I guess I will jump in and say the same thing. If anybody has a NA buddy key they want to give me I would be in their debt. Also I will give a Buddy Key away when I can pick the CE up on the First.
"Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game."-Guybrush Threepwood "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."-Hunter S. Thompson
Ha, I was so not ready for that. Glad it was EU or I would have missed it.
I'd be willing to pay for one if it's like $5 and you have paypal. PM me. I'm in the US. I'll update this post if someone already sold me one.
You got it like Revel ?
Hi! would love a buddy key as well! PM me one if you would like an awesome buddy
No, I am in the US. I just didn't have my SE acct set up to take a key yet, so if you had posted a US version I would totally have missed out.
I assume the buddy keys do not grant pre-release access, can anybody confirm this?
Hey im from EU how to use that buddy key? where i add it?
anybody willing to share a buddy key?
log into your SE acct, and then I think there is a link to set up a profile for FF14, then you will see a link to add the code. It is labeled clearly.
I would love buddy key as well, if anyone is willing to send me one through a PM on here.
I used the code posted on the first page in this thread. Thank you very much. Worked like a charm.
would like one plox
Ha, nice. Bet you were surprised it still worked. Grats.
if any one as a spare key for the EU region I whould LOVE one. but don't wast it on some one you don't know if you have RL friends who whant one two.
Anyone have an NA Buddy code?
Eu here - As everyone else, would not mind one.
I guess I will jump in and say the same thing. If anybody has a NA buddy key they want to give me I would be in their debt. Also I will give a Buddy Key away when I can pick the CE up on the First.
"Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game."-Guybrush Threepwood
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."-Hunter S. Thompson
Still lookin for key to test out FF14 glory.
Let's try to keep this one going so all the folks who have already asked for keys don't miss out. I'd sticky it, but can't find my tape.
Still looking for a NA buddy key. email me here or my regular email at flguy147@yahoo.com
I too could use an NA buddy key if anybody has one left.
I would love to get a buddy key for NA as well if possible.
I would love a NA buddy key as well if a kind soul so obliges.
I'd take a NA key... I just hope the retail si way better then what the beta was.