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I am in need of a game where I am free. It needs good graphics, and a mildly fun gameplay system. Also, the less cutsey anime the better. Any suggestions?
P.S. I already play Mabinogi, which is amazingness x 9001, but I'm growing tired of it. I will still reccomend that game to anyone, ever, forever, I just need something new to do, a new story to follow. That's all.
Fo Shao
By freedom do you mean you want a sandbox mmo?
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
When you locate such a game...let us know.
Ever played Mabi? It is the biggest sandbox ever if you work hard enough. I need something similar to it, yet something new. So yeah, a sandbox MMO would be awesome.
Fo Shao
Star Wars Galaxies is a sandbox MMO with a lot of features and space.
Above all else... never ever piss off the penguin.
Would you mind giving me a quick pro's and con's of Mabinogi? Like what you like about it and what not. I tried it the other day, but it was so anime I couldn't get over it. If the gameplay really is as good as you and others have said though, I'll give it another shot and try to get over the graphics.
Cant be.
*sarcasm off*
I find it ironic that you emphasize your need for "freedom", but then contradict yourself by mentioning that you want "something new to do (implying that you're willing to sacrifice some options for other options) and "a new story to follow" (implying that you want to be bound within a set sequence). Which is it?
You misread his post then. Any irony or confusion that followed is based on that mistake. He was more than clear. Your interpretation is draconian.
free of what?
i mean DF is huge, it's a sanbox, graphics are ok, it's also a full loot pvp mmo. is that the free you are looking for?
Well, even I have a problem with the graphics, especially after the lat update. The male Giant's are so SKINNY now, and it's creeping me out. But as for Mab as a whole, it is one of the greatest games I have ever played. It starts you out with very limited options, but as you progress you only have more to do. The newness never really wears off of this game, as there is always new stuff to get, new skills to obtain, new people to meet. It is quite the game. This game is also incredibly social. You are always talking to your friends or your guildies, LOLing about this and ROFLMAOing about that. I've met some of my closest friends in this game, and they mean a lot to me. Also, there are no classes, only races, and the races have to be earned, unless you buy a character card before you even play the game. The skill system is also pretty amazing. They rank from F to A, and then 9 to 1. All skills start at F, and you have to use them and fufill the reqirements specified so they become rankable. To rank up a skill, you need AP, which you get from leveling, aging, or some noob quests. And of the skills themselves, I'm pretty sure they're gettin close to 70ish in total. I may be wrong in that, but either way, there's still a hell of a lot. And you have to work for them all. There are also 4 types of skills: Life skills, Combat skills, Magic skills, and Alchemy skills. And as for items and equips, there isn't much to separate one weapon from another, other than the obvious stat differences. The combat system is very stylish, as well. I suggest reading up on this game. has everything you need. But, there is one phrase that sums this game up very nicely: If you don't kill it, it will kill you. Remember that and you won't die too much. You're still gonna die, and you're gonna rage. Have fun
Fo Shao
Also, F2P would be an ideal game, but what I need is essentially another Mabinogi, not some math homework type game like DnD and such. I need a GAME.
Fo Shao
ok i just had to youtube this Mabinogi cause i had no idea what it was.
i dont care how free it is, the graphics are atrocious. you know what, just about any game made after 2000 will have better graphics than that. i'd say go with WoW if you want freedom. you also might want to check out Aion.
The graphics aren't THAT bad, and yeah it's anime based, but I completely ignore all of that PURELY because the content is made of win. Here's a pic of me in some badass armour:
Fo Shao
I'm definitely going to give it another shot. If it's anything like you and others have said it is, I should love it.
If you're gonna play, I suggest joining the Tarlach server, which is the one I'm on. You can add me if you like I'm on from time to time, and I need something to do, anyways :P
Fo Shao
I just started playing Mabinogi and am having a hard time getting used to the controls/camera but it does remind me of istaria in a few good ways. Istaria's graphics aren't great but compared to Mabinogi they aren't bad at all, and there is also a free to play version of the game with similar restrictions to Mabinogi's one char card. Istaria has a little less freedom but I think you'll still enjoy it.
Make games you want to play.
Hmmm, maybe I'll check it out. And about that one character card thing, I know a trick to get more. When you are able to get to Vales or Filia, go align yourself with either the Giants or Elves, respectively. You will recieve a free "assistant" card, which is pretty much another basic character card. After you make your new player, go back to your human and unalign yourself, the re-align yourself with the opposite race. Second free card. Now you have three characters to play with, instead of one. Also, alternate accounts allow you to store stuff in the mailbox, as you can't mail stuff to your "assistants". Also helps with item transfer, although it is a bit tedious. Item storage is best left to the bank and any pets you may buy. And another tip: I don't know if noobs still get the bank service or not, but if you can use the ENTIRE bank space, try not to. Sure, you can use it a bit, but as soon as you reach a total level of 30, it closes off half of your bank space, making anything on the right side entirely unaccessable and lost forever, unless you pay for premium service. If noobs don't get their full bank anymore, then you have nothing to worry about. One more thing, which server are you on?
Fo Shao
UO .
Oh geez, I love advertisements
I think I've found my fix. Borderlands, meet MMO. YES!
Fo Shao
How was he "more than clear"? In his OP, he didn't clarify what "free" meant at all. In successive posts, he mentions that a sandbox would be to his liking, when he had just mentioned he wants story to follow, which sandbox games generally aren't known for compared to themeparks. Plenty of room for reasonable confusion.
second life?
Mmk, first of all, use your brain. Second of all, we're talking about games, not my grammar usage. Just so you know. Besides, sandbox games can have story. Mabinogi is a perfect example. It has structure, story, fluidity, yet it also has a do-whatever-the-hell-you-want advancement style. Go actually play it and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Fo Shao