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although champions online has alot of good points, such as the power system and the character customization, deep down theres not much worth going for. First off, the quest system is terrible, its just stuff like kill x amount of y, or collect x amount of y from z. And although it claims to have a physics engine, it's really not much more than picking up objects and throwing them, and character blowbacks. Compare that to something like half life 2, and well, there isnt any comparison. Not to mention that the game frequently crashes for sometimes no inexplicit reason. The die-hard superhero fan is still going to like this game, but the casual gamer and sometimes even the hardcore gamer of fantasy and sci-fi are probably not going to enjoy this game.
I just resubbed. As of right now I'm having fun playing around with a custom character. But you're right, it is a shallow game. After buying APB, I can see it is not near the most shallow. It can keep my attention for a few months. I like CO. But I will probably unsub next month when Civ 5 comes out.
Just needs more content imo. They are able to make pretty complex missions but there are not enough of them. The outdoor cooperative areas that pop up when you show up could be used to a greater effect. Only thing that has reminded me of Tabula Rasa in a long time though. More crises! I want more crisesesese and some that pop up (like a queue to change zones when mega D for example pops up).
A physics engine like half-life would be unplayable by most people as an MMO.
I've never had the game crash. Never.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
imo It is not so simple as just provide more content and it would be a dangerous to allow the designers to rely on that conciet. There is far too little variety and involvement generated by the questing and combat engines, the gameworld simply doesn't deliver any sense of life or immersion...for a game that justifyably prides itself on the degree of customisation it is bizarre to find that gameplay is mercilessly inflexible and resistant to any choices or skills you want to develop, levelling becomes a sterile and mindless task almost the moment you step from the avatar creator and and even milesotones you expect to make a difference, like the nemesis, end up inconsequential, dull and generic. The fundamental design is lacking in themeatic connection and it needs a serious influx of imagination to appeal to anyone beyond the most demanding of altaholics imo.
"First off, the quest system is terrible, its just stuff like kill x amount of y, or collect x amount of y from z."
This criticism ALWAYS cracks me up. Seriously, find me ONE game listed on this website that doesn't do this? OK, World of Tanks... but that is about to be removed because it isn't really an MMORPG.
I completely agree, this is pretty much an old argument. Vibora Bay has some interesting missions where you do something more than just killing, but as every game which is not a sandbox over half of the quest are killing, patrol, object gathering or escort.
About the choices, while you cannot get away easily with every combination of powers, it still is by far more flexible than other games in the market.
imo The criticism remains more acutely valid in CO than any other game, mayabe I have been lucky but I have never encountered any questing system that more dogmatically relies on the same formula mission after mission and that includes f2p mmo's...yes there are some breaks to this but they are so few and far between. Moreover I found there is a total lack of any sense of acomplishment fuelled by careless objective and enemy layout, mission routing is terrible in the way it tosses immersion breaking evidence in front of your face and the generic and stereotyped mission text shows a profound lack of imagination to deliver any other kind of conceptual reward from completing a mission. I may be odd in that I dont enjoy levelling for its own sake and require some semblance of purpose/immersion to enjoy what I am doing and like no other mmo CO just doesnt seem to even make an effort. Even with the enormous choice of powers the mechanics of the gameplay deny any variety or sense of diversity, there is no iconic change in the action or reaction of the world to individual powers so any diversity is purely superficial and meaningless.
I am not going into this, since we had that discussion in other thread. Nothing to say, that I think this is more your personal perception(and others of course) than something that can objectively being measure. I would say people should take some time to test it by themselves on the freeweekend, just remember to read the missions to know what they are about.