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Warhammer Online players will want to log in this weekend for some rollicking fun and for double XP and renown. Devs are encouraging folks to come in and try out the latest patch and celebrate "the glory of Open RvR".
1.3.6 is out the gates and to celebrate the glory of Open RvR we're giving you double the XP and Renown for killing enemy players and monsters. So enjoy the weekend, and the patch and may you find glory on the battlefield!
If you somehow manage to pry yourself away from WAR on Saturday to come to Baltimore Gamesday we look forward to seeing you there, be prepared to get your WAAAGH on!
Have a great weekend from all of us,
- The Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Team
Source: Warhammer Herald.
Is this the big news coming from gamescom?
Double exp so you can experience the terrible endgame that much faster!
Sounds pretty fail to me, they just don't get it.
You know, I was really, really hyped for War when it launched... then, well...
When I was playing WAR, a few months back, I actually wished they had an Experience lock, like EQ2, because Tier 2 was by far the most fun I had. Double exp fails...
No; the big news from gamescom is the rvr pack (3 different types, you get to buy 1) that have:
At least 1 new rvr Zone
RR up to 100 (from its current max of 80)
New set of equipment above the current gear (full set of armour above sovereign, new weapons etc)
Character Server Transfers
Character Name Changes
Skaven as a playable race (but not from rank 1 and not as a choice of 4 classes). At lease I assume its a playbale race; details are yet not fully known
Exiting armour sets can be obtained faster
RR1-80 will all be obtainable faster
Redoing the campaign system
Thats unfortunately all we know so far.
LOL! Spoken like a true pve douche. WAR is not, nor ever has been about 'in game content' or PvE boss fights. If you want PvE and 'good' content (lol), go play WoW. WAR is about PvP or as we call it, RvR. The dungeons don't matter jack. The 'end game content' doesn't matter squat! The game is about playing other people not about how good you are at syncronised button pushing to beat 'l33t' bosses. The GAME is about running around in the RvR lakes owning the oposition. WAR does RvR better then any other mmo I've tried hands down no contest. I don't grind. I don't play pve. I don't do 'end game content'. Can't stand it in fact. I DO play a LOT of RvR and fuggin LOVE it.
Dynamic, intelligent, diverse, tactical strategic gameplay = RvR
Rigid, repetivitve, pre-programed, un-imaginative, static, sequenced gameplay = PvE
I have to try this game.
Awesome news!
Still waiting on the dwarf and elf capitals they promised at launch. Also waiting for the open beta to end so they finally fix the stupid crowd control and fix some of the classes/skills still broken.
and T3 T4 is awesome, its PvDoor, a door that spawns while the other faction just swarms up in the keep and lagging/crashing the game and the next time u log back in from the crash, the door has already spawned, i still remember the awesome PvDoor days....
Also I waited 2 patches for them to fix my broken class abilities and items, and nothing happened...
this game is getting what it deserves
The other capital cities were shot down as options a while ago. They're not coming, you can stop holding your breath for them.
Also, with the Against All Odds buff in RvR when you're outnumbered, it's been a lot less PvDoor, and a lot more skirmishing in the past week. If you only waited two patched, then you were probably gone by December '08. The game is fixed, come back and give it another shot.
the duble xp, renown good:) It rvr pack increasingly more interesting, even it will be good on his end.
I've to try this game
Just started playing this. Having fun with open RvR so far. COmbat, lag, gfx, is a little stale of course, but they make it really easy and neccesary to group up, which makes the game a lot of fun. And of course, you can play for FREE!
Blah blah blah, don't care.
Call me when 40K comes out.
waagh? wtf?
they again prove they favour grenskins. lack of balance was one of main reasons i quit
Playing: Rohan
Played (from best to worst): Shadowbane, Guild Wars, Shayia, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Runes of Magic, Rappelz, Archlord, Knight online, King of Kings, Kal online, Last chaos
You and me both
A witty saying proves nothing.
same can be sayd for the human brightwizzards m8.......cant even get close to them in tier 4.
I must admit the choppa was better then the slayer ......balance made me quit too.