Also, to avoid the incoming, I happen to be a CO Lifetimer. Not a day goes by that I don't regret dropping $200 on this trash, which I did only because I was pressured into it by friends. I'll never make that mistake again. Cryptic is a company that needs to go away. Whoever compared them to Uwe Boll was right on track there.
Oh well, at least I have fun making new characters whenever costumes come out. Essentially that's what I paid for, a costume maker, because I never get more than a level or two into actually playing the characters before I'm bored out of my mind.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Also, to avoid the incoming, I happen to be a CO Lifetimer. Not a day goes by that I don't regret dropping $200 on this trash, which I did only because I was pressured into it by friends. I'll never make that mistake again. Cryptic is a company that needs to go away. Whoever compared them to Uwe Boll was right on track there.
Oh well, at least I have fun making new characters whenever costumes come out. Essentially that's what I paid for, a costume maker, because I never get more than a level or two into actually playing the characters before I'm bored out of my mind.
If only we could get Jack Emmert to see that by and large this is what his games do to people, by the time you get one or two levels into a character often you have seen and done all there is to see and do in a Cryptic game and from there it becomes a chore to even log in and play. Honestly what COH did to me as well my highest level toon is level thirty five (two of them actually) because the game is such a bore often I can only get about a bubble worth of exp before I have to log out.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I guess we're just looking for different things. I think Champions' combat is fun and I like the variety of enemies and locations. I would think, if playing a few levels in CO bores you, that all MMOs would, and most would bore you a lot faster.
It is absolutely not true that one has seen the whole game after a level or two. At all. Diverse world design is one of the best things about Champions Online. In addition to having the various region maps, the individual locations within each region all have unique character.
"I'm just curious how do you see the COH atmosphere as not being comic book while Champions is."
To me, City of Heroes's visuals and text seem to depict a nearly real world with just a hint of the fantastic added. It's true that both games have aliens, mad scientists, mutants and magic, but the presentation in City of Heroes -- skyscrapers, characters and story -- is very down to earth.
Champions Online has a more Silver Age approach that suggests the impossible is always around the corner. The invading aliens are B-movie style, the super-science has made its way into the architecture, and the villains actually look super.
In CoH, the origin-specific shops look like they could happen in the real world. In Champions, they're a dozen stories tall inside, with over the top equipment. It's just a different vibe.
I'll probably paly the week.Of the two Cryptic offerings CO has much more potential to become good if the devs actualyl show it the appropriate amount of love.Which admittedly they have yet to do as CO from what I've read since Launch is still only just approaching enough content and balance that most MMOs actually launch with and build from.Also every time I tried a free weekend I found the community immature and un helpful,but honestly that could just be th einflux of new players on the free weekends rather than the established community.
I also expect both CO and STO to receive much less attention form Cryptic once they go into crunch mode over their NWN games just like CO got pretty much ignored till STO launched.What this gmae has going for it is a non fantasy setting and some interestingly presented combat mechanics,they ere not revolutionary game mechanics as some Cryptic fanbois have tried to present them they are just fmailiar mechanics with a slight twist in presentation but still interesting.
I don't expect to be convince dto subscribe after the week but who knows maybe I'll be shocked.
I guess we're just looking for different things. I think Champions' combat is fun and I like the variety of enemies and locations. I would think, if playing a few levels in CO bores you, that all MMOs would, and most would bore you a lot faster.
It is absolutely not true that one has seen the whole game after a level or two. At all. Diverse world design is one of the best things about Champions Online. In addition to having the various region maps, the individual locations within each region all have unique character.
"I'm just curious how do you see the COH atmosphere as not being comic book while Champions is."
To me, City of Heroes's visuals and text seem to depict a nearly real world with just a hint of the fantastic added. It's true that both games have aliens, mad scientists, mutants and magic, but the presentation in City of Heroes -- skyscrapers, characters and story -- is very down to earth.
Champions Online has a more Silver Age approach that suggests the impossible is always around the corner. The invading aliens are B-movie style, the super-science has made its way into the architecture, and the villains actually look super.
In CoH, the origin-specific shops look like they could happen in the real world. In Champions, they're a dozen stories tall inside, with over the top equipment. It's just a different vibe.
Really? Every major MMO have I tried eventually sent me "come back for a free trial" offers, including WoW and EVE.
Ok so basically you explain the different design philosophies involved in the art direction I'm still looking forward to hearing what Champions does that reflects comic books that COH doesn't do.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Everybody on one game? It would be cool, though I have been happy to see the investment NCsoft made in CoH, partly as a result of competition. I hope we'll continue to see multiple games trying to one-up each other.
I don't think DC will take away CoH's core audience, who like the way it plays, the six years' worth of content upgrades and the fact that it can run well on older hardware.
The Paragon team is very creative, too... I thought their crafting system was a good solution for the superhero genre, yet they didn't let it intefere in the enjoyment of casual players who choose to ignore it. And now Matt Miller is working on an endgame system. I expect them to keep things interesting, and hopefully they can somehow upgrade their character models eventually.
DC may do more harm to Champions. Champions is more of an action game, especially when played with a controller. It allows strong characters to pick up vehicles and (briefly) use them as blunt instruments or projectiles. DC is taking the use of physics in combat even further, so that may attract action gamers.
Given DC's great license, content created by big-name comics art and writing talent, and the fact that they have a console version, I think they'll have a lot of interest at launch.
One possible downside for DC will be system requirements. If it requires a fairly recent video card to run well, people are more likely to blame the game than their hardware. That'll right itself over time, but it could harm the launch. (I think Conan and Champions had similar problems at their launches.)
Luckily for DC though they will have the console version as well which gives them a rather large playerbase that wouldn't have that problem no matter what though that doesn't help the pc servers which from what I hear will be seperate from the console servers.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Oh wow! 20% of all C-Store items! You guys are sooooOOOooo generous Cryptic!
(Major sarcasm in case somebody missed that.)
They dont have to give anything. Ive played a lot of games with item shops and never seen a single discount. Im not going to buy anything mind you, but its a nice discount to those who do choose to buy costumes and such.
Ok so basically you explain the different design philosophies involved in the art direction I'm still looking forward to hearing what Champions does that reflects comic books that COH doesn't do.
CoH was released at a time when realism and comic book style art were pretty similar, due to technological limitations. CO, OTOH, could have looked way better, but they chose not to, so as to look more like comics. I think that's the main difference.
As ridiculous as it may be.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Super Hero MMOs can't work because the developers will try to set heavy limits on travel powers so that they can try to balance the game in both pvp and pve. That is what killed pvp in CoH i13 and that's what fucked up CO from the beginning. A super hero MMO can't be super heroey if it's not fast paced, the developers try to slow down the games to appease the WoW mmo crowds and their super hero MMOs fail.
If i spent 200 dollars on life time I will play til the servers blow up in a raging fire.And get my money worth.
In economics, this is called a sunk cost. Lifetimers paid 200$ and can never recover it. Justifying that investment by throwing precious time (a resource you still possess) into a game that isn't enjoyable would just be further waste of resources--it's simply better to cut and run.
I see that I'm not the only one who yawned at this news, and just about broke their eyelids eyerolling as hard as i almost did.
However, the difference is I'm a big enough jerk to actually post and say what's completely obvious because i'm BORED.
Thank you for posting what I was thinking. Now I can just say I AGREE. rofl
Unfortunately, those of us whom are avid fans of the NeverWinter franchise have to continue to be haunted by this TERRIBLE company. They're the "Uwe Boll" of the MMORPG community (even worse than the korean WoW clone developers), because they SOMEHOW keep getting their hands on wonderful fan loved franchises (coughStarTrekcough).
Unfortunately, Korean developers try and 'clone' more of their original 'grinder' games like lineage or lineage 2 (as evident from their most popular game: Aion - which pales in the grinding compared to its predecessors, but still nonetheless) .
But I am no fan of Cryptic, and calling them the Uwe Boll of the game industry makes me... smile.
I see that I'm not the only one who yawned at this news, and just about broke their eyelids eyerolling as hard as i almost did.
However, the difference is I'm a big enough jerk to actually post and say what's completely obvious because i'm BORED.
Thank you for posting what I was thinking. Now I can just say I AGREE. rofl
Unfortunately, those of us whom are avid fans of the NeverWinter franchise have to continue to be haunted by this TERRIBLE company. They're the "Uwe Boll" of the MMORPG community (even worse than the korean WoW clone developers), because they SOMEHOW keep getting their hands on wonderful fan loved franchises (coughStarTrekcough).
Omg that is harsh! Uwe Boll! HAHAHAHAHA! But I wholeheartedly agree!
I loved Coh/v before the archetech system.. I have no clue how they screwed CO so badly after the success CoH was.
"An MMORPG could be completely diffirent from WoW. Just look at games like Dofus, Wizard101 or EVE. But as it is, most of the Western MMOs are trying to succeed by out-WoWing WoW. It's like an army of 10 sports games made about same sports, and barely none about other sports. WoW clone is an accurate description of those games, it manages to convey much information with only two words." -Poster on
Rift: World of Warcraft clone #9321 Nothing special to see here move along.
I loved Coh/v before the archetech system.. I have no clue how they screwed CO so badly after the success CoH was.
IMO most of CoH's best content came after Cryptic was no longer involved with the game. That includes Mission Architect.
With that said, even before that, CoH was a metric crap ton better than CO and STO, so I find myself wondering the same thing.
"I am the weapon that strikes/In the hearts of men I thrive/Feeding their fear with lies/I will devour/I will divide/I am the god of hellfire/inside every man there lives a liar/before their gods they cower/I will divide/I will devour" - "Divide Devour" by Iced Earth
"Ok so basically you explain the different design philosophies involved in the art direction I'm still looking forward to hearing what Champions does that reflects comic books that COH doesn't do."
You asked for a clarification about why I thought Champions delivered comic book atmosphere better than CoH, and the game's atmosphere is indeed a product of the art direction (in the gameworld and the interface) and also the mission text. As I said above, I do agree that both games address the same subject matter. It's just that compared to Champions, CoH (which I still love) does it in a relatively understated manner. Champions is louder and more fun-loving.
And I realize, as Vhaln points out, that CoH was a product of its time. The engine and building bitmaps have been upgraded, but it'd be impossible to change the game's entire style.
"I have no clue how they screwed CO so badly after the success CoH was."
I think they were influenced by WoW, considering CO started out with mostly open world questing and a conventional fantasy-type crafting system. They did relent on campable spawns after launch (by moving them into instances).
Now I just want an exit button at the end of indoor missions... how could they leave that out?
Well, I re-downloaded CO on Saturday morning -- it was done and patched in about in an hour. Spent another hour remaking the hero I had from beta (munitions/dual blades).
The shiny metal style and the assymetric coloring as well as parts make for a phenomenal looking hero, once you turn off the comic book outlining. The concept is there, my imagination is firing away and then we enter the game.
Well, it's the same, drawn out tutorial. I hadn't cranked up the fan on my video card so as soon as I went after the Qularr eggs, the machine hung due to heat*. After a reboot, I was running again. It was very quiet, no one chatting. Made it to the Police Chief and called it quits for the afternoon.
Popped back in that night, continued on and reach Ironclad. I ran it a few times as did a number of people. For kicks I asked if anyone wanted to team up for mosquito swatter or whatever the perk is called. Dead silent.... and so it went.
It was a bit laggy with some rubberbanding although I didn't see many people around -- I did not pay attention to the number of instances. I still found combat to be a bit slow, as in slow to switch attacks and block. I may try to log in again tonight and head to the Desert since I've done Canada so many times during beta. As of now, I'd half-heartedly consider playing CO if it went F2P.
*regarding heat, I appear to have a similar issue with City of Heroes, except the Display driver just stops working and CoX crashes. When it happens in CO, the entire machine hangs horrible, just as it did during beta. In recent weeks, I've managed to avert the the hangs in CoX by downloading EVGA's precision overclocking tool and just cranking up the fan speed. In CO, it just seemed to delay the inevitable. Not blaming CO -- I know I need to address heat issues, but just offering full disclosure that, although it isn't the games' fault, it's just another irritant I face in particular. (Edit: this heat issue is restricted exclusively to the Cryptic-based games)
Also, to avoid the incoming, I happen to be a CO Lifetimer. Not a day goes by that I don't regret dropping $200 on this trash, which I did only because I was pressured into it by friends. I'll never make that mistake again. Cryptic is a company that needs to go away. Whoever compared them to Uwe Boll was right on track there.
Oh well, at least I have fun making new characters whenever costumes come out. Essentially that's what I paid for, a costume maker, because I never get more than a level or two into actually playing the characters before I'm bored out of my mind.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
If only we could get Jack Emmert to see that by and large this is what his games do to people, by the time you get one or two levels into a character often you have seen and done all there is to see and do in a Cryptic game and from there it becomes a chore to even log in and play. Honestly what COH did to me as well my highest level toon is level thirty five (two of them actually) because the game is such a bore often I can only get about a bubble worth of exp before I have to log out.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I guess we're just looking for different things. I think Champions' combat is fun and I like the variety of enemies and locations. I would think, if playing a few levels in CO bores you, that all MMOs would, and most would bore you a lot faster.
It is absolutely not true that one has seen the whole game after a level or two. At all. Diverse world design is one of the best things about Champions Online. In addition to having the various region maps, the individual locations within each region all have unique character.
"I'm just curious how do you see the COH atmosphere as not being comic book while Champions is."
To me, City of Heroes's visuals and text seem to depict a nearly real world with just a hint of the fantastic added. It's true that both games have aliens, mad scientists, mutants and magic, but the presentation in City of Heroes -- skyscrapers, characters and story -- is very down to earth.
Champions Online has a more Silver Age approach that suggests the impossible is always around the corner. The invading aliens are B-movie style, the super-science has made its way into the architecture, and the villains actually look super.
In CoH, the origin-specific shops look like they could happen in the real world. In Champions, they're a dozen stories tall inside, with over the top equipment. It's just a different vibe.
"In other words: Please play me, I'm dying q.q"
Really? Every major MMO have I tried eventually sent me "come back for a free trial" offers, including WoW and EVE.
I'll probably paly the week.Of the two Cryptic offerings CO has much more potential to become good if the devs actualyl show it the appropriate amount of love.Which admittedly they have yet to do as CO from what I've read since Launch is still only just approaching enough content and balance that most MMOs actually launch with and build from.Also every time I tried a free weekend I found the community immature and un helpful,but honestly that could just be th einflux of new players on the free weekends rather than the established community.
I also expect both CO and STO to receive much less attention form Cryptic once they go into crunch mode over their NWN games just like CO got pretty much ignored till STO launched.What this gmae has going for it is a non fantasy setting and some interestingly presented combat mechanics,they ere not revolutionary game mechanics as some Cryptic fanbois have tried to present them they are just fmailiar mechanics with a slight twist in presentation but still interesting.
I don't expect to be convince dto subscribe after the week but who knows maybe I'll be shocked.
Oh wow! 20% of all C-Store items! You guys are sooooOOOooo generous Cryptic!
(Major sarcasm in case somebody missed that.)
Ok so basically you explain the different design philosophies involved in the art direction I'm still looking forward to hearing what Champions does that reflects comic books that COH doesn't do.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Luckily for DC though they will have the console version as well which gives them a rather large playerbase that wouldn't have that problem no matter what though that doesn't help the pc servers which from what I hear will be seperate from the console servers.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
They dont have to give anything. Ive played a lot of games with item shops and never seen a single discount. Im not going to buy anything mind you, but its a nice discount to those who do choose to buy costumes and such.
awesome 7 days free
CoH was released at a time when realism and comic book style art were pretty similar, due to technological limitations. CO, OTOH, could have looked way better, but they chose not to, so as to look more like comics. I think that's the main difference.
As ridiculous as it may be.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I'm lifer too and I am enjoying the game. Many things to do, Lairs to run, costumes to unlock, travel powers to craft.
Super Hero MMOs can't work because the developers will try to set heavy limits on travel powers so that they can try to balance the game in both pvp and pve. That is what killed pvp in CoH i13 and that's what fucked up CO from the beginning. A super hero MMO can't be super heroey if it's not fast paced, the developers try to slow down the games to appease the WoW mmo crowds and their super hero MMOs fail.
In economics, this is called a sunk cost. Lifetimers paid 200$ and can never recover it. Justifying that investment by throwing precious time (a resource you still possess) into a game that isn't enjoyable would just be further waste of resources--it's simply better to cut and run.
Unfortunately, Korean developers try and 'clone' more of their original 'grinder' games like lineage or lineage 2 (as evident from their most popular game: Aion - which pales in the grinding compared to its predecessors, but still nonetheless) .
But I am no fan of Cryptic, and calling them the Uwe Boll of the game industry makes me... smile.
i laughed out loud on this. thank you so much, you brought joy into my day. bless you.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
Omg that is harsh! Uwe Boll! HAHAHAHAHA! But I wholeheartedly agree!
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
"An MMORPG could be completely diffirent from WoW. Just look at games like Dofus, Wizard101 or EVE. But as it is, most of the Western MMOs are trying to succeed by out-WoWing WoW. It's like an army of 10 sports games made about same sports, and barely none about other sports. WoW clone is an accurate description of those games, it manages to convey much information with only two words."
-Poster on
Rift: World of Warcraft clone #9321 Nothing special to see here move along.
IMO most of CoH's best content came after Cryptic was no longer involved with the game. That includes Mission Architect.
With that said, even before that, CoH was a metric crap ton better than CO and STO, so I find myself wondering the same thing.
"I am the weapon that strikes/In the hearts of men I thrive/Feeding their fear with lies/I will devour/I will divide/I am the god of hellfire/inside every man there lives a liar/before their gods they cower/I will divide/I will devour" - "Divide Devour" by Iced Earth
"Ok so basically you explain the different design philosophies involved in the art direction I'm still looking forward to hearing what Champions does that reflects comic books that COH doesn't do."
You asked for a clarification about why I thought Champions delivered comic book atmosphere better than CoH, and the game's atmosphere is indeed a product of the art direction (in the gameworld and the interface) and also the mission text. As I said above, I do agree that both games address the same subject matter. It's just that compared to Champions, CoH (which I still love) does it in a relatively understated manner. Champions is louder and more fun-loving.
And I realize, as Vhaln points out, that CoH was a product of its time. The engine and building bitmaps have been upgraded, but it'd be impossible to change the game's entire style.
"I have no clue how they screwed CO so badly after the success CoH was."
I think they were influenced by WoW, considering CO started out with mostly open world questing and a conventional fantasy-type crafting system. They did relent on campable spawns after launch (by moving them into instances).
Now I just want an exit button at the end of indoor missions... how could they leave that out?
Cryptic's meaning of free is completely different to what the dictionary term says...
I am thoroughly surprised they let us people play this game for free for a week....they must be doing good drugs again.
Well, I re-downloaded CO on Saturday morning -- it was done and patched in about in an hour. Spent another hour remaking the hero I had from beta (munitions/dual blades).
The shiny metal style and the assymetric coloring as well as parts make for a phenomenal looking hero, once you turn off the comic book outlining. The concept is there, my imagination is firing away and then we enter the game.
Well, it's the same, drawn out tutorial. I hadn't cranked up the fan on my video card so as soon as I went after the Qularr eggs, the machine hung due to heat*. After a reboot, I was running again. It was very quiet, no one chatting. Made it to the Police Chief and called it quits for the afternoon.
Popped back in that night, continued on and reach Ironclad. I ran it a few times as did a number of people. For kicks I asked if anyone wanted to team up for mosquito swatter or whatever the perk is called. Dead silent.... and so it went.
It was a bit laggy with some rubberbanding although I didn't see many people around -- I did not pay attention to the number of instances. I still found combat to be a bit slow, as in slow to switch attacks and block. I may try to log in again tonight and head to the Desert since I've done Canada so many times during beta. As of now, I'd half-heartedly consider playing CO if it went F2P.
*regarding heat, I appear to have a similar issue with City of Heroes, except the Display driver just stops working and CoX crashes. When it happens in CO, the entire machine hangs horrible, just as it did during beta. In recent weeks, I've managed to avert the the hangs in CoX by downloading EVGA's precision overclocking tool and just cranking up the fan speed. In CO, it just seemed to delay the inevitable. Not blaming CO -- I know I need to address heat issues, but just offering full disclosure that, although it isn't the games' fault, it's just another irritant I face in particular. (Edit: this heat issue is restricted exclusively to the Cryptic-based games)