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I was wondering if you all feel it would be a good idea to play through Guild Wars right now, with GW2 on the horizon.
Will GW tie into GW2 at all? Will I have some cool satisfaction from playing part 1 and then going into part 2? Like will I see some NPCs from 1 in 2? I think I read something about maybe even player benefits from the halls of heroes or something like that.
Anything else? I am thinking of playing again I have all campaigns and the EotN expansion and I have never even gotten a character to 20! hahaha I say that because I know getting to 20 is not even a fraction of the game, so imagine!!
As good a time as any to get into the game. Also keep in mind that GW2 is still a fairs way off, 6 months to a year is my guess. If you enjoy the lore in games then this would be a good opportunity to learn about the GW world. Mechanics wise there won't be very many similarities between the two games.
As far as npcs, GW2 is set 250 years in the future from the time of GW. But some of the GW npcs are important in that they help shape the world for GW2. The only npcs that would be in both games are some of the immortal characters (such as Palawa Joko, even though I doubt he'll have much if any presence in GW2).
Yah mechanic wise I know it will be all new, I was talking more about story and lore, 250 years in the future though sounds crazy. but I guess it may be worth checking out
One of the cool things is that your achievements and character name from GW will carry on to GW2. I'm just getting back into it after a short break and if you gonna try it out again and you play around the EST time pm me one fo your characters names and we can bang out some missions and quests.
Yah I play EST times, I wouldn't mind getting into it again if there was someone to group with, let me know