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I seen a lot of posters wondering just how it works, so ill try to the best of my abilities to explain just how the class system works. Based on what we have seen in Closed beta and forums so far.
First lets start with the basics,
You are able to change between jobs utilizing the Armoury System, where in equipping different weapons and tools will instantly change your class. Classes will be organized into several "Disciplines," categories that contain multiple classes that appropriately represent your chosen path. There will be four disciplines, each with a number of classes, and a variety of skills for each class. War(mele), Magic, Hand(Crafters) and Land(Gatherers).
We will especially focus on War and Magic Disciplines.
Instead of your LEVEL the character grow is compromised by what skills you have and how you use them. This idea comes from the very core of the system, MAKE YOUR OWN CLASS.
Every class starts out with many hybrid builds, or so you could call it. There is no basic party set up class by default.In order to achive this( if you wish to) you would have to get the skills that would benefict the role you whant to play on the game, It can be anythin ,from a godly soloer to a heavy healer/nuker.It all depends on how do you whant to play.
There are 2 bars of progress you need to look at when increasing your level.
1-Physical Experience points
2-Rank Skill Points
note, they increase at aproximately on a 3-1 ratio (Physical/ rank)
Physical Level;
Your physical level is shared with all disciplines, you gain experience points the same on every class.Eighter killing monsters, crafting or gathering . You will earn experience points towards this progress bar.This affects only stats and Elemental Affinity. (VIT-DEX-STR-MND-INT-PHY) . Everytime you gain 1 level you will gain 6 points to distribute on the stat you wish to. Also you gain 6 elemental resistance points wich as well you can distribute on whatever you think is best.Physical is escaleted to some point of your rank level.You wont see a big effect on your level 1 rank class by having a lv 30 physical.You are able to change X ammount of stat/elemental points every X(time) as you wish. But not all, just a small ammount.
Rank Level(skill points , actual level of your class)
Your have a chance to increase everytime you use your weapon, magic or tool.It works almost exactly the same as skilling up in FFXI for those who have played it.For those who havent,Everytime you "swing,cast,harvest,craft" a roll dice is throw and you might gain X ammount of skill points.Currently im not sure how the gain is calculated.At the end of the fight/procces a total ammount of points gained will show and go towards your progresion bar.
Every few levels ups of rank you will adquire skills/weaponskills/magic.Skills and magic can be transfered into a diferent class. Weapon Skills do not transfer And there are some skills that are class specific and dont transfer as well.Equipment level is measured on Class Rank.The same aply to quest/dungeons requirements.There is a Number of how many skills you can have. This number increases as your rank goes up.Every skill/magic have a Value that is substracted of your total skill points, untill you have reached the max skills you can have at your level.You can change skills anytime , anywere as long as not in combat.There is no Level restriction when transfering skills into a diferent class.All skills /magic are weaker in some aspects(recast, Strenght/acurrancy)when transfered into a diferent class, each have their own restrictions.
Also you have class traits,The pool of traits you can have is measured separated of your skill points. The max you can have increases the same way our skill max does.Traits are not given to you automaticly, instead they are bought on specific class vendors.You use a currency adquired from doing guild levels of 20 and above.The Guild level will especify what class the currency is to, so becarefull when farming them to chooce the right guild level for your class.You can tranfer the traits in the same way you transfer magic/skills.
There a diferent type of traits other than the class especific, even if they are class especific as well, stats exchange traits.
They work the same way class traits do, but instead of giving you abilities or such, they exchange stats from melee to magic or magic to melee , in most cases.
STR+10 INT-10
VIT-10 MND+10
I like to add , that most of Disciples of war Stat Traits give you magic stats, while Disciples of Magic Stats Gives you melee stats.
end of long wall of text,
I hope this can help you guys understand a bit better just how the system works,If i made any mistakes for those who have the knowledge ill be happy to fix them so the people who dont know can have a better understanding on how the system does actually works.Also if i missed anythin important please do point it out.
Skieve Shadowfang.
Thanks, I found it helpful. I played beta but didn't know about the traits part.
This entire armoury system appears to me to be incredibly limiting and completely unnecesarry. It's not something I can't work with, but none the less, limiting.
At the least, I suppose it will be interesting to try out.