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I've always found it a bit of an annoyance to have my guild affiliation emblazoned over my head or prominently displayed upon my talbard, especially when trying to roleplay. Not that I'm ashamed of my guild, but in certain situations when you're trying to be a bit shady or infiltrate an evil party in order to help the Good Guys, it's really hard to do that when everything you're wearing and carrying alerts everyone for miles about that you've got no business being where you are.
If I were a knight being sent by my king to infiltrate a band or robbers, I would NOT arrive in full armour, sword, and fiery charger. I'd take off my armour, get some crap clothing, a few rudimentary weapons and walk on foot. The name of the game is BLEND.
I seem to recall the symbols of Houses being emblazoned on one's shirt and even your clothes changed colour. That's all well and good when you're in your House hall proper, but outside and "in the field" as it were? I'd like the option for some "war clothes" which didn't announce my affiliation. Granted, there are jobs and duties which require you to stand out (Advisor comes to mind) but even then, I'd imagine that it was a cloak or some other item which you could also remove at some point in time.
Perhaps a "talisman" you could show to others. Naturally, you'd be able to tell who was part of your House and would be charged to learn of them, thus "suspect" individuals claiming to be part of your House would be caught rather quickly, but that's all part of the rp; if you don't keep up with your own members and learn who's who, infilitration could be a very real possibility.
With a game so rp-centric as UL (and as Reclamation wishes to be), I'd really like to give roleplayers a bit more scope to work with, push the intrigue angle a bit, and give them a few more openings.
The House Crests in UL are removable, its just all the house, or at least most, have House Laws were the crest was to be shown at all times. That being said, there has been one occasion I know were one of my House members was allowed to hide thier crest in hopes of infiltration, playing "oh poor me demoted can I come in to your group" routine, and another were the crest was hiding in hopes of buying a few moments of confusion while we set a plan of ours into action. So it has been done just not that often.
As far as cloak and daggar, and intrigue RPs go, I love em, and the more options available (not easier) to persue that avenue, the happier I get. And if the turn out REC is gonna be as big as Lyra is expecting, infiltration will so much easier if the initiates aren't paying attention, so........ sorry, started to drool again at the possibilities.
....and life goes on
The only reason why everyone in a house has their emblem on is, as noted above, the house mandates that you keep your crest up at all times. Though, a few houses did not have rules about that. AoE was such a house at one time, one of their rulers would go crestless a lot, perplexing a few people in the process.
Halo is a toggle, crest is a toggle, and so is sphere emblem, well just about ANY sign of rank of station can be toggled off. But you cannot set your house emblem to denote any rank that is not your own. So, a ruler cannot pose as a initiate of his house.
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
thinking you're one of them. Perhaps you have to do so much to
get a 'fake' crest that is only on the avatar for like 2 weeks. That
would be the set amount of time you have to do whatever plan you
were trying to do. If you haven't accomplished said plan or taken
over a house by the end of the time, you lose your fake crest and
also a rank (if higher than an init) in your original house. These
kind of rp's should be submitted to lyra though, or at least if it's not
a take-over, so they know if you've accomplished your goal or not
in the end