Yep, sure enough. Very interesting that a key was available at this time yesterday morning too. Could just be a coincidence seeing how it only happened twice, or...
got 1 aswell gotta get my arse home and install. Only problem is that i cannot log into the Testers site to download it. I registered my key and everything. guess i just gotta try more
you sir, deserve a fuckin cookie
Your application to the FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test has been accepted.
Please read through the e-mail we have sent to your Square Enix account's registered e-mail address.
You are the fucking man....I could kiss your right now Talehon...I can comfirm this.
Yep, sure enough. Very interesting that a key was available at this time yesterday morning too. Could just be a coincidence seeing how it only happened twice, or...
just got mine aswell
Got mine too.
got 1 aswell gotta get my arse home and install. Only problem is that i cannot log into the Testers site to download it. I registered my key and everything. guess i just gotta try more
i got mine also BUT Problem is
i get this error everytime i try to get the client from the FF beta test site
"The FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test Site can only be accessed by those who have been granted Beta Test accounts.
Beta testers can log in from the link below using their Square Enix Account. "
i followed the email to the T so im not sure why its stating im not a beta tester.
will someone help me out i need to get on the site to download the game.
A Old Friend Once told me " I'll Make ya Famous"
Same problem here
the sep 3 patch is stuck at 94.6% :-(
I cant even get the Client to install -__-....
Idk what the problem is
EU beta keys still available
Confirming US keys are still available although the patcher appears to have died.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
currently trying to get downloader going but i got a key finnaly
Yep, I got a key too!!! YAY!
yup just got my code too , now just gotta wait till the download finishes =.=
What are you still doing here? I thought you had cancelled you FFXIV pre-order and moved on already.
I remember you being very specific about that
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Well, I guess that beta keys are gone for now again. Unless it's just me, can anyone else get a key as of 12 pm EST today?