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Seems like most of the people seem to like the game so far.
If you happen to have a chance to play the game at pax please give your impressions.
Good video, always nice to see feedback from people who actually played it.
edit: Day later, still the only reply. I guess this thread isn't negative enough to be discussed.
The old SWG fans want only negative threads in here. The old SWG fans simply do not want SWToR to succeed. They go screaming like little kids for their sandbox.
I'm sure if they were all saying it sucked, this thread would be like 20 pages long...
Umm, have you ever once seen official impressions that were negative? I think just about every MMO review that I have seen from some expo has been positive.
This is a fan site not owned by Bioware. The people that played and were interviewed are not Bioware employees. Trying to cast doubt on the authenticity of the people involved is pretty close to trolling.
I've seen people have negative reviews about many MMOs from expos. Heck, at E3 there were more negative comments about TOR than Pax has had. Last year things were more negative. Seems like they've done a lot to make the animation better and combat better over the last year (lots of polishing).
As best I can tell, and I know this is by no means scientific, but TOR just seems to be getting better and better with fewer and fewer complaints each time they show it off. I expect this will continue for the next 9 or so months until release.
More than likely they were players who were jazzed about the game and willing to try it and look beyond any issues. Or they were excited enough by the game not to really have the same issues that others might have.
I can't view the video right now so I'm unsure of the context but if there are playesr who went to pax and were willing to stand in a long line to try the game, chances are that they are predisposed towards the game in some way.
I don't think there are any shenanigans here, just a certain segment of a demographic interested in SWToR.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
KotOR and SWG are two of my favorite games. I'm looking forward to TOR as a single player / coop game and it should be great. That being said - you won't see people at an expo say on camera, "Oh, that sucks." It just simply won't happen. So fishing for an argument with those who don't like what they hear about TOR or basing opinions off of these reactions is unwise.
Thanks for sharing this video. I really like the fact that the one guy was a 6 year vet of SWG, and he said hands down this is better lol. Anyway, it was nice to see their true reactions to playing it... and I like that the one guy in the bucket hat at the end even said that he was one of the people who are dissapointed about the races and stuff, but all in all he was blown away by it. See?!! You can still have fun with it, even without being able to be a wierd alien. All those haters who are whining about the species thing (You know who you are), are taking that statement from Bioware way too personally, like they're directly attacking your thought process to have fun. Why can't you just at least try it out before bitching and complaining SOO much about it.
Every hands on write up or anything I've ever seen or read, has always been positive (even with little negative things here and there), but it seems that as the game stands now, the good WAAAAAYYY out weighs the bad. Of course the game will have it's flaws, but I truly believe that it will be a very fun, exciting, interactive MMO overall.
Now you have people who are actually playing the game and there are still people who still continue with the TOR bashing.
I guess as the months go by and more people get their hands on actually playing the game be it in close beta and then open and the majority still have positive views, what will you naysayers do then.
I guess it is just hard for some to imagine that Bioware is a solid company that won't release a half baked and unpolished game.
You can dislike some of the systems they have implemented. You can not be a big SW fan. The one thing you will have to come to grips with is, Bioware has set from the beginning, to make TOR be the best game they can produce. It will release with a huge amount of polished content and will have a major impact on the MMO genre.
Call me a fanboy, fanbot, SW geek, i really don't care because when it comes to me, i love everything i see and that's all that matters.
See, even though i agree with a part of your post, the part that pisses me off is the single player/co-op sentence. This game is a pure MMO like every other one. Why must you sit back and throw that little jab, knowing that you are wrong.
Well said. People can call me a fanboi all they want, I'm in the same boat as you, I know the negatives about the game, but I also know the positives, and for me, as I stated before, the good out weigh the bad.
I'm just saying that I truly believe the people who tried the game liked it. But who is the demographc who would wait in line at a game convention in order to try a game?
I love video games and I've been to Pax, Pax east and GenCon and I would NEVER wait in line to try a game.
There is no looking for an argument from me nor am I decrying the game. But I think it's important to know the people making the comments.
I'm actually looking forward to purchasing the game. But in no way am I going to take positive or negative comments without thinking of where theya are coming from.
So if this was a video from an alternative game conventioni that SWToR just happened to be at and all the comments were negative I would still question where those comments were coming from.
People are too quick to take positive or negative comments without asking the important questions. I'm sure they loved the game. But are they the part of the demographic who would love the game no matter what? Or is it really a good sampling of gamers who may or may not hate the game but in the end loved it?
In discussing such things we have to take it all into account. Otherwise we are just taking what is being handed to us. Positive or Negative.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
You see, this to me is important because it shows a former SWG player who thinks it's better. That has some meaning to me. As I said, I can't see the video right now. But it is important to get context when someone says a game sucks or that it's amazing.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I see where you are coming from with your line of thinking. I can only imagine that those guys were there to try out as many games they were able to get their hands on. i mean, those guys clearly were mmo gamer's that have played or is playing another mmo and know of the up and coming games. Just because someone waits in line, doesn't mean they were neither for or against TOR, except maybe the guy dress as a jedi.
Ok, now I really want to see this video ; )
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
These people waited in line for MULTIPLE games, not just TOR. Their comparisons are in the video, particularly regarding combat pace.
Again, at all these things I see people make negative comments about MMOs. I see reviews from Expos that have negative comments. I've seen outright bashing. TOR has had very little of that and the negative comments have grown fewer and fewer over the last year. You could assume it is some vast conspiracy, you could ignore the fact negative comments for other games can or do happen, or you could assume this means TOR must be pretty darn good. All things considered, I think the latter route makes the most sense.
I can't understand why would a 6 yr vet of SWG loving TOR has meaning to you. Are you the type of person who only goes to a movie if it has a good review. Why is it that the majority of people it seems, especially on this site, have to follow other's and hold their opinions on games to such a high level, without even trying a game for themselves first.
This is in no way trying to bait you into an argument.
Heh, I just had to! Look at it this way: bashers aren't saying that this game actually isn't an MMO - because clearly it is. What they are saying is that the MMO portion of the game is very weak, almost generic, tacked-on, etc. As an MMORPG fan, I don't want to see more WARs and AoCs. I want to see exciting and imaginative multiplayer mechanics. Story is cool and I'm sure it will be just as good as ME, kotor, etc. but the very notion of a story in an MMO already ruins the immersion. Knowing that my "decisions" are being made by everybody who plays my class/spec makes me not care about it unless I willfully ignore that there are other people in the game world - hence why I said I will play it like a single player / coop game.
Once people beat it, is there really a meaningful way to play besides rerolling (which is the lamest way to add longevity to a game)? Will I have token experiences that I can get in WoW? Will my character, who just saved the galaxy presumably, become nothing but a loot collector? Will the game after the story become an e-peen festival? There are sandbox MMOs, themepark MMOs, and then there is this. I really hope BioWare reveals more of the heart of their MMO, but I'm expecting it to not be there.
I'll assume you mean "the royal you" when you are saying "you". I don't believe in any conspiracies, just the search for good accurate knowledge.
I'm just the type of person who has to look at context when something is said. It's important to question or else one might be led toward or away from thigns that they might hate/love.
for instance, if I tell you a certain movie is great, my advice would be to seek another's opinion unless you know you share my same tastes. I tend to be more accepting of "bad" movies and even like them after a fashion.
Knowing the source, the context of something is really important to making an informed decision.
Listening to someone say something is bad or good means nothing unless I know where they are coming from or they are so in depth with their reporting that I can make a decision.
so, if someone were to say to me "the game has a lot of story and cut scenes and there is a lot of dialogue and therefore the game is bad" well I know that those are things I like so I might think it's good.
If someone were to say that "everythign was fast paced non-stop action with harsh death penalties and therefore the game is good" I would probably not like the game.
If someone at a game convention tells me that they love/hate a game I need to know more about who they are in order to make an informed opinion.
that's all I'm saying.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I dont' feel I'm being baited at all and thanks for the reponse.
You might read my other post regarding how I make decisions.
I never take anyone's opinion of something as a definitive truism because I know that I like and hate certain things that others might hate and like.
But it has meaning to me because it shows that a person who was attracted to a certain type of game play experience and attracted to the subject matter can then relate this new experience in the context of their old experience.
I know where they are coming from "more" than I know some random person who I don't know if they like video games, hate them, hate sandboxes, love sandboxes, hate sci-fi, etc.
It gives context and that can give me a jumping off point so that I can investigate further into what the game/movie/book, might mean to me.
I'll add to this.
If you watch tv and see people trying "x" soda and they say they love it then you might be suspicious because you know they were paid to love "x" soda. Or that the people shown were only those who supported the advertisers wishes.
but if you are in a supermarket and see a friend of yours mosey on up to the sample soda bar and he all loves it you might be more inclined to try it because you know yoru friend and you know that he is not being paid or that you are not being swayed to like/hate something.
all I'm saying is that if someone gives us a link of peole who love or hate a game that we try to understand where they are coming from and not take what they say as certain truth "just because".
I don't think anyone would disagree with that.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I still don't get why you think the mmo part of TOR is just a tacked on system so to speak. Yes, while you have a personal story that can affect your character, you don't have to engage in that at all if that is your wish.
You can do open world quest solo or with a group to level just like any other MMO as well as pvp and other end game content. You can level all the way to whatever that number will be and never reroll a new toon if that is what you want. They will be plenty of things to do until future expansions are released from what Bioware has stated.
I think you are just hung upon them saying that we encourage people to retroll a new toon. But you have to remember if you do, you won't ever repeat the same content or personal story quests, which is what is so boring in other mmo's.
You have to just get by the heavy story in this game. It seems some people just can't see that there is a personal story and a world story and then just the open world quests. You can participate in all of that content or whichever one you choose.
Remember, Bioware has stated they want to create a game that will cover as many playstyles this genre has to offer.
To philosophical to think about a game in this way. You either gonna try the game and like it or not.
hey, this is how I'm wired.
However, I completely agree with you, in the end you will like it or not.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
You know, I really hope that this will be a good MMO. Here is what concerns me: you say that "there will be plenty of things to do until future expansions are released". That is what I'm talking about - only vague statements of the MMO part of the game. Besides, I really don't like the WoW model (I know WoW didn't invent this) of an MMO being developer-centric / you can only do linear content until more is released. It's not just a matter of "the MMO stuff is there and the story is really special" - there needs to be something special about the MMO part. If I said, what is a special MMO feature in TOR? I think most people would answer voice overs or story, even though I took care to mention "MMO" before I said feature.