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Hey i have never subbed to WOW but am playing the trial right now. I am considering playing it and have a couple questions. I know i would be behind but in reality would i be too far behind in the game to even play it now? Also are there any servers that more noobs are subbing too? Thanks in advance
I forgot one other question: Does it matter what race i play for a class, For instance is it necessary for like Tauren or Orc to play a Warrior or a Mage play undead because of the stats and racial traits. I just dont want to have a weak character when i start raiding.
There's not really such a thing as being too far behind in WoW. You can get through leveling and then earn enough gear to enter raids fairly quickly. Cataclysm comes out in the next couple of months, you may want to wait to start until just a little ways before then. With new races and new class/race combinations there will be more people in the lower level areas running around.
My other suggestion is to try and find a friendly leveling guild. Having a guild that is filled with like minded people saves you from the general idiocy that is the vocal community. You don't really want to be stuck with them.
No, it's not too late. In fact, a gear reset is coming. The "pros" are going to be wearing greens just like everybody else come expansion time. Just pick one in your timezone. In my experience, they're all about the same. Have fun!
You can't get behind in WoW. It's a completely end-game centric game that revolves around grinding dungeons for gear. When Cataclysm comes out, everyone who's spent the last 2yrs grinding WoTLK gear is going to have to basically start from scratch, level from 80 to 85 and get completely new gear.
Every server has a ton of newbs.
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No, it's not really a game where you feel like you are too far behind. It's pretty efficient to solo all the way to 80 (soon to be 85). But there are still plenty of people looking for groups for dungeons at low levels and there can always be people found in battlegrounds. You can even level through battlegrounds if you want to. (Not very efficient).
Cataclysm will likely come out in early December. (This is most peoples best guess). When it does, the lower level zones will likely be populated with plenty of people to play with. If you are willing to wait till then, you will receive the game with all of the expansions for the single price of the expansion.
There is a possibility of new servers in Cataclysm. But this is only based on what happened in previous WoW expansions. Nothing is for sure on that.
My advice for new wow players is to get yourself someone to use recruit-a-friend on you. The requirements to be recruited are pretty harsh though - you have to create an entirely new account to be eligible.
(this isn't a guide how to do it, this just tells you what you benefit from doing it, so if anyone is interested in me writing how to do it exactly - I might if asked)
Recruit-A-Friend gets you increased experience from levels 1-60 as long as your recruiter is online and is near you and grouped with you. The recruiter does not have to be level 60 and under for the exp increase.
However there are other rewards that both of you have to be level 60 and under to get. Like the ability for the recruit to grant levels to the recruiter for every 2 levels the recruit gains up to 60. This means the recruit can potentially grant 30 levels to any of the recruiter's characters as long as you are higher level than the recruiter. This can also be done while you level together.
Right now the recruiter will receive a 2 seater flying mount if the recruit subscribes for 2 months. The speed of this mount is whatever the fastest mount they own. So it changes based on that.
A reward that both players receive (if both characters are 60 and below) is the ability to summon one another every 30 minutes. It works both ways so it's very good.
I've used the Recruit A Friend program and it makes getting to 60 trivial and a lot more fun as you can just be with each other at all times. The increased EXP is huge. Another cool thing is you don't have to do it with just 1 person. You can essentially "chain" the recruit a friend invite to as many people as you want. I'm not sure if you can create a circle chain with it but you can create a start and ending chain with it.
One last thing. WoW is a raiding MMORPG. If you don't raid, the game pretty much doesn't care about you. There's a lot of things Blizzard has done to off set this but it will never change no matter how many things they add. So just keep that in mind when you hit max level.
No, not in the slightest. You would actually be at a huge advantage if you start leveling now. By the time you reach 80 (I'm assuming you'll level casually though) Cataclysm will be coming out in the immediate future. Everyone is on equal playing grounds when a new expansion hits. You would barely even need to do any WotLK stuff - just go right into Cataclysm's mechanics.
I'll gladly recruit-a-friend with you. My priest is 78 and will be 80 by Friday. I am planning on leveling a warrior or rogue or something. Basically if we group we both get 60% XP boost. It's a win-win situation. I myself have been playing since a month after launch (December 2004). Hit me up with a PM if interested.
i would have to agree. Altho i play WOW on a private server, i have experience on playing on the actualy WOW servers. As long as you find a friendly guild (searching on would be a good idea ^.^ ), you will be able to level fairly quickly. I suggest finding a person to invite you, as you will share exp (along with a nice bonus in exp and items). As long as that person is willing to train with you, you wont be behind for long.
My only suggestion is to have a fair amount of patience when playing this game. The community can be quite colorful.
And don't get sucked into the "ingame aristocracy." Play the game how you see fit. The most important thing is to have fun.
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The best place to find a guild is run with a PuG that is largely in one guild. If you like them and vice versa, ask to join, simple a that. A good guild will see your experience with them as an application in practice! I started WoW with literally no one to play with and now I have a fairly vast empire of "e-friends" on multiple MMORPGs, all branching from my childhood days of Guild Wars 1 and WoW when they launched.
If you are older than 12, I also suggest you turn off trade chat. I've had mine turned off for 3 years. You can turn it back on...though I can't think of a reason why...
Just have it in another tab or chat's useful for some stuff, like if you want a quick PuG, or want to buy something or advertise.
By now, if you're 80 and still only have the default chat tabs, that's just sad.
It has been said but my advice is wait for cataclysm, you don't need to buy the expac (or any expac) to play in the revamped world and the low levels will be packed with players new and old. Will sure make for a better leveling experience and if you choose a PvP server we might for a time get back the old ashenvale and southshore PvP (pls pls pls).