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World of Warcraft: Top 5 Easter Eggs



  • badgererbadgerer Member Posts: 90

    Ah swapping the first letters around of a celebrity's first and last name. Blizz, you comedy legends. Although credit should probably go to the guy who coded the part of the program which does it for them. The one that goes:

    // google search for highest-hit name

    // parse name to swap first letters of first and last name

    // await mirth

  • granaelgranael Member Posts: 1

    and what do you think about the Fight Club in Undercity, with same names of the film :)

  • MadimorgaMadimorga Member UncommonPosts: 1,920

    The Discworld references were my favorite.  


    There's also another Pink Floyd reference- How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your fish?



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  • jokuvaanjokuvaan Member Posts: 43

    Want REAL ester eggs? Try making macro of /chicken emote and spamming it to westfall chickens near saldean farm. You'd be surpised.

  • hellshankshellshanks Member Posts: 144

    There is soooo much more to un'goro. it's ALL Nintendo land. Mario and Luigi, who make you kill plants. dinosaurs could be yoshi, I believe it is the luigi guy who makes you kill the gorillas, which are donkeykongs. 


  • frestonfreston Member UncommonPosts: 503

    In the gnome citadel in the blade mountains in outlands everything, from the monsters to the names of the gnomes is based on Starship Troopers (try it, the gnomes wear the names of actors in that movie, dina meyer, michael ironside..)

  • NordenNorden Member UncommonPosts: 46

    Best of these "easter-eggs" are the ones, youre pretty sure not many others will get, as I'm sure this one is:

    "The quest: The family and the fishing pole" in Darkshore  got me cracked up good.

    Its not even on the easter-egg site :-) .






  • pullmybeardpullmybeard Member UncommonPosts: 1

    the smiley face burnt into the ground if you go under karazhan :)

  • spookydomspookydom Member UncommonPosts: 1,782

    Mayor Quimby in the Scarlert Enclave in the Death Knight starting zone. That made me laugh even if it is an odviouse one. :)

  • DarthconnorDarthconnor Member UncommonPosts: 62

    I love the mission that makes you go to Azshara and pick up the crystals that the big elite rocks are crapping out. Every once inawhile youd get a note from someone that they ate. Think it starts with the X hero of the Horde guy right as you go into blasted lands.

  • AtrusVAtrusV Member UncommonPosts: 305

    In regard to Ghost Busters, there is a mage quest in the mages tower at Stormwind that sends you to capture mana elementals at the nearby tavern, using a device similar to the device they use to suck the phantoms into a can


    This quest is just for mages I think

  • DanKenShiDanKenShi Member Posts: 5

    The three bankers in Stormwind are named : Olivia Burnside, Newton Burnside and John Burnside :D

  • tiapherestiapheres Member Posts: 74

    Man I remeber when in Vanilla EQ that there were walls that were illusions that you would have to learn where they were to access area's of importance. Man that was serious easter eggs. Great grinding on luclin thanks to those easter eggs.

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  • jaxsundanejaxsundane Member Posts: 2,776

    Originally posted by ReallyNow10

    Joke references to modern pop culture have never had any place in medieval fantasy MMO's and have always been a major hit upon immersion.  So Blizzard does itself no favors by inserting some of this crap.

    What they could have done is inserted hidden dungeons, rooms, and caves that people would really have to look for or stumble upon.  Such stuff adds much mystique and wonder to a fantasy world.

    Once again, it is apparent that 1)  Polish,  2)  Accessibility, and 3)  Simplicity and keystones to a "popular" MMO, and this is ALL Blizzard has really accomplished with WOW.

     Awesome so where's the game successful game to your credit?  I mean you tell us that joke references to modern pop culture have no place in medieval fantasy so I assume you have made something successful for us to take your word for that.  Let me explain something to you as an artist myself, very little we create isn't inspired by something in someway whether the connection is obvious or not.  After reading this thread I noticed a great many things I never made a connection to what inspired it even though I had played the content and experienced the source material many times over, the truth is it is simply a way that Blizzard uses to add depth to the game and if you play any other game you should be envious of WOw players because there devs care enough to develop such a rich encompassing world as this.

    but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    I always thought "The 2 ring" was pretty funny.

    +22 Strength, Agility, Stamina, Intellect, Spirit

    and the flavor text was "Vastly superior to the 1 ring"


  • yureinekoyureineko Member Posts: 39

    Hemet Nesingwary in Stranglethorn is an anagram for Earnest hemingway.

    I don't even believe in Jeebus.

  • YasouYasou Member Posts: 86

    My favorite are Lebronski and Walt at the Explorer's league outpost in the Fjords => reference to "The Big Lebowski".

    The related quest makes you walk on his rug with a rune construct.

    Lebronski's rug:

    "The Dude, over yonder, is pretty upset about his rug."

    "You're out of your element, Lebronski!"

  • sk8chalifsk8chalif Member UncommonPosts: 666

     a quest in grizzly hills in northrend you will find in a cave a human character locked in a cage inside a tombHarrson Ford

    In a quest in grizzly hills in northrend you will find in a cave a human character locked in a cage inside a tomb. And the name of him Harrison Jones clearly reffering to to harrison ford


    and his role as Indiana jones


    in the movie series. Well after a while he goes into a room and he fights an emperor cobra referring to his fear of snakes. When the quest is completed he says "See you around kid."

    ~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~

  • BenediktBenedikt Member UncommonPosts: 1,406

    i always like a lot two references:

    1. in ungoro, there is quest chasing a-me (chasing amy is a movie by kevin smith) and also the mechanical gorilla from that quest (A-me) is imo reference to the gorilla Amy from movie Congo (she I think even say the same thing, like "Amy good gorilla" etc.)

    2. in Auchinduon in front of the entrance to the Auchenai Crypts, there is a quest "I see dead Dranei" (which (and the boy who give this quest) is of course reference to movie The Sixth Sense)

  • RhodinRhodin Member Posts: 18

    Zena - The warrior kitten at lvl 75 arena in zudrak

  • solocronosolocrono Member Posts: 173

    Well, one of my favorite all time easter eggs was the He-man one in Shatt.  Near the Battlemasters were members that resembled He-man, Skeletor, Orco, and Kringer.  I just went there to take a screenshot of them.. and they're gone. :(  That really sucks, but hopefully there are more that remember seeing that there.  Does anyone know if they were moved?  Anyway...

  • SertiiSertii Member Posts: 52

    i really want to see a troll under a bridge, attacking anyone who passes by :)

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  • JoarnajJoarnaj Member Posts: 258

    Khan Shaka - Chaka Khan

    Khan Hratha - Wrath of Khan

    Khan Jehn - Gen Con

    Lieutenant Khand - Lt. Dan?

    Khan Dez'hepah - Candy Zappa

    I was pleasantly surprised when I went from Apprentice to full 5 star Elite in under 2 months. I was pleasantly surprised again when I went from Elite to just barely Hardcore in 2 weeks. Apprentice, here I come!

  • TorqiaTorqia Member UncommonPosts: 73

    A good one is the flight commanders you free in Altarac vally BG. they have the names (allmost) from the film Top Gun. aleast on horde side.. havent checked allies

  • MilanderMilander Member UncommonPosts: 178

    Originally posted by anieli

    Originally posted by Tzetoth

    Most of those aren't easter eggs, they're just pop culture references. Easter eggs used to be hidden obscure references, not some readily identifiable celebrity standing in the middle of a room.


    Some of the things Blizzard has put in are actually pretty obscure.


    Obscure 'pop culture' references are still not easter eggs...Easter eggs are things you have to search for, go in places normally you wouldnt. Like finding the 'apple farmer corpse' with an axe in him on one of the floating 'islands' in Nagrand. Or finding that one or two fallen trees with a smiley face in the trunk...Some ditzy bloodelf standing there shouting "LOOK AT ME!" is NOT an easter egg :)

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