ok now that that is over with number 1, scoreboard, number 2, the folks at vigil have said that they are going for a style that encorperates both the table top look and the darker look of the illustrations and so forth. I think this is the right way to go, but you cant make everyone happy, so I understand why you dont like it.
Yes Space Marines have bright coloured armour, but how long do you recon it looks like that after they go into war? If we spend our time as SM on parade grounds then the bright colour is appropriate. If we spend our time as SM in the thick of war some soot, dirt and bashed armour would be better. And some how I don’t think we will be practicing drill too much.
Its such a shame PR departments are on these forum, putting in so much work to disproof every persons opinion that is questioning or deviant from the press campagne. No right minded person would take so much time to convince someonelse about something they have no connection with what so ever. Only a blind trust a developer with a very mediocre track record. Very suspicious.
"How could they not when Games Workshop is closely working with us on making sure that the game stays true to the lore and the IP."
I think he's blaming GW for a boring order vs destruction themed game.
"Who could argue with that order vs chaos two sided conflict? That for certain guarnetees success, right?"
Im still smiling.
Um ya thats what Mythic said too. Well they Do have the DoW series going for them,and yes I know it was THQ/Relic,and its THQ/Vigil doing DMO,but at least vigil is under THQ witch hopfully gives them the people/resources they need to make this a good game.
Im happy to see that they are showing IN GAME footage and not just throwing out a big cinimatic to get the AHh factor/hype going.Although dont get me wrong it would be cool to see a cinimatic of DMO.
How would 3 factions work any better than 2 factions with the 40k IP though?
I havn't followed 40k lore religiously in a while so this is all being pulled out what remains of my memory.
Evan in 3 faction system there are going to be alliances and they most likely would be something like Chaos and Dark Eldar vs Imperium and Eldar vs Orks.
I really don't see Tyranids or Necrons being playable as they are hivemind controlled entities which doesn't translate well into player controlled entities in anything other than stratagy games.
Tau I don't have very much knowledge about so thats why I left them out of the equation but from what I have read on these forums they don't really fit well with any of the 3 factions so evan if playable and not totaly hivemind controlled they would either be a 4th faction or if the limit is 3 would be lumped in with Orks.
So 3 factions hardly seems like a solution that would generate less complaints about the faction system than 2 does.
The only solution to the complaints would have to be 6 seperate racially based playable factions.
Each faction would have to have their own political map as to what faction they can ally themselves with because each faction has it's own lore base will never ally with these ones will sometimes ally with these other ones. Then to be true to the lore if you were in a mixed faction party/guild any one in your faction or your allies faction could kill you without repercution. They could call it role play but you could call it them being a dick. Can you see where I headed with this. All this stuff pushes the game dangerously into niche territory all that would need to happen next is the lore backed call for FFAPVP being implimented and there you have it a game that if wildly successful wouldn't top 500k and most likely would peak at around the 200k accounts far short of the reported 1 million they are aiming/developing/budgetting for. This is just the gameplay reasons.
Server limitations also play a factor as to why it isn't likely to be 6 playable factions. In order for the gameplay to be smooth and for content to be easily accessable there has to be a certain sever population per faction. If the population is to small there will be content that people won't be able to do simply because there is not enough people around in the required faction to do it. In a 6 faction game your looking at EVE style server sizes in order to get enough people in enough places for the game to flow smooth and evan then EVE with it's fairly simple graphics requirements struggles to handle 30,000 people online at once and 100 vs 100 battles. So with the graphical requirements upped to a ground combat FPS style the kind of server farm you need to handle enough people to fill out 6 factions in order to prevent content bottlenecks would be massive. Could it be done yes probably maybe I don't really know, with tech available right now I'm guessing it's probably not worth it.
Do you have a spare couple of 10 million dollar bills in your couch cusions you would be willing to gamble on such a project? If so good for you if not sorry but your going to have to rely on those that do and most often than not the people with that kind of their own cash laying around only bet on stuff that at bare minimum pays back what they put in thats why they have all that money in the first place.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
I love the arrogance in the way the two faction question is answered...
The more the people at Vigil talk, the less interested in the game I get.
Hush, The game isn't even fully out yet and your naysaying it? And what arrogance? He was using a PC statement to keep the rabid fanboys like yourself from bursting out at them.
~~Internet gaming is not for the faint of heart or the dumb of mind.~~
Necrons / Tyranids, that's hard do to the heiracrchy or lack there of but I'd make them the FTP races. Change the exp/skill gain to global for all players of that race each player geta vote on an upgrade etc. but limit them in terms of depth. They are afterall the throwaway armies that just keeps giving.
The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions.
"The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions."
This, heres a fact for all those that think they know 40k, 40k ALWAYS is about 2 sides, get over it.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling" Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions.
It's a fact that one side will be bigger, and therefore stronger, than the other. Unless they can offer an explanation on how they're gonna handle that, how they're going to deal with "the rich get richer" situation where the strong faction just repeatedly beats the weaker one, then you're just flat wrong.
It's a serious problem within game-design, and it's a problem that needs to be addressed. It's rarely an issue with PvE game, like WoW, but it comes up when talking about PvP games, especially RvR ones. Not only that, but the problem was already solved with the DAoC 3-faction solution in the past.
So... unless someone can come up with some genius game system that will somehow make a 2-faction system work, I'm sticking with the fail-theory.
The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions.
It's a fact that one side will be bigger, and therefore stronger, than the other. Unless they can offer an explanation on how they're gonna handle that, how they're going to deal with "the rich get richer" situation where the strong faction just repeatedly beats the weaker one, then you're just flat wrong.
It's a serious problem within game-design, and it's a problem that needs to be addressed. It's rarely an issue with PvE game, like WoW, but it comes up when talking about PvP games, especially RvR ones. Not only that, but the problem was already solved with the DAoC 3-faction solution in the past.
So... unless someone can come up with some genius game system that will somehow make a 2-faction system work, I'm sticking with the fail-theory.
So 1 game has a 3 faction system that worked now suddeenyl its a magic cure all that works every time?
Thats funny cause i remember terrans beating down everyone in planetside when i played it and gee it had 3 factions...
Having 3 factions doesnt magically make the population 33/33/33, theres still going to be the biggest faction and likely there will be an even gimpier than 2 factions faction.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling" Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions.
It's a fact that one side will be bigger, and therefore stronger, than the other. Unless they can offer an explanation on how they're gonna handle that, how they're going to deal with "the rich get richer" situation where the strong faction just repeatedly beats the weaker one, then you're just flat wrong.
It's a serious problem within game-design, and it's a problem that needs to be addressed. It's rarely an issue with PvE game, like WoW, but it comes up when talking about PvP games, especially RvR ones. Not only that, but the problem was already solved with the DAoC 3-faction solution in the past.
So... unless someone can come up with some genius game system that will somehow make a 2-faction system work, I'm sticking with the fail-theory.
So 1 game has a 3 faction system that worked now suddeenyl its a magic cure all that works every time?
Thats funny cause i remember terrans beating down everyone in planetside when i played it and gee it had 3 factions...
Having 3 factions doesnt magically make the population 33/33/33, theres still going to be the biggest faction and likely there will be an even gimpier than 2 factions faction.
No.... Learn to read. 3 factions is ONE solution that came up over the years to the 2-faction problem. Just one, but it's a good one. All I'm saying is that there is such a thing as the 2-faction problem in RvR games, it exists. To just sweep it under the rug and pretend it's not real is... dumb. So if the 40k MMO is going to have 2 factions, I would also love to hear their solution to the problem. That's all. Not that they have to do 3-factions, but that it would be nice to know how they plan on dealing with 2 factions. And so far there's no indication that they're dealing with it at all. Looks like it's just being ignored with the blind hope that "all will be well".
And by the way, to follow on the 33/33/33, that's not even the idea with having 3 factions. The idea is that even if it ends up being as terrible as 45/30/25, simple 1st-grade math tells us that 30+25 is 55. And is 55 more than 45? Why yes, yes it is. The point is, that at least there's the potential for the two weaker ones to team up against the larger one. In a 2-faction system, that's not possible for obvious reasons.
The point is, that at least there's the potential for the two weaker ones to team up against the larger one
And yet you could also argure that 3 factions could be even more unbalancing if the 2 bigger sides decided to pick on the smaller one making it 75 agianst 25. It comes down to how they exicute the mechanics/game play/classes and a whole bunch of other factors. Classe would be a big one though imo.
So again you could turn it around and say that side A with 45,and side B with 30 had crappy/unbalanced classes compaired to side C with awsome Over Powered classes, and kicks A&B's but. Fun discussion .
The point is, that at least there's the potential for the two weaker ones to team up against the larger one
And yet you could also argure that 3 factions could be even more unbalancing if the 2 bigger sides decided to pick on the smaller one making it 75 agianst 25. It comes down to how they exicute the mechanics/game play/classes and a whole bunch of other factors. Classe would be a big one though imo.
So again you could turn it around and say that side A with 45,and side B with 30 had crappy/unbalanced classes compaired to side C with awsome Over Powered classes, and kicks A&B's but. Fun discussion .
It's all about potential. Sure there's the potential for the larger factions to gang up on the smaller one. But game mechanics can be designed so that's not desirable. For instance, once you "beat" a faction, they won't drop any more loot for you. So it discourages farming the same faction over and over. DAoC had something like this with their Relics. I don't know really, and it doesn't even matter. The point is that there's the potential for things to go either way.
But with 2 factions you don't have that potential. One side will be more powerful than the other, and that side will repeatedly beat the weaker side. There's no potential here for the weaker faction to over-come this obstacle. If they were weak/low-pop before, they'll remain so in the future unless the devs make their classes OPd. In fact, with 2 factions you get the rich get richer situation, where the larger faction beats the weaker one, and gains gear and ranks from doing so, which makes it even easier for them to do it again. This then makes people from the weak faction jump ship, which makes it even weaker. It just gets worse over time.
"Looks like it's just being ignored with the blind hope that "all will be well"."
Gee, you know why that is? could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that the game was JUST shown, and isnt coming out for another 2 years?
Yah, im sure every other mmo youve followed released all teh information on it 2 years in advance right after it was shown right?
FFS, they literrally JUST announced the %$#^ing factions, MMO gamers just seem to like to fill in what they dont know with what they assume then assume its fact.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling" Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
"Looks like it's just being ignored with the blind hope that "all will be well"."
Gee, you know why that is? could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that the game was JUST shown, and isnt coming out for another 2 years?
Yah, im sure every other mmo youve followed released all teh information on it 2 years in advance right after it was shown right?
FFS, they literrally JUST announced the %$#^ing factions, MMO gamers just seem to like to fill in what they dont know with what they assume then assume its fact.
Yeah, or.... maybe it's that I had this exact same argument 3 years ago during the WAR beta. And people said the same thing you're saying now. I constantly heard "dude, the game's in beta! Just wait a bit". Sure enough, everything from beta made it into live, and even less than what was expected. And I see no reason to believe this 40k one will be any different. If they announced something now, which they did in this article about the 2-factions, then it's almost certain that it'll end up in live 3 years from now when it comes out.
That's just the way it is, the way it's always been. Maybe I'm jaded...
Well I do have to say one of the things they were suppose to do in WAR was have NPC's with really smart AI, fill in for lack of population and they had the title of "Dogs of War". Now I know AI is no where near having another person/player,but it is a step in TRYING to balance things out imo. I just hope THQ/Vigil does come up with some cool/fresh/good ideas to decently balance 2 faction PvP. And who knows devs could read a discussion like this,where people are throwing all there ideas and opinions out and it JUST MITE give them an idea.
Just came to mind. Also if they had/did decide to do 3 faction PvP they would still get stigma from DAoC success too,so either way they got their hands full.
I think there have been like 3 maybe 4 video games base on GWS Warhammer fantasy compared to 40k witch has a lot of video games base around it,lol im not going to look up the number but i know of at least 12.
And honestly there have always been more 40k table top players (me here) than Fantasy(dabled), at least from what i remember when i was playing 16years ago. So I can see why this one mite be more of a PLEASE get this right compared to WAR.
You should have asked why they are being lazy and only having 2 factions.
yea this game is going to fail as much as warhammer fantasy did... there should be as many different factions as there is in the table top (many) why do you say? because the game is gonna end up being instanced to holy hell anyway... what a load of crap
it'd be alot better to see instanced 16v16v16v16 or 8v8v8v8 fights then 16vs16 or 32vs32.. that way you dont feel like your zerg surfing as much as you are working with a tight group of allies that you leveled up with. this games already going in the wrong direction... and its not coming out til 2013... this game isn't going to hype up at all because i can see the failure from here.
I love the arrogance in the way the two faction question is answered...
The more the people at Vigil talk, the less interested in the game I get.
IP lore aside, two factions is just weak for gameplay. To the point of being a gamebreaker, for me. I'm too sick of devs being so lazy on this issue to even bother wasting time being let down by it yet again. Not when there are plenty of other games for me to be disappointed by in all sorts of new and unexpected ways
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
If you look at most of the TT sessions/games, it was almost always me vs you,My Army vs Your Army. 2 sides to start on,one for me,and one for you. it would be great if the did more than 2 factions,but if they dont its not going to be a game breaker for me.
If you look at most of the TT sessions/games, it was almost always me vs you,My Army vs Your Army. 2 sides to start on,one for me,and one for you. it would be great if the did more than 2 factions,but if they dont its not going to be a game breaker for me.
If the game were an RTS you'd be absolutely right. I think the problem lies with the lore hounds. They know certain factions would never put up shop in other faction's HQ's. I tend to agree with them.
If it's just going to be 2 factions make it Imperium of Man Vs _____ don't mix and match just save the multitudes of other factions for an expansion and make the best with what they've got.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst my fellow MMO fans.
dont let me forget about the fanboy favorites space marines.... http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat440272a&rootCatGameStyle=
my how vibrant and bright they are!
ok now that that is over with number 1, scoreboard, number 2, the folks at vigil have said that they are going for a style that encorperates both the table top look and the darker look of the illustrations and so forth. I think this is the right way to go, but you cant make everyone happy, so I understand why you dont like it.
Yes Space Marines have bright coloured armour, but how long do you recon it looks like that after they go into war? If we spend our time as SM on parade grounds then the bright colour is appropriate. If we spend our time as SM in the thick of war some soot, dirt and bashed armour would be better. And some how I don’t think we will be practicing drill too much.
Its such a shame PR departments are on these forum, putting in so much work to disproof every persons opinion that is questioning or deviant from the press campagne. No right minded person would take so much time to convince someonelse about something they have no connection with what so ever. Only a blind trust a developer with a very mediocre track record. Very suspicious.
You think Space Marines have bright armor? lol Noise Marines and Harlequins ftw.
Um ya thats what Mythic said too. Well they Do have the DoW series going for them,and yes I know it was THQ/Relic,and its THQ/Vigil doing DMO,but at least vigil is under THQ witch hopfully gives them the people/resources they need to make this a good game.
Im happy to see that they are showing IN GAME footage and not just throwing out a big cinimatic to get the AHh factor/hype going.Although dont get me wrong it would be cool to see a cinimatic of DMO.
How would 3 factions work any better than 2 factions with the 40k IP though?
I havn't followed 40k lore religiously in a while so this is all being pulled out what remains of my memory.
Evan in 3 faction system there are going to be alliances and they most likely would be something like Chaos and Dark Eldar vs Imperium and Eldar vs Orks.
I really don't see Tyranids or Necrons being playable as they are hivemind controlled entities which doesn't translate well into player controlled entities in anything other than stratagy games.
Tau I don't have very much knowledge about so thats why I left them out of the equation but from what I have read on these forums they don't really fit well with any of the 3 factions so evan if playable and not totaly hivemind controlled they would either be a 4th faction or if the limit is 3 would be lumped in with Orks.
So 3 factions hardly seems like a solution that would generate less complaints about the faction system than 2 does.
The only solution to the complaints would have to be 6 seperate racially based playable factions.
Each faction would have to have their own political map as to what faction they can ally themselves with because each faction has it's own lore base will never ally with these ones will sometimes ally with these other ones. Then to be true to the lore if you were in a mixed faction party/guild any one in your faction or your allies faction could kill you without repercution. They could call it role play but you could call it them being a dick. Can you see where I headed with this. All this stuff pushes the game dangerously into niche territory all that would need to happen next is the lore backed call for FFAPVP being implimented and there you have it a game that if wildly successful wouldn't top 500k and most likely would peak at around the 200k accounts far short of the reported 1 million they are aiming/developing/budgetting for. This is just the gameplay reasons.
Server limitations also play a factor as to why it isn't likely to be 6 playable factions. In order for the gameplay to be smooth and for content to be easily accessable there has to be a certain sever population per faction. If the population is to small there will be content that people won't be able to do simply because there is not enough people around in the required faction to do it. In a 6 faction game your looking at EVE style server sizes in order to get enough people in enough places for the game to flow smooth and evan then EVE with it's fairly simple graphics requirements struggles to handle 30,000 people online at once and 100 vs 100 battles. So with the graphical requirements upped to a ground combat FPS style the kind of server farm you need to handle enough people to fill out 6 factions in order to prevent content bottlenecks would be massive. Could it be done yes probably maybe I don't really know, with tech available right now I'm guessing it's probably not worth it.
Do you have a spare couple of 10 million dollar bills in your couch cusions you would be willing to gamble on such a project? If so good for you if not sorry but your going to have to rely on those that do and most often than not the people with that kind of their own cash laying around only bet on stuff that at bare minimum pays back what they put in thats why they have all that money in the first place.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
Hush, The game isn't even fully out yet and your naysaying it? And what arrogance? He was using a PC statement to keep the rabid fanboys like yourself from bursting out at them.
~~Internet gaming is not for the faint of heart or the dumb of mind.~~
2 factions - fail.
Space Marines, Chaos, eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks, Tau, Necrons.... 2 factions can never be enough
Let's not forget the sub factions within the imperium itself.
Destined to mediocrity.
Necrons / Tyranids, that's hard do to the heiracrchy or lack there of but I'd make them the FTP races. Change the exp/skill gain to global for all players of that race each player geta vote on an upgrade etc. but limit them in terms of depth. They are afterall the throwaway armies that just keeps giving.
The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions.
"The ONLY reason i can see anyone thinking 2 factions is a fail are the people compairing this to WAR,and just because Mythic had a hit with THREE factions. But they failed at TWO factions. Almost every other PvPish game/MMO I have seen ONLY has 2 sides/Factions."
This, heres a fact for all those that think they know 40k, 40k ALWAYS is about 2 sides, get over it.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
It's a fact that one side will be bigger, and therefore stronger, than the other. Unless they can offer an explanation on how they're gonna handle that, how they're going to deal with "the rich get richer" situation where the strong faction just repeatedly beats the weaker one, then you're just flat wrong.
It's a serious problem within game-design, and it's a problem that needs to be addressed. It's rarely an issue with PvE game, like WoW, but it comes up when talking about PvP games, especially RvR ones. Not only that, but the problem was already solved with the DAoC 3-faction solution in the past.
So... unless someone can come up with some genius game system that will somehow make a 2-faction system work, I'm sticking with the fail-theory.
So 1 game has a 3 faction system that worked now suddeenyl its a magic cure all that works every time?
Thats funny cause i remember terrans beating down everyone in planetside when i played it and gee it had 3 factions...
Having 3 factions doesnt magically make the population 33/33/33, theres still going to be the biggest faction and likely there will be an even gimpier than 2 factions faction.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
No.... Learn to read. 3 factions is ONE solution that came up over the years to the 2-faction problem. Just one, but it's a good one. All I'm saying is that there is such a thing as the 2-faction problem in RvR games, it exists. To just sweep it under the rug and pretend it's not real is... dumb. So if the 40k MMO is going to have 2 factions, I would also love to hear their solution to the problem. That's all. Not that they have to do 3-factions, but that it would be nice to know how they plan on dealing with 2 factions. And so far there's no indication that they're dealing with it at all. Looks like it's just being ignored with the blind hope that "all will be well".
And by the way, to follow on the 33/33/33, that's not even the idea with having 3 factions. The idea is that even if it ends up being as terrible as 45/30/25, simple 1st-grade math tells us that 30+25 is 55. And is 55 more than 45? Why yes, yes it is. The point is, that at least there's the potential for the two weaker ones to team up against the larger one. In a 2-faction system, that's not possible for obvious reasons.
The point is, that at least there's the potential for the two weaker ones to team up against the larger one
And yet you could also argure that 3 factions could be even more unbalancing if the 2 bigger sides decided to pick on the smaller one making it 75 agianst 25. It comes down to how they exicute the mechanics/game play/classes and a whole bunch of other factors. Classe would be a big one though imo.
So again you could turn it around and say that side A with 45,and side B with 30 had crappy/unbalanced classes compaired to side C with awsome Over Powered classes, and kicks A&B's but. Fun discussion .
It's all about potential. Sure there's the potential for the larger factions to gang up on the smaller one. But game mechanics can be designed so that's not desirable. For instance, once you "beat" a faction, they won't drop any more loot for you. So it discourages farming the same faction over and over. DAoC had something like this with their Relics. I don't know really, and it doesn't even matter. The point is that there's the potential for things to go either way.
But with 2 factions you don't have that potential. One side will be more powerful than the other, and that side will repeatedly beat the weaker side. There's no potential here for the weaker faction to over-come this obstacle. If they were weak/low-pop before, they'll remain so in the future unless the devs make their classes OPd. In fact, with 2 factions you get the rich get richer situation, where the larger faction beats the weaker one, and gains gear and ranks from doing so, which makes it even easier for them to do it again. This then makes people from the weak faction jump ship, which makes it even weaker. It just gets worse over time.
"Looks like it's just being ignored with the blind hope that "all will be well"."
Gee, you know why that is? could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that the game was JUST shown, and isnt coming out for another 2 years?
Yah, im sure every other mmo youve followed released all teh information on it 2 years in advance right after it was shown right?
FFS, they literrally JUST announced the %$#^ing factions, MMO gamers just seem to like to fill in what they dont know with what they assume then assume its fact.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
Yeah, or.... maybe it's that I had this exact same argument 3 years ago during the WAR beta. And people said the same thing you're saying now. I constantly heard "dude, the game's in beta! Just wait a bit". Sure enough, everything from beta made it into live, and even less than what was expected. And I see no reason to believe this 40k one will be any different. If they announced something now, which they did in this article about the 2-factions, then it's almost certain that it'll end up in live 3 years from now when it comes out.
That's just the way it is, the way it's always been. Maybe I'm jaded...
Well I do have to say one of the things they were suppose to do in WAR was have NPC's with really smart AI, fill in for lack of population and they had the title of "Dogs of War". Now I know AI is no where near having another person/player,but it is a step in TRYING to balance things out imo. I just hope THQ/Vigil does come up with some cool/fresh/good ideas to decently balance 2 faction PvP. And who knows devs could read a discussion like this,where people are throwing all there ideas and opinions out and it JUST MITE give them an idea.
*My editing
Well I hope THQ & Vigil & GW are reading threads like this at the moment.
I hope that they notice that this is one of the most viewed threads on MMORPG.com and there seems to be a lot of interest in this title.
I also hope they notice that people (in general & mostly) don't like this idea at all.
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
Just came to mind. Also if they had/did decide to do 3 faction PvP they would still get stigma from DAoC success too,so either way they got their hands full.
I think there have been like 3 maybe 4 video games base on GWS Warhammer fantasy compared to 40k witch has a lot of video games base around it,lol im not going to look up the number but i know of at least 12.
And honestly there have always been more 40k table top players (me here) than Fantasy(dabled), at least from what i remember when i was playing 16years ago. So I can see why this one mite be more of a PLEASE get this right compared to WAR.
yea this game is going to fail as much as warhammer fantasy did... there should be as many different factions as there is in the table top (many) why do you say? because the game is gonna end up being instanced to holy hell anyway... what a load of crap
it'd be alot better to see instanced 16v16v16v16 or 8v8v8v8 fights then 16vs16 or 32vs32.. that way you dont feel like your zerg surfing as much as you are working with a tight group of allies that you leveled up with. this games already going in the wrong direction... and its not coming out til 2013... this game isn't going to hype up at all because i can see the failure from here.
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IP lore aside, two factions is just weak for gameplay. To the point of being a gamebreaker, for me. I'm too sick of devs being so lazy on this issue to even bother wasting time being let down by it yet again. Not when there are plenty of other games for me to be disappointed by in all sorts of new and unexpected ways
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
If you look at most of the TT sessions/games, it was almost always me vs you,My Army vs Your Army. 2 sides to start on,one for me,and one for you. it would be great if the did more than 2 factions,but if they dont its not going to be a game breaker for me.
If the game were an RTS you'd be absolutely right. I think the problem lies with the lore hounds. They know certain factions would never put up shop in other faction's HQ's. I tend to agree with them.
If it's just going to be 2 factions make it Imperium of Man Vs _____ don't mix and match just save the multitudes of other factions for an expansion and make the best with what they've got.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst my fellow MMO fans.