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Regardless of the (usual) ob problems can the people that did get in shed some light on how the game behaves.
We are all anxious to know about the controls, the ui, the combat speed, overall playability, etc.
I know it's a bit early, but is it the pos that alot (before ob) made it out to be or is it a gem in the making?
Keep it civilized,
Alot of us havent even played it yet, some of us are waiting to logon to the account site to regiester our beta codes (i have waited 5 hours and 30mins) to put my beta code onto my account.
I feel you, but I did ask for people's opinions that did get in
Hang in there.
I only played long enough to comment on the UI. The mouse lag is annoying as hell.
Seems like alot of people think a controller would be better to play this mmo on? Would a xbox 360 controller work, has anyone tryed that yet?
trying very hard to give this game a chance, hope some of these issues im having clearup as i progress
well ive been playin for some time now, only lvl 7 but the game is VERY confusing, there is basically no direction in the game, you kinda just wander til you find stuff.
ive completed a few guildleves, nothing special there, just go kill such and such badguys outside of camp
so far i see no social aspect of the game
none of the npc's are tagged, so you dont know if they are important til you've had a conversation with them
very annoying UI, have to go through a menu to access anything usefull
controls are very clunky
i guess i'll just keep at it and see if it grows on me
Mouse is laggy, crappy console like interface, textures in the background suck, slow uninvolving combat. its just like FF11.
i'll try the xbox controller now and let you know
Textures in the background are bad? I heard there were options to remedy the backgroud. No good?
I love snails.
I love every kinda snail.
I just want to hug them all, but I cant.
Cant hug every snail.
Game plays far more naturally with a controller. Xbox 360 controller works fine; it is what I used during closed beta.
ok i found a config in the ffxiv folder to setup the controller, now its like learning to play all over again lol
keyboard settings can be changed, just really dumb way of doing it, have to use arrow keys to select command then hit delete then enter new key
Yeah if all else fails, then maybe the controller will be the best way to go.
Still reluctant to do this, but if all other gripes are taken care of this might be a viable option.
Keep the info coming people, thanks.
Hmm, if even the controller starts to act up it doesnt look good.
Prolly just a bug, Lets hope they can fix this soon.
It is smoother than CB was, the mouse is working a bit better but still a little laggy. The combat is solid and responsive (for me) still a lot of areas blocked off.
Textures are great, especially when you max out the settings, they need to upgrade their comp.
A lot of people in the CB used a 360 controller and reported that it worked well.
Personally, I hate using controllers for MMOs, and find scrolling between abilities really annoying. I can always tell when other players are using controllers because of how slow on the draw they are.
You can, however, use the keyboard as a controller, like in FFXI. Unfortunately, the controls are not the exact same and the camera angle keys are in a very unfortunate position. You cannot control movement, angle, and hit hotkeys/macros at the same time using only the keyboard like you could in FFXI...well, unless your thumbs are 10 inches long.
Additionally, while the controller is fully customizable, you cannot change a single keyboard binding. Hopefully SE will add this feature eventually.
The mouse is so slow that it is pretty much unusable. This isn't really a problem though, as the game controls aren't really designed to use it. The camera control with the mouse is twitchy and not what you'd expect. It is not designed for the "standard mouse = camera, WASD = movement" thing.
Even if the mouse wasn't slow, it still wouldn't work for what most would want to use it for...and navigating all the layers of menu with a mouse would take forever.
The UI design itself is a less intuitive version of FFXI's. Same right-side menu, same layers of menus to get to any particular window or action. I really don't mind it, but some things are very annoying.
Crafting requires about 5 steps too many, all with confirmations attached to boot. You have to place items in the window, confirm, navigate the list of possible recipes, confirm, confirm again (yes, really), then confirm the number and types of crystals needed.
Equipment, inventory and loot windows are completely unintuitive and sorted into very odd sections. From a design standpoint, I think this is the poorest part of the entire UI. Someone should be fired for the equipment, inventory and loot windows.
As you can probably tell, my biggest complaint is control and UI design. If they can just work these out, then the game will be awesome. As it is now, it is a constant fight between how much I want to play, and how much crap I'm willing to deal with to do it.
game runs very smooth for me, graphics high, havent had any lag issues, have seen a few scratchy textures but not many, overall looks great
ok, so im now enjoying the gam alot more since i configured and started using the 360 controller, game was definitly designed to be played this way
Im reading a lot of the comments and a lot of them seem to be just stuff people said about the game earlier, i get the feeling that a lot of the people who are commenting negatively about the game ahvent even played it.
Anyway, i use a controller as it is more comfortable with this type of game, the Mouse Ui issue im not sure if that has been fixed, i dont use the mouse enough to really tell, tomorrow i will try playing for a day with only mouse and keyboard to find out.
It is the first day of open beta, they have 3 weeks, id rather wait and see what patches are being worked on before commenting either way.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Cutscenes were surprisingly good, but apart from that I'm unimpressed. Don't really know what I'm doing yet though ... I'm pretty lost.
So basically, from what I gather here (and there),
they haven't fixed the mouse implementation (no hardware)
not a single improvement about the dozens of "confirmations" required by the UI to achieve any action, from combat to crafting passing by speaking (yes, even that) or equiping skills
no revamp or even a slight rework of the menus and interaction methods
Hmm... seems to me not many more people, in proportion, will like this game's user interface than they did in CB. Which basically means, considering how "different" it is, that one person out of two will just run away, trying to get their heads around such an archaic control system. Way to go, Square. Now I know you don't care about NA/EU feedback, we must be too "PC-enthusiasts" compared to japanese console lovers. Great.
Do these people know that there are more potential customers in NA+EU than there is in Japan?
Come to think of it, Square's plan must be to secure the japanese market as #1, and if possible try to get a few FF XI customers back in other regions of the world.
The rest of us can just go - - - > [ ]
I really don't see how FF XIV could be a commercial success outside Japan. Square just doesn't put the means on the table -- from servers based in japan to a UI designed only for console players even with a PC... while the whole world of MMORPG in EU and NA is revolving around the PC and fights lag to the bitter end. Who said Square was "out of time"? I thought it was a compliment--guess I was wrong.
Yeah it all seems a bit shortsighted of SE, but who knows what their ultimate goal is.
I guess I'll have to see for myself, just managed to obtain a eu key (only a few beta account page refreshes
FF14 is going to do its best to convince me coz I'm going in with a slight negative feeling when I come home from work tonight.
Seffren, I hope you enjoy your session tonight (EU here too), my only advice would be to go with a PS3 or X360 controller from the start. It's the intended media and really eases up the gameplay.
Please do tell us your feedback!
What's all this talk about xbox controllers? Is this an MMO or console trash?
Quoted for truth.
I should have read more about this game before going to all that hassle of downloading it. Now that I've got it though, I'll give it a fair trial.
The queues are unbearable. Other than that it's awesome.