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I always liked WoW. it was my first MMO, I played it the longest of any other mmo, It was always bug free for me. Even after burnout I would switch to another and come back to WoW with my tail between my lags. However I must add that I never made it to 80 on any of my characters, and I never really cared to either.
So being a mid game WoW player, I FIND THAT THE OPEN WORLD IS DEAD ON MY 6 OR 7 SERVERS. After level 20 it becomes a ghost town. Sure their are Dungeons, sure their are raids, and battle grounds, but the guilds don't talk anymore, no one quest anymore, its over.
I'm sure the expansion pack will bring the community back but only tempary....It will die again.
So to make a long story short, with out a community, their is nothing for me ever again !
get to 80 u nub
I don't care about 80, I have a 74 rogue, but I don't seem to care about it.
Are most servers really populated at 80 ?
Someone is going to enter this thread and tell you where you can find all those people.
I could tell you but....meh.
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
remember :
Stormgarde Keep, and Darnhold Keep, remember when you would go their by yourself and get crushed by a group of Horde, then 3 or 4 friends would come along and even up the odds ?
Remember Stonewatch Keep in Redridge, where it was almost impossible to make it up the hill, then a few players would join you, and made it fun !
Remember the crowds of people that would gather in Darkshore, and you can pick anyone of them to help you on a quest, or answer the call of some one else ?
I thought it was only Alliance, but it's Horde also, the world is dead.
Then days are over for good !
That's the rub with any game that is going to focus on there being a finish line or a treadmill.
well the end game raids have become a joke to the point were any scrub can do them without much effort.
and PVP have also become a joke with stupid people camping or ganging others.
from what i remember there are some servers that are full with guilds:
DETHEROC : the only server that still ALIVE after wow release and the server sometimes still crashes =(
AREA 52: the MOST populated server EVER. u'll be fighting for spots to enter server or wait longer then an 1 in que.
I stopped because of the repetitiveness. It was good while it lasted (5 years and then some).
Who knows, maybe cataclysm will get me interested again, but we'll see.
I don't know if I just got better or the game is on easy mode. But their was a time that it would take me weeks to go from 20 to 30, now I could do it in 3 days, thats with a 40 hr work week, work out and have dinner. From 20-30 I would be able to experience three zones, now I could do just one quest line and gain 2 or more levels.
I can't believe I'm saying this but it was both fun and stressful to get a five party group to do the Dead mines, and have everyone meet at the entrance, hoping no one would quit, fighting your way their.
Two weeks ago, I took my level74 rogue outside Ogmar to gank horde players coming out the main entrance. You know what ?.........In a half hour I've seen only one level 20 leaving the city !
Mid game is really shot !
Odd. I see lvl 80's dueling outside the gates all the time. Must have been during wierd hours or something.
Anyway, Im done with wow for now becuase im burnt out on it.
The huge amount of focus on end-game and item treadmills has really hurt my love for the game. That's probably what most of the players like though. It's all good.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I swore it used to take us at least two hours to do Black fathoms Deeps, I would be so stressed out that I would have Waite an hour before going to bed. Now we can do it in a little over a half hour, dieing in their was a thing of the past. Is everyone that good, or is it really easer ?
Last week I was in Uldaman with my Warlock, and got separated and trapped behind a mob, I asked the group to come get me. You know what they told me ?.... use the dungeon finder to zone out, them beck in. It worked, but what kind of inversive was that ?
Scarlet Monastery,
We were doing the Cathedral....Now to do this one it's best to have someone range a mob one at a time into the Court yard, and fight them on the outside, until you clear the hall. That way you don't have to fight the entire room at once. I've seen many groups fail on this one. So I asked the group to do it this way.....Well the Druid gave us a " haha watch this ", and stormed in, and we managed to kill them all.....This was imposable last year !
Black fathom depts? Uldaman? SM?
Yes, the old instances a great deal easier to run nowadays.
As for people, on my server there are no scarsity of people around at all times in all over the place. My server is Argent Dawn, EU, and is quite full but without queue... then again even on other servers I tried, like Defias Brotherhood or the Sha'tar, I never had population problems.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Well the open world is dead in WoW since everyone sits in Dal, and just queues up for stuff or runs raids, but I am done wow for so many reasons. Have nothing against it tho, it was fun, but just not the game for me no more , I am hoping for less instancing fun in future games.
I love wow. I hae 4 80s and i got a 73 a 68 and 2 40s. and a 25 . I love to level . i dont find the game underpopulated at all i play on both akama on horde side and borean tundra on ally side. I also find it funny people who havent ever beat lk saying the game is easy . go raid icc and tell me how easy u had it when u down lk no buff on h 25 oh wait yea only paragon as done it as far as i know maybe a few other elite guilds.
Wow is just as hard in end game as it always was. The diffrence being they let players who hit max level after others actually see the latest raid content. Dont tell me to pug the lower end ones till i get gear to go to latest raid. I tried that on my hord rogue when he hit 70 when zulaman and mt hyjal and bt had come out i couldnt get a kara raid to save my life that didnt want me in at the least gear from zulaman.
U see groups now looking for people in icc gear to run os and naxx and uldaur. So i am glad they did this. It makes it so the entier population who hits 80 at leas thas the oppurtunity to see icc. If u wanna quit because 5 pct of population isnt all that gets to see end game raids then good riddence wow doesnt need elitist jerks like u anyways.
Cataclysm has me excitd cause ive run stv and dustwallow marsh and felwood and ferales and winterspring so many times img ettin bored ive also done searing gorge , plaguelands and every other area except ashenvale really u can quest in wow. The changes they are doing mean i can see the world in a whole new light. I can finally do quests ive never done before.
The one thing they did make easier is how long it takes to level. Its not as big a grind as it used to be i remember playign before bc and how logn it took me to get a guy to 40 then the lowered the xp per level needed to get to 60 and i just flew on my next alt going to 60. Believe me it was a welcome change. Im not leaving wow because it s a fun game that just keeps getting better
If u wanna leave tehre are 11 millon plus people who disagree with u and in all truth we probably wont miss u.If tht sounds harsh im sorry . The truth hurts sometimes. i think finding people depends on what time u play. some servers are more populated at diff times of day.
There is quite some action going on on most servers I know. But the world is still empty, because everything is instanced. You stay in your main capital, and teleport to some battleground or arena or dungeon, and there is no need to ever leave the capital again.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Go questing its fun. I dont really understand why so many people choose to level in bgs i for one cant stand bgs that much or just by instance. I like to do dungeons i really do but i like to quest and see the world. I think people need to get out more and level with quests more . Hopefully the changes to the world will change this fact of wow. more people will wanna see the changes and level through them. I for one hope so.
That said i really dont find the world that underpopulated. Im always running into other people as i level. Granted some zones like stv get more love then other zones. Id like to plead with players to leave a city and go quest some . it really is fun.
So why do I always see the maxed out 49/49 when I slash /who in Icecrown, Stormpeak, Wintergrasp on my server in prime time? Am I the only one experiencing that mines and mobs are "stolen" before my eyes. Waiting to have them respawn in well know places for all and God I hate some of those Horde grouping just to spoil my needs.
People forget that out of the millions playing, thousands play WOW differently, or there wouldn't even be an AH.
pageman......i am feelin you you know.....i also love the Midgame more then the endgame in wow.....altough i do have a level 80 DK and no matter what people say, grinding for those frost emblems is BORING.
But if your gear score isnt above 230 then you aint accepted anyware to go raiding just because the bosses can one hit kill you sometimes......and this all because your GEAR aint good enough.
The game is and always will be TOO gear dependant at endgame.
I still play wow just until RIFT comes out.....then wow gets fozen again for who knows how long.
You're not missing much so don't waste your time trying to be 80... i guess that if you never done any raids you could have fun for a while, but the raids became too easy and obtaining gears as well, so it pretty much killed it for me. In vanilla or TBC eras, you always had something to do and a raid to work on. Now you wait for them to release another raid, after a month you are already decked out, exalted with the faction and bored of running it. I always try to come back but once i log on, i remember why i left....
The dungeon finder killed the game for me's pretty useful to get a group together, but now people stay in capital cities and press ''Enter dungeon''...I tried to level another char and the world was so empty that i could'nt do it...
From 2004 to 2009 i never stopped playing, i always had fun..when they released WOTLK, i left the next month because i had nothing left to do...
LoL at people who still have some fantasy that World PvP exists, when it hasn't existed for at least 4 years.
The game stopped being about PvP a long time ago. Get over it or move on and play a 'PvP' centered game.