you must have bad taste for animation. sorry but but both terra and even gw2 have much smoother animation. the hunter vid was uninspiring. especially the animations. they look to stiff and bland . heck even the other vids after watching all the vids from many other games posted here from gamescon.
the envoirments were meh. that zone was not impressive all, but then i could have been the starter zone. to early to judge on that but please those animations were nothing compared to both tera and gw2.
still looking forward for this one. but it sadly reminded me alot of wow/ warhammer. that dynamic quest was nothing compared to how gw2 played out. then still alpha. lots of room for improvement. these vids did break the hype meter for me somewhat though.
You are breaking the Rules of Conduct. Not that I think you would have bothered to read them. But I will not report you as, you probably can't really help yourself.
No, he didn't. The only thing he even said toward you was you must have bad taste in animation. That's an opinion, not an insult. Also, I agree with him. The only thing I liked was the Final Fantasy music dubbed over it.
Just because you don't like this game for some reason, doesn't mean that you have to defend people insulting other people on a forum used to discuss features of an upcoming GAME. Also, thanks for your contribution about Final Fantasy something.
Just because someone doesn't share your point of view doesn't mean you have to sink to falsely accusing them of things they didn't do to make you feel better inside. And his entire post was discussing the features of this game. Report him if you think you have a case. Don't cry when you get a warning for abusing the report tool, though.
Oh, and you're welcome. I just didn't want anyone to wrongly think that awesome music in the videos was actually from Rift.
Edit: FYI, this is the point where you realize you've lost the argument and move on.
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.- -And on the 8th day, man created God.-
I did get the Warhammer deja vu, but it also hasn't even started beta....
I am interested in this game, and hopefully I get into the beta, so I can get a good feel for if I will like it or not, and maybe help change/fix anything that may need it.
I watched Tera videos, and I thought it looked horrible, so I guess its all up to the individual, and just the same, its got a ways to go.
You telling me that this looks horrible? Whats horrible about it? At least its not stand in one spot and press a numker key while watching dice rolls. LOL
That doesn't look bad, but I watched a video of some game play, from a ranged class, and it looked bad imo. Everyone has an opinion, and like I said, its early for both, and I will wait to make a decision.
you must have bad taste for animation. sorry but but both terra and even gw2 have much smoother animation. the hunter vid was uninspiring. especially the animations. they look to stiff and bland . heck even the other vids after watching all the vids from many other games posted here from gamescon.
the envoirments were meh. that zone was not impressive all, but then i could have been the starter zone. to early to judge on that but please those animations were nothing compared to both tera and gw2.
still looking forward for this one. but it sadly reminded me alot of wow/ warhammer. that dynamic quest was nothing compared to how gw2 played out. then still alpha. lots of room for improvement. these vids did break the hype meter for me somewhat though.
You are breaking the Rules of Conduct. Not that I think you would have bothered to read them. But I will not report you as, you probably can't really help yourself.
No, he didn't. The only thing he even said toward you was you must have bad taste in animation. That's an opinion, not an insult. Also, I agree with him. The only thing I liked was the Final Fantasy music dubbed over it.
Just because you don't like this game for some reason, doesn't mean that you have to defend people insulting other people on a forum used to discuss features of an upcoming GAME. Also, thanks for your contribution about Final Fantasy something.
Just because someone doesn't share your point of view doesn't mean you have to sink to falsely accusing them of things they didn't do to make you feel better inside. And his entire post was discussing the features of this game. Report him if you think you have a case. Don't cry when you get a warning for abusing the report tool, though.
Oh, and you're welcome. I just didn't want anyone to wrongly think that awesome music in the videos was actually from Rift.
Edit: FYI, this is the point where you realize you've lost the argument and move on.
No, this is the point I stop caring what some numskull on a fourm is raging about.
It looks allot like Warhammer, especially in the Ranger vid memory's of my Witch hunter came back.
BTW, thats a negative statement :P.
It looks like Warhammer from the art style etc, which is good I think, but the actual gameplay feels much more polished and fluid, at least from the short time I could play it at gamescom. It takes a lot of good things from the last few MMOs and puts them together nicely.
First of all... LOL at all the 14-15 yr old kids that compare every MMORPG to WOW like wow was the 1st mmorpg and they "invented" everything
Second... ANOTHER big LOL at the idiots that just troll the forums with opinions when they don't know anything about the game itself.
The graphics look amazing, the idea of bringing in stuff from MMOs that have a huge success is great and the game looks amazing.
If you don't like the game you can go back to WOW, with 1999 graphics or wait for another MMO that will come in 2011, or if you think like most of the people that call MMORPGs wow clones... make your own game, idiots.
It looks allot like Warhammer, especially in the Ranger vid memory's of my Witch hunter came back.
BTW, thats a negative statement :P.
Yeah it does send a Warhammer vibe to me as well. By the way in the video of the elementalist he opens his map and the area is called shadowlands. Wasn't there an elf zone in warhammer called exactly like that?
Ive thought the areas in this game looked somehow familiar since seeing the first screens. But I dont think thats to be unexpected with any near furture release. While graphics look similar to other MMO's we have played and I expect not a lot different in gameplay, for me it will depend on how it all comes together and how the rifts work out. This one is still at the top of my list but its not here yet.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
And this is what hype causes. Personally, nothing I didn't see that didn't look perfectly fine. You're looking at some basic kill x quests at the tutorial zone and some character creation from a beta build (no I'm not going to use the "but its beta!" excuse). Yet three leaked videos from a con featuring random general bits of the game is apparently enough to completely throw everything out the window because "omg the font looks kinda like WoW and you do stuff that you do in other MMOs! TERRIBLE GAME IS TERRIBLE!" For fucks sake, its an MMO, what were you expecting? They offered an interesting and dynamic world and that was really the only "innovation" I ever considered they had planned. You cannot begin to judge the game setting or its mechanics based off what was shown.
If you were looking for more than "tab target bullshit" in the first place, then you would have had to have been a fucking moron not to realize they weren't planning on doing anything drastically different with the combat LONG ago. So by all means abandon the game and go look for that MMO that will do things how you want it to because you don't like how MMOs play in general.
I personally only have an interest in the title because of the rift mechanic (which looked fine though I can't tell if you have to step into them for the change to occur or if it actually occurs on the main game as a whole from these videos) and the general style. I haven't been riding the hype wave high to the inevitable crash of reality. I learned to stop doing that a LONG time ago. But the fickle stupidity of people annoys me to no end...
More proof that while games can be shallow, people can be considerably moreso.
I'd say wait until late beta gameplay video's arrive before making snap judgments.
Also level one geared game characters tend to look a bit drab
Must admit though as someone said earlier in this thread the animation on the ranger pet is reminiscent of the warhammer pet class, (white lion). i.e terrible
Hopefully they'll sort the jerky animations out before retail.
And this is what hype causes. Personally, nothing I didn't see that didn't look perfectly fine. You're looking at some basic kill x quests at the tutorial zone and some character creation from a beta build (no I'm not going to use the "but its beta!" excuse). Yet three leaked videos from a con featuring random general bits of the game is apparently enough to completely throw everything out the window because "omg the font looks kinda like WoW and you do stuff that you do in other MMOs! TERRIBLE GAME IS TERRIBLE!" For fucks sake, its an MMO, what were you expecting? They offered an interesting and dynamic world and that was really the only "innovation" I ever considered they had planned. You cannot begin to judge the game setting or its mechanics based off what was shown.
If you were looking for more than "tab target bullshit" in the first place, then you would have had to have been a fucking moron not to realize they weren't planning on doing anything drastically different with the combat LONG ago. So by all means abandon the game and go look for that MMO that will do things how you want it to because you don't like how MMOs play in general.
I personally only have an interest in the title because of the rift mechanic (which looked fine though I can't tell if you have to step into them for the change to occur or if it actually occurs on the main game as a whole from these videos) and the general style. I haven't been riding the hype wave high to the inevitable crash of reality. I learned to stop doing that a LONG time ago. But the fickle stupidity of people annoys me to no end...
More proof that while games can be shallow, people can be considerably moreso.
I couldn't agree more.
Personally it's really about the team for me and the customer support so far Trion has been a AAA in this regard which is why I will be cancelling all my SoE accounts and betting on the new guy.
Why is this game hyped sp much again? I really don't see anything special there & it pretty much look & feel like WoW.
On a side note, the music in the 1st & 3rd vids is coming straight from a Final Fantasy boss fight. Anyways, thats all I can think about earing it. lol
No it is not a world changing game. Hopefully it is just a fun entertaining one.
I am also hoping TOR, TERA and GW2 are fun. I am an MMO fan who likes to move around on games I play. I think people need to change the veiw that there is one MMO to rule them all.
Exactly, this developer doesn't have a budget to design the next big thing in MMO's, but they are making up for it by designing a familiar style of fantasy MMO, but throwing in new twists like true dynamic content, and an awesome class system that will provide tons of depth for fans of fantasy MMORPG's looking for a solid alternative to WoW and Everquest 1 and 2.. If they concentrate on the gameplay, and make it fun and polished at release, they will find solid base of players who will play it, even if it never gets close to GW2 or SWTOR sales figures. People compare this game to GW2, but people need to remember GW2 is F2P after buying a box, so people can still subscribe to another MMO, which I'm sure the Rift devs are hoping happens.
Rofl... If you had bothered to do any research at all you would have found out that Trion the game company that is making Rifts has an absoultuly enormous budget and is backed but some very massive companies.
I always laugh when people call Trion an indie or small company b/c its just so far from the truth and 5 mins of research would have shown the poster that.
I think its absolutly amazing how all these different games can have some rabid fanboys claiming its the best new game period b/c of this or that when none of you have ever even played the games before. Or the people putting down other games b/c they saw 5 mins of random footage.
And this is what hype causes. Personally, nothing I didn't see that didn't look perfectly fine. You're looking at some basic kill x quests at the tutorial zone and some character creation from a beta build (no I'm not going to use the "but its beta!" excuse). Yet three leaked videos from a con featuring random general bits of the game is apparently enough to completely throw everything out the window because "omg the font looks kinda like WoW and you do stuff that you do in other MMOs! TERRIBLE GAME IS TERRIBLE!" For fucks sake, its an MMO, what were you expecting? They offered an interesting and dynamic world and that was really the only "innovation" I ever considered they had planned. You cannot begin to judge the game setting or its mechanics based off what was shown.
If you were looking for more than "tab target bullshit" in the first place, then you would have had to have been a fucking moron not to realize they weren't planning on doing anything drastically different with the combat LONG ago. So by all means abandon the game and go look for that MMO that will do things how you want it to because you don't like how MMOs play in general.
I personally only have an interest in the title because of the rift mechanic (which looked fine though I can't tell if you have to step into them for the change to occur or if it actually occurs on the main game as a whole from these videos) and the general style. I haven't been riding the hype wave high to the inevitable crash of reality. I learned to stop doing that a LONG time ago. But the fickle stupidity of people annoys me to no end...
More proof that while games can be shallow, people can be considerably moreso.
first off the title of this thread is utterly misleading. these videos were NOT leaked. rifts was offered to play to the audience attenting there as so with many other games. Also there were other mmorpgs presented there which all fall into the same state as rifts as neither were in beta stage yet. Can people expect more YES they can on other formats there were games in an alpha state but showed what they can deliver. you want to impress when you go to conventions. these videos and the devs knew it will be brodcasted all over the internet so they had to show a polished demo. keep in mind a demo does not have to include the whole coding of the game but somthing that will show the highlights of what to expect. demos are normally there to impress.
rifts devs mentioned dynamic content, dnyamic world. however that was not shown to us. rift opening only reminded me of 2 games. Horizons when blighted achors would randomly appear and ZOMG mobs will come out and thats an old buggy game were talking about. as for venturing into the rifts while not shown it reminds me of another game. the elders scrolls 4 oblivion. when you can enter the gates that would show up and had a mini world to do somthing to close it. sadly if this is their rift mechanic its been done.
little can be said for what whas showed. its just not hyping me up right now. its reminding me of games i played in the past. it does look warhammerish. Now i am aware this is not the final product and it can get better but so far the devs have talked and their videos are not backing up their bark. come on they could have scripted the demo to a better encounter or something that backed off what they said.
swtor while not impressing me with the game play they did show videos backing up what the devs have claimed. its a story driven game no tex ,vocal characters. they showed what they have spoken of. games not even in beta stage also.
then came guild wars 2 , the past weeks the devs have been hyping the game and making ludicrous claims. and what did we get at gamescon. a demo that backed up their claim. reason why they won the best online game award.
mmorpg or not. game or not. they are showcasing a product. and they have to impress or there wont be sales. look at some of the posts here of people there are some impressed form what they saw and some who arent. i fell on the not impressed.
Rift Spawns---> Player(s) opens Rift ---> Rift lets loose some mobs --> Player(s) kills mobs ---> Rift closes and disappears.
Now the thing is no matter where you place the player(s) you always end up with the same result, nothing changes, the mobs don't get smarter or fewer with the amount of players in the vicinity, the boss monster doesn't change up his tactics depending on what's going on in his vicinity and everything ends with the players either dieing or the rift being closed.
Now lets compare that to a GW2 event similar to the one above.
Event starts (Centaur Attacking a small town) --> Centaurs occupy that small town --> Small town is turned into a fort from which the centaurs can attack more towns. Same in that respect right? Take a look at when introduce A player
Centaur attack a small town --> Player defends that town --> event scales for that one player bringing only 2 centaurs at a time (if more players come along, more centaurs come to attack)--> Centaurs are driven back --> Town is saved.
Now the fact that the event scales to amount of players in the vicinity is where the true dynamicity(?) comes in. You can make centaurs attack a town but you can't make them truly dynamic unless they respond to what is happening around them.
In Rift, this does not seem to be the case.
This is incorrect.
Rifts (dynamic open world encounter) scale based on number of people in the area. Show up in random locations, appear based on various things happening in the world. [Source]
Also on the whole GW2 vs Rifts argument I will be buying both after seeing what they have to offer at GC. Im personally much more hyped for Rifts then GW but thats just personal preference. They are both offering new features to the MMO genre which look to make MMO's better in general, but unfortuantley GW2 information such as its Cash Shop and it still being instanced has lowered my hype overall aswell as certain ingame combat mechanics. Anyways can't wait for both releases!
And this is what hype causes. Personally, nothing I didn't see that didn't look perfectly fine. You're looking at some basic kill x quests at the tutorial zone and some character creation from a beta build (no I'm not going to use the "but its beta!" excuse). Yet three leaked videos from a con featuring random general bits of the game is apparently enough to completely throw everything out the window because "omg the font looks kinda like WoW and you do stuff that you do in other MMOs! TERRIBLE GAME IS TERRIBLE!" For fucks sake, its an MMO, what were you expecting? They offered an interesting and dynamic world and that was really the only "innovation" I ever considered they had planned. You cannot begin to judge the game setting or its mechanics based off what was shown.
If you were looking for more than "tab target bullshit" in the first place, then you would have had to have been a fucking moron not to realize they weren't planning on doing anything drastically different with the combat LONG ago. So by all means abandon the game and go look for that MMO that will do things how you want it to because you don't like how MMOs play in general.
I personally only have an interest in the title because of the rift mechanic (which looked fine though I can't tell if you have to step into them for the change to occur or if it actually occurs on the main game as a whole from these videos) and the general style. I haven't been riding the hype wave high to the inevitable crash of reality. I learned to stop doing that a LONG time ago. But the fickle stupidity of people annoys me to no end...
More proof that while games can be shallow, people can be considerably moreso.
first off the title of this thread is utterly misleading. these videos were NOT leaked. rifts was offered to play to the audience attenting there as so with many other games. Also there were other mmorpgs presented there which all fall into the same state as rifts as neither were in beta stage yet. Can people expect more YES they can on other formats there were games in an alpha state but showed what they can deliver. you want to impress when you go to conventions. these videos and the devs knew it will be brodcasted all over the internet so they had to show a polished demo. keep in mind a demo does not have to include the whole coding of the game but somthing that will show the highlights of what to expect. demos are normally there to impress.
rifts devs mentioned dynamic content, dnyamic world. however that was not shown to us. rift opening only reminded me of 2 games. Horizons when blighted achors would randomly appear and ZOMG mobs will come out and thats an old buggy game were talking about. as for venturing into the rifts while not shown it reminds me of another game. the elders scrolls 4 oblivion. when you can enter the gates that would show up and had a mini world to do somthing to close it. sadly if this is their rift mechanic its been done.
little can be said for what whas showed. its just not hyping me up right now. its reminding me of games i played in the past. it does look warhammerish. Now i am aware this is not the final product and it can get better but so far the devs have talked and their videos are not backing up their bark. come on they could have scripted the demo to a better encounter or something that backed off what they said.
swtor while not impressing me with the game play they did show videos backing up what the devs have claimed. its a story driven game no tex ,vocal characters. they showed what they have spoken of. games not even in beta stage also.
then came guild wars 2 , the past weeks the devs have been hyping the game and making ludicrous claims. and what did we get at gamescon. a demo that backed up their claim. reason why they won the best online game award.
mmorpg or not. game or not. they are showcasing a product. and they have to impress or there wont be sales. look at some of the posts here of people there are some impressed form what they saw and some who arent. i fell on the not impressed.
I agree about the showcasing stuff. Although I tend to look into game features than judging a product by the looks of cam recordings. Depth isn't that easy to showcase unless you spend a rather large budget on it - it's easier to showcase pointless fights with huge dragons and 5 million spell effects. The games that need this kind of showcasing are the f2p and b2p games in my humble opinion.
Videos look just like WoW but with a bit better graphics. That text font on the screen is a blatant ripoff. Also when are we going to get rag doll physics in a fantasy WoW clone. Still don't see any.
Sadly, I'm not impressed at all. The animations are horrible and the WoW-ish colors don't impress me. I was previously interested in checking this game out but that put a huge damper on my enthusiasm. WoW really has had a negative effect on the MMO industry it seems. If I want to play a game like WoW, I'll go play WoW. Cut the crap and be original already, how lame.
colours are wowish now? what are mmo companies supposed to do? make there games black and white?
A lot of forum posters are into a real witch hunt for wow-clones and will complain about ANYTHING. I think lazyness to find proper arguments makes them do that.
I just came back from the Gamescon and played RIFT myself. It really looks great, but these videos do the game no justice at all. It looks considerably better. This vid is just trash compared to the real game. In real Rift is lush and vibrant, the landscapes and characters have great atmosphere, and these cam vids are no good source whatsoever.
It does NOT look or play like WOW when you really play it.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I just came back from the Gamescon and played RIFT myself. It really looks great, but these videos do the game no justice at all. It looks considerably better. This vid is just trash compared to the real game. In real Rift is lush and vibrant, the landscapes and characters have great atmosphere, and these cam vids are no good source whatsoever.
It does NOT look or play like WOW when you really play it.
I'll take a persons 1st hand experience over poor quality cam gameplays anyday. :P
Why are people placing so much emphasis on the font of all things?
At this early stage of development, the font of a game is trivial to change. And I'm pretty sure that if the developers get sufficient negative feedback about it, then they will change it. After they've done that they will have a coffee break, and then spend the rest of the day concentrating on more important stuff - like playability.
Just because someone doesn't share your point of view doesn't mean you have to sink to falsely accusing them of things they didn't do to make you feel better inside. And his entire post was discussing the features of this game. Report him if you think you have a case. Don't cry when you get a warning for abusing the report tool, though.
Oh, and you're welcome. I just didn't want anyone to wrongly think that awesome music in the videos was actually from Rift.
Edit: FYI, this is the point where you realize you've lost the argument and move on.
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
It looks allot like Warhammer, especially in the Ranger vid memory's of my Witch hunter came back.
BTW, thats a negative statement :P.
That doesn't look bad, but I watched a video of some game play, from a ranged class, and it looked bad imo. Everyone has an opinion, and like I said, its early for both, and I will wait to make a decision.
link for video I didn't like:
No, this is the point I stop caring what some numskull on a fourm is raging about.
It looks like Warhammer from the art style etc, which is good I think, but the actual gameplay feels much more polished and fluid, at least from the short time I could play it at gamescom. It takes a lot of good things from the last few MMOs and puts them together nicely.
First of all... LOL at all the 14-15 yr old kids that compare every MMORPG to WOW like wow was the 1st mmorpg and they "invented" everything
Second... ANOTHER big LOL at the idiots that just troll the forums with opinions when they don't know anything about the game itself.
The graphics look amazing, the idea of bringing in stuff from MMOs that have a huge success is great and the game looks amazing.
If you don't like the game you can go back to WOW, with 1999 graphics or wait for another MMO that will come in 2011, or if you think like most of the people that call MMORPGs wow clones... make your own game, idiots.
Yeah it does send a Warhammer vibe to me as well. By the way in the video of the elementalist he opens his map and the area is called shadowlands. Wasn't there an elf zone in warhammer called exactly like that?
The graphics looks ok but the animations were rather bad, I hope they will fix them to the launch.
Combat didn't look that fun but that is always hard when someone else is playing.
It was good enough to continue watch were the game is going but not enough to think this will be something I will spend years on.
Ive thought the areas in this game looked somehow familiar since seeing the first screens. But I dont think thats to be unexpected with any near furture release. While graphics look similar to other MMO's we have played and I expect not a lot different in gameplay, for me it will depend on how it all comes together and how the rifts work out. This one is still at the top of my list but its not here yet.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
Hmmm, that looked interesting. A genuinely difficult healing class? That's my thing.
I'm not here to complete my forum PVP dailies.
Good grief, that was horribly forgetable. Nothing remotely interesting, I'm sorry but won't give that a second thought.
And this is what hype causes. Personally, nothing I didn't see that didn't look perfectly fine. You're looking at some basic kill x quests at the tutorial zone and some character creation from a beta build (no I'm not going to use the "but its beta!" excuse). Yet three leaked videos from a con featuring random general bits of the game is apparently enough to completely throw everything out the window because "omg the font looks kinda like WoW and you do stuff that you do in other MMOs! TERRIBLE GAME IS TERRIBLE!" For fucks sake, its an MMO, what were you expecting? They offered an interesting and dynamic world and that was really the only "innovation" I ever considered they had planned. You cannot begin to judge the game setting or its mechanics based off what was shown.
If you were looking for more than "tab target bullshit" in the first place, then you would have had to have been a fucking moron not to realize they weren't planning on doing anything drastically different with the combat LONG ago. So by all means abandon the game and go look for that MMO that will do things how you want it to because you don't like how MMOs play in general.
I personally only have an interest in the title because of the rift mechanic (which looked fine though I can't tell if you have to step into them for the change to occur or if it actually occurs on the main game as a whole from these videos) and the general style. I haven't been riding the hype wave high to the inevitable crash of reality. I learned to stop doing that a LONG time ago. But the fickle stupidity of people annoys me to no end...
More proof that while games can be shallow, people can be considerably moreso.
I'd say wait until late beta gameplay video's arrive before making snap judgments.
Also level one geared game characters tend to look a bit drab
Must admit though as someone said earlier in this thread the animation on the ranger pet is reminiscent of the warhammer pet class, (white lion). i.e terrible
Hopefully they'll sort the jerky animations out before retail.
I couldn't agree more.
Personally it's really about the team for me and the customer support so far Trion has been a AAA in this regard which is why I will be cancelling all my SoE accounts and betting on the new guy.
Why is this game hyped sp much again? I really don't see anything special there & it pretty much look & feel like WoW.
On a side note, the music in the 1st & 3rd vids is coming straight from a Final Fantasy boss fight. Anyways, thats all I can think about earing it. lol
Rofl... If you had bothered to do any research at all you would have found out that Trion the game company that is making Rifts has an absoultuly enormous budget and is backed but some very massive companies.
I always laugh when people call Trion an indie or small company b/c its just so far from the truth and 5 mins of research would have shown the poster that.
I think its absolutly amazing how all these different games can have some rabid fanboys claiming its the best new game period b/c of this or that when none of you have ever even played the games before. Or the people putting down other games b/c they saw 5 mins of random footage.
first off the title of this thread is utterly misleading. these videos were NOT leaked. rifts was offered to play to the audience attenting there as so with many other games. Also there were other mmorpgs presented there which all fall into the same state as rifts as neither were in beta stage yet. Can people expect more YES they can on other formats there were games in an alpha state but showed what they can deliver. you want to impress when you go to conventions. these videos and the devs knew it will be brodcasted all over the internet so they had to show a polished demo. keep in mind a demo does not have to include the whole coding of the game but somthing that will show the highlights of what to expect. demos are normally there to impress.
rifts devs mentioned dynamic content, dnyamic world. however that was not shown to us. rift opening only reminded me of 2 games. Horizons when blighted achors would randomly appear and ZOMG mobs will come out and thats an old buggy game were talking about. as for venturing into the rifts while not shown it reminds me of another game. the elders scrolls 4 oblivion. when you can enter the gates that would show up and had a mini world to do somthing to close it. sadly if this is their rift mechanic its been done.
little can be said for what whas showed. its just not hyping me up right now. its reminding me of games i played in the past. it does look warhammerish. Now i am aware this is not the final product and it can get better but so far the devs have talked and their videos are not backing up their bark. come on they could have scripted the demo to a better encounter or something that backed off what they said.
swtor while not impressing me with the game play they did show videos backing up what the devs have claimed. its a story driven game no tex ,vocal characters. they showed what they have spoken of. games not even in beta stage also.
then came guild wars 2 , the past weeks the devs have been hyping the game and making ludicrous claims. and what did we get at gamescon. a demo that backed up their claim. reason why they won the best online game award.
mmorpg or not. game or not. they are showcasing a product. and they have to impress or there wont be sales. look at some of the posts here of people there are some impressed form what they saw and some who arent. i fell on the not impressed.
This is incorrect.
Rifts (dynamic open world encounter) scale based on number of people in the area. Show up in random locations, appear based on various things happening in the world. [Source]
Also on the whole GW2 vs Rifts argument I will be buying both after seeing what they have to offer at GC. Im personally much more hyped for Rifts then GW but thats just personal preference. They are both offering new features to the MMO genre which look to make MMO's better in general, but unfortuantley GW2 information such as its Cash Shop and it still being instanced has lowered my hype overall aswell as certain ingame combat mechanics. Anyways can't wait for both releases!
I agree about the showcasing stuff. Although I tend to look into game features than judging a product by the looks of cam recordings. Depth isn't that easy to showcase unless you spend a rather large budget on it - it's easier to showcase pointless fights with huge dragons and 5 million spell effects. The games that need this kind of showcasing are the f2p and b2p games in my humble opinion.
colours are wowish now? what are mmo companies supposed to do? make there games black and white?
A lot of forum posters are into a real witch hunt for wow-clones and will complain about ANYTHING. I think lazyness to find proper arguments makes them do that.
DON'T RELY on these trailers!
I just came back from the Gamescon and played RIFT myself. It really looks great, but these videos do the game no justice at all. It looks considerably better. This vid is just trash compared to the real game. In real Rift is lush and vibrant, the landscapes and characters have great atmosphere, and these cam vids are no good source whatsoever.
It does NOT look or play like WOW when you really play it.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I'll take a persons 1st hand experience over poor quality cam gameplays anyday. :P
This game hasnt even entered Beta yet, and it still looks damned good. Every previewer that has had their hands on it says the same.
All this thread really tells me is that Rift has finally gathered enough attention to scare the fanbases of other games
Why are people placing so much emphasis on the font of all things?
At this early stage of development, the font of a game is trivial to change. And I'm pretty sure that if the developers get sufficient negative feedback about it, then they will change it. After they've done that they will have a coffee break, and then spend the rest of the day concentrating on more important stuff - like playability.
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