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I've been seeing complaints from people on much higher end rigs than what I have saying the game gets crappy FPS or whatever and that may be due to the lack of optimization SE has done. My question is though and comment is though: I've seen HD 1080p videos of this game on high-end rigs. I realize this is an MMORPG and no doubt probably has some of the better graphics in that genre.. what I really want to know is for those of you who have experienced it first hand and not through videos....
Do the system requirements really warrant the graphics you see in this game? I have a game called "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and it's a bit older now and has lesser system requirements. I really don't see where this game is so impressive. No physics, even in high res the models still look like Aion toons upgraded slightly. So is it just me, or does anyone else feel far less impressed with the graphics than the majority?
This isn't meant to be a flame post, I'm just trying to see if people think the graphics justify the system requirements. It is a different monster (being an MMORPG) I just don't see where people are getting all googly eyed over the graphics.
I should probably mention that although I'm not really impressed by what I've been hearing about this game, I did not cancel my pre-order and will be there the moment the servers go live. I've been iffy about this game but decided to just give it a shot and be as open-minded and patient as I can. After playing Vindictus which has looked a lot more impressive visually, and playing some older PC games, it just makes me wonder if SE put too much emphasis on an aspect of a game that will alienate some players all for graphics that honeslty are not jaw-dropping amazing.
I played all of OB and was able to run it on max settings, I enjoy the game (picking up my preorder at midnight), but in my opinion, to answer your exact question, no, I personally didn't think the graphics were THAT impressive.
For an mmorpg the graphics are pretty nice, compared to other non mmo games? not really...
But in all honesty if you're playing an mmo for graphics you are playing for the wrong reasons.
It just goes to show, even if it's being produced by a company known internationally as producing works amongst the top CGI in the world, beauty remains, as ever, in the eye of the beholder.
But, that said, MMORPG overhead will definately reduce it over a single player game. It's a technical problem to provide really good graphics when you expect to have dozens of players visible with a wide array of modular equipment worn while your CPU is busy with managing MMORPG communication overhead.
The art is miles above the competition (in MMO's), the graphics/animations/characters are very well done, I run at max settings with a pretty run of the mill gaming computer (i7, GTX 275, 6gb ram, windows 7 64-bit) and I don't lag anywhere.
I have seen Arkham Assylum I think the graphics in this game are better. Ambient Occlusion is very well done, cloth armor gets visbly wet in the rain, metal weapons glint in the sun, animations are very well done (exciting but not arcade-ish like Aion's), and everything fits in the world.
I'd also like to address the copy+paste thing, I'm sorry but the landscape is the number one thing that I like about this game. Vanguard had good landscapes, but the vistas and varied elevations in FFXIV make it feel much more impressive when you are in game and overlooking the region. All games re-use textures, and I absolutely disagree that this game makes it more obvious that those games who landscapes already look like ****, now in those games when they reuse their crappy textures everywhere it is painfully obvious. Square Enix however knows how to make beautiful games, even FFXI tweaked today looks better than most MMO's on the market obviously not because of its graphics (as they are PS2 quality) but because the art employed is just that much better.
I don't play MMORPGs for graphics. When they require higher system specs I expect more from them. Just seems logical to me. I'm not saying SE won't maybe optimize the game in the future, I'm just saying from what I've seen of the system specs and the graphics I don't see where they needed to taunt this game as being so graphically impressive. Sometimes less is more...
Ran it on max settings, graphics not as good as conan or aion on lowest settings. sorry !
textures are bland, featureless and lack good color depth, colors are too washed out, very few vibrant colors, world deveopment is cookie cutter , funnel you into ravines at zone points then into an open bowl for questing in the middle of the zone where everyone farms mobs... welcome to 1999.
Less is not more. Putting out a Final Fantasy mmo that was anything less than graphically/artistically impressive for its fans would be a huge let down.
If you honestly can't afford a computer to run the game well, then just wait for PS3. If you don't have a PS3 that's too bad, luckily millions of others do so it's really no skin off my back, and maybe someday you will get out of the slump you are in and you too can experience the upper tiers MMO gaming has to offer.
Really? I'm not trying to be an ass but Aion's graphics look about the same to me. Ok maybe FFXIV has a bit more polish to their textures but really? That much of a jump in specs?
Yeah I have to agree, I don't know if the graphics are worth the higher requirements for this game. Square Enix has always been known more for the great quality in the cutscene department in terms of graphics. And the bad thing about it, cutscenes in a MMORPG is not necessarily on the top of the list of importance for most individuals.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Well you can't compare it to batman or any other single player game for that matter. A mmorpg have a big vast seamless world. You can't walk for 30 min straight in Batman. That does ask for a lot of resources.
Yeah FFXIV have beautiful graphics. I especially love the armor. What I don't like though is the uniformity of the landscape. Kinda boring and so unlike the other ff games. Exactly like FFXI. What I mean is if I drop you somewhere you will not know where you are. No memorable places.
I am not sure how someone could play this game and not think the graphics are jawdropping for an mmo. What most people fail to seperate are graphics and art style. They look at the odd looking characters and since they do not like them they say the graphics suck. I am not accusing you of this its just an observation I have made from reading some of the threads about the game.
Play the game and look at the textures and lighting and attention to detail. I spent most of my time just running around looking at everything. Maybe I had a better experience than most, but it was by far the best Beta I was ever part of. Will I be playing the game. No the gameplay just does not appeal to me. Not that its bad its just not for me.
I haven't even looked at the specs required. All I know is I played it on my
2.13 core 2 duo
6 Gig Ram
It ran well for me
I have a PS3. I can afford a PC to run the game at max settings. I'm not however, going to buy a new PC to run an un-optimized game with rather uninspiring graphics. Graphics? Last thing I look for in a game. I prefer fun. If a game is going to demand more out of my PC, then I demand more out of it. I'm not impressed. Millions of others have a PS3? Seems to me last time I checked the PS2 was outselling the PS3 and Xbox 360. Oh... so much for graphics. I'll be fine with playing my PS3 until a decent MMORPG comes out. If one doesn't come out? No biggie. Time to move on. That's all.
Cutscenes are near the top of the list for many people who play Final Fantasy or Square Enix games in general.
Cutscenes are near the top of the list for many people who played FFXI, cutscenes are near the top of the list for everyone who is playing FFXIV. Maybe your statement should be "I don't care about cutscenes, most other MMO's cutscenes are horribly done and are better skipped over".
FFXIV's graphics are better than any MMO on the market, and anything I've seen from other MMO's coming out.
The game is fun. The game has the best graphics of any MMO on the market. The game is optimized just fine on the computer I described earlier which is not top of the line. It doesn't lag when it rains, it doesn't lag when there is a sandstorm, it doesn't lag in the middle of the city with 100's of player characters dancing around me.
Yes millions of people have PS3's. Not debatable, at all.
Okay, {see you later}
Lets just see how it runs at launch to compare how much power vs. how good the graphics are, I was in Aion closed and open beta and the game was unplayable to me although at launch I could run it at full settings with no problem, there was some internet lag for some people during the aion beta and i was one of the people who experienced it but not only that my actual FPS increases and I turned up more settings at launch. I can only assume(i've been told there is some debugger software that most games run during beta but dont know) that after I install the game tommorow and get ingame that I may be able to squeeze a few more FPS and turn the settings up compared to what I was running it at on OBT, well hopefully
That's all I needed to hear from someone who is obviously an FF fan. I'm going to buy, play, maybe even subscribe to the game. No need to feed me bullshit. So thanks TheReckoning.
I had a big rubberband issue with Aion too. Although my connection isn't great, a lot of it has to do with NCsofts servers. I liked the game but I can't play it. Maybe if I had Comcast.
Personally, while I find the style pretty and the graphics nice, I'm not really impressed with them. Though I work in the 3d art sector of films, and at one point, games, so the magic is gone for me in terms of that and I look at things differently.
Some people will find these graphics gorgeous and amazing, others will find them bland and boring. It comes down to different tastes, really. And tbh, the same will go for the system requirements. >20 FPS is perfectly playable for me, 10-20 is tolerable in short bursts. This lets me play this game on a 2.6 quad core with only an 8800gt at max sans AO and DOF. While my gf runs this game slightly smoother on an old 2.6 dual core with a pretty cheap 5750 with the same maxed settings. Others demand and have a hardon for a minimum of 60 fps before they call it playable.
To each his own.
I wasn't asking if the game had the "best graphics of any MMO on the market." I was asking if the system requirements were worth it compared to other titles. You bypassed that altogether. It's fine though. One day you'll learn reading comprehension.
The best assumption I can make from what I've read and seen online is it's more RAM and GPU dependant than CPU. I will play around with the settings. I won't really know if it's worth it to me until I actually play it and see how it performs. It definitely sounds interesting and worth a shot atleast for something to hold me over until Vindictus goes to open beta or Rift comes out.
The system requirements aren't that high, so yes. As I pointed out also, the system requirements are really a Playstation 3, while the recommended specs are a good gaming PC.
So in reality at least come PS3 launch next year it has most games beat in terms of scalability.
PS3 has sold 37.5 million units worldwide, so yes millions of people, and I dont know the ps2 sales for this week but xbox360 sold over 100 thousand units worldwide and ps3 over 50 thousand worldwide btw here is the source
It sounds to me like you want to be in a really long list of cutscenes your whole entire experience. lol
I played FFXI for a few years myself and I recall many people always trying to skip through the cutscenes to get back to the action in our party, what is usually the most important part to individuals who played FFXI.
And just like FFXI, I think that not everyone who will be playing FFXIV are going to spend most of their time in amazement over hours on end in cutscenes rather than over gameplay itself.
And just to state, I actually enjoy cutscenes myself, though I think the content of any MMORPG should focus more on gameplay and actually interacting with the game.
But that is just my opinion just as you saying "Cutscenes are near the top of the list for many people who played FFXI, cutscenes are near the top of the list for everyone who is playing FFXIV. FFXIV's graphics are better than any MMO on the market." is your opinion. Remember that my friend,
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
A lot of people might not noticed, but armor pieces have cloth simulation and physic model applied to them. This means that for higher level armor in animation, especially when performing complex combat animation, it will look really nice.
You can see this by change a big armor piece with a movable parts like a robe or belt. You can see right after you switch the armor, the physic model kick in and you can see the movable parts falled down.