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<@Anubis> Hello Everyone Thanks for Coming to the MortalOnline
House of Commons Please start sending your Questions to
[QT]Calanon and [QT]Magree Only we will start as soon as Henrik
<@HenrikNystrom> Hello everyone, like last time, please send your questions to [QT]
and I will do my best answering them here.
<@Anubis> We will start now Remember Again only send the Questions to the QT’s
Noone Else
<@Anubis> Are the features listed as coming in the epic patch, is the
plan to roll them all out in that one patch?
<@HenrikNystrom> No, those under development wont all be in the Epic patch, we will
as we said in the news section, update that section with a more accurate date for
the epic patch and also what it includes.
<@HenrikNystrom> Its a pretty large list under dev section, which we put on pause,
most of them since we got the vital update from Epic which takes all focus atm
<@HenrikNystrom> After its live, we will continue on that list.
<@HenrikNystrom> As I said, that section will get updated soon enough so you can
see whats going on.
<@Anubis> <[UW]Kuroi> when you think butchery will be in? will it be added with
skinning? can you explain a bit its system?
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes, we were choosing between Alchemy or Butchery first, and as
you can see on our dev sectin list we choose to take alchemy first because of
various reasons tied to other systems
<@HenrikNystrom> But after that, we will put butchery in again, when its in, you
need to choose to either skin the animal on place and only get some of the amount
out of the loot
<@HenrikNystrom> or you simply have to carry the entire animal and skin/butcher it
with proper tools in your house or towns to get the resources you are looking for
<@HenrikNystrom> for instance, if you are looking for a special type of venom sack
from spiders you may need to transport the entire spider to a working table to be
able to extract the venom properly
<@HenrikNystrom> And for isntance when you dropp a wisent you can skin it on
location to get the fure or meat only if you are looking for that, but most
effective is using the right tools
<@HenrikNystrom> More info on butchery will come later on when we get closer to get
it in the game
<@Anubis> <[Myrm]Kernir> Any plans to revive the old combat system?
<@HenrikNystrom> The old combat system was very primitive with simple traces and
hit boxes, but some things about it was really good, but it also lacked a few
areas that if you tried some of it today it would feel strange compared to what
we have today
<@HenrikNystrom> today we have a very advanced trace system which is almost not a
trace system anyomre, but real physical weapons in the world that collides on
fats that gives the results
<@HenrikNystrom> this means, it cant get anymore real that what it is to day,
<@HenrikNystrom> We do lack some important systems in our current build that makes
this advanced system a bit of a waste
<@HenrikNystrom> for isntance, a proper prediction system and interpolation
<@HenrikNystrom> We want these 2 systems in the game first of, before we choose to
go back to a more primitive way of tracing hits or stay with what we have today
<@HenrikNystrom> as you can see, you cannot stick your spear through a player today
as its physical in the world and will stop before going through the player or
any mesh
<@HenrikNystrom> Also, like you are aware of we have been struggling with stamina
usage, and like you see on our latest feedback its hard to get feedback based on
the community only as some prefet pure fps game and some rpg elements
<@HenrikNystrom> Using 2 seperate bars for fighting and running is one interesting
aproach that we are interested to test for sure.
<@HenrikNystrom> A lot of our players complain that they dont want a spam fest, and
that we should increase stam usage when fithing to prevent this so you must
choose each swing more careful
<@HenrikNystrom> but as you can see on our latest poll, more players want the
oposite atm, as in use even less stam when fighting. so It aint easy for sure
<@HenrikNystrom> so, to sum up on your question
<@HenrikNystrom> We want to test our current advanced hit system with a proper
prediction and interpolation before we goes back to using our old primitive
<@Anubis> 4. <[WSX]Thorpey_Basillus> How long after the Epic patch can we expect to
be seeing Nav Mesh?
<@HenrikNystrom> We will use navmesh with the epic patch, we are testing it now,
but we need more time before we can fully use it. We had navmesh in our current
build, but its not being used properly by our AI because of issues in the network
<@HenrikNystrom> So as it looks now, we will have navmesh in the world along with
the epic patch, and if things goes as planned, our AI will finally be able to use
it like they should.
<@Anubis> <[FOR]Saphirix> Will we see any territory based resources? GK and CC got
most of the usefull stuff right now…
<@HenrikNystrom> Along with the epic patch you will see changes in the world for
sure, not only visually but resources and pickables will be placed in the world,
so yes you will see much more items spread out in the world of nave,
<@HenrikNystrom> All those items have a logic place in the world, as in follow
enviroment rules such as temperatures etc.
<@Anubis> <[SS]Nicademus> Since the character creation change was made with size of
characters, when can we be allowed to change the characters size for characters
created before the change?
<@HenrikNystrom> hmm, Im not sure if I understand this question..
<@HenrikNystrom> my misstake for grating it, but I thought it was a q about if when
we can change char size in game? after the initial creation?
<@HenrikNystrom> clarify that and we will get back to that one
<@Anubis> <[Ely]Tyria> Are “fist” weapons planned in the future?
<@HenrikNystrom> Well, there are skills ingame now that makes fist a bit more
useful, but they are a very good weapon anymore. But yes, we do have plans to add
more weapon types, something that you can attach on your hands to add to your
<@HenrikNystrom> You may see something of that when we are working with the new
weapon groups, but first you will see more of the common groups such as xbows,
new melee weapons.
<@Anubis> When will there be an update or advance in the Etheral and
Spiritism? Will more magic schools come out before there is more fleshed out to
<@HenrikNystrom> magic is on hold when it comes to new spell/schools untill we have
patched the epic patch. Not long after that we will focus a lot more on magic in
<@HenrikNystrom> Both finish our current ones, also to put them in seperate spell
books, you will also have to buy/loot/find each new spell to write in your
<@HenrikNystrom> that will eventually lead to scribing, which means you can choose
to sell a spell you have discovered with the scribing skills
<@HenrikNystrom> it wont be like it is today, that everyone starts with all magic
schools and spells automaticly after that patch
<@HenrikNystrom> you really have to choose to go that path and start collecting the
spells you are looking for, or learn them
<@HenrikNystrom> We have lots of interesting plans for magic, and have lots of
finished design for it already, but theres allways sometihng that comes before it
<@HenrikNystrom> such as in this case the epic patch, we were just starting to go
over magic again when we finally got the update from epic
<@HenrikNystrom> But you can be asured, it will get a huge update as soon as we are
able to start working on it again
<@HenrikNystrom> Also now when we got flash support we will be able to use that for
our magic as well in a very cool way.
<@HenrikNystrom> And again magic schools will differs from each others a lot, there
will be 13 to choose from.
<@Anubis> <[SS]Nicademus> Since attribute points were changed with the size of
characters after many had already made their characters, can we get a way to
change the size of characters made before the change?
<@HenrikNystrom> Ok hehe I take it as I guessed at first.
<@HenrikNystrom> So, you will be able to change your char size in game eventually,
the thing is that we now have what we need to make that happend, it simply went
down a bit on our list since we had to solve bugs.
<@HenrikNystrom> So there will be a way to change size in game, I cannot yet reveal
how exactly you will do it, but you wont be able to go up and down as soon as you
want and how it fit you. It will take time.
<@HenrikNystrom> There is both a normal map and a size attribute tied togheter, if
you train a lot and str goes very high around 100ish, you will be able to
increase in size as well as long as your char cap allows it
<@HenrikNystrom> that means you will eventually be able to max out your char size
cap, which means yuou will get even bigger and also use the normal map for more
defines muscles when having high str
<@HenrikNystrom> So this means there will be 2 new visual things to notice on a
player, defined muscles and bigger size.
<@HenrikNystrom> Im working on the details behind the rules behind that with Mats,
and I hope we will be able to get that in the epic patch or shortly after.
<@Anubis> 8. Are you going to add a “combo” system? Like swinging a sword
once, then linking it into a nother swing, not just one at a time?
<@HenrikNystrom> Like you all know, we have some more balancing to do behind our
combat system, to get the feeling right for isntance. We now have a system that
allows us to pretty easy add special moves and combo moves
<@HenrikNystrom> But we will wait a bit more untill we add more of those into the
game untill we have the core of the combat a bit better.
<@HenrikNystrom> hopefully the prediction/interpolation will help us in the right
<@HenrikNystrom> You will get the overhead swing, but after that we will try to
focus on the basic combat a bit more before adding new ones again.
<@Anubis> 9 <[WSX]Levald_Aurelius> are counselors being recruited to help fill in
the times currently not covered with ingame support? like between 10pm and 4am
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes, we still recruit counselors atm. We recently signed with a
bunch of new guys that are on their way in now.
<@HenrikNystrom> Remember that this requires a bit of work before they are able to
be in game and assisst players such as
<@HenrikNystrom> a short interview to get to know what kind of supporters we are
getting, signing contracts and teaching them the system and so on.
<@HenrikNystrom> But yes, I know that we get a new group in this weekend actually.
And more coming in the next week.
<@Anubis> after the Epic patch, will the taming system get some love?
Any info about its priority
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes well, it will automatically get some love with the epic patch,
as now the pets should act like they should. The main reason for not expanding
that system is that we must first get it to work with the navmesh
<@HenrikNystrom> as you know there are problems with mounts/pets atm, and we cannot
do anything to solve that without navmesh. So it wouldnt make any sense for us to
add for instance pet controll points as it would be even more broken pets to
control that way
<@HenrikNystrom> But with navmesh in fully working, we will be able to rely on the
taming system, pets and mounts
<@HenrikNystrom> we have some guys that prepared a small update for it as soon as
we go live with epic patch.
<@Anubis> Will there ever be an updated client where we wont have to
download all the individual patches? It takes a long time to install the game
right now.
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes, we do every now and then create a new installation to
download with the patches embeded. And yes its about time to make a new one,
<@HenrikNystrom> I think with the new epic patch there will be a new one, im not
100% sure thou.
<@HenrikNystrom> About it takes time for patches to install. Yes it takes some
time, a bit longer that we all want it to. We are stuck with that installation
system for now. But we are evaluating a new one, but those cost a lot. And those
money goes into developing the game atm.
<@Anubis> [BRB]Mojoz> Whisper was recently removed from the game completely. Me and
many others really miss this feature, and would like to see it put back in, even
if limited. The game needs more means of communication between players. Do you
have any plans for this?
<@HenrikNystrom> The orginal plan is that you need a guild to be able to whisper to
them. We had whisper in because of some issues, and sadly a bit to long to make
players getting used to using it without a guild.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
JFC! Add some breaks in there between Q's and A's
"Wall of Text crits you for 10000000000. You die"
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR
Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT
Playing: Skyrim
Following: The Repopulation
I want a Virtual World, not just a Game.
ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
"Yes, again, this is also a reason we have not yet implemented Tindrem. Imgaine the look with 10 naked peoples running around infront of the emperor and his guards "
We've all seen the pictures of Tindrem, and he says it isn't implemented because they don't want naked people running around "important" NPCs?
Yeah I'm sure that was the only reason if he was even being serious.
Be sure to reread the original post because it was updated with more information the first post missed.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!