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And I'm enjoying the hell out ot it now!
It could be the new computer. I played the beta on my older PC. Got lost constantly in the city. Couldn't find mobs to kill. Didn't understand the levelquest system. HATED the controls and combat.
But now, I just don't understand it. I went into the game this time, with a different perspective. I have been reading all the NPC stuff, and doing what they say. If you do the things in the order they tell you to, then it explains all the stuff that seemed foreign before.
I'm still confused about some things, like where to get more levelquests once I've finished the ones I have. Where do I go to purchase tools and weapons so I can be the other classes. How do you simply reply in chat, without having to type out your friend's whole name.
But all in all, the game is running great, looks great, controls ALOT better than beta, and I'm enjoying it so far.
Dunno how accurate these are with the release version of the game but here are some detailed maps inluding shop/guild descriptions::
And to whisper/tell someone you have to write the whole name but if you get a whisper/tell just type /r it will automaticly fill in the name of the last person who whispered you.
I did the same thing in beta. I thought...this is not the game I was hoping for from all of the reading I had done. It changed though a couple of days before OB ended and I got a little into the story and started enjoying gathering and crafting as well. Now, I'm happy that I bought the CE even though a lot of things are still a mystery to me. Everytime I figure something out or just follow directions (listen to npcs like the OP said) I find the gameworld a little less daunting. There are some things that are still a mystery to me, but I'll either figure them out or ask somebody who doesn't speak Japanese (I just have to wave or bow to them). I guess if all else fails, I'll get online and read, read, read. Glad you like it the 2nd time around as well.
Adventurer's guild has the guildleves, There are vendors that have most weapons in the "market square" of the 2 cities I've played in you can find most of the weapons/tools there its marked by a little red dot on your map, there are a few weapons/tools that I had to find at a guild like in the forest city the theotremage (whoever you spell that class) weapon was at the carpenter's guild. Lastly once you have done a /tell to someone you can pull thier name up again by pressing space, to bring up chat bar and then shift R and you can scroll through however many people you have been sending /tell to it may be ctrl R i cant remember but its one of those.
Big gamble, I'm happy it turned out well for you guys. Its nice to see a different outcome, so far I've only read about people who hated the beta, bought the game, and still hated it.
As for the leve quests, you can only do 8 in a, I think it is down to 36 hr period now. Could be 24. But local leve quests are different from regional leves so you can get your crafting going with those. Not sure if they will have any other "types" of leves. I think the faction leves may also be a different thing. Also don't forget that you can help others with their leves and they can help you. You also have behests every hour. And the storyline quests. And there may be others now that I don't know about. I didn't get to play much last night. Had too much work to do.
The tools and weapons can all be found at a vendor in the market districts unless your city has a full up guild of the class you are looking for. In that case the vendor will be at the guild.
But I agree, the game grows on your, takes a while but it does.
All die, so die well.
8 levees in 36 hours. One thing to keep in mind is that gathering (if you do it) is a good bit different than other games. Expect to fail some. That said, the first couple of levels of each gathering craft have very low XP requirements to level so by the time you hit 3, you've probably gotten the hang of the actions used.
I'm loving this a lot.
I had i think 4 WTHs and one WTF..and then I figured out what to do :PP