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Right,so im playing the beta atm and im loving it
Everything I expected and more
I have a few questions tho
I feel really lost in this game. I started off in the forest area (incredible graphics btw) and iv just completed my "quest" with "mother" or whatever she is called
I did not get a follow up quest and "mother" explained that I should take some levequests. I did but im really confused
I took some levequests that say "location : camp bentbranch". I go to that camp however I cannot track my levequest
I have no idea what to do or where to go (well i have an idea from reading the levequest but dont know where the mobs are that I need to kill and there is no way for me to select my map to show me)
I have also noticed that I dont get any exp from these levequests, so is leveling completely on a "grind" basis where u do levequests but only get the exp from killing the stuff they told you to kill?
I would prefer if i could do some normal quests and no levequests so if anyone can tell me where to get more quests I would really appreciate it
Thanks in Advance
activate a levequest throught the eathra thingy in the camp, then a marker will show on your mini map where the mobs are, these are special mobs only for you and your grp. they are extremely easy at low lvl and solo scale. you can only do 1 at a time.
thanks a bunch,u dont know how much that helped me
*EDIT* :
Another question
How do I get better gear?