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I just got done watching the developer walk through for the game, and i must say im impressed. Alot of solid combat and WAR-like PvP and questing.
But honestly, you cant expect people to pay 15 dollars a month and then have Micro-Transactions. If this had been an MMO maybe 3-4 years ago that would have floated, but everyone knows what MT are now adays. Ive never once seen a nessecary reason to have MT's in a game that has a sub fee. It always translates to "We want to make more cash, so we are going to keep this content from release and make you pay for it later."
It started with Battlefield Bad Company, it continued through to games like Champions and others, and at this point its just gotten sad and in my opinion is just a bad business practice. You cant expect an honest review or trial attempt by a customer if your going to be sneaking in extra charges after the core game. Its like going into a restraunt like sweet tomatoes, paying the 7 bucks for the buffet and then realizing that to get ketchup you have to pay an extra buck.
Business's in the real world would never stay afloat like that, you would have alot of angry customers and you would constantly find yourself bombarded in person with people wanting their money back.
Thats a "Luxury" of selling an online game, the people complaining are only words on a screen. How many times did you see SWG vets at SOE's doorsteps? Or STO lifers banging at Jack Emmert's front door? You dont because most people dont have the time or the will to take such a thing so far. So then whats the best way to stop this behavior from developers? Dont buy the game.
If the DCO dev's want to see my money they will have to get rid of the sub fee or the MT's, because i wont be playing a game that has both.
In the end that is your choice and by all means you are free to make that choice. I for one see no problem with and have never played a game that has "Required" me to pay for any MT to progress. I will be trying it and if the "Gameplay" is not to my taste then i will stop.
I completely understand how you feel about micro-transactions. I'm against them as well. However, I've come to realize we've lost a fight we should have been fighting when companies attempted micro-transactions. Unfortunately, us, as the consumer, are to blame for the success of micro-transactions and their present popularity with these companies.
If we, as a consumer base, hadn't bought into them they would have stalled. Now it's just something we have to deal with. The only way they'll disappear is if consumer stop using them. The way it is going that isn't going to be the case. I've come to accept that the cash store are the bells and whistles of todays game. You might buy the game and have the core of it all, but if you want the bells and whistle you have to buy into the cash store.
The biggest part that really bugs me is when I feel they've put major content in a cash store that should have been in a game on release or as an update.
Cash stores are the present....I'd like to see them become the past, but it take more, in comparison, than a handful of people in such a wide consumer base.
damn didnt know this MMO will have both. I guess that's it for me.
Since WoW added microtransactions I think its safe to say that almost all major MMOs willl have it aswell.
Sadly buying the box and paying $15/month is no longer enough...
And still people whine about F2P MMOs here.
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
That's it for me as well. I was looking forward to this game prior to this news. It's the primary reason I don't play City of Heroes or Champions Online. ALL the content that is for "sale" in the store they produced using MY dime that I gave to them for content already via their subscription plan. I PAID for that content already, and they demand I fork over MORE money to get what I've already paid the devs to make? Bullshit I say!!
DC Universe is now a thing of the past for me and my guild >.<!
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Because free 2 play MMOs started this crap, and I'm sick and tired of people trying to force this thievery on to the players.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Being a SOE made game, DC Universe already had a major black mark against it but with MTs and a subscription fee there is no way in hell I will be picking this up.
Are these MT's involving luxury items? character customization? Super potions that make you more powerful than everyone else?
Exactly, I wouldn't make a decision without knowing all the facts either.
I'll still be trying th egame regardless of how the MT thing turns out. I usually enjoy myself for the 30 days that comes with the box on most games anyway, even if they turn out to be steaming piles after that i'll still have had loads of fun for my 20 or 30 pounds. Somehow i don't think i'll be worried about MT during those 30 days and if i like it? Well, i'll already know by that point how game affecting they've made them and can make a decision from there.
Or... i could just read the word MT and start running around like a headless chicken telling all and sundry that the game [b]definately[/b] sucks because of 2 letters, without knowing what those 2 letters yet encompass.
I love the pricing model on Guild Wars and the future Guild Wars 2. No MT. No Monthly fee, but you pay for expansions? Okay!
I agree with MT's are bad when there's a monthly fee involved for sure.
If there's no monthly fee and the game is free, I get the MT's thing, they have to make money some way.
If you're charging a $15 fee for a game and you include game enhancing MT items, lame.
Cosmetic purchases can sometimes be useful though.
Yeah, if you don't like MTs then don't buy them. Though, if they become game-changing, that's a differant story. I don't mind having cosmetic stuff like the CoH costume/emote/power packs. Or buying the "extras" that come with the special edition of the game. Even XP boosting items wouldn't matter to me. But major power enhancements that unbalance a game would be something I would get a little irked by.
Not talking about you Pap, but...
How about we, as the actual paying customer, stop letting the corperations set the market and tell them what WE want, instead of the other way round?
The consumer has the power to say no. The standard cop out of 'thats just the way it's going' is rubbish imo. It's only going that way if we stop swallowing the industry spin and shilling of the myth of 'inevitability'.
They are only interested in moving into this model because it makes them more money for the same (or less) product, and that 'more' can only come from one place. You.
Profit is fine and good, profiteering isnt and reduces you as a gamer to just a wallet to be emptied.
I agree. Problem is as long as people have the "well its the way it is so I guess I will accept it" attitude it will in fact become the way it is. The sheep will fulfill their prophecy.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
Could someone post a link to the video you saw saying there will be MT? i have watched everythiung i can find on DCUO and i havent came across anything about MT. if some one could post this video that would be great thanks a lot
so I guess no one can tell me anything about where they heard about MT???
That's the way it already is. There's no prophecy to fufill it's done. Cash stores are immensely popular with the game marketing companies, because people have already heavily bought into them. It's already been accepted, if it hadn't they would be in so many of the current games.
It takes far more than a handful to claim they won't buy into them. Until there is an effort on a much grander scale to oppose them, cash stores are the present.
All it takes is for people to say "Oh, I'll just buy this one thing or that one thing and that'll be it."
And, of course these companies are smart and place things like extra character slots in the cash stores and then give you an extremely limited number of character slots, since they know the majority of players will play more than three characters in the course of their gameplay and will not delete a character they've put a lot of effort into.
Don't buy anything.....not one thing from cash stores if you want them to become the thing of the past. There can be no compromises, no lapses in judgement, you must not buy anything. Because as soon as you do you've became one of those people that accepts it.
Like I said, I accept the reality that cash stores are here and productive and that it'll take a lot more than a handful of people boycotting them.
my opinion is by now the price from 15 a month would be going up so if they add the cash shop and let me still play for 15 a month than i'm happy. This way lets them make there money of the people who have the disposable income instead of not having it and the price going up to 25 a month.
With the cash shop only the people who can afford more are going to be buying stuff and all the people who cant afford more than 15 a month don't have to worry about paying more money a month for the game.
It actually surprises me that the sub prices have not gone up before now.
Not sure if i explained it as clearly as i was hoping to but hope you catch my drift.
In other words with sub fee and Mt they make more money without making all the playerbase have to pay a higher monthly fee to support the game. .
do you guys even know what crap is gonna hit the store yet? will it be like champions where all they sold were costume variants/colors and 3 foot tall midget versions of in game characters as vanity pets and renames/respecs for people with add/adhd that couldnt be content with their creation for more then a day heh?
I do understand what you are saying. However, the only way subs would go up is if competing companies all decided to raise their sub prices to the same value. Even then if one of the popular games such as WoW raised their subs to a higher price the only way that would succeed, much like cash stores, is if people kept paying the sub regardless of the hike in the price. This is even less likely with the success of free to play games.
If people started dropping their subs enmasse when that occured it would prevent further attempts to raise sub prices. Seeing as they will only price their subs at what the market is willing to bear. So, the same idea applies to cash stores, if we don't like it we shouldn't pay it. If we don't pay it, they won't keep showing up.
Cash stores definitely make these companies more profit which isn't always a bad thing for the gamer. It's when the companies start thinking "Hey, instead of putting this content in the game like we planned, lets piece it out in the cash store." that sullies the whole process.
Companies aren't benign when it comes to the customers wallet. The more we are willing to shell out the more effort they'll put into trying to get more.
As others said in this thread already. If we accept it that is the way it is going to be. I think we all know how well cash stores are working out for companies, but are they really providing us anything that we should already be provided? It's about time we demand more for our currency rather than letting them lead us around by the bit.
Why would that be the only way? Say a company says, hey we are now under 10k subs, and 15k is our target for this game, you as the player can decide, we raise it to 25 a month, we close. I'm sorry but there is a game I'd love to pay $25 a month to have back.
I'll admit I'd be surprised by a higher fee, as honestly I think 9.99 and microtransactions are the way to go IMO. A lot of games are lowering the fee since those MT can account for a large portion of their income. (D&D, Lotro, and Sony's attempt for the most part)
Yeah, because telling a corporation like Sony what YOU want is really going to work right? How about Activision, that dude is as clueless IMO as a turd on a stick to put it kindly. Guess what, they have something YOU want to use. Not the other way around. I think players can't wrap this thing around their head. Your paying to use a service, so unless you and a whole bunch of other people stop using the service all together(which isn't going to happen no matter what anyone says with bigger companies) they will do as they please and we will all like it like a passionate night with our beloved.
I agree with you that it would be nice if it could work like that, especially when it's a game I really love. But when a company admits that they're on the verge of going bankrupt for a project or that they've received word to shut a project down if it doesn't produce a given revenue, consumers and investors jump ship. That is why when a game is doing poorly it is kept quiet as long as possible, because admitting a game is in trouble is enough to make the situation worse. Who really wants to keep investing time in a character or game when they know it will be shut down soon?
I'm sure folks have already seen this happen with certain games in the past. Raising subs beyond what the competitors offer is a pretty definite way to lose more customers to competitors than it is to increase revenue. That's why free to play with cash stores has been so wildly popular. Free to Play is drawing in more consumers than before. D&D had a huge upswing in revenue when they went to Free to Play and this is why Turbine has brought LOTOR to Free to Play as well. I'm on the fence about the merits of Free to Play against subs, but I'm sure there are plenty either way.
I really say "That's the only way" just, because of economic trends. Most people won't pay more for a product when there's a cheaper subsitute of equal or better quality for a lower price. Sure, there will be die hard fans out there that will stick with the higher sub game, but that's not enough.
I have nothign against MT's......simply because, you dont have to pay for them to progress in the game. You only have to pay for them if you really want them lol. Doesn't really change gameplay or anything like that. I have nothing against them doing it, as long as it stays that way and doesn't become a req.
-Rhalon 85 B.E. rogue
-Rhalon 81 UD Mage
-Doneski 85 Orc death knight
"Everyones life has a beginning and an end, No one can change that."-Hiko
"If you wish to taste the ground, then feel free to attack."-Kenshin Himura
I think youre missing what tends to piss most poeple off about MT's. Its not that it is or can give an advantage. Its the fact that these (MT's) should be part of the $15 a month subscription.
Fadedbomb put it best. They (the MMO developers) are using my $15 a month to create new content which I then have to pay extra money just to access it.
Now not all people who dislike MT's dislike it for the reason above. But a lot do, and I'm one of them. I dont like paying twice, and thats what it feels like.
And trust me its not that I cant afford the little perks either. Its not a money issue thing (as in I cant buy) with most people. Its the principle of making us pay twice.
And because if it I wont preorder. And I'll wait to see how much and what they expect me to buy on top of my sub.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."