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As of 10pm cst this is a breakdown of servers and classes from Lodestone...Interesting trends class wise.
Conjurer 1422
Pugilist 851
Gladiator 759
Thaumaturge 442
Marauder 354
Lancer 331
Archer 285
Alchemist 91
Blacksmith 63
Carpenter 32
Goldsmith 27
Weaver 20
Armorer 19
Leatherworker 19
Culinarian 19
Fishing 82
Botany 73
Mining 55
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
Gysahl 597
Selbina 573
Mysidia 557
Figaro 553
Cornelia 516
LIndblum 384
Besaid 291
Trabia 266
Wutai 173
Rabanastre 143
Istory 143
Kashuan 142
Palamecia 141
Melmond 108
Bodhum 97
Saronia 87
Fabul 87
(missed Rabanastre earlier)
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
The fact that there are only 2 disciples of magic classes vs 4 disciples of war ones biases this somewht. Everyone will have tried at least one of each, so its only natural the war classes are far more spread. Surprised at how little people tried gathering and crafting though. I d heard they were supposed to be fun
Well since you can change your class by changing your equipment I wouldn't put to much stock in numbers anyways. A mage one night may be a fighter the next. :P
From polls and such I got the impression there would be a lot more dedicated crafters. It's early though. I think the need for crystals to craft has the crafters doing adventuring first.
The polls did point to a lack of armorers and leatherworkers though...
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
where you get the numbers in lodestone?
What do these numbers represent? There cant be only 597 people on the most populated server, can there?
only 16 servers in the list? where's Rabanastre going?
A future without promise can only walk on with the belief deeply living in heart.
so much conj...
lots of pugs too,
poor lancer XD
And I'm surprised at Archer, I wonder if everyone is gun-shy about RNG nerf? XD
I think it's calculating concurrent users.
where can i find these stats on lodestone?
Those wondering... the top populated servers at the time of this posting reflect the EA/Asian markets I believe (since most of them can get in pretty easily now)
I was on Cornelia beta and that was definitely a EU server with loads of Japanese.
Also on the FFXIV Core page, there was a couple of posts I read where a Japanese person (assumed) came on and said basically "Japanese will be launching on these four servers" and then they listed them. I know he mentioned Selbina and pretty sure he said Gyshal as well.
Found two of the threads that were immediately scrubbed but..
If you figure the top five are Japanese/EU, that leaves most of the bottom ones NA. I know that Lindblum is going to be heavy NA and Besaid is the RP server.
I'm not too surprised so many conjurers were made, because:
It's useful to get Cure and use it for any other class. You could also get Sacrifice from Thaumatages but Cure is going to be everybody's first guess.
Maple Wands were perhaps the most commonly-found post-level 1 weapon in beta, since all they needed to make them was ~lvl 7 Carpenter, growth formula alpha, and a maple branch.
Lodestone only shows up to 1000 in a search.
At the time (yesterday) I went to character search and just put in the profession or the server.
I'm not sure how the display class, might be the one you picked at character select, or it could be the class the person is currently playing.
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
You can get the numbers by filtering by each class and adding together. This is what i found so far.
Figaro: around 1950
Kashuan around 1800
Most players, like me, find the crafting to be a tedious, monotonous chore, worsened by a repetitive and laggy interface. You should try it to see how it works for you.
holy crap, Im really shocked at the lack of lancers
wonder what this list will look like in a couple months?