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The people that actually support the game like me (CE Pre-Order) many are not going to have a chance to play OB more likely.
Why would i even consider expendig money here?
Im about to cancel my order.
It's a direct download of all the patches apart of last one you'll need to patch from the launcher.
Depending on your internet speed it can take from 2 hours to less not much for a 4.5 gb file.
I do not know, it the toons in OB are to be transfered over or wipped would lead me to a better decission for sure. If the toons are to be wipped and fresh ones restarted than I do not understand why the cancel. That is, you played CB and enjoyed it up to and including pre-order. Did pre-order assure you of an OB spot? If so, and they did not deliver then I would consider cancel. If not, than all you have to do is wait for release to enjoy a game that brings you so much pleasure. Those who are participating OB have chosen to see if the game lived up to its hype, a smart move for sure. Furthermore, its OB a time of tests and corrections if possible therefore, they are contributing to the game that you so much enjoyed that you pre-ordered. Or did I miss something in your statement?
The worst part of all this is that while characters are being wiped before going live names are being reserved if you are in Open Beta. That means that people who got into Open Beta by chance of hitting the button at the right second are getting priority on character names over those who ordered the CE edition and are paying a extra $30 to play the game.
I am ok not getting into Open Beta but not deleting Open Beta names and starting over from scratch is a insult to everyone who is pre ordering this game and especially the CE orders.
If you're cancelling because you can't get into the open beta, which Square never said you would get into by preordering, then maybe you're better off not ordering it to begin with. You'll likely quit after the first month because of some other nonsensical gripe that you created in your own fantasy world and now blame on Square for not fulfilling.
Or, here's an idea, wait for the game to come out and play the trial before you commit $60, rather than preordering explicitly to preview the product, and either abusing a company's refund policy or abusing credit card chargebacks to get your money back if you decide you don't like it.
No offense but if you're concerned about someone "stealing" your name, perhaps you should be more creative and create a name no one would try to use? I don't think I've EVER had anyone use the names I use in any MMO I've played, regardless of starting at launch or years after release. The whole "name transfer" thing isn't a big deal if you put some creativity into the names you want to use.
Did they inform you that pre-orders will get to keep their names when you pre-ordered? Or, did you not understand that by pre-ordering did not assure you of a OB key so you can keep your name?
I am definetly not looking for to see all the different ways everyone can spell sephiroth. Yes....please be creative
I'll have you know I take great pride in my reserved name of xXSePhiROtH<3ClOUdXx. It's a name that's been passed down in my family through generations.
rofl so you basically bought a pre-order to get into open beta?
man are people fucking stupid with their money.
I’m not concerned about not getting the name I want (I have several too pick from) I’m annoyed that SE is giving a perk like this to people whose only attribute was “lucky enough to hit the button at the right time” over those who are actually spending the money to buy the game. The way Open Beta keys were distributed is there really any hope this will be more than a basic stress test at best and more likely a free demo for a small number of people to try the game out before they buy?
The way Open Beta was handled was very poor and random. It shows either bad planning on SE’s part or a lack of concern for their customers. Neither one of those gives me warm fuzzy’s about this game.
Do you really call this OB?
Or maybe who ever was lucky enough to apply gets a beta key event!!!
You are telling me that i have to waste my time from 10:00 PM east to who knows how late just to press F5 hoping you can complete an App.
Why not give the people that are really gonna play the game the chance to try to game?.
50% or more of the people that are trying to get to OB are just trying to get a taste of the game.
50% will not even play at all.
i dont think thats the purpose of OB.
I do.
Open beta are there to work out last minute bugs, and to stress test the servers... to include the website.
On reflection I can almost understand why SE didn’t give Beta keys automatically to pre-order customers. I have been in a number of beta’s with pre-order access and there always seems to be a slew of “I canceled my pre-order” threads from people. Even if you take a handful of those as honest I wonder if SE didn’t figure it was better to use Open Beta to try and drum up new customers rather than try and hold on to the ones they already had. It’s kind of a screw you move to pre-orders on SE’s part but I guess it does make business since.
Im playing the open beta right now and its not as good as the hype allows slow combat , confusing quest lines, bad user interface, but if i can get by all that I know that with some patches it will get better I like the whole idea of 1 character that can do all classes.
True that but, I do not understand the pre-order players who are upset for not getting into OB as if they had not considered the OB prior to sending money to the company.
Open betas are about stress testing the servers and working out last minute bugs. SE's getting exactly what they need right now with all the server congestion issues, etc.
They deal with these problems now, so that they'll be fixed by release. Gameplay testing is largely focused on in closed beta.
If you are really excited about the game and already preordered you would be doing yourself a favor by not playing in the OB. There is no need to get all bent out of shape. They used a perfectly fair method of first come first serve. I am sure that more keys will be added. Just be patient the servers will be hell for 1-2 days anyway.
Plus it must be a priceless screenshot, seeing people named Cloud or Sephiroth annihilating sheeps and dodos.
You have it wrong. xxÇlöüdxX, xxsëphïröthxx, Lëgölärthäs....