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New Q&A from Star Vault Today (2 Sep)

RohnRohn Member UncommonPosts: 3,730

Snorri posted an IRC Q&A with Henrik today, which is posted below:

[16:41] <@HenrikNystrom>; Simply stick to discuss MO in here, and keep it civil, or mods will start to ban ppl, or devs cant visit this channel anymore.

[16:41] <[UW]Kuroi> how's going the merge?

[16:42] <@HenrikNystrom>; The merge is going excelent, faster than expected

[16:42] <FIXMOUNTSPEED> currently half the horses are USELESS, for those of you who dont speak english first, that means LESS THAN USEFUL

[16:43] <@HenrikNystrom>; FIXMOUNTSPEED, use your normal nick, and what do you mean

[16:43] <[UW]Kuroi> Henrik any ETA about under development update?

[16:43] <@HenrikNystrom>; Kuroi, yes Im going to update that section tormoow

[16:45] <@HenrikNystrom>; the new collision makes you hit even the tounge on a horse damnit

[16:45] <@HenrikNystrom>; before you could only hit a box

[16:45] <@HenrikNystrom>; whereever your blade is, thats what it hits

[16:49] <@HenrikNystrom>; now each weapon is real, as in physical real in the world as you can see, it wont go through stuff, like in all other mmos. thats pretty neat, we are tweaking it from here

[16:49] <@HenrikNystrom>; but this step alone is awesome

[16:49] <[HARL]Destroyer> Henrik: The recent patch has broken the range with spears and swords, I am hitting clan mates that are 10feet away.I also can no longer hit people who have

[16:49] <@HenrikNystrom>; Destroyer, no there are bugs as well, those are the ones we need to identify with your help

[16:45] <[Prophecy]pockets> when is screen dragging and insta logging going to finally be gone?

[16:46] <@HenrikNystrom>; pockets, we are working on it, its a solution within the new build

[16:47] <[LGSN]Sakho> @HenrikNystrom Can you explain us more about the fishing?

[16:47] <@HenrikNystrom>; sakho tomorrow

[16:47] <[FOR]Itchky> HenrikNystrom, when will you be expanding the GM team because right now there is a huge delay in getting help

[16:47] <@HenrikNystrom>; itchky, we are taking in new GMs atm, its going slow, but stedy

[16:50] <[AR]Hodo> Henrik about those horses, Will you re-evaluate the mounts on a base by class basis.

[16:51] <@HenrikNystrom>; When we get the new build on the live server, we will revealuate speeds on everything, based on our new tech and feedback,

[16:51] <@HenrikNystrom>; as in what the tech allows us to go up to

[16:51] <[AR]Priscus> @HenrikNystrom, will we see lances as the new "mount weapon"?

[16:51] <@HenrikNystrom>; Yes there will be lances

[16:51] <@HenrikNystrom>; and it should have been in the next patch if we didnt bump the update from epic first

[16:52] <@HenrikNystrom>; same with xbows, etc

[17:00] <[HARL]Destroyer> Henrik.At the moment I am having to have Spear and Swords one for mounted combat the other for foot.. will we be able to use Pokesticks from mountback?

[17:00] <@HenrikNystrom>; lances will be a good weapons on mounts destroyer

[16:52] <sir_phobos> So, is the Epic upgrade coming Monday?

[16:52] <@HenrikNystrom>; We are still merging and testing the epic update.

[16:52] <[AR]Hodo> Henrik is it possible to slow everyones foot speed in and out of combat by 20% to match the reduction in mount speed?

[16:53] <@HenrikNystrom>; Hodo, we could slow down foot speed yes, but I dont think most ppl want it slower than it is? the mounts are temp slown down

[16:54] <[AR]Hodo> even a 10% reduction in player movement speed would be great.

[16:54] <@HenrikNystrom>; last time we lowered foot speed and fight speed by a few %. none noticed it, we did it twice even

[16:54] <@HenrikNystrom>; I wonder if anyone noticed when we first lowered mounts as well...

[16:58] <@HenrikNystrom>; I mean we have nerfed pokesticks 6 times now

[16:58] <@HenrikNystrom>; whats the latest words, its still op ?

[16:58] <[HARL]Destroyer> Dont nerf them anymore, pokesticks are now fine and people are using other weapons

[16:58] <[AR]Hodo> Pokesticks are easy to fix, nerf the dagger head.

[16:58] <@HenrikNystrom>; hodo, and destroyer, see you both said 2 oposite things on the pokestick q

[16:59] <[DERP]skippydippy> Maybe sticks are not overpowered, but the rest are underpowered

[16:59] <@HenrikNystrom>; ok, next patch you will see a change in macec, axes, and swords, and a new move

[17:00] <@HenrikNystrom>; the move works for most swords and hammers/maces

<[AR]Hodo> Henrik my last question, will the EPIC patch improve performance ingame? Lag, frame rates and memory usage?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Hodo, Yes yes and yes

<@HenrikNystrom>; theres some huge areas and bottlenecks that goes away with this update

<@HenrikNystrom>; not to mention full 64bits support

<[BRB]Mojoz> so when exactly will we see the new AI henrik?

<[BRB]Mojoz> as in AI that isnt blind

<@HenrikNystrom>; The AI will be using a proper navmesh system which means they will be able to navigate properly in the world

<@HenrikNystrom>; THe acts they do is still Star vault codes, as in how they act, attack etc, those are pretty advanced today, but cannot get justice because of the lack of navigation

<@HenrikNystrom>; This also means we can add a lot more creatures with more challence and interesting loot, because they will be more realiable

<[BRB]Mojoz> so we should see decent AI as soon as you patch then?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Mojoz, if things goes as planed, the AI will be able to navigate properly, btu they will still act as they do today.

<@HenrikNystrom>; untill we add new creatures with new actions

<@HenrikNystrom>; which we put on pause till we get the navmesh

<@HenrikNystrom>; for instance the troll that grabs players yes

<[TOG]AIA> so no more seeing a mob and when u try to tame it says ure too far?

<@HenrikNystrom>; thats what supose to work aia yes, creatures in correct posiion, no invis pets etc

<[TOG]AIA> ok, that sounds good, i m a little freaked seeing mobs doing aerobics and standing or walkign on their heads

<@HenrikNystrom>; AIA, ya, thats messed up.

<Zheo> HenrikNystrom this common screen dragging problem that is probably related to UE, will there be fix for that soon?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Zheo, its Windows programming related.

<@HenrikNystrom>; It may be fixed in the new build,, im not sure, but yes, we have a probably fix for it if its not fixed already in the new build

<Nightburn> Henrik, when will you implement a hack detection system?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Nightburn, there is a hack detection system already and its banning accounts each week, what we will do is expanding it even further with this new build.

<Nightburn> Henrik, I know people that are hacking and havent been banned. the ones that were banned just got a 3 day band and came back to hacking

<@HenrikNystrom>; Nightburn, there is a difference in exploiting and hacking, those two get different punish

<Nightburn> I know that, and I am telling you they have been hacking, yes

<@HenrikNystrom>; Nightburn, lots of ppl accuse ppl for hacking, even thou its been our systems fault a few cases, I think our guys have it under good control, if you want to keeop your account, then dont cheat.

<[derployee]MrHoot> HenrikNystrom, with that merge, does that mean you'll be able to put in the "lively cities" soon too

<@HenrikNystrom>; Mrhoot, yes we will be able to use that, but we need time to populate the cities.

<Zheo> HenrikNystrom: any rough ETA for the epic patch.. like week/weeks or month/months?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Zheo, sooner than I expected

<@HenrikNystrom>; the merge is almost done, now comes testing

<@HenrikNystrom>; epic patch wont be this monday

<@HenrikNystrom>; we need to test more

<@HenrikNystrom>; we dont want to release a half working build now..

<[HARL]Destroyer> The insta logging and screen dragging is beyond a joke now.

<@HenrikNystrom>; destropyer, yes, its a severe exploit

<@HenrikNystrom>; Destroyer, but I can assure you, you will be glad that you didnt exploit it, very very soon

<[OL]Revir> Henrik is the AI moving much better now with this epic patch? As of recent testing

<@HenrikNystrom>; Revir, to early to say anything about that. they are merging and testing

<@HenrikNystrom>; But epic say, how da hell did you manage to use our old navmesh? and now its done from their part they say,,....

<@HenrikNystrom>; 5 months later..

<@HenrikNystrom>; so, theres been major work hard work from epic in 5 months on it, so if it aint better, then I dont know what..

<@HenrikNystrom>; hodo, we went into a extremely dynamic crafting system, that allows players to go mad with combinations, hard to track those speed combinations. thats what happenbd

<[derployee]MrHoot> my two worries is the engine merge, but that's being done, and the amoutn of exploits

<@HenrikNystrom>; Mrhoot, there shouldnt be more exploits with this merge, probably the oposite. Hard to go into why, and how it works in here.

<[OL]Revir> I sure hope the AI can start to move right, this game is lacking depth in that area

<@HenrikNystrom>; Revir, you mean rotate on location?

<Zheo> HenrikNystrom: will we get SOS from fishing when its added?

<@HenrikNystrom>; zheo, oh it will be the best fishing system ever to be expwerienced in a mmorpg

<@HenrikNystrom>; Mats have gone crazy on that system

<[Myrm]Odie> what will be the point of fishing besides killing time?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Odie, fishing it self is a game that you could buy on your xbox for 69$

<@HenrikNystrom>; hehe well, its that deep..

<@HenrikNystrom>; well, we are patching fishing in 2 steps

<@HenrikNystrom>; next patch gets step 1 of fishing

<@HenrikNystrom>; its somewhat restricted then

<@HenrikNystrom>; with next patch it gets the rest.

<[FOR]Zergi> fishing secondary or primaery or not a skill ??

<@HenrikNystrom>; it will be primary

<@HenrikNystrom>; cause of its depts

<@HenrikNystrom>; and value

<@HenrikNystrom>; what you do with a fish? damn,.,..

<@HenrikNystrom>; ok I will give you some insight

<@HenrikNystrom>; ok, first off

<@HenrikNystrom>; you buy a fishing pole, a line hook and use a beit

<@HenrikNystrom>; its up to you waht you put on the hook

<@HenrikNystrom>; go wild

<@HenrikNystrom>; then choose a perfect spot

<@HenrikNystrom>; its extremely advanced already here

<@HenrikNystrom>; then you have to get the beit out


<@HenrikNystrom>; I dont feel like talking more about it when hearing such response to it heh


<@HenrikNystrom>; ok, I guess we keep fishing local then

<[AQ]Masao> HenrikNystrom: · Lightning and shadow performance improvement from Epic ... When can we see some results? i mean since Beta most players cant play with shodows because its like -100fps ... Could you tell us how much it improved?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Masao, with the new build there will be an update on light and shadows, how much of a performance boost is not yet known

<[LGSN]Everon> yes henry, ETA for tindrem

<@HenrikNystrom>; I cant eta tindrem yet, we need the new build in place, the new navmesh to work, after that we can start populate tindrem

<[Myrm]Odie> so sometime next year?

<@HenrikNystrom>; odie, no, should be earlier

<Belthor> Any thoughts on fishing treasure maps, to be dug up UO style?

<@HenrikNystrom>; Belthor, yes sos bottles will exist in MO on deeper water

<[derployee]MrHoot> HenrikNystrom, still, we don't know what fish will do. Can it be eaten ? And so what will be the effects ?

<@HenrikNystrom>; fish, can be used as food and beit and sold for instance

<[AR]Hodo> Henrik what about cheaper smaller houses without expansions for the single player?

<@HenrikNystrom>; hodo, we have thought about that yes.

<@HenrikNystrom>; mrhoot, pets food mainly, then we will see.

<@HenrikNystrom>; so far we have 83 fish types, and not to mention what else crazy things you can get on the hook.

<[CIR]Nidhogg> boats? someone said boats?

<[CIR]Nidhogg> henrik! we need direct fire projectile weapons to keep naval battles interesting!

<[CIR]Nidhogg> else all ships will just be archery platforms

<@HenrikNystrom>; nidhogg, indeed, you will put those siege weapons on the boats

<[Aegis]Ojin> HenrikNyström, For the fishing will you add a skill tree for that?

<@HenrikNystrom>; ojin yes a pimary skill for fishing

<@HenrikNystrom>; and then some sub skills most likely

<@HenrikNystrom>; ability to use diff arrows such as fire, bolt signals etc, will come later

<[WSX]Kaylem_Sothenic> Henrik, people have their own player towns, at the moment there is no good reason to live out of them. We need a bank module and maybe a vendor to sell stuff to. We want to live out of our town but right now there is basicly no point.

<@HenrikNystrom>; kaylem, so a player bank is wanted?

<[13]DJBone> YES

<[Aegis]Morfildor> YES

<[WSX]Kaylem_Sothenic> yes

<[AQ]Masao> YES!

<[V]Carnifex> yes?

<[BRB]Mojoz> yes

<[LGSN]Forcem> YES!

<[13]DJBone> and yes and a utlity vendo

<[LGSN]Everon> yes

<[WSX]Kaylem_Sothenic> To make player towns viable we need options to bank there, we need maybe a vendor to sell our loot to, although I know NPC vendors would be great to see gone in time.

<[WSX]Kaylem_Sothenic> T3 house is better, a keep is for defence where the houses would be better to make into market or community buildings

<[WSX]Kaylem_Sothenic> Right bnow the only reason I go to my town is to check to see taxes have been paid, and also go there to train once a week in our keep. That is all.

Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.


  • oshi45oshi45 Member Posts: 42

    It all looks good but I've learned Henrik has a nasty trend for overhyping and overpromising.    


    Hope this new Epic patch turns out.

  • ltankltank Member UncommonPosts: 293

    Originally posted by oshi45

    It all looks good but I've learned Henrik has a nasty trend for overhyping and overpromising.    


    Hope this new Epic patch turns out.


  • PreponerancePreponerance Member Posts: 295

    I like how the "person" complaining about screen dragging does it himself...

  • username509username509 Member CommonPosts: 635

    Awesome news.  Thanks for the post.

    Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!

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