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Why do I always do this? Get all excited about a new MMORPG comming out, buy the CE, Buy hardware to play the game, and then kick my self for buying another half baked game. I did not play FF before and figured it would nice to have something different and I did give it a good try but all things that are misssing ( I wont list what countles others have listed) started to matter and no matter how many time I told myself this is fun, in truth it was not. The nail in the coffin was when I reinstalled Aion (yea another CE game I bought and regreted it) but after about a year this game has really improved and I am having so much more fun playing it than I was FFXIV. Anyways who knows maybe in a year of so I'll pick up FFXIV and I will like it. Next time I will not be a sucker and buy the CE of any up and comming MMORPG...
Vista 64, E8400 Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz, 8GB XMS2, EVGA Akimbo 8800GT 1GB DDR3
lol friend of mine did the same thing, but hey at least you got new hardware for other games :P. What server you play on in Aion? What Faction?
Forum posts were all over the place the day it released stating that it was a pile of crap. In this case, if someone wanted to see before buying it just how many people were unhappy with the game, all he needed to do is wait 24 hours after launch and read the message boards. By then I knew for sure I wouldn't bother with it for at least half a year.
I know I'll spell this wrong but here goes... Siel server and Eylios race....plan on being a ranger
Vista 64, E8400 Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz, 8GB XMS2, EVGA Akimbo 8800GT 1GB DDR3
Bah, you had to chance to actually try the game during it's Open Beta. It's a free trials for players to know if they like the game or not. Personally I liked what I saw and bought the CE and I'm happy with it.
Don't know...sort of bothers me when people say "Bought the CE, I regret it, didn't like the game", when they had the opportunity to try it out before buying. But I guess it's a bit too late to say all that, isn't it? :P
I really suggest you try out Betas (should they be available) if you are hyped about a game. Yes it's not the released product and it has it's share of bug, but I'd rather play a buggy version and decide wether or not I wish to follow this game through it's development as a player, than buying the game to realize I didn't like it and the box is now collecting dust somewhere in my house.
Awesome, I think I have Elyos on Siel, and I was thinking of rolling a Ranger also, just been hard for me to get into a game, because I don't know anyone that plays any of em anymore :P
As far as trying the open beta before buying the game. I was in open beta, and I kind of enjoyed the game, it was after I bought it that I realized, this is not a game that I should have spent money on nor will I pay a sub for. I guess it was good when it was free, its not so good that I payed for it :P
I do not live life with regret though, live and learn.
I didn't follow the game that much but I did know about it and I am not the type to try and get a Beta key and I assume only so many people were picked to play the beta, but if there was a demo then your idea about try before you buy would work great.
If people bought the game and then found out the didn't like it, why in the world would that bug you? I am not bashing the game just stating my opinion. If you happy with then more power to ya!
Vista 64, E8400 Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz, 8GB XMS2, EVGA Akimbo 8800GT 1GB DDR3
The problem with trying a game in beta is that some people really want a game to be good, and even when beta seems to show that the game isn't going the way they hoped, some of them tend to get all caught up in the hype and promises of 'miracle patches'. If they believe the promises the devs and community make about how 'beta is beta and launch will be totally different' they might drop the money on those chances. Then when the game launches and it's no different than it was in beta, thats when you will see posts like this.
Thing is people need to remember that once a game goes into open beta, what you see is what you will most likely get at launch. There won't be massive changes to content, mechanics, etc. Miracle patches won't hit the night of launch. People need to think about it before diving into a game at launch. From a developers POV, Promises are cheaper to make than actually following through on them.
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
You know, I actually did that and posted that I was deciding to cancel my preorder and people were all like "Oh this is beta. They already said they have a miralcle patch and its gonna be nothing like this when its released". You have a point but I cant really blame someone for going ahead and buying in when so many people were feeding him so much misinformation.
And now someone will reply that it did indeed change greatly on release day and it must be some people just need to upgrade.
Aye, that is the problem with Beta tests, specially open beta.
People will use the 'its beta' 'half the content is locked' 'this, that and the other thing will be in at launch', and others will fall for it.
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
As for why it bugs me, it only just bugs me when there's a Trial or Open Beta where a player had the chance to try the game out, but instead buys the game and ends up not liking it. That's probably caused by one of my previous job experience. I used to work at a supermarket and I was one of the employee who handled one of the Tasting booth, happened to me quite a few times where customers would look at the product, not taste it, buy the box and then come back the following day saying "Hey I bought it and didn't like it, do I get a refund or something?" But the customer had a chance to try out the product fof free, but didn't. (I know you are not asking for a refund, it's just something I heard a lot from these customers)
Sorry for the little side-story, nothing personal against you :P
You like your MMOs REALLY easy, don't you, lol?
Just a tip for you: read forums over there. Siels is completely dominated by Elyos. So that means you will be facerolling the other side without any challenge.
Why don't you try to roll Asmodian on Siels for some challenge?
Not picking on him at all.
It seems he read as little on AION as he did about FFXIV and he doesn't know what he's getting into...again.
I'm just trying to save him from going over there next and then it's... "Man, this game stinks.. it's boring because the Asmos don't fight back and we alway win and it's really hard for me to get AP other than grinding instances and.. and.. "
Just pointing out that he picked arguably one of the easiest classes to gain AP points with, kill mobs with, and generally have an easy time while playing on the easiest side on the easiest server for that side.
Rolling on Vaizel wouldprobably suit him more based on his previous posts about having fun. There is no fun when you are steamrolling people that easily.
Should have done your research.
The best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes. Another poster was spot on by saying that what you see is what you get when talking about betas. Content can be added, server issues can be resolved, some polish can be added.. but the mechanics of the game are generally designed as a one way street. The core mechanics are developed and planned even before alpha stage hits. I have been through many betas and never have I seen a single MMO change completely from a piece of crap during beta into a shining golden bar of epic after launch. Miracle patches never happen. It's unfotunate that you had to learn the hard way, but at least you learned. Right?
Sorry but I'm totally with him on this one. I intentionally did not play in the beta because I prefer not burn myself out before the game actually goes live and then having to redo the starter areas. Just like he did I got excited about the game even if there was some negative posts. I do know how this and other forums work, lots of drama queens and "hate" not based on facts. It's extremely difficult to get a true picture from these forums. Games that I've loved have been hated on here after all. So I looked a videos and previews, read reviews and tried to understand the game more. It all looked great. However reality is very different.
I also got very disappointed with the game and pretty pissed off with how developers get away with releasing half-finished, low quality products and get paid for it. I've uninstalled FFXIV and gone back to older games that works if with somewhat worse graphics.
Play: -
Played: FFXIV, WAR, Allods, Aion, AoC, DDO, EQ2, GW, Lotro, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WoW
haha, i used to be like that, i read some review, and if my feeling says this game is good, i will buy it without hesitation, and then dissapointed later, but i did this twice with Fallen Earth and Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
i just read a brief review of the game, and see the Hype
i used to wait for FFXIV like crazy, i even contributed some donation to a fansite before even the game is released, believeing i will play that game, but learnt from my previous 2 mistakes, i wait for the OB review and even after the Full game is release
and i am glad i didn't pull the trigger to order the CE, there's alot of my office mate playing FFXIV now, and when i look at it, it amaze me with the graphic, but the adrenalin to play the game is just not there anymore, not like last year where i kept on bitching about the game to my friends
well, just a word of advice, just dont try to rush for a game, wait for it to release, then see the 1st 2 or 3 weeks of how people judge the game, and the real preview, then buy the game!
So What Now?
Seriously these post are getting dumber by the day Op gets hyped about a game he doesnt even follow buys CE and feels like kicking himself. A lil advice research something you are going to buy before you buy it. Lol going to Aion as a ranger is seriously a joke I had 2 just for fun. The fact is even when I plaayed Aion I had been in open beta read up on the game and its classes and only realized where it lacked when I hit endgame. So I never complained about wasted money or anything like that and just stopped playing when I got bored. The fact is most gamers are like the OP they get hyped for games and never even take a look at them and come to forums to air their frustrations. Fact is if they do just a lil extra work they can have the facts and realize if the game would be a great or terrible purchase for them.
If you are buying a car get the carfax.
If you are buying a house get the home inspection.
If you are buying an MMORPG play in open beta, read the early reviews and stop wasting space with these crap post.
i'm playing the game and loving it. I went in with no expectations of what it should be like, and played it for what it is. I didn't try to compare it with other MMO's because it isn't other MMO's. I really like the vision SE have for FFXIV and plan to stick with it as I know they'll see their vision through and won't cave to the whiners.