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Icarus Studios has announced that the companion app for Fallen Earth is set to be updated very soon. The app allows players to participate in a variety of in-game activities from the comfort of their iPhone. Players can check out auctions, chat, view character stats, send/reply to in-game email and more. The new update will grant even more in-game access including the ability to craft.
That means, in addition to checking out your characters’ stats, achievements, and in-game mail, chatting with other online players and viewing the Auction House, world maps and crafting queues, you’ll be granted full access to all of the Auction House features, have the ability to craft an item from scratch and send and receive in-game mail attachments!
The app will be $9.99 on the Fallen Earth site or at various other mobile app sites. The charge is a one-time fee.
Sounds awesome! Grab the current Fallen Earth companion app for $1.99 on iTunes and get access to the new features during the beta phase. The app is also available for Droid and for Blackberry.
Sounds sweet!
I can barely find batteries in this post apoc world, but I can craft via iphone? this is lame
That's a pretty ridiculous comment considering it's a game you play on a computer. The content of the game and the platform you play it on are separate things. Do you only play games set in the current, computer, age?
That is pretty cool...I think blizzard does the same thing so you can keep and eye on your auctions ((I think you can bid as well.))
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Wow, yet another thing to distract stupid people driving and playing with thier phones.
Nice job !!!
I can see it now someone gets killed or fired from work because yet another app to fiddle with on one's Blackberry or Iphone.
Tell you what
Just port the game to Iphone
lol wow...why so angry?
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Sounds like a nice idea, but $10 bucks? Was that a typo, or is it that price?
Well let's start with the Titanium steel cage around my cervical spine. Two blown discs and a fused C-5 to C-7 area in my neck. Courtesy of an idiot driver talking on a cell phone.
$50,000 in medical bills and a lifetime of chronic pain.
Good enough answer for you Sarge ?
And yes I do own a cell phne, I keep it in the truck. But I have enough sense to have a handsfree earpiece and I don't use while driving.
I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate circumstances but what has this up got to do with anything? Most people have enough sense not so use their phone whist driving.
Thousands of apps being used a day..this wont be any different.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
It is just another distraction.
Must be you really don't get out much or you don't pay attention. I see people quite often on thier phones, texting and surfing the internt all while driving.
Lets get back on topic guys, this is about the FE App, not "distractions while driving". Thanks.
Cool idea in my opinion, it would be cool if they did it for droid as well
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
i have 45 min drive to college an back 3 times a week on a long an boring freeway drive all by myself an i will be crafting the whole time ! this app is awsome.
Call me old school. I think games should be immersive and have consistent lore. The time spent on this app could have been better spent making FE more fun to actually log in to play. Heck, the auction system in FE sucks as is.
Anyone who has played FE will know this is a 'must have' app just in the amount of time saved alone. I have mixed feelings about an app that allows such an anvantage over in-game mechanics.
I hear statements like this all the time. Like, why did they spend so much time upgrading the textures and not fixing the bugs? Why did they fix the client UI, they need to fix the database to reduce lag?
What people do not understand is that the people who work on cell phone apps are not the programmers who work on the client. Most of them, wouldn't even know where to begin. Just like graphic artists have no business "bug fixing" and client programmers usually don't know the nitty, gritty of database optimization. More than likely, they partnered with a company to create the app for them and the high $10 price would make sense in that case since a commission would be given to the developer of the app for each copy sold.
As far as the original topic - it's good to see.There really isn't any need to load up the entire game client just to update your craft queue and log back out again with today's technology.
I haven't downloaded the beta yet. What advantage is there over the in-game mechanics?
Time and money is time and money. They can either hire iphone devs or mmo devs.
In game you have to travel to a city and walk to the auctioner. With this app, you have a instant wireless connection. Heck, in game you might as well use it over the in game auction.
The app offers some fairly unbalancing advantages, even in game. Being able to access the auction house, mail, etc, anywhere is fairly unbalancing.
Furthermore, the fact that this 'saves so much time and hassle when it comes to crafting' due to the queue time setup of crafting, just proves that the crafting system itself is flawed.
It proves no such thing.
It's simply a way to check in on your crafting during the day. Many items do not take the entire time from log off the previous day until you log in the next day to craft. All this does is allow you to queue a few more items up for crafting during your day if you want, or check on items for sale, or that you have for sale, on the AH, or check and send mail.
It might give your mule an advantage over other mules but it's hardly the game breaking mechanic you're trying to make it out to be.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
It says right on the OP it's also for Droid and Blackberry!
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!