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Yet I bloody love it, some reason the game being hard for me to start out gives me a challenege.
I have no idea why, took me 12 levels of crafting before i actually figured it out completely. Hell it took me like 10 minutes to figure how to get off the dock on lominsa when you first start out. I fight difficult enemies, take on hard leves, and its fun as hell. Every single game website message board I have visted about FFXIV is just constant trolls and trashing the game. Why do people bother goingto a foum just to complain. Maybe people just need to step out of the easy MMOs, the ones thta hold you by your hand, and then maybe they can enjoy this kinda game.
On a side note, has anyone else been leveling in Coerthas yet? It looks absolutly amazing.
I guess you didn't get the memo. Using any variation of this phrase invalidates your entire post.
Why people feel it's important they can figure out the entire MMORPG within the first 5 minutes of play is beyond me. The way I see it, if you're looking at an MMORPG's time investment, might as well have something of substance to learn during that time. Final Fantasy XIV gives you a slew of recipes, skill combinations, and more. You even need to learn your way around the three major towns, familiarizing yourself with the location of all the NPCs and what they sell, in order to really fit in. Failing that, it's not like it's all that hard to look it up.
Stunning landscape I agree. The big castle looks like a badass place. Can't wait to eventually get in there.
I'm fine with a challenge but FFXIV felt like it was empty. I just didn't feel like my toon had any sense of direction or purpose. Maybe the story amps up later on but I just don't think I could make it that far with no objective.
I would like to have general direction and the user-interface figured out in 15 minutes, but I will give up to 30. If it takes longer than that either I'm too retarded or the game is. Either way it's not meant to be. This game doesn't even explain why you keep reappearing at a certain spot if you run the wrong direction OVER AND OVER AGAIN. It's an oddball game mechanic and that alone is probably going to result in 1/3 of the people who buy the game right off the shelf to quit in frustration.
Yeah, that is kind of wierd. It only happens in place in the game: while you're in a story instance. If you look at your map, you'll see this circle surrounding the story instance, and that's supposed to be your clue that there's something you've got to do there before you can leave. (Or, enigmatically, sometimes you'll need to leave the instance to progress the story.)
I can sort of see why they did it, they wanted players to learn how they're handling instances, but that will annoy some players. Particularly when the one NPC they need to talk to in order to leave the instance may be surrounded by dozens of other players. (Granted, this would only really happen around launch time.)
I can walk to work every day too. It would take about 4 hours out of each work day. It would certainly be a challenge, and I would have to learn ways to get there and back since the world isn't designed for those kinds of treks anymore.
Yet, if this wasn't being put out in the context of FFXIV, you would call me outright stupid for suggesting such a thing. The world no longer operates this way, and, since I already own a car, I would be told in no uncertain terms to use my car.
Sure I can do it the hard way. I can be stubborn and defend walking to work. It wouldn't make me better than anyone, it wouldn't make me cool or 1337, and it isn't going to change the fact that most of the rest of the world will roll their eyes at me.
Can you release a game without introducing people how to use your game? Absolutely. It doesn't make it a smart move. And defending what is clearly a lack of effort on SE's part definitely doesn't make you look 1337 or smart...
This game is no harder than the next game, all it does is use sandbox elements as an axcuse for lack of content.
Why do people go to forums just to praise?
The trend to label people haters or fanbois is getting tedious and the recent trend towards wanting people to keep their opinion private (especially if it is negative) and not post seems to be a bit simplistic.
People aren't complaining about the lack of tutorials or starter level hand holding. They are complaining about the lack of this with silly and useless amounts of complexity being added for no other purpose other than to be complex. If you are going to make game play complex then it is incumbent upon a developer to make some effort to get people up to speed. You can say "Yeah, that's great no more hand holding for idiots" but ultimately the game will suffer and eventually your game play and enjoyment will also from the lack of a varied group of people willing to play the game.
I've been play the game now for a bit and I don't find it especially hard or difficult to understand or get around in. I do find it needlessly complex and in some places tiresomely tedious. It also has a lot going for it and it can be very interesting at times but those times seem to be a lot fewer and a lot shorter than what is really needed to keep me engaged and willing to continue playing (and paying) for the game.
*your game experience may vary
I think 1/3 of people quiting in frustration cause they can't figuer this part out is probubly a fairly good thing.
Really? Because people want to... you know.. maybe get to the fun instead of trying to figure out where they're supposed to go and what they're supposed to do?
"Time Investment": So you're saying that meandering through streets and writing down recipes on notepaper like the days before the Internet is a good investment of time? Why even give us a map. We should navigate by the stars and position of the sun/moon! Don't know where north is? Look for the Moss on the trees!
I didn't know MMORPGs these days were all about wasting time..
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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Something of substance? Really? What substance is that? 8 quests on a 36 hour timer? Grinding mobs? 15 minutes of "story quest"? Please. Having "a slew of recipes, skill combinations and more" doesn't really matter when there is nothing to do.
You're right Geldon. I wonder why people are so mad about something as small as making your character perform even the most basic actions. I mean, really. How dare they compain about how the UI hinders their fun. I mean, it's only slightly broken. They make it sound like it's busted!
I'll let you get back to defending a terrible game by saying everything that's wrong with the game is an added level of difficulty and how if they don't like the game, they're not as smart or enlightened as you are. Actually, you should look into that silly Gamspot hacker putting up false reviews of your game.
Wait... what...
Now i may be wrong, maybe you can correct me.
Isn't that kind of the point of MMOs? Wasting time in general is the foundation of MMOs and games in general.
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Final Fantasy 7
Right, but that time should be enjoyable. If I have 2 hours to play today and those 2 hours are spent working the UI figuring out what to do, I'm not going to feel very happy about how I spent my 2 hours.
No, you're missing the point. In fact, you're aimed in the entire wrong direction. Wasting time is not to be confused with time spent enjoying oneself.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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If your still trying figure things out at the point of playing for just a a day or two. There may be more problems than that, maybe we can help you, what rpbolems are you having exactly?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I think you just made his point. The fact that he requires outside help just to enjoy the game is what this thread is all about, Ampris.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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Well, if you can't figure it out by now, I just figured he may need... special help.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Well, some people just are not really impressed / satisfied by the general "easy-going" MMORPG. These players needs to be stimulated to explore and find out all there is to know, not get things handed to them on a silver plate. My guess is that most of these players are both from the "older generation" and used to play pen-n-paper RPG's in the 80s.
Yes, I'm one of those... I generally dislike the 'easy-going' MMORPG's and I loose interest in them pretty quickly (mostly in the 1st month).
It's a pity my FFXIV box is not yet here, because if it was I'd be playing it constantly, exploring all the game has to offer.
The lack of a tutorial is actually kinda nice for once in some respects. Its annoying when a game holds your hand for the first 20 levels ect. But I guess a little bit of one would be good now and then to explain a few things. One way to avoid the problem would be the community helping others because we have all been at the clueless point at one time or another. Hopefully it will strengthen the community bonds a bit.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Albert Einstein
I can't disagree with that, and I'm all for supporting the MMORPG vets, but let's face it. The target audience for a successful and fruitful MMORPG isn't the MMORPG vets.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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I played pen and paper rpg's but I don't see the things that are done in FF14 equating to what we used to do playing D&D. Crafting and grinding mobs into the hundreds was not what pnp rpging was (for us atleast).
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I used to play P&P RPGs, too, but that doesn't mean I still don't enjoy games like Aion, APB, or World of Warcraft. I also enjoy Final Fantasy and I own every Final Fantasy from the NES up, but I also abhor Final Fantasy 13 with a passion of 10,000,000 burning suns.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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Indeed. Heck, most of the PnP I did was exploration and story, with mobs scattered throughout for a fun break at times.