that is. If not i suggest you wait till Cataclysm and then resubscribe.
If you enjoy the lore and leveling, then, by all means, wait until Cataclysm before coming back to WoW.
It's a trap!
I played WoW for years because there was nothing better, but it just got to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. Cataclysm will be no different than BC or WotLK, same repetitive gameplay in different scenery, I finally rid myself of WoW and I have never been happier.
the ironic thing about elitism and such is, that when asked to link your achievements, one can in principle use an addon that let's fake achievements..... so what is the point in asking for it? besides, having an achievement of the sort "killed boss x" doesn't mean anything either, one could have simply been boosted by friends.
the micro-community is ok imho (say certain guilds and such), but the overall is unfortunately not that great.
Allow me to disgree about the community's standards. My humble opinion is that it really went down the drain and into the sewers in WotLK. I don't even have the /1 and /2 channels visible when being in a city. And the situation on the realm forums isn't better either.
Btw, your name looks famliar. Did you by chance had a high ranked tauren hunter on the "The Venturo Co." (EU) realm during vanilla WoW?
Looking at the poll results, it appears that most people don't like WoW at all, this would apply with the topic question as well.
WoW is pretty much digging itself a hole to make into it's grave. Hope the future MMOs can be far more rewarding and fun then WoW has ever been.
With WoW's next expansion around the bend, it will do just "fine", and even bring back some of the player base it lost. Don't kid yourself WoW is still one "if" not the biggest MMO out there ATM at least.
....Being Banned from MMORPG's forums since 2010, for Trolling the Trolls!!!
As long as the rest of the market continues churning out stale shitty games, wow will be just fine.
Hopefully some of the new games in the next year prove worthwile, but we have all been there before.
For the burned out mmo players in this thread, no wow is not worth coming back to. There is no competition driving blizzard to accelerate game imporvements or content updates, so whatever problems you had with the game will still exist.
Yes... 43 votes is definitely how much you need to do grand statements like these...
Not to speak of the fact THIS site is not exactly representative of the casual players. Infact you will find some of the most negative wow-haters around here and this is the site where EVE online costantly wins MMorpg of the year. Not that EVE is a bad game, not at all, but it clearly shows the bias of this site toward sandbox mmorpgs vs theme parks.
You already posted negative posts about WoW how you cannot find friends and how it ruined your life... really, not again, please!
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
From what I have read on the beta forums, the expansion is a lot farther off than people think (unless they decide to release it unfinished).
To be honest i have seen those points in all the MMO's i have played... All the way from Ultima Online up to Champions... Well apart from gearscore but gear/build elitism is not anything new so it is still valid.
So looking beyond all that i still feel that WoW is one of the most polished games i have played, followed closly by City of Heroes (loses out abit on being very very repetative even by MMO standards) so i give it my thumb's up. If you like a nice PvE game with a lot to do WoW is not a bad choice.
This have been a good conversation
Not sure.
At the moment I think its a bit of a trap but cata is changing some rule sets to do with raiding so it is more friendly to groups of friends who want to advance as a unit like everyone else.
Wait, your saying most people who come to this site are EVE players? Then who the hell I'm I suppose to talk to when I want to talk about MMOs?
I recently resubbed only because my main MMO Lotro has n't had new content in a years and i am bored to death of it. Then when i looked at what was out there it is all crap. At least I know Wow works and isn't going out of business anytime soon, i gave it another shot.
I shortly remembered why I left in the first place. Gearscore and achievments. I can never get into a raid cause of these things. It drives me nuts cause no one wants a challenge in wow. They want everything to be a walk through. i don't understand this mentally. In Lotro it was fun explaining fights to noobs and seeing if you could down the boss, with new ppl. PPl just want to get though as fast as possible and get gear. So that being said i decided to lvl a new toon. I got a druid to 66 so far and am enjoying it very much. I know I will get frustrated when i get to lvl capp, but i am no other options.
By the way Dungeon Finder is awesome. Although I wish you could add so of the ppl to friends list cause I have met some cool ppl but chance you get matched with them again is slime. Anyway that is my take, fo lack of anything else I would give it another go.
Does anyone have any suggestions for another game? I was playing wow until FF14 comes out but i hear that game is a disaster. Is Warhammmer any better than launch?
No, he's saying that this site is a site of players posting about EVE (he didn't say they play it, they post about it). Because the vast majority of the few hundred posters hardly play any MMO's at the moment (like you).
They post about something they don't have anymore: the joy of playing a mmo. And that's why they don't "love" any MMO.
And the reason is of course Blizzard: Wow is the big bad wolf that spoiled their fun, while in reality a game can never be made responsible for a state of mind of a grown up person anyway.
"I hate Blizzard" gains a credibility on this site and you are good on your way to become exalted with it. In stead of playing a game they do forum grinding.
You could always start your own raids and not require gearscores and achievments. One of the great things about wow is that there are enough people who share similar playstyles that you can find a likeminded group to get along with.
Start a guild...kick people that whine about gearscore and achievements. If you do not want to invest the time to find or create this guild then no the game is not for you to come back too. The end has not changed.
Not to be critical but first you say that he should know his way around the net and then you advice him to use an add on...
Not a good advice, add ons are big security risks and most people who gets hacked either uses them or are dumb enough to fall for phising mails. There are some worms and similar malware who also are used and some people are using too simple passwords but never ever use an addon, name your account name or password and never logg in on any web page and you are probably safe.
Oh, playing on a public place is also somewhat risky.
I am all with you otherwise but addon = Bad idea.
1. The only people who get hacked is the ones dumb enough to fall for phishing scams
2. There is almost no gold spamming
3. Gearscore is just a simple way to determine the quality of one's gear
4. The community in WoW is better than most MMO's
The only hacking problem there is in WOW are idiots that fall for phishing techniques. If you get an email that your account was banned, that you won a free mount, or that your mother will die if you don't log in.. it is a phishing attempt. I doubt there are very many actual 'hackers'.. its mostly people giving the bad guys their password.
Gold spamming - Rarely see it. Every once in awhile there will be some cool acrobatics at the bank, but not spamming as much. Also, it takes 2 seconds to report a spammer and have them silenced.
Gearscore - This is ONLY a problem if all you do is pug, and rarely even then. I just got my 'pug pet' a few weeks ago (for pugging with over 100 different people) and in that time, I've never had someone mention my gearscore, or attempt to boot someone out of the group because of gearscore. The ONLY time I have even seen Gearscore mentioned in game was when someone was trying to put together a ICC25 pug (which is insane anyway). And if you are in a guild, or have a nice friends list, nobody is going to mention gearscore.
Bad community - Not really that bad. Join a guild, make friends, avoid tradechat. The irony is, you create a topic about jerks, idiots and the immaturity of WOW players, which really strikes me as a bit elitist on your part, right?
I'm in a great guild with a lot of good people, I have people from other guilds on my friend's list and do things with them occassionally. It's only if you can't build a 'friend' base that you have to rely on gaming with the general public... which in most case, only consists of people who can't get into mature guilds. it's one of the reasons why trade chat is so bad, all the normal people are talking in guildchat... only the idiots are actually in /trade. So unfortunatly, when you log into wow, you don't see 80% of the playerbase having nice conversations in guildchat, instead you see the 20% jerks in trade.
This is actually really great advice! Counting all the people around here not liking Gearscore, why don't you all make a "non-gearscore" guild? I'm pretty sure you will find plenty of people that think like you in the game (at least by judging by how fierce conversations happens in /trade on my server when Gearscore is named), plenty enough to make all the raids you want, I am sure.
Infact.. i think GS is used primarily for PUGs.. as you do not really need such a device for guild raids... so get into a guild or make your own guild and you are set!
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I'd say check out Cataclysm if it interests you. There's really no reason to go back until then though, in my opinion. Hacking and gold spam are totally out of control and I don't care whose fault it is it's still Blizzard's responsibility to do something about it. Gearscore I think will become much less important in Cataclysm as CC and other non-gear-related skills become important again. The community has always been terrible, the answer today is the same as it was in 2004 - get into a good guild and don't run with pugs ever. Blizzard has made pugging viable for raiding but it's still not something I personally would ever do, simply because I don't want to deal with all the bullshit.
Also, as far as community goes, if Blizzard makes a change that encourages a better community I don't think it'll take all that long to become widespread. I've been on these forums under various names since 2003 and rabid WoW fans are like meteors - they burn bright and hot for a few months then you never see them again. Turnover in-game is pretty high as well compared to other games within the genre, at least from my own experience.
And, it's important to keep in mind that WoW has completely reinvented itself with every expansion, and with every expansion the changes alienate the old elite and pave the way for a fresh group to take center stage. I don't see how Cataclysm will be any different in that regard.