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I was wondering if it's known or anywhere officially stated/announced whether we'll need a Credit Card or Game Card to enable our retail code and to be able to use the "included month"? Because alot of the latest released P2P mmorpgs used this policy.
The problem I have is that our Credit Card got disabled due to fraude and we're not planning to take another one anytime soon and the Game Card is going to be released in my local gamestore in november, I don't want to wait that long to be able to play.
Thanks in advance for responses.
I doubt anyone knows for sure but current players of other Sony games will probably be able to make educated guesses.
If it comes right down to it you should probably just grab one of those free pay as you go credit cards, stick a few bucks on it and keep it for this kind of situation. They only charge the card $1 and then refund it after verifying anyway, then you can continue to pay via time cards or whatever other methods are offered.
Unfortunately I'm from Europe and Belgium doesn't have any sort of prepaid Credit Card.
My bad, i made the assumption you'd be from the US as most of the posters here are.
I used to think we didn't have pre-paids in the UK either until i did a bit of research, it turns out there are a few you can get instores and some that are only available online.
I believe Paypal do some sort of virtual credit card nowadays too.
I looked for prepaid Credit Cards before for something else and they didn't have it, I even asked in my bank, they said Belgium doesn't have anything like that.
Also Belgium isn't included in the bank account link thing on PayPal, the only thing we can do is make a bank payment to fill up our money on PayPal, but I've noticed barely any websites allow this payment option.
I would expect so.
It's not just "the latest mmo's" who do this, its been pretty much the norm since day 1 of UO's release, for all subscription MMO's.
Btw, quick google search produced a number of pre-paid credit card in belgiums, and a credit site claimed "Is there a Prepaid Credit Card you can apply for in any European country ? Yes, since 2009 it is possible to get a Prepaid Credit Card from any country in Europe." And went on to list Belgium.
Hope that helps.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
That's very strange tho, as I said in my post above, I've literally asked an employee in my bank and he said there isn't anything like that in Belgium.
Because I've been to USA and I've seen the prepaid Credit Cards in Wal Mart, I've never seen anything like that in any of our stores before.
Check out this site :, they offer a good solution for europeans (there are no prepaid cards in my country too ).
After reading Jayanti's post i also did a quick google. It came up with a few companies that do them for all of the EU including Belgium, i didn't recognise any of the names though so no idea how good/reputable/free/cheap they are. Western Union did pop up as one though and they are reputable, if they do them there must be more decent ones.
I'm so sorry you came to the states... and went to wal mart. Though I guess it is a decent representation of our "culture"....
Thanks all for the responses! (quoting everyone would make this a mess, so I'm just gonna respond like this)
Sinella, I really would prefer not to be bound to anything like those cards again, after the massive fraude issue we've had, even tho I might be a bit shallow by just reading the first bits of the website, but still, thanks for sharing.
Kabaal, I actually have a Western Union office in my town, might go check it tomorrow, thanks for the reminder!
Ruethus, I actually had a great time in USA, I went to visit my bf after all, going back in november. (let's not get too off-topic tho lol)
Perhaps try Amazon for prepaid AMEX cards?
Or maybe directly from their website? (not certain of prepaid availability overseas though)