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Posted today:
Version – Release
Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.
------ FEATURES ------
The Taxation System:
When a guild takes control of a territory, the guild can now set the taxes for that territory. Taxes are taken from the daily upkeep costs of houses and keeps. Meaning that:
100% tax for houses are 5 silver coins / day.
100% tax for houses with player vendors are 10 silver coins / day.
100% tax for keeps are 100 silver coins / day.
80 % of the total tax will go to the guild in charge and end up in their keep chest.
Using the territory control options in the keep menu allows the territory owner to control the tax of the region and it can be set to a range from 100% to 400% tax.
Guild A owns Territory A.
Guild A sets the tax to 200%.
House A without a player vendor at 200% tax pays 10 silver coins / day.
Guild A receives 8 silver coins from House A / day.
Functionality has been added to Creature spawners that makes it possible to save any data between server reboots. For example, if a rare creature was spawned and had been taken down to a certain health level. It will be re-spawned in the same state when the server comes back online.
------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------
- Prices for catalysts have been adjusted.
- Prices for Horn, Emalj, Molarium and Incisium have been adjusted.
- Gaur loot adjusted.
- Siege ammo boulders are now available as a pickable item.
- Siege ammo boulders can be picked in all corners of Myrland but is not common.
AI & Mounts:
- Belbus and Campodon, two new creatures added.
- Added a 1 hour spawn delay for Molva beasts in Myrland.
- One Molva beast has moved west from the Nereb Madgulu region.
- All mounts got a 20% speed reduction.
- All physical assets on creatures and players adjusted to fit the new combat collision system.
- Increased the amount of stamina your mount loses when you ride in full speed slightly.
- Decreased the amount of stamina your mount loses when you ride in canter speed slightly.
- Increased the amount of stamina a mount regains when standing still.
- Pets should now always become blue when tamed, no matter its tamers flag status.
- Pets in aggressive state will no longer attack any blue flagged players / pets.
- Pet murder count system has been tweaked and made simpler. Pets will no longer become murder flagged when killing other blue players / pets. Instead its tamer will be flagged for the murder if online. If the tamer is offline when this happens, the murder count will be saved on the pet until the tamer logs back in, and then transferred to the tamer.
- Pets that are left in the world while its master is logged out, will now loose 100% of max loyalty per hour which also means a total of maximum 1,5 hours with 150% max loyalty. No loyalty loss will occur while game server is down. Note that while a pet is stabled, it will not loose any loyalty.
Art & Sound:
- Tweaked ground grass textures in the jungle
- Audio overhaul on Springbok/Urial impact sounds.
- Tweaked sounds from hail caster release.
- Increased times impact sound from manganon can be played at once.
- Increased times impact sound from hail caster can be played at once.
- Updated impact sound from manganon for a more genuine impact effect.
- Added wind ambiance in Myrland steppe, amplitude alter between day and night.
- Slightly reduced the amount of handle-hits you get.
- Added a mechanic so that your first person blade won't intersect with objects as much when you aren't swinging.
- Took down the sprint speed in combat a bit.
- Raised the out-of-combat speed a bit. It's now the same as sprinting in combat mode.
- Took down the overall movement-speed of players.
- Rebuilt large parts of the melee-trace system. It should now be a lot more precise and you can no longer hit people that are behind you.
- Rebuilt how the bone you hit with melee gets calculated, it should now work a lot better even on larger creatures such as mounts.
- Added the Spiritism spell “Transcendental Awareness" that allows the caster to see and target characters that are in the etherworld.
- Added the Spiritism spell "Resurrect" that allows the caster to resurrect his dead target with 20% HP. The target must however accept the resurrect to come to life. This spell is counted as a good act in regards of flagging.
- The spell book now has two new buttons for scrolling back and forth between magic schools.
- Magic should no longer be able to damage world construction objects such as houses, bridges or player houses. (Note that the numbers might still print, but it will not actually remove anything.)
- Magic should no longer be able to heal world construction objects such as houses, bridges or player houses. (Note that the numbers might still print, but it will not actually add anything.)
- Changed the game mechanic where you could initiate a block while casting magic. Initiating a block while casting will now fizzle your spell.
------ BUG FIXES ------
- Fixed the Vendor Crash.
- You no longer get the [Torso] message when you hit buildings and other static items.
- Fixed issue that made it possible to use banks/pet inventory while dead.
- Fixed a bug in the jump-calculation for mounts.
- Fixed an issue that gave folks stat-loss count greater than 240min (4h).
- Fixed an issue that gave some folks a murder count timer above the 8h they should have.
- People with characters that have either of the above issues will be fixed once they log in.
AI & Mounts:
- Fixed a glitch that made mount-stamina regain to fast when you weren't on the mount.
- Fixed a bug that forced mounts to do a full stop when you enter/leave combat mode.
- Bug resolved with pet grazing, and should now work properly.
Art & Sound:
- Fixed an issue with Rare mongrel horse equipment.
- Fixed a bug close to Hyllspêia not playing wind ambiance.
- Missing ambiance in Fabernum and Fabernum forest is back.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Arrows from hitting [Head] when a player was mounted.
- Fixed a bug where deleted characters would remain in the guild member list.
- Fixed a bug with territory control that caused the zones to say that they were owned by no one.
- Player Vendors should no longer place themselves inside obstacles.
- Fixed a bug where house vendors could not have more then 7 items in their shop.
- Fixed a bug where the house vendor GUI failed to open.
- Fixed a bug where the house vendor shop GUI failed to open.
- Fixed a bug where the GUI to the house chest failed to open.
- Fixed a bug where the house vendor wouldn't accept commands for the second row in the house vendor GUI.
- Houses that are transfered to another owner will now have their guild removed.
- Territory control should no longer be accessible from palisade gates.
- Fixed a bug where blocking and then casting a spell and then getting interrupted would lock the spell that was being cast until another spell was cast.
- Fixed a but where performing an action that would get your character stunned caused you to lose your charged spell.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to cast while resting.
Skills & Attributes:
- Fixed a minor bug in the Damage Assessment code that made it possible to see exactly how much damage you did when you were at level 14.
- Fixed a bug where you could target characters through walls.
------ KNOWN ISSUES ------
We are working on the Skill gain issues / Skill rollback issues. It will get patched asap.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
2 more spells
2 more creatures
Taxation system
Better hit system for combat
Pickable catapult ammo
... and much more ...
Nice! Now they can start working on the new Epic stuff after this patch.
Definitely some nice things in this patch. Nothing huge, but still some solid improvements to the game.
When they update the "Under Development" section again, I imagine we'll see some of the Epic Games patch items filtering in there. While I'm really looking forward to things like an improved UI and navmesh, I hope that SV takes whatever time is necessary to produce good, solid patches with this upgrade.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I really wish they would offer a free trial for this game. I've been wanting to try it again in order to see what has changed since open beta, but no way am I shelling out 40 dollars without any sort of confirmation that I'm going to have a better experience.
Given this game's history, I'd say a lot of people are in that boat atm.
Cool, so with the new resurrection system giving "good" points to counter "murder" points. I can now just get that rez spell and keep rezzing my alt character (2 accounts is cheap) and remove my murder status in under 20minutes.
So, now I can frolick around Myreland murdering thousands of all their gear money etc etc. Then, only spend 20 to 30minutes rezzing my alt over and over and over and over again until I lose my red flag.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
I'd agree with you - I've seen more than a few people that have been interested, but want a free trial, so you're not alone.
From what they've said, they are going with the industry standard so far with free trials, meaning that they probably won't have one for another 3 to 6 months. Of course, any of that is subject to change.
I'm sure someone will post the information here when they do start such a program, so stay tuned.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
you understand bad, this means that you dont be flagged grey if you do it for a blue, and you will be gray if you do it on a red
I too am waiting on a free trial.
IMO they need to hold off on the free trial until there is a bit more professions, magic and PVE available.
I'd like to see the navmesh along with some advanced AI mobs. Necromancy school complete. Some sort of aim-based magic school. Alchemy and Cooking professions. Fishing. Maybe a Tavern with at least 1 social game.
THEN I would say MO is ready for a public trial.
i'm actually also kind of torn about a free trial. wile i will say that it is better then beta be warned that there are still many many buggs. if they start offering a free trial then a lot of people will try it and most likely get very annoyed at all the broken features and buggs, not to mention the non existent in game support .
maybe it' just better to wait 6 months, fix most of the buggs and then offer a free trial.
i'm still currently playing this game btw, and am enjoying it quite a bit but i really dont take it serioulsy and remind myself everyday that this is not a finished game.
To move back toward the topic, I think that the steady progress in patches like the one today will eventually get the game to the goal that Oshi and Jak are talking about.
The incremental process they are using is slowly and steadily making this game better. SV still has more work to do, but we are getting there.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
They are going to update the UnderDevelopment section soon ... I hope it will be today or tomorrow. Yes, then we can expect to see stuff based on the new Epic update. I am also looking forward to the new UI and navmesh but also the imrpoved AI.
I'll be looking forward to the updated section. They put the siege stone pickables in this patch instead of the one next week as planned, so that at least should change.
I'd bet they are spending a lot of time right now just getting up to speed on the new upgrade. The House of Commons chat next week should be pretty eventful with the Epic upgrade on the table now.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Yes, from what I gather everything they were planning to do in latter patched changed when Epic came out with there patch. Now we will see them working on Pet and mob pathing and a bit of flash UI. I'm really looking forward to the changes they can make with the new Epic patch. It's just going to make an already fun game even better.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Patch is crap.
Basicly its a poormans way of expanding their world by making mounts slower.
Instead of actually fixing something they add more half finished and half thought out crap. Seriously SV, why do you do this?
-20% to mount speed!?!?
Unkown reduction in sprint in combat mode, but increase out of combat mode.
So now a Veela (elf) can run as fast as a horse at full gallop. Uh, yeah, right.....
So much crap, so little quality.
Didn't sound right so I had to check it out, but realized I don't have 120 dex and 100 footspeed and 100 sprinting, so I can't do a direct comparison. Also sprint speed is calculated off of dex and height, so Veela may not even be the fastest. You'd have to tweek around in character creation to find the optimum combination of height and dex. I certainly don't have the time to do all that to argue a minor point so here's what I did test
60 dex, 0 footspeed and sprint vs. 100 riding, controlled riding, and swift riding
Distance: outside of Morin Khur gate to far side of stable (not a great distance for comparison, since the gallop only covers about half that distance, because of the need to go through walk and canter speeds [plus a delay between changing speeds] but can't make it much longer for obvious reasons
sprinting- 18.7 seconds at a cost of about 60-70% of stamina
walk/canter/gallop -11.3 seconds at a cost of about 2-3% of stamina
Conclusion: You may be technically correct for a maxed out character over a fairly short distance, but maximum footspeed and maximum sprint only give you a 30% runspeed bonus (which would drop the sprint time to 13 seconds), but over any significant distance the stamina loss makes the horses significantly faster
allowing a running start (to eliminate the walk and canter) drops the gallop time to 7.7 seconds
Addendum: for the sake of thoroughness, my encumbrance was 8/38, so it did not impact the results
Atleas they are throwing out 2 patches a month with new features, very few MMOs if any do that so frequent.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Most dev teams fix current issues before adding new features. Adding new features makes it vey difficult to tell if many fixes worked and make it very difficult ot balance.
True but i personly rather have more features even if they are bugged than emty shell of a game due to constant bug fixing.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Wise words Bunion.
Players love patches and the more that can be said in patch notes the more players get excited. In the end all that really matters is if the game works. With so much reported broken or not working properly it remains to be seen how the player base feels once they live with the patch for a few days or so. It feels almost like more of a marketing move but that's just my intuition talking.
Good luck guys. -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
As you stated, you dont have maxed skills or stats. Unlike 90% of the game population.
I know a Veela can out run some horses and stay with others because I had a guild mate with one maxed test it against several horses. And I have maxed out riding, swift riding, and controlled riding.
The only benifit to having a horse is the higher stamina. THAT IS IT!
So much crap, so little quality.