I tried it in the hopes of having something to play while waiting for other games but I didn't like it. While I played the movement of characters or myself didn't lag but my mouse had this odd delay which kept putting me off. I didn't like the fact that your basically forced to read walls of text before doing much after the pretty good cinematics. There was no real guide to tell you where to go unless I wanted to keep bringing up my journal which also had a lag to it. What happened to NPC pointers, and symbols over head? While its old it's a very helpful system. The server I was on was so over crowded that there were no mobs to fight and after 5 mins of walking out of town to find no mobs I gave up. I have a feeling that this game can do well but right now it seems a little rushed and ain't good enough for my money.
This isn't actually because people have killed all the mobs. There simply isn't that many free roaming ones. You'll likely find most people are just standing around wondering where all the mobs are. You have to spawn them through triggering leves.
Yet another bad game mechanic.
WRONG, do some exploring and you'll find plenty of monsters to kill... stop just staying by that first crystal.
I'm not wrong. From what people are doing they are going to the first crystal, and that is exactly what they are seeing.
So you are basicially saying ignore leves and just (pure) grind, after some extensive exploration and hoping a mob isn't going to one shot you. An even better design mechanic. Lets face it, other than the story arc this game has no content.
I think most would advise you to spend your time on all the aspects of the game, sure you can grind, and solo grind should be easier at headstart than at OB. You can also tell if a monster is conquerable just by clicking on it.
The guy has no idea what he's talking about, if you start a levequest only YOU & PARTY MEMBERS can attack the mobs that spawn just for that levequest. Others cannot kill those mobs.
Grinding mobs is a great way to level, I got from Rank 4 all the way to Rank 10 very fast just by having a small group that didn't fuck around.
Leves are not quests, they are very much like hunter terminals in SWG. They spawn mobs, for you to kill.
I said they must use the crystals to spawn their leve mobs. Maybe if you had read, it would have helped.
so what level guildleves have you done? Probably just the ones at the first aetheryte camp outside the starting city. Yeah those are expected to just give you kill these few squirrels or something. I'm sure the guildleves get more exciting the farther along you go ingame
Also, does anyone else hate that damn attack stance? after every fight I have to click the damn sword to rest up
Adventurer's guild...The Inn you start at in Limsa Lominsa. Not sure for the other two cities. Don't have to click the sword, just hit 'F' on the keyboard
^ The poster above is exactly what I'm talking about. Why is it okay to have a crappy UI just because it's different from WoW? Get real. The UI could be much better there is no denying that. I'm fine with the UI, I can grasp it just fine, and I still don't like it.
That's weird that people are complaining about lag.. I don't notice any.. there are times when casting is slow if that's what you mean... but that's hardly the frustrating lag that I've seen in games where you can hardly move because of lag.
I'm not defending lag by any means I'm just saying I haven't noticed any (unless you're talking about the delay when some spells go off.)
Anyway I think it's far not to like this game... i'm starting to like the more I play it but I really had to force myself to love it for the first couple of hours. And I don't expect anyone to force themselves to play a game that they are not enjoying. The UI, while not a problem, is not as good as it could be but that's probably my biggest complaint. I like the combat, and the guildleves are interesting enough.
This game is different enough from the typical MMOs that we have all become immune to and thus it will hold my attention for a much longer period of time. ^^
I agree with this post, But I will say. This game is far from finished as far as they goes. I blame the guys in the Alpha and Beta Tests for not working closer with the Devs on the UI. They need to have shortcuts to get to the important menu's like the inventor and such, I highly suggest anyone playing the beta please send in their questions and Concerns to the Square-Enix Support team to try and get some last minute UI changes.
The UI is just too clumpy when having to back and forth from the menu's etc. I've already submitted my suggests to them tho, I suggest everyone else to do the same.
Yea blame the beta tester rofl. There was tons of feedback on the UI and controls, threads went hundreds of pages. All the bitching through alpha and beta are the same exact as they are now. There is no communication from the Devs at all.
Learn shortcuts. Most of them are simple. You open the main menu with a click....if you don't have a controller, use the arrow keys and enter to choose the menu you want. ESC closes the menu you're currently on.
so what level guildleves have you done? Probably just the ones at the first aetheryte camp outside the starting city. Yeah those are expected to just give you kill these few squirrels or something. I'm sure the guildleves get more exciting the farther along you go ingame
Nope, they don't. Mobs spawn upon activation, you kill. The effort put into the game is mostly to make it look pretty and the story arc.
It's kind of annoying how anyone that voices any criticism whatsoever is immediatly jumped on. It's like people who try the game and notice bug's or game play issues are out to destroy the game.
It's a fanboi defense mechanism.
As far as the game goes, it has potential and graphics are very nice but it is no where ready for release. It needs a good 6 more months of serious development.
SE needs to take a step back and realize that right now the game is a subpar PS3 port. More often than not, you're fighting with the UI more than you're fighting with the mobs, which have pretty much been hunted to extinction by the hordes of players. Apparently grinding is really the only way to get anywhere in this game... But that's besides the point.
The game is obviously designed for a PS3 because it's absolutely unwieldy with a mouse and keyboard. No hardware mouse, no keyboard short cuts like "I" for inventory, "C" for character, etc. Pressing ESC does not bring up the menu. You have to press "Enter" to interact with things, which is annoying since you have to move your hand from the movement keys. There are no tool tips and the inventory/equipment screen is abismal.
Anyway, I like the art and the stories and it's unfortunate that SE had decided to release this game on the PC without making it work with the PC control scheme.
The game is not a PS3 port as the PC version can run with superior graphics for example. The control system is okay too if you are playing on half descent system. keyboard or gamepad are definitely the methods I would play by, but mouse does work. Ultimately the problem with Western markets is the WoWtard quotient that has zero tolerance for anything else, but nonetheless I think XIV will be a hit with thoughtful western gamers too.
The fact that it can run with superior graphics (good luck with that btw) means absolutely nothing. The control and the UI are obviously designed around the gamepad, otherwise there is absolutely no reason to do everything through ONE menu. The combat is a dead give away though. Do you know why the combat is much slower than in other MMOs? Not because it's more strategic, as the skills are basically the usual MMO type, it's because the developers are trying to give you time to select the next skill with the D-Pad on your gamepad. Whereas in other MMOs, you know the ones designed with the PC in mind, all you have to do is press the assigned hotbar key, with a D-Pad, you have to scroll to the appropriate skill and select it, which takes more time, obviously.
The other day, I posted that the mouse was fine also. I was drunk. Besides that, however, I can speed up the mouse cursor on the mouse so it's not as painful but still annoying because sometimes it's hard to line up with the certain UI elements.
As far as you "WoWtard" comment goes, don't even go there. I don't have any issues with learning a new UI, if the UI makes sense. This UI, however is obviously designed around the gamepad and makes very little logical sense when used on the PC. Certain gameplay elements, like the combat, are obviously designed around the gamepad as well. There are no keyboard shortcuts, because there is no reason to have them on a PS3 (not enough room on the gamepad). You can't scroll the map around with the mouse but you can with a gamepad... I mean, dude, you can call me a WoWtard all you want, but that's not going to change the fact that the UI is not made for the PC and is frustrating for those who do not have gamepads.
I think most people who went through all that crap to get an OB key probably wanted to try a game they hoped would be good. I think most people following this game wanted it to succeed.
... and it would be nice for the designers to at least address those concerns, instead of just releasing comments that they intended it to be like that.
Nothing wrong with voicing criticism, but this isn't the best place to do it. Chances are if you post here, noone at SE will even hear bout it. If you really want to be heared, do it through the official channels. The fans really don't want to hear people criticising the game they like.
After all the time that I have been coming to this site, I think this is the first time that I have ever seen anyone describe as a "FANS ONLY" place, where critics just need to be quiet.
There are genuine problems with this game that have nothing at all to do with beta testing. I think the game itself is quite impressive on many levels, but you're not going to convince people to play it by ignoring their concerns, or by basically telling them to shut up and go somewhere else.
Judging by semi/official fan sites and other mmo sites, the posts on the official beta forums are replete with similar concerns to the ones being discussed here at mmorpg. If SE isn't aware of such criticism, it is only because they don't care to become aware.
It's quite simple really, and has been said before. But some people still don't seem to get it.
This game was made for FFXI fans, not WoW fans.
That's it. 90% of the complaints about FFXIV can be explained with the above statement. The other 10% are performance issues, crashing problems, UI lag, other various bugs and issues.
I'm sure these will all be fixed up in the next few months. FFXI has great performance and I'm sure SE will be able to do the same for FFXIV.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
so what level guildleves have you done? Probably just the ones at the first aetheryte camp outside the starting city. Yeah those are expected to just give you kill these few squirrels or something. I'm sure the guildleves get more exciting the farther along you go ingame
Adventurer's guild...The Inn you start at in Limsa Lominsa. Not sure for the other two cities. Don't have to click the sword, just hit 'F' on the keyboard
Learn shortcuts. Most of them are simple. You open the main menu with a click....if you don't have a controller, use the arrow keys and enter to choose the menu you want. ESC closes the menu you're currently on.
Nope, they don't. Mobs spawn upon activation, you kill. The effort put into the game is mostly to make it look pretty and the story arc.
The fact that it can run with superior graphics (good luck with that btw) means absolutely nothing. The control and the UI are obviously designed around the gamepad, otherwise there is absolutely no reason to do everything through ONE menu. The combat is a dead give away though. Do you know why the combat is much slower than in other MMOs? Not because it's more strategic, as the skills are basically the usual MMO type, it's because the developers are trying to give you time to select the next skill with the D-Pad on your gamepad. Whereas in other MMOs, you know the ones designed with the PC in mind, all you have to do is press the assigned hotbar key, with a D-Pad, you have to scroll to the appropriate skill and select it, which takes more time, obviously.
The other day, I posted that the mouse was fine also. I was drunk. Besides that, however, I can speed up the mouse cursor on the mouse so it's not as painful but still annoying because sometimes it's hard to line up with the certain UI elements.
As far as you "WoWtard" comment goes, don't even go there. I don't have any issues with learning a new UI, if the UI makes sense. This UI, however is obviously designed around the gamepad and makes very little logical sense when used on the PC. Certain gameplay elements, like the combat, are obviously designed around the gamepad as well. There are no keyboard shortcuts, because there is no reason to have them on a PS3 (not enough room on the gamepad). You can't scroll the map around with the mouse but you can with a gamepad... I mean, dude, you can call me a WoWtard all you want, but that's not going to change the fact that the UI is not made for the PC and is frustrating for those who do not have gamepads.
Agree x2.
After all the time that I have been coming to this site, I think this is the first time that I have ever seen anyone describe as a "FANS ONLY" place, where critics just need to be quiet.
There are genuine problems with this game that have nothing at all to do with beta testing. I think the game itself is quite impressive on many levels, but you're not going to convince people to play it by ignoring their concerns, or by basically telling them to shut up and go somewhere else.
Judging by semi/official fan sites and other mmo sites, the posts on the official beta forums are replete with similar concerns to the ones being discussed here at mmorpg. If SE isn't aware of such criticism, it is only because they don't care to become aware.
In order to make the previous statement you must enjoy the following ...
1. Crafting
2. Harvesting
3. Completing 4 quests every 2 days and having abso-fucking-lutely nothing else to do but ... (see number 1 or 2).
I don't get it. :shrug: To each their own.
It's quite simple really, and has been said before. But some people still don't seem to get it.
This game was made for FFXI fans, not WoW fans.
That's it. 90% of the complaints about FFXIV can be explained with the above statement. The other 10% are performance issues, crashing problems, UI lag, other various bugs and issues.
I'm sure these will all be fixed up in the next few months. FFXI has great performance and I'm sure SE will be able to do the same for FFXIV.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."