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Hi guys, I personally never play any expansion after the original WOW, so at this time now I am thinking to come back and play. But I got few questions hopefully you guys can help me and answer:
1.) Does PvP server and PvE server have big difference? I heard people said most people just go to Battleground now to earn points, hardly world pvp in normal zones anymore. So Which one is more fun for you in your experience?
2.) Do I need to be in Raid? Sometimes I am a busy guy in Real life, so I don't think I will have that much time for a 3-4 hours raid. Are there some short/small raids that maybe I can earn second/third best gears through somewhere else, at least to get myself on par with the best gears? Are PvP gears around the same as best raid gears too ?? I rather sometimes just join PUG to Battleground for fast game.
3.) Hows the community? Everyone has bad opinions, but I wannna hear from your own experience. At least tell me which server has a better community.
So far I only have these questions, thx for answer !!!
WoW is still a cool game to play. Granted, it can be addicting and is not a healthy lifestyle option in general.
1) I have not played much on PvP servers, but PvP is still alive on regular PvE servers (arena teams, battlegrounds, and especially Wintergrasp which is like a big end-game battleground). Random world PvP with harassing or defending of small towns is still happening (I last played a few months ago, though). PvP is very server-dependent, though, as some servers are horde dominated and vice versa.
2) To experience the full excitement and boredom of end-game, you would need to be in a raiding guild with evening raids 2-4 times per week. The better the guild, the fewer days you have to be there (because they clear raids faster and they are on a weekly reset). That said, you can go the way of the PUG and get lots of gear with random groups doing 5-mans and even raids. This type of raiding is less reliable, especially if your gear is not good to begin with, but lots of gear can be obtained through grinding for badges/emblems via above-mentioned 5-man heroics. This in fact has been the complaint of hardcore guild-oriented players - how easy it is to get good gear without being in a raiding guild.
PvP gear is no longer applicable in PvE world. Arena-based and some PUGable raid-based drops in Wintergrasp-based miniraid are best PvP gear.
3) Community is getting worse. Server-dependent. Still lots of nice people, but also lots of jerks spamming the trade channel.
A lot more automation and less interaction (random dungeon finder, random raid finder etc). Best to play where you have friends. Most people otherwise get bored soon. With your hiatus it may take awhile to happen.
Well, taking a WoW break right now but have played it since it's release. I always take a month off each year. Let's see if I can help a bit.
1) I played on both types PVP and PVE servers. Personally, I disliked PVP because some questing is done in contested or in other faction zones. Being repeated killed just trying to get to the quest area got really old for me. I enjoyed PVE much more. I could still PVP in battleground but there I was going in for that PVP experience.
2) My guild wasn't big into raids. We did a few 20 man raids now and then. Right now, you can do daily dungeons and get emblems to turn in for pretty good upper level gear. Our guild would do 2 or 3 of those 5 man daily dungeons a night. They could be pretty fun.
3) I have only experience with one server (PVE) as far as "community" goes. Certainly was a lot of chatter on general and trade chat's . Never a dull moment there. Mainly I interacted with my guild and support and sister guilds. I think it's a matter of picking a server and sticking around long enough to get the feel, make friends, etc. Some guilds are very raid based, others are PVP battleground based. I personally like more of a leveling/social guild. Like you, I don't have time to do those major raids and some elitist guilds will kick you if you don't show.
1) Yes, on a PvP server you can pretty much attack anyone anywhere. No, there is no real point to open world PvP unless you enjoy that sort of thing, but other than whatever fun you might derive from it, there is no real reward. IMO unless you really enjoy the extra "danger" while you are PvEing (or aka ganking depending on how you view it), it is pointless to roll on a PvP server in WoW. PvE servers have the flagging system, and few open world PvP areas, and most actual PvP is done in Battlegrounds and Arenas.
2) No, you can just do 5-mans and get at least the first stage of upper tier armor sets and you can get decent gear from more casual 10-man raids. I raid 9 hours a week and have seen nearly everything WoW has to offer as far as raiding aside from a few heroic modes, if that is any indication of the time investment needed to raid in WoW these days... Decent gear is fairly easy to come by in WoW now (which many view as a bad thing). It is really easy to find smaller raids to go to now, even if you aren't in a guild.
3) It really depends a lot on the server, and more importantly who you choose to hang out with. That is teh key, finding peopel that fit your play style and personality and maturity level. I have been lucky enough on my main PvE server to find a great group of people, and I tend to stick with that core group when I play WoW. It may take oyu a while to find people that fit the bill that you want to pay with, but they are there, you just have to be persistant and hang in there...
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
Pretty much much the above posters said, adding;
1) PvP can get you into the 'war' state of mind early on as you gank or get ganked. If you're lucky enough to kill those that are your lvl, you'll get honor which can help if you want gear or even mounts.
2) On my server, there are many pugs now for the 10-mans and even 25-man, so being in a guild helps but isn't required. Gs is but with the emblems you can pass the requirements, maybe not the achievement though. :P
3) Nothing to add here. Server/time dependent.
1. On a PvP server, you are flagged for PvP in all contested and enemy zones, meaning that you can attack or be attacked by players of any levels. The old world is pretty empty at the moment but hopefully Cataclysm will revive it. I sometimes like to kill NPCs of the opposite faction on my server to provoke a response from that faction.
2. The level 80 5 mans dungeons of WotLK offers the 2nd best gears in the game. The dungeon finder will speed things up by allowing you to run dungeons with people from other servers. Of course, you will have to raid to get the best of the best gear.
3. It depends on the server. On my server, sometimes trade chat degenerates into religion and politics debate and flaming. My best advice is to turn off the chat channels if you cannot stand it,
1. There is very little spontanious world PvP now, unfortunately. Regardless of PvE or PvP rulesets, both sides can raid each other cities. However, in PvE you cannot attack other players in normal zones openly. World PvP only happens when a group of (usually dickhead) level 80s in the same guild or group of friends decide to raid an innocent questing hub.
2. Trial of the Champion is what you're looking for. It only takes about 2 hours to complete if you have a decent group. You can also save your progress in the upcoming expansion and join another raid. You don't need to be in a raid to get gear - dungeon emblems have done away with that requirement. Whenever you complete a random dungeon, you earn some tokens which can be spent on raid gear.
3. WoW easily has the largest community, and thus most varied of players, in any MMO I've played. About half of the players I meet are stupid asshats, the other half are genuinely nice. The best place to go is either to find a guild with nice non-elitist officers/leader and/or play some dungeons with a regular group. My highest level character is only 40 since my other account was hacked and now unaccessible. I met one player I frequently play with - we've even exchanged phone numbers and emails. Just be a nice guy, simple as that.
Thanks for all the info...
but maybe I ask which server you guys playing at ??
I am now installing WOW and I am having hard time picking server !! =p
If you want someone to re-roll with you and help fund your character, I'm planning on rolling an alt soon, and can use my main to help fund all the little amenities that make things easier.
I'm on Malorne - Horde. Pretty good server, doesn't run into as many problems as some of the ones I've been on before, and horde pretty much controls it. Just send me a message here if you decide to head that way.
That sounds cool, I'm open for anything, and I am planning to be a Tauren too !!
Always think that Tauren Death Knight looks quite cool !! xD
Whats your in game name??
1. Basically pve and pvp servers are the same. the majority of pvp takes place in Wintergrasp and battlegrounds. The difference between the two is that you will sometmes get ganked while questing on a pvp server. Pve servers do city raids just as frequently as pvp servers. I play both, and really besides the occassionaly high level ganking me while questing, there is no difference
2. There are a lot of short raids (less than an hour) and most dungeons can be done in less than 30 minutes now. PVE and PVP is mostly seperated. You can get really decent pvp gear by doing wintergrasp (and the short dungeon after it). in battlegrounds (and wintergrasp) haviing the best gear isn't really necessary. Usually 'surprise' and numbers matter more than the absolute best gear. In Arena, gear matters much more. PVE and PVP gear, you can easily get 'second' best gear without being hardcore.. and the difference is minimal between the best and second best
3. Eh.. it is hit or miss. Find a nice guild with like-minded people, or at least build up a friends list of people you get along with. Spending your time in general chat will force you to listen to the worst players in the game. I think of it this way.. everyone who is friendly has friends, and usually spends time talkign to them in guildchat etc.. the people who don't have friends are the ones who spend all their time in trade chat.
Sent you a message.
I'm playing on Bleeding Hollow with (as mentioned above) new character. It's a 2004 launch server so its quite populated with all the veteran guilds. The community is huge and often very stupid, but funny.
Great, by looking at the helps in here, I don't think WOW is full of crap people in the community. You guys are very helpful.
Anyway, but can you guys explain more about Battleground and Arena ? Whats the difference?
Taurens are really cool, I prefer PvP servers.
Difference between battlegrounds and arena ?hmmm
Both PvP instances ,diff being that battlegrounds are objective based ..CTF ,Domination type games .10v10,15vs15,40vs40
Arenas are basicly just 2v2 3v3 5v5 skirmishes
Arena is too hardcore for most players. You either suck (under 1500 rating) or are a champ (+2000).
BG's are more user friendly, but I expect Cataclysm to change this and that could be a problem for many players.
Either way, both forms of PvP play are highly competitive and can be enjoyable even after playing them for many years.
Those players who obtain a Gladiator title are exceptional.
A lot of Raiders lost their status back in early TBC when people saw they couldn't achieve anything in PvP. That situation became increasingly problematic when Blizzard also limited power play in arena's.
Arena's showed the rated system was simply too hard/harsh for a subscription based game. Biggest mouths have the smallest fists.