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Ok, The Grand Masquerade is banging, and the counter for "Darkness Reveled" whent down 55 min ago... yet no info online.
Like most people i belive they will give us the first info of World of Darkness Online and im searching the net constantly trying to find any news about Darkness Reveled. Now im guessing im not the only one, so i thought we could put up a thread were we could post our findings.
Happy hunting
I proclaim this the official "post any new info you find" thread.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
Update: Apperently the makers of the count down on The Grand Masquerade site were lazy, found out that the timer used your computers clock and not a universal. It is now around 4 hours left until the presentation of Darkness Revealed.
Watch the announcement be about something else, giving me the biggest set of MMO anticipation Blue Balls since the SWG servers went down the day it released.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
Tragic news from the twitter channels: The WoD online will be "Vampire: The Masquerade".
I am confused. Weren't most followers of WoD hoping for oWoD?
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This have been a good conversation
A bootlegged video of the trailer.
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a couple of years ago, some friends and i was talking about how a WoD MMO would be made. The only thing we could agree on was that CCP (we were all eve players and i still play) were the only company that could do it good. A year later i read that CCP and White Wolf merged and that they were planing a WoD mmo. I thought someone was playing a joke . This was to good to be true.
Since that day i have been searching for every litle clue i could find about the game, scanning every pod cast and presentation made by CCP for jus a litle bit of info. That the game would be new WoD was obvious to me, why would they use a inferior and above all dead world?
Then came the Darkness Revealed. I know its just a game, but for me it was a huge betrayal. Two companies that i have always followed and supported just dugg up a corpse of a loved one and shoved it in my face!
For the fans of pc games, im happy for you, for the fans of WoD (both old and new) i share your pain.
CCP White Wolf have sold out.
I am not understanding what the problem is. Was the old realy so borken? and the new so much superior?
I prefer the old setting infinite times more.
I played it for many years. I know everything about it. Wasted hundreds of hours reading books on the setting.
Then they killed it and launched "requiem" me, my friends, and everyone I know of never touched it. We stopped caring. Good decision White Wolf! You did the right thing. Old Wod is relevant and immortally popular, new wod never got going.
Now that they make World of Darkness, all my time, effort and knowledge was made relevant again.
EDIT: For those that dont know.
Old World of Darkness vs New World of Darkness is worse than "solo vs grouping" type of discussions.
I literally go out of my way to kill a new world of darkness fan. And since the subject wasnt done to death. Im getting ready for a war.
Why ?
a Vampire: The Masquerade MMO sounds really intresting for me.
Very opposite from what I have heard. Many were up in arms thinking it was going to be new world of darkness. I don't know if it has to do with the system (like the rules really matter in the MMO adaptation, that will all be changed to balance and work in the MMO) or the setting that people had become so found of.
Anyone else underwhelmed by the info released?
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
Original World of Darkness
It had some mechanics/ruleset problems, that what was mainly changed.
The content, the core of the setting, remained the same.
"Struggle for power", "Personal Horror", "Social/Psychological aspects"
The premise of each one of the sub settings of World of Darkness is that "the end was near".
After many years, White Wolf decided that it wouldnt be consistent if they didnt "brought the end" after like a dozen years.
Then they wrote a letter to the fans, explaining why they were releasing the last books that "ended the world" for each setting.
Players could still ignore it and keep playing in whatever time period they wanted.
Then White Wolf decided to upgrade the mechanics of the roleplaying... and in doing so, they created the "new world of darkness", in essence, the same feeling/experience, with more streamlined pen and paper rules.
But in this process, they managed to create a new lore. Wich was very similar to the pre-existing one, but with slight differences, it felt like a cloned version, a cheap version, a paraphrase of the original.
When we started checking out the NWOD, we run into a "feeling": "Oh, this is like the old xxxx, and their relation with YYYY is like old xxxx relation with old YYYYY". It happened over a hundred times. Everything was 90% of something else. It didnt felt original. It didnt felt unique. It didnt felt INTERESTING or appealing.
For every distinction, there was 10 similarities, more like "carbon copy with different names" and slight differences. Its like someone trying to change something to prevent being spotted for copywritting. They were pirating their own material. Thats what NWOD felt. It didnt fooled people who knew the old system.
It fooled people who had never played it and thought "oh, I always wanted to try World of Darkness, I heard they are launching a new shinning toy, I want that". Then, these people became "veterans" on NWOD, and never new or cared about Original World of Darkness.
But the truth is that the Original World of Darkness was a better choice. It was popular. Its popularity didnt declined, in fact, they noticed people would still play and make events for the Original WoD. White Wolf had more solid ground on the old setting, they were masters of it, the setting itself had imprinted itself into people's minds. There was the cult following of Vampire Redemption and Bloodlines. Troika did so well with the setting in Bloodlines that to go from that to a MMORPG was the logical step, everyone with a half a brain cell, could foresee it becomming an MMO and working well.
The new ruleset was much needed, but the new lore and setting, wasnt.
As the above poster mentioned, after reading thousands of pages of lore and felt in love with the world White Wolf created, people wouldnt just accept its end, and accept the "hey, now buy this new thing". People didnt felt it was unique enough, it wasnt worthy of substitution.
New World of Darkness was good to penetrate into the younger target audience, but the players who grew up with Original World of Darkness didnt sold out.
White Wolf sold out when they made the exact same World of Darkness with a high % of similarities. It didnt worked.
People accepted the end of the world, because it was the coherent thing to do, give it a closing, atleast officially. But launching the same thing with mild differences was stupid, it didnt worked out.
Then, launch the new World of Darkness based on the new setting would be stupid because it wouldnt bring people attention. White Wolf was built upon the original World of Darkness, they gave all their energy to make it what it was, and then they killed it. BUT IT DIDNT DIED.
The following of the Old World of Darkness is much greater. People talk that the depth and complexity of original is much greater as well. The NWOD felt like a travestite thing since the start.
You guys who started playing the NWOD are feeling bad, but its nothing compared to the Original World of Darkness importance.
What CCP did with EVE, was with Original World of Darkness in pen and paper originally was.
The players freedom, the lack of automatic game designed prevention/punishment, the whole game based on player trust and socialization. The conflicts of interest, the struggle for power and control. CCP's EVE was Original World of Darkness written all over it.
A game where everything depends on players. Where players organize themselfs, fight for common interestings, back stab each others at will. Thats Vampire Masquerade bread and butter.
An EVE Corp, takes a sector, is no different than a group of vampires taking a city, stablishing its rules, governing it behind the scenes, praying on the city and its habitants, using its "resources". The collective interests and conflits are set up in Original World of Darkness the same way EVE does. In Vampire, it was all about politics, every character by nature, had its share of power and political influence, and in the pen and paper game, socialization was key. In a MMORPG, everything will be run by players, trust, confidence, deceit, manipulations...
Both CCP and White Wolf chose well into going with each other.
White Wolf will be able to implement the game as it was at its core. No bs dungeons and dragons. World of Darkness was and ever will be first and foremost, about player relations.
Expect the same EVE design decisions, and maybe, to an even greater degree of "causality": ability for players to cause effect into each others, regardless of they want it or not. THATS WHAT WORLD OF DARKNESS IS ABOUT. Everyone is a pawn.
That this is going to be V:tM is actually extremely great news for me!! I never played nWoD anything. I stopped playing around '00ish, but played from roughly 92ish till then, and have some of my favorite and greatest table top RPG memories through V:tM. I had that, and Werewolf: The Apocolypse to go along with it. So many great memories of my Mulkavian tryin to take down a Glasswalker...... fun times.
I'm really hoping that you can create some kind of derrangement for the Mulkavian clan. I'll never forget my very first derrangement.... so much fun to play that out. I was a derranged cat-burglar in my life, who ONLY robbed two-story plus apartments or houses for easy escape just in case I needed to, and to also throw anything I may or may not have wanted out the window and destroy it either way.. After making the change, the derrangement was taken to the next level.... anytime I'd kill ANYTHING no matter where it was... I had to take it to the top of a roof SOMEWHERE and drop it off to watch it fall. And no matter WHAT was going on in any given situation, I HAD to make this happen before doing anything else! lol It was so much fun to figure out ways to do this and play this out.
Massively has some info + video with the promise of more to come : (same vid as above)
I had a friend who played a Malkavian in a game I ran who thought he was Cpt.Kirk :P He had a big Winnebago modified inside to be like the bridge and several dominated ghouls to order around like the crew. Of course when they beamed down he used cloak the gathering and had them all walk out the door then suddenly just appear outside.
Malkavians are GREAT! I played more Followers of Set than anything though myself, wonder if they will have all the major Clans available.
A couple of hours of sleep calmed me down a litle. lets regroup.
Im not going to get in to Old vs New (like stated preiously, its been done so many times), its all about personal taste. That the oWoD dident have to end is choice for every individual play group, but it seems strange that a company that worked that hard to give it a fitting end now takes it back despite all the work that gone in to building a new endless setting.
Also, another kick to the balls were that they called it "WoD Online" and then only made Vampire online... then again, vampires are the only thing thats slightly intresting in the old setting (mummy the obvious exeption)
Dunno that, Mage have always been my favorite but the best campaign I ever played were actually a werewolf campaign. I guess it was because we had a great GM.
The main reason the people I know complain about the new vampire is that you can't powerplay in the same way as the old, yeah they are kinda pathetic sometimes. For me, I do know the old setting better but I am not sure one is better than the other, the old V started out fine but they gave out too much junk that contradicted eachother all the time.
My best memories from Vampire is from the first 2 years of the game. Things were a bit simpler then without zillions of sourcebooks.
I hate people like that, Malkavians are not silly but nasty.
Only real good I seen at a live was a dude who called himself scissors and had a scissor hanging in a necklace. He went over to the cute toreador lady and cut her a paper doll, she looked so happy. Then he smilingly cut the dolls head off, meaning he would hunt her when she left the elysium (he never said that of course but he did), the poor girl got very white in the face after that.
Typical malkavians are people like Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes, like the Crow or any other madmen. Just because the Joker would work as a malkavian doesn't mean they are funny, just creepy and insane.
Won't hear me disagree with you, the Malkavians I have had around as NPCs are the style you illustrate. But this friend was just so funny so it made it fun. I prefer serious games but sometimes a little silly is ok.
I like Werewolf the most of the settings to run, like Vampire most as a player. I completely ignored the new vampire stuff so have no idea about it at all.
Awesome, finally. I'm honestly very surprised they decided to use the oWoD as a setting.
Finnaly some more info.
As for the other races knowing CCP they will come one day just not yet as CCP likes to do little and often when it comes to content addition rather than the standard promise to do everything then mess up and only do few things sloppily.
With EvE it was only humans no aliens, World Of Darkness is however about many races i hear so they will come once the core game is working and the Vampire race settled.
Also quick question from one who knows very little about WOD.
Mummies!!!! How do they workfit in?
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
They were the singel ray of light in OWoD, trying to remove most supernatural presence and protect humanity. They delt more with the questions of life and death, also much of the system (such as a balance score) was first tryed out in mummy and then used in NWoD.
It's interesting to see that they decided to go with the "cheap" trailer variant aka. basically animated artwork, just like GW2. It's surprising they didn't give it a big push and splurged for an expensive CGI, but maybe that shows they know what their priorities are funds-wise. Also, I'd kill for at least one proper ingame screenshot.