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Blizzard has announced that it is implementing new privacy options for Battle.Net. With the new options, players can opt in or out of some of the more controversial features and even gives players the ability to turn off Real ID completely.
We'd like to make you aware of the new Real ID-related privacy options we've introduced to These options provide Real ID users with additional tools for customizing the service based on their preferences, enabling the ability to opt in or out of the Real ID "Friends of Friends" and "Add Facebook Friends" features or to turn off Real ID altogether.
To access these settings, log in to your account at From there, click on the "Settings" tab located at the center of the Account Management menu and select "Communication Preferences" from the dropdown list. The new settings can be found in the "Privacy" section of the Communication Preferences page.
Read more at the link provided.
Damn this is goona cut into my "tin foil" hat business.
i just went to check it.. its turned on by default..
If it was "off" by default no one would ever turn it on.
Took a few times to log on. Everyone must be going on to change their settings....: )
LOL nice.
Hopefully this will help with the BS emails I keep getting
You mean the 'Your account has been haxxored, goto and login' messages? No I get those and don't even have a battlenet account.
I so agree ! I too had to login to check it out.... Blizz had to make some changes esp after they tried to make us use real names a year ago... lol
You know, that address in that link is not how I access my account info. Could this be another scam? By the way, I wouldn't click on that link if you are smart. I am not saying it is a scam....just trying to make people think before they click.
Let's party like it is 1863!
Well, hovering over the link shows that it actually does link to, so if it's a scam it's a damn clever one, what with using Blizzard's actual servers and all.
Honestly Gruug, how in this day and age have you not gone to their site and logged in at least once...? You do know what Bnet is right? And haven't you at least have been interested in the cata beta? Oh well, I can't expect everyone not to live in a cave.
i never click on any outside links to bnet or wow even from legit emails. i 100% of the time google bnet or wow and then navigate to the whatever part of the site/account services i want to use.
Here's Blizz: "We walked into your house without permission and told other people who lives there, what they are doing and when they are home. We're sorry. We'll only do it until you say no this time - honest. Come back. Trust us. Please?"
Here's me: "Hell no. Once you went the way of SOE and the CIA, you lost my money, my support and my respect. Sorry, Blizzard. MAYBE I'd come back if you totally removed Real ID for everyone in addition to firing your investment broker CEO."
BTW - Tin foil hats aren't needed for Activision's CEO. They are needed for those who have no privacy, but aren't doing anything about it. Who's watching you? Who's watching them?
Damn, I suppose this means you don't want anymore of my "reality blocker" pills?
Hmm, sounds like the blizz legal department finally returned from their extended coffee break.
So, like Facebook, they've changed your privacy settings to expose your personal information, and require you to turn it off so before someone figures out how to do a big scan of the database and get as much information as possible.
So glad I no longer do business with this PoS company.
Good article. Thanks for the information!
Off, and staying off.
Should be off by default. Glad to see i was right to cancel my account.
Archlinux ftw
I think the reason they're not off by default is because previously, these conditions were all active and there was not even the option to turn them off. They didn't add new "reveals" in an on state, they are just now introducing the capability to turn off the reveals that were built into the original state of RealID.
The question is, what will the default state be for new BNet accounts? Sadly, probably "on."
I went into my blizz account before they made real ID live and turned on parential controls (did not need to see all the ding danged cuss words anyway). That ensured that real ID was off by default. At least kids (like me, lol) were protected from being "outed".
If Ya Ain't Dyin, Ya Ain't Tryin
So essentially they have game full of younger players who generally speaking are naieve and not security concious and exposed thier details to the world who wont know to turn it off . Nice one Blizzard how responsible of you . Still I guess if facebook gets away with it why should'nt they . It still does'nt make it right and given this is associated with a game rather than a social network it make it all the more wrong .
But when did Blizzard listen to any sence both in terms of gameplay and company policey towards its customers.
I guess their lawyers finaly let them know forced realID wasn't compatible with privercy laws :P
Yet still people don't understand what REALID is, REALID always has been optional, even if it is turned on no one unless YOU.. ill say it again YOU! invite them to your REALID friends list. The regular friend list has always remained. The changes simply add an option so friends of friends cannot see you if you choose that option. (granted this should have been in from the start).
Bottom line, REALID has NEVER compromised any ones privacy.
It is like saying I am not using the internet becuase facebook is on there... well if you choose to not sign up for facebook then whatsthe problem?. REALID is the same, sure it exisits but you don't have to be a part of it.
The miss-information that a mod was made to show people's real name by just hoving over their toon's in game was just that miss-information.. the only mod developed was a mod that would ONLY show YOUR name to YOU.
Now can we all move on and grow up.
His name was Bashiok..
His name was Bashiok..
His name was Bashiok..
Didn't he leave soon after his details which were already in the public domain become widespread and his family started to become harrased?
The moment I heard that I could turn this information off I logged into and did just that.
I still use my account for Starcraft 2 regardless that I used to play WoW. (I quit partly in response to Blizzard's announcement of their forum and other plans involving RealID.). I am starting to wonder if it was because of legal action being taken, I remember reading on guild forums that one member who quit around the time of the RealID fiasco had spoken to his lawyer and was preparing a case. I don't know.. it was a bad idea wrapped in retarded wrapping paper and shipped in a stupid box in the first place really.