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I love DC and have preordered, But I'm starting to get a little nervous... where is all the details about the game.. besides the obvious it has physics based combat and its more action than traditional mmo... but wheres the info on power sets, dungeons/raiding, instances, open world, do we get our own lairs or what?? The game comes out in just over a month and nothing... Does anyone follow me here? or am i just going crazy?
I'd cancel your pre-order. MMOs like this are always awful. They haven't even done a beta yet, and betas really are needed to ensure quality. Sadly, it looks like this game is going to be a total dud.
Worst case, if it turns out to be good (an almost impossible occurance at this point) you can go buy it at a store right away.
Watch this link for info.
At least I now know where all the SWG Devs went to.
It's in closed beta, everything you've said is just guesswork.
"Guesswork" based off everyone MMO that's been released since WoW.
Betting on DCUO being a good game is just a bad idea. You should play it safe. The fact you don't have an argument on why we should expect DCUO to be good is evidence of that. Bad MMOs don't need to be given anymore money.
This is not necessarily true, the game has gotten very good player reviews when they were at a number of shows and I bet you it will be playable at the NYCC which will most likely yield the same results. Will this game be the next big thing? Doubtful. Will it be a good game? I think so. SOE doesn't really put out terrible games, they put out buggy games, sometimes unpopular games, but they have also put out widely popular titles too.
I think your overreaching quite a bit.
I don't think people pay $15/mo for a "good game"...they pay $15/mo for a good MMO. DCUO needs to be more than a 1-2 hours of fun type of game, and maybe it will be, I have no clue, but could you please link the reviews you've read from the NYCC thing?
Well, each person decides at some point whether the game is fun enough to continue paying for. Its all in the eye of the beholder, personally I can't stand CO for more then a day or two now, but when I first started I could play for an entire month. I don't think the content warrants more play time then that.
As for the NYCC thing, I don't think they've started that comiccon yet but I'll link to other hands on previews.
(this also talks about receiving a beta key, so yes, there is a current beta)
Yeah, because STO looked so good based on people playing it for a couple hours or so. If you go by that then it should of been awesome. I could name a number of other MMOs with the same problematic previews before a terrible launch, if you desire it. Fact is, that sort of "preview" means almost nothing. You only learn that the game should be fun for a couple hours or more.
It's your call if you don't want to learn anything from the many, many bad launches we've had with MMOs. There is very little reason to be expecting good things from DCUO. They aren't even releasing the full feature list despite hinting at tons of things like secret identities and such. This is well beyond the point all of this should have been discussed in detail. You honestly have pretty much every single indicator of a bad MMO here, and many bad MMOs have had a lot more positive information than DCUO has. Being optimistic and hopeful here is alright, I guess. Spending money before double-checking those wishful dreams is extremely foolish.
Oh, and if a major AAA MMO is unpopular, then I think that's close enough to terrible that you are probably arguing over semantics at that point. But hey, you're the one arguing that SOE doesn't suck. That's considered by many a pretty bold move. Pretending that the majority of the MMOs they've made haven't been really bad is more than a little generous. This is to say nothing of the fact even a solid developer puts out a crappy game now and then, most often completely unexpectedly.
If you think that the sparse bit of information provided is good enough reason to spend $60 bucks, I should get a time machine and go back and get you to buy some other MMOs that had more info and had awful launches. Perhaps you'd like to try out Warhammer, Age of Conan, or many of our other fine choices. Why learn from past mistakes when we can repeat them for endless disappointment?
The Beta is only internal at the moment, from all sources. People with beta keys haven't actually been contacted and so it is just a number.
Again, this is a joke, AoC and WAR aren't bad games either. I did buy WAR on launch and I enjoyed it thoroughly, when I stop enjoying a game, I don't pay to play it anymore, thats how these things work. I can just as easily buy a game and play it until it loses the fun factor and have no ill will towards it. Other people may not have the same perspective on games the way I do (obviously not). I've been disappointed with a number of game launches, and I am fully capable of assessing my own risk to reward. Some of the early failures I learned my lesson on were Vanguard and MxO, two games that were terribly buggy, and unplayable at launch.
Still, SOE does fairly well at putting out playable games, and anyone who denies that is being an avid hater, or knows very little about the shape some MMOs launch in. SWG, EQ, PoTBS, PS, and even Free Realms .... these games were playable and not nearly as bad as regular player criticism on these forums makes them out to be. The only thing left to consider is "taste".
I've played both current superhero MMOs currently on the market, I was in beta for CoH and CO, and bought CoH and played for over a year from launch. CO I didn't even bother to buy on launch and knew that I wouldn't even before OB.
DCUO I've seen and read enough about the in game mechanics to know that this will appeal to me. I know that SOE has launched a number of titles somewhat recently all of which are completely playable. I find it highly doubtful we're going to see a tremendous amount of gamebreaking bugs. At most we'll see balance issues or mechanical anomalies.
I, like many didn't like what SOE did to SWG, but I won't condemn their games forever because of it, and this is something I'm honestly interested in, so while I'm not going to preorder the game, I have a good indicator that this game will appeal to my tastes and will look towards playing it in the very near future.
You have your standards and they work for you. Most would say AoC and War are NOT worth the monthly sub. They "aren't bad" is faint praise indeed. If your stance is that DCUO will be similar to those two games, then I won't disagree with you. However, it's a market-based fact that most people would find that level of quality quite unnacceptable.
Saying they release "playable" games isn't really a ringing endorsement.
Many who condemn soe do so for reasons that go beyond what happened with SWG. Many for EQ, EQ2, PS, Vanguard, etc. There is a long history of revamping and blindsiding players with changes that do not go over well and are poorly thought out.
SOEs track record of releases is poor and only gets worse after that. Sure all of their games have been "playable" at release, but that doesn't really represent those situations very well.
I can only speculate that there is no beta testing for the game yet, because it isn't in a state that would make the game look good to outside testers. That is why all the testing being done right now is internal, where they can control the flow of information.
Thats just it though, for one, we have the console market, where a game like Champions Online might actually do fairly well. DCUO being a a little more action based might hold sway a lot better on the console then on the PC. Next, I'm not looking to get a year out of this game, if I get 2 months out of this game, I'll be happy.
WAR didn't last more then 2 months for me, but I had a good time playing it. WAR is still alive, and though I don't think it will stay alive forever, I think those that stayed with the game didn't do it out of pity or stupidity. They did it because the game was fun for them. My standards don't differ from others, I'm just more open minded then others. If I think a game is fun, I'll play it.
DCUO is already a niche game, so I'm not expecting a million players, but if the gameplay is good, and I can get my close knit group of friends in there with me, I'm sure I'll have a blast.
On top of that, by and large it is the EXACT SAME PEOPLE, that made bad decisions and wrecked those other games through poor design choices that are making/working on/in charge of DCU.
I could agree that a whole company should not necessarily be blamed for bad corporate decisions, forever, but not when there have been no changes.
The stench starts with Smed, continues with Cao, Toliet Boy, and the rest of the tard circus. They are still all there. Doing the same things, with the same ideas, that were fantasically unsuccessful before. But this time it is magically going to work?
Hell no,
Not buying this thing.
Vanguard wasn't an SOE game, it was picked up after launch. SWG was still doing pretty decently until the NGE, aside from all the terrible bugs and balance issues. EQ was very popular, and EQ2 was also a very popular title for a very long time. PS... ehh.. that one had its problems, but many people still speak fondly of the game around here.
Needless to say POTBS wasn't a fun game to me, but I think it had a fair amount of polish on release. Free Realms being a free game was very polished too. EQ2 had a pretty damn decent launch and many people enjoyed that game. The only SOE game I've actually subscribed to for any period of time was SWG, and ..well, vanguard I came back to for 2 months (the game turned out pretty great after SOE took over).
Anyways, whether the game is fun or not, thats a different story. From the demos and previews, and videos. ... the game looks fun, and its said to be fun. Even if the fun is shallow in a sense. Maybe they'll have a 2 day Open Beta and I'll miss it and never get to try it. In that instance I'll wait to buy the game for a week or so until I get more information about the launch condition. Nowhere do I believe that this game will be an unplayable mess as we've seen with other recent launches.
Lets be honest with ourselves, SOE would be more apt to launch something mostly bug free with mediocre content then something immensely buggy with no forethought put into its mechanics. They are a major MMO player, and though smedley may have lost touch with reality years ago with SWG, I think they've still got their fingers on the pulse of MMOs and very much have the chance to pull this out.
Plenty of mmos come out now with enough hype to make you explode and so much info that you literally know everything about the game before it ever hits the shelf.
Lots of those mmos fail terribly, so not having as much info as lots of you would like is in no way going to effect the how the game does.
I'm buying the game because it looks interesting. I'm ok with what we have so far.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
It is nerve racking having hardly any information floating around right now. In the same sense, it's also relieving. Everyone including me is used to having a shit ton of information at this point with a game so close to this apparent release.
My motto on mmorpgs though is the games release date isn't confirmed until the game is released. So no one knows anything really but the lack of information is keeping me intrigued.
Heres to hoping.
Wow. Champions Online is total garbage. Diablo II is a flat-out better game and that has no monthly fee. You must think very, very poorly of console players if you think they'd accept junk like that. Frankly, a game like that is MAYBE worth 10 or so bucks with zero monthly fee. But it HAS a monthly fee and an item shop. What are you going to do next, give a ringing endorsement to STO? Like I said, your standards may work for you, but they really aren't something most people would remotely agree with. Call it "open minded" if you want or not worrying much about how much a game gives you for its cost, but that's part of your standard.
Heck, you're happy spending upwards of 80 bucks on Warhammer, a game you played for just two months and will NEVER touch again (without having to spend even more money at least). I bought Civilization V and I'll be playing it for years. I expect an MMO to have a high degree of quality to justify a monthly sub, and frankly there are basically no games out there that do justify that additional cost (and many don't even justify the initial cost, such as CO and STO). I don't think an MMO is worth playing at all if it doesn't have enough value to be worth playing for at least a year. Better to buy another game that costs a lot less and is made better (most MMOs emphasize grind rather than fun). There are plenty of multi-player games to play with friends too.
There's very little reason to expect good things from DCUO. It would be extremely remarkable if it was a halfway decent game. Then again, if you don't expect much from your MMOs and don't mind giving good money for mediocrity, then it is possible you would be happy with it....for a very short while at least.
Almost no information is a lot worse than too much. At this point we should AT LEAST know the basic feature-set, and that's vague at best in a lot of areas. We're not complaining about lack of hype here, we're complaining about a lack of almost everything (no features, no beta, etc, etc). Acting like this is somehow better than failed MMOs that put out a lot more effort into being informative, having betas, and otherwise showing off the game is ridiculous. It's as bad as expecting a magic patch to come in and fix all the problems just before launch.
They haven't even released system requirements for the game yet. There's no way to say that's good or acceptable. Look at the front page of this site. The first thing I saw was a piece "about" DCUO. The quotes are because all it consists of is literally a director's cut of the preview video for the game. it's Jim lee (DC bigwig) and the director of Blur Studio (who made the awesome video) talking about details of the video and the creative process behind how the video was put together. Except for the fact the video hypes the game this has absolutely nothing to do with the game! I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. A little over a month from release and this is all they have? This sucks. I was really looking forward to this game, but there is no way I'm preordering now. I want to see if it actually releases on time, which I doubt, and what shape it's in when they do.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
~Omar Khayyam
I never said it was a good game, but it plays a lot better with a controller and it would have a much stronger following on the console like Phantasy Star did.
Say what you want about my spending habits, but I've been gaming for over 2 decades and play a wide variety of titles across a wide variety of platforms. CO didn't hold my attention, thats why when the price dropped to 6 dollars I did end up buying it, if only for the parts of the game I did find fun. WAR is a fun game, and if I want to go back and play it, I can do that. You may feel like your money is wasted and look on these past titles with contempt, but thats your problem, not mine, I had my fun.
I pay money to have fun, and I have very few regrets no matter how bad you try and make all these games sound. There are many people on this site that like games like CO, or STO, or Free Realms, or Post NGE SWG, or WAR, or AoC. There are people who play these games, so while you may cry and whine about theres nothing good to play, its just a symptom of the community. "Nothing good to play, no reason to like anything".
The worst part about DCUO is that, you're sitting there basing your opinion off of very little information, saying you won't play it because -- what, you don't know anything about it, it isn't in beta? I'm basing my opinion of people who played the game and gameplay videos. My opinion is just as valid, and doubly so as I'm actually interested in the title and looking to spend money on it.
In that respect whats the point of even chiming in here, yet again your overreaching, thinking you know better on what other people should be playing and that you are some kind of "majority" or "final say" on the success or failure of this game.
Pass or fail, if this game has any part worth any fun in this genre, or any other for that matter, I'll give it a shot. Not my problem if others can't find the fun in some of these titles. As long as I'm having fun thats all that matters to me.
This game seems to fall into a great time frame, I'll be able to play it after Two Worlds 2, :::edit:: can't believe I forgot fallout NV ::edit:: Fable 3, the force unleashed 2, then DCUO, and right afterward GT5. Looks like a great few months for games.
meh who cares this game will be great.. they promissed it to release o date several times.. but yah off topic is oct 4th release for 2 worlds 2?
I think what is really being sought after is a beta. The try before buy mentality of entitlement is what I am seeing here.
I watched about an hour or more of videos on youtube about the game the other day that would give any discerning person loads of information.
I'm sure they are doing plenty of in house testing. With most beta testers these days looking to only play and not actually TEST, in house testing probably gets them just as good results.
And why does more info mean a better game? It doesn't.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
They say it releases the 5th. I'm pretty excited, it looks good.
I'm saying what is patently obvious. There's so little information out there and so many MMOs are awful (even with good reviews from people playing them for a very short time), that it isn't worth buying DCUO right out the door.
I'm a huge fan of DC. Superman is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. I was VERY interested in this title. One has to learn how to balance hope with realism though, and the realistic take is that there is a high risk of wasting money if you buy this MMO out the door. There's also no harm in waiting a month or so to see how things turn out.