While it is illegal for me to say some of the things here that I would like to say to the Emerald Team, and the people destroying our SL Community I wont, but I will say that I am sure glad Emerald is gone, and why. Starting back in 2009, I heard rumors of Emerald Developers Spying on residents being able to Locate people on the map anywhere they were, and listen to any private talks they had as long as OTR was on, I didn’t think much about it, until I saw Emerald Attacking other viewer developers Legal Viewers or not, and I hope that Emerald Does not get back on the approved list for any reason after causing a hell of a lot of damage to the SL Community.
So what is my problem with Emerald Exactly?
As we all have read on these SL Forums, and the SL Herald. Emerald Developers have done a lot of bad things to our SL Community, which will chase many people away.
1st, The Onyx project which scanned UUID's of many peoples textures in Public Sandboxes, and many other regions, and were farming SL Data, which could be used for not only copybot detection, but could be used for copybotting many peoples objects.
2nd The IP Logging and harvesting of peoples private IP Info, and allowing this to get disclosed without consent, Emerald team has caused a lot of people harm by this, anyone could have GEO Located anyone’s Real Life Location, or caused peoples security to be compromised, and privacy.
3rd. Then the DDOS attack, on other peoples websites which violated Real Life laws.
4th Client Detection System made by Skills Hak. & Managed by Emerald Team.
This system is not only a copybot detector, but it does not fully work, it has accused many friends of being Thieves, made everyone afraid to spend L$ or even step on a shop to buy anything from anyone, and is putting the Law into their hands, not Linden Lab. CDS Also Logs IP Addresses which is used to ban alternate accounts. I tested this by the following. After my name had manually been added to the CDS system because I talked to a Emerald Developer about some stuff, and they added it, and said I was using a viewer not on the TPVP list, while this is true before the new TOS ever took place, they Stored my IP, avatar name and key, which they use it to track all my alt accounts, and have them added to the ban list. I tested this by making an alternate account, Fully uninstall every viewer, except Second Life standard by Linden Lab, and logging into it, which I went to a CDS secured sim I was banned, and to test this again, I made a new alternate account, all new info except the IP address, it was banned as well.
While the Emerald Team keeps (CYOA), and Denial, these guys should not be allowed such power in Second Life, and I hope people see the harm that they have brought to us, in their failed attempts to provide Content Protection to the community. Skills Hak's CDS idea was stolen from another guy I know anyways who was designing a system, which detected all viewers, but gave 100% Ban choice to each Individual of a simulator, and the Owner of each sim had control to ban a person or not, no shared ban lists, therefore no abuse. Skills Hak decided to make such a system and give the Emerald Team full control over the system. If someone is going to accuse my friends, or anyone else of something, then you had better have proof of it other than a string of text.
When I first was told about CDS I was grateful that this person had designed such a system, but the Abuse has just gone way too far from the Emerald Team, and Developers and needs to stop. This is disturbing the Peace in Second Life, Restricting peoples free movement, and makes people not even want to play Second Life. Seriously What do people not understand.
So Just a warning to everyone who wants to play Second Life. Second Life, is not a game, it is a Drama Debate 24/7, As a player it can be fun to Roleplay, or be in a military, However compared to any other MMORPG on the market, Second Life is currently not worth playing while Linden Lab allows (Skills Hak) to Remain in Second Life using illegal Spyware along with the rest of Emerald to Track other avatars, as well as a few other people, which Linden Lab is very much aware of this. From Experience in Second Life of me playing on this service since before even Skills Hak was around which was 2008, I will say that as a creator, none of your content is safe from copybott no matter what, your stuff will be stolen, and there is nothing you can do about it, You can file a DMCA true, but Linden Lab has a very bad exploit, where anyone can use LSL scripting in game to get anyones Key for their image, and they will use this to steal your textures using LSL, which Linden Lab can not fix.
If you wish to play Second Life as a game, please note this, and be aware that Second Life is now nothing more than a vIrtual Chat Room, and such. It is not worth waste of over $400 USD into it, I have paid Over $5000 USD in 2 years of this service to Linden Lab, and I am abused every day by the Emerald Team/Skills Hak, where Linden Lab wont do anything. And for those of you who will trust Skills Hak, or the Emerald team, you are helping these cheaters,botters, hackers destroy our Second Life Community, over the last weeks I have watched the Grid Traffic fall really low because of this. For those thinking that JCool410/Fractured Crystal Same person, actually quit the Emerald Team, think again, in the future they will rejoin it, and more mistakes will happen. They have Lied to the public to cover up all this stuff, and have got entire simulators of people banned like Woodbury for exposing the truth from the very first about Emerald. Intlibber has a right to Lawsuit Linden Lab for their losses, and I hope they win because someone needs to make Linden Lab put these guys out of business from doing harm to this game before it is too late for those of us who enjoy Second Life.
Their Viewer Used spyware to get my pc to ping other users websites, and get my IP Logged/attack other peoples websites without my consent, and violation of my privacy. This was not legal, nor was it right to do this for revenge even if the person at that site was doing anything illegal. The proper thing is to file internet crime reports, which I have done against Emerald Developers & CDS. I am tired being spied on in Second Life, and I hope that Linden Lab does something before someone decides to take Legal Actions because of the users who are doing illegal things in their Service.
*Claps* FInally someone has said it. I knew from the start that making the viewer code open source was bad news, and that was the beginning of my quit process. After your post, I think I'll leave for good. It's just not worth it anymore.
Lots of good times in my 4 years, but LL managed to murder it all.
Total MMOs played: 274|Enjoyed: 9. >:|
I have always respected and Loved Second Life for what it was at one point, But Linden Lab has let it get so far out of control. I can honestly Understand Why it was made open sourced, so others could develop possibly make other programs and simulators like it, and not to keep it secret, but to give people rights for their own service.
But as we all know this turned into a very Bad thing because of all the abusers out there, I know I for one would have never abused the source code, and never have, however this wont do anything about all the abusers out there who have the source, and use it to steal, and do thefts. And Yes when I joined SL back in 2008 it was much better than 2009/2010, it was just died. Because Linden lab decided to ban hammer Woodbury University, which they had over 4 simulators, and got banned because a few of its members griefied other residents which was beyond their control. Many Griefers from Woodbury itself there who were seen by the owner got banned from the sim.
However Skills Hak who owns 5 Sims if not more + Emerald Seems to be immune to the ban hammer LL Doesnt care, they do nothing.
Which leads down the path.
Second Life is now Like The 4th Comming, it has many exploits, Open sourced, and its a dying game. They are trying to keep afloat though. Which leads to the point, will another game like (Blue Mars), or another like (Entropia) become very popular like Second Life but better. (Face OF Mankind) Very old game, but what I mean Military wise a game like this full revamp could take down Second Life.
Yeah, in the eyes of LL, more money equals more immunity. I would of never released the source code if it were up to me though, cause I knew people would abuse it.
I do agree on forever respecting SL for what it once was though. I really miss those days.
Total MMOs played: 274|Enjoyed: 9. >:|
Well... there's this post from Philip too...
Stop by http://www.erie-isle.com/ and say hi.
Yeah I actually got that in my email.
Here is pretty much a brief description of everything that has been going on with Emerald.
http://alphavilleherald.com/2010/08/nelson-jenkins-why-would-anyone-trust-these-emerald-guys.html/comment-page-1#comment-63300 This is the one...
http://alphavilleherald.com/2010/08/emerald-in-disgrace-philip-linden-warns-against-malicious-viewer.html Philip Lindens Response posted on SL Herald too.
Other Debates Emerald Team on You Tube.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwmVj9u7C3U More Info.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iB9g6O9NEo Skills Hak The Famous Anti Theft developer of CDS who Data Mine its residents and everyone seems to trust, he knew what was going on but covered it all up.
You're right,because i remember SL way back in 2008 when there were more people in it. and i think the JLU is associated with the Emerald team,just consider it a hunch.
If you don't trust Emerald, don't use it. It's as simple as that. It's not like they're running the Second Life servers so there's no way they can ruin it for you unless you're using their viewer.
That doesn't help people who WERE using Emerald while the devs were hacking, banning, data mining, and stealing their creations from them while Linden Labs turned a blind eye, now does it?
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
What were the Emerald devs "hacking"?
Who were they "banning"?
What "data mining" were they doing?
And what creations of anyone did the Emerald team ever steal?
Don't buy the hype. The OP has been incessantly complaining about Emerald for months, and its obviously because he's been banned from a lot of sims that use CDS. Emerald in fact has jack to do with CDS. Absolutely nothing. Even if it did, the sole purpose of CDS is to ban users that use malicious clients capable of copybotting and griefing. Thus a paltry 5,000 avatars or so amongst millions have been banned across PRIVATE regions that CHOOSE to use CDS to PROTECT their content.
The OP is one of the 5,000 that clearly did something wrong and can't appeal their way into CDS enabled regions to do more of whatever they did wrong.
I'm sorry, but when Phillip Linden condemned the Emerald devs and theri "mailicious software" ( his words ) himself, any argument you or anyone else could possibly try to use in defense of them kind of blew up.
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
90% of the things the OP is blaming Emerald for, actually has to do with CDS which is wholly separate. CDS isn't banned by Linden Labs.
The most recent Emerald debacle had purely to do with a login screen (an html page, not apart of the Second Life source code) being used to DDoS the blog of a malicious viewer developer. Most certainly that was wrong and Emerald deserved delisting for it. If you ask me, it should be canned permanently for it or else the TPV agreements are a joke.
So I'm not even a fan of Emerald, never have been, but that's no reason to make up shit about the viewer and security of Second Life that isn't true. Emerald isn't a copybotting viewer, it isn't data mining, it isn't hacking. If the OP wasn't attacking Emerald he'd be attacking Imprudence, or Kirsten, or Linden Lab itself (which he does do) out of frustration of being banned by paying customers as a known copybotter/griefer.
Hey guess what that was only the beginning of what is going on.
Linden Lab's Vivox voice chat got hacked, and now people can listen into any private calls you make in Second Life, or anything that has vivox running. This is not good, and was done by the same group of people ); now I know how they have been data mining residents by voice as well, and tracking alts. Linden Lab needs to fix this.
Now today Emerald folded completely: http://blog.modularsystems.sl/2010/09/01/the-end/
The resignation letters from the in-world group are more telling.
I doubted how "core" people like Skills Hak were to Emerald, but it seems pretty damn core in terms of politics. I apologize to you Renoaku for doubting that much. Though I still don't believe that's reason to blame Emerald for anything other than what it was responsible for (i.e. not blaming the Emerald team and Emerald project for crap some of their team members have done separately).
I hope this is actually the end of Emerald. All the drama tarnishes the entire third-party viewer scene. If I were Linden Lab, I'd can it entirely or rewrite the standards with all the measures Imprudence takes in mind.
EDIT: Jessica Lyon's blog: http://jessicalyons.wordpress.com/
In the post from Arabella, Jessica was accused of a hostile takeover. So essentially this whole ordeal has developed into a two sides type of thing. I imagine both blogs will be revealing their takes and perspectives on things for days to come.
As a lot of us are aware Modular Systems has been banned from a game called Second Life for violation of their TOS, including illegal Data mining of residents, Farming personal information, Geo Locations, and keeping residents contact information inside their servers without consent of each person, or any privacy Policy. I would just like to make everyone aware that As of this week Emerald Viewer has been banned from this game. However JCool/Fractured Crystal, have made an illegal version of their viewer, and released it to the public so that people could circumvent Linden Lab's Viewer blocks from connecting to this simulation grid/game.
Also Skills Hak, and ZF Redzone, is allowed to remain in Second Life, even after they were banned, and that reason is simple. They are still data mining residents, storing other information without a privacy Policy, and it is illegal for them to do such, however Linden Lab seems to permit it because Skills Hak pays over $1000 USD a month, and ZF red zone is supported by a bunch of dumb content creators who fight against copybot (CCA) Founded by Gwen a well known content creator. While I stand against the theft on this grid, and all the cheating I have seen groups in GOR do, and many other my old role play sisters who were in gor before I disbanded from them, and they all denied such and still commit theft today, I can't support such systems that are in violation of Real Life law, and privacy on this game.
You can read the full details on this site.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZyiZM3Qitg Check out all the evidence against Emerald
Also Modular Systems has been invited to another game company to work for them, or another MMORPG Service on the internet, I would strongly suggest that people avoid such services with these guys as programmers, because they will violate your privacy and do things that are not so legal like cheating, theft in the virtual game, ect.
http://www.utherverse.net/emerald/ At this point I could not trust using this service.
Also I would just like to make it clear, my name was manually added to the CDS ban List, because I imed Lonely Blue Bird, and told them I used a cheat client in Second Life called Second Life Professional Edition, and told him it was not detected, in which I was attacked saying Well you shouldn't be using such, and I contacted the next day after I found myself banned by their system, and asked him about it, he was like Well dont lie to the public, and dont lie to Skills Hak, which I did not lie to either of them, and again before their new TOS these viewers were legal, and yes my complaints are valid, and so far it all seems to be true because Emerald has been banned by Linden Lab, and the developers of the viewer have been banned, I am not sure if lonely is even still in Second Life today, but to my knowledge his account was banned from their service. Yes I have a big collection of cheat software for this game, and there is nothing wrong with it, at least not back in the day I used such, but I will say that the Developers of CDS & Red Zone still try to lay law down on the grid, and who has permission to do what, when they should not have this right due to privacy violation, and because they dont own the service. I used this, A. because at the time Emerald did not have the features it did, and it still lacked. B. Because it detects stolen content which you buy without knowing such is stolen. C. It can be used to help content creators D. Many creators, even those in the big stores know about me in this grid people I trust, and have given them info about stolen, and leaked creations. D. Skills Hak is not one of those, but he is a rogue Developer who cannot as we have seen be trusted, as all the Emerald Developers have proven, also thanks to this viewer I was able to detect over 5 groups of my own friends I never knew were copybotting in GOR, and supporting thefts, which I collected many snapshots of, and videos.
Also be aware that Linden Lab under their new TOS can ban anyone from their service they please, however when I joined Second Life, and bought my own Estate, and spent over 5 thousand USD total in Tier, and item purchases over the last almost 3 years now in this service, I will say that I agreed to another Agreement before that, and this agreement did not have Viewer Restrictions, it said simply that Copybot was not allowed, or stealing from another creator. Also their agreement, and my talks with Linden Lab made it like I own my virtual property which I am paying for, and that they could not take it away from me.
Emerald says I will be banned from Second Life because I debate about Emerald.
I will just make it clear right now that if Linden Lab does screw with me after my previous agreements with their service, and accepting before being forced to accept new ones after accepting others which made it like as described above, the same way that they did to a guy named IntLibber when they banned his account, I will take my case to a court, because I will have the money after I am no longer paying Linden Lab for services, and I will file so many complaints Legally against their service that they will not survive such, should they decide to try to screw me like they did everyone else. Also with all the cheats and hacks Second Life has right now, they are in no good stable position to survive a Lawsuit + Many more creators leaving Second Life, or lets just say many more creators might get hacked within the virtual world, because many have been cheated already, and if this keeps going on because of Linden Lab allowing many keys within the virtual world to be used even if that person has no rights over that image, texture, sound, ect. That Second Life as we know it wont last long.
http://alphavilleherald.com/2010/04/bnt-claims-500000-usd-in-damages-hopes-to-join-class-action-lawsuit.html Lawsuit
On another Note Linden Lab has banned Woodbury, and many other people who did nothing wrong within this grid, because of the Emerald Team, and JLU. Emerald Developers attacked Woodbury because they told the public the truth, and Linden Lab removed them all without reason, destroyed all their creations, which I can personally verify that the Owner of the region themself did not allow, or support content theft, I was there for days, I checked everything, I saw a couple of copybotted pokemons, and a few grief weapons but these were contained to their own region, and everyone had those as freebies, but they were removed by Sim owners every time they logged in to see them.
-- OFF Topic, but this will provide you guys with the info that these guys have done a lot of things wrong A friend I know who knows a lot about this stuff has posted this--
@ Samantha
There are many reasons, but here is just one example.
Linden Lab’s ToS forces all users of the Second Life grid to be governed under California state law (ToS Section 12.2). (However, it is still questionable when they will ban partnerships between physically male avatars. That’s another story, though.) Under the California Privacy Protection Act, Section BPC22575, all software used within California must present a privacy policy, to which the user must agree to, before storing any identifier that permits the physical or online contacting of a specific individual, including IP address, MAC address, geolocation coordinates, et cetera. (For websites operating through HTTP, FTP, and similar protocols, the privacy policy must be “conspicuously posted” on the website, but this doesn’t matter, as CDS and zF RedZone do not provide any privacy policy at any time before or after being identified.)
Again, CDS and zF RedZone do not provide a privacy policy of any kind while being scanned. Its creators are in violation of BPC22575 – BPC22579, which require the following:
(1) Identify the categories of personally identifiable information
that the operator collects through the Web site or online service
about individual consumers who use or visit its commercial Web site or online service and the categories of third-party persons or
entities with whom the operator may share that personally
identifiable information.
(2) If the operator maintains a process for an individual consumer
who uses or visits its commercial Web site or online service to
review and request changes to any of his or her personally
identifiable information that is collected through the Web site or
online service, provide a description of that process.
(3) Describe the process by which the operator notifies consumers
who use or visit its commercial Web site or online service of
material changes to the operator’s privacy policy for that Web site
or online service.
(4) Identify its effective date.
However, zF RedZone does have a privacy policy on its website, which states:
“Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected. We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned. We do not consider any publicly displayed secondlife information such as usernames, account age, photos displayed to the world, payment status, join date, UUID, IP, platform, viewer, group affiliations, preferred language used, time of day, timezone, region, partner name or any other secondlife information to be private.”
However, since they do not consider IP addresses as private information, they obviously do not fall under the scope of their privacy policy. Nonetheless, one must do research to find this policy as it is not made conspicuously available during the scanning process.
How is this illegal? Look above at the 4 statements I quoted from BPC22575 – BPC22579. The privacy policy provided fails to identify what kinds of personal data are being collected, making it illegal under subsection 1. There is no method of revising or removing your personal data, making it illegal under subsection 2. There is no process to notify consumers of changes to their privacy policy, making it illegal under subsection 3. They do not even provide the policy’s effective date, making it illegal under subsection 4.
Even if one ignores the fact that both CDS and zF RedZone are illegal, the creator of zF RedZone has failed to acknowledge flaws and fatal errors with his system. For example, Snowglobe 2.0 is marked as a copybot viewer by zF RedZone. However, Snowglobe 1.x is not. Thus, this conversation took place in the Second Life opensource-dev mailing list:
Obviously this is horrible customer service for someone that is scamming thousands of paranoid content creators with a placebo. This kind of illegal activity mixed with a blatant disregard for security flaws warrants both systems to be removed from the grid immediately and their creators banned.
I crunched some numbers, as well. The zF RedZone system had approximately 2500 violations of this law the last time I checked, each violation being a rezzed version of the zF RedZone sensor, as it counts as a copy of the software under the law. In addition, each day the software is in operation counts as an additional violation. We’ll say the software has been in operation for 300 days (just under a year). Each violation of this law imposes a fine of up to $6,000. Thus, zFire can be fined up to $4.5B. (Yes, it won’t happen. But it puts into perspective the severity of this crime.)
So now you got it, another update on the Modular System Debate within Second Life, and Actual Proof that Linden Lab has banned these people, and their violation of both TOS + Real Life, although Emerald Developers still attempt to circument Linden Lab's viewer ban So while I read some negative comments here. Omg this person lies, dont trust them, again its all over the internet about everything I have said, and it has been proven by Linden Lab themselves with Emerald.
At least you've admitted that you do dabble in content theft/use of malicious viewers and that's why you were banned by CDS. I'd say regardless of your opinions of the system, its working in keeping you out of the regions its protecting.
Yes I have used what would be considered a malicious viewer, and at the time I was detected of such it was legal by Linden Lab, no restrictions no Third Party Viewer Directory. I simply would not lie about such, because I do not believe in cheating any game or in SL Theft.
But the truth is they can't detect every viewer out there still. Yes it works when someone is manually added to their list as well, and while they claim it detected me, I do not believe it did because my friend had CDS on his region, a creator I know, and it did not ban me and it was set to kick/ban copybotters. Also the ban happend right after I told Lonely the Emerald Developer questioning about why it did not work, he asked what client I was using, and at the time Yes I trusted him not to go and manually add me to the ban list which was quite obvious the next day when I was added, and I asked him he passively threatend me in IM. Now Lonely, His Alts, Phox, and the other Emerald Developers are banned besides Skills Hak, which pretty much proves their abuse right there. Any Viewer for real can be considered a Malicious Viewer, for example if I compiled my own client using jus Regular SL Source, changed the ID of the viewer, and everything as my own Viewer, did not disclouse the full source with my info, but still released the source code but changed the names in the source & ID before I gave it out, It would be considered one, and banned by his system even if it did nothing wrong.
Also you are wrong about one thing, while it bans my avatar his system can no longer scan any future alts, I have bypassed and patched the system so that it can't detect me, and the only way is if he manually adds them to the Ban List, but that does not do any good because it does not remove my main account from the CDS system, and I am not going to hide on alts or anything because I have simply done nothing wrong even though my viewer was considered Malicious by him, and by Linden Lab after April 30th, but not before that date it was legal as long as people did not touch stealing functions. There are of course many people out there who are pissed off because I busted them stealing such Logged evidence other than chatlogs on Video & on Screen Shot, and would say otherwise, However anyone saying such claims, and I find out their SL name, chances are I could connect them back to one of these griefing groups that stole from creators. In fact I even directed a creator who was given false info about me to a site which had some false info posted about me myself by the people who have been actually doing the thefts, and they laughed at it, and removed my ban because they were wrong, and they see that I am still in SL after over 5 months of being accused of such, and almost no botter is, but there are some who are and some bot supporters who are I will not deny such. Also yes they knew I was using Malicious Viewer and such they read all about it before removing it, and all I can say is there are some nice people, some are just too blind & do not care but fall into the ignorance of other users & they fake security which no longer works anymore because everyone knows how it works. It is simply there to cause harm to those who have already been detected, those who are added false, or manually added, and to give them power over people, and possibly detect others who are using old viewers. New Copybot Viewers compiled correctly, and downloaded from the right place can block the detection, and adding changes to your PC's host file also helps this, everyone knows it except those who do not know how to do it.
Even though Skills has tried to do a good thing for SL, he is one of the few that were not banned with the Emerald Developers & that is simply because he owns multiple regions and knows Linden contacts. This does not make what he does Legal because his system still violates Privacy Policy SL, SL TOS by defaming avatars although this does not apply outside of SL, it does apply in SL, and his system informs people that this person maybe attempting to steal peoples stuff, and also it tracks alts, and collects information that can identify a persons location real life things they would not disclose which is not legal, and residents in SL are allowed privacy but this is broken by him, also I will say that Skills Himself, and the other Emerald developers did login to malicious viewers as well for testing purposes, and such, should they not be held to the same standards as anyone else by their system, also ZF Redzone does do this as well, but I have not had problems with the creators of that system or abuse personally others think it should go too, the only difference is he tells people on his main site that it can track alts, and on xstreet sales.
Also most content thieves, or cheaters in this game/sim do not care about being banned, defamed, or anything else, because they actually make multiple alt accounts, get banned for distribution of content theft, and simply come back and repeat. The ripped content is also shared by Third Party Sites, and Torrents now. I have seen Thousands of ripped items from creators I know, and got over 200 Copybotted hairs off XstreetSL in one package which I recognize from at least 3 different creators I have shop with, and still do, plus I assist new people who have unknowingly obtained stolen items into buying legal items, sometimes even buying the items for them within SL because many people are vicitms of not knowing and buying stolen content. However some creators actually ban people on sign for having any stolen item on them without knowledge, as long as they are not using spyware systems they do have this right, but i do not agree with it, and I think that they should actually warn new people, and help them, I know that I as a creator would be doing such right now myself. I dont really make much of anything in SL, and maybe that will change when Mesh imports come, but what ever I do make I give it away 100% free to people most of the time.
With the Teen Grid merge, I am sure there are going to be lots of more Copyrighted/Theft items distributed within SL, but I also knew quite a few creators from the Teen Grid as well, and I will actually be happy to see them, and I will recommend they stay away from CDS & all other systems like this, but I will also help them with people who steal their content which I find and see, and just maybe if SL gets a strong enough legit community who will work together to report stolen content instead of saying I dont care SL Should be free anyways, then we can all help the creators more, because Reporting Abuse on Ripped Content, or Helping people file legal DMCA reports is 100% within the LAW, which is what I use malicious viewers for in 09 up until LL restricted the Login for detection of stolen content which actually helped get many items removed from SL, and without such, I would have never of known which stuff I bought was stolen when I shop for free items on Xstreet, and which was legal. Take Ishy Wingtips for example, she Vaghan Vendetta are one of the biggest Anti Theft Teen Grid groups I have ever heard of like 5 months after joining main grid. And I think as a Teen they are trying their best, as long as they do it Legally without abusive systems I will always support this, and anything else against content theft.
Until Systems like this can provide 1. Customer Service, 2. Public Website for people to see the accused, and review people and such, 3. Proper Appeals system, that gives shared power so that all reputable creators can use it and unban people such as big companies so that power is shared not abused, 4. A Privacy Policy to Opt-Out if a user does not want to be scanned they are simply teleported home until they agree to it, at which point it will scan based on Terms in that Privacy Policy, and it will be legal, also they can decline scannings as well in the future by going back to the region and they can decline or accept, or fix it as always accept or whatever because it will create an account for them on an outside database, and they can select their own settings there of what they choose. This way people get proper warnings and such, and I would support a system like this, but I will not support a system that used Beta Testing Data, and such, and none of this. IF a creator of one of these systems can't provide these things, then LL should not allow such systems. Although I believe people should have 100% Freedom in SL to do as they please, and develop such systems, i do not agree with abuse.
And yes after I found out about Lonely's Alt it was quite obvious what they had done, and what I had seen on youtube about the Emerald devs, Phox was a well trusted member of the CDS/Skills & so was lonely. In my eyes honestly they are nothing but griefers trying to play angels in front of everyone, and make people look the other way about them, but I am not easily a fool by such people, although some will say that maybe I am that Demon, where is the actual evidence to support such have I developed a malicious viewer, or anything else that would bring harm to people like they have? Also as I said before I was 100% supporting Emerald/CDS, and Onyx, until I saw the abuse. I gave Skills an IM with his refuse to respond to it, my notecard, or my appeal with anything at all not even an answer, I had no choice but to pass the info to my friends about what had hapepn, and the others who have been unfairly done the same way have shared concerns as well.